TUESDAY. OCTOBER 25. 1960 Ike Meets with Mateo, Reaffirm Close Friendship CIUDAD ACUNA, Mexico (T)—Presidents Eisenhower and Lopez Mateos met yesterday leaving no doubt about their! personal friendship and cordial relations between their' countries censure the government of Pres- Their meeting brought lively speculation over the impact of their meeting on the U.S. elec- ident Charles de Gaulle, charged !lion, • a yesterday that - France is en- Ex - Ambassador i The "friendship" theme which dangering Western unity: led to the meeting at this border "If you let yourselves go on itown where the projected inter"- down hill, we shall be led to Predicts Revolt national Amistad Fi iendship i grave events." he warned De Dam is to be built, was reaffirmed :Gaulle's handpicked premier, Mi lin the two presidents' exchange,chel Debre. "An isolated nation • iof greetings, cannot defend itself." Against Castro 1 Soon after they met on the The Socialist leader, who en , bridge spanning the Rio Grande .couraged De Gaulle's . return to LONDON UP) 7-- Fidel Castro .I„,,,___ Del n: 1.0.,,,=.,n Mo. Tex., and this ;power to aver t c i v il war i n m ay i former ambassador to Britain , typical Mexican town, the two 1958, was heading a four-party took off for Florida last night appeared on the balcony of the attempt to unseat the Gaullist freshly painted town hall to vowing to join an army of Cuban' Cabinet. • renew their expressions of cor- . refugees which he said is poised If the censure motion go e s dial sentiments. through, which is held unlikely, for a counterrevolution to over-: The clock of the refurbished Debre will be forced to resign throw the Castro regime. Consid-, ; municipal building recorded six and Dc Gaulle probably will call enable skepticism greeted his as- 'minutes to four, just three hours new elections or a national refer sertion in Florida and in Wash- ahead of time. But in speeches of endum. De Gaulle's position as ington. extraordinary warmth, the two president is not at stake, but his • i ,/ , "You will see an ur I:sng, , ;chief executives made it plain prestige is. promised Sergio Rojas Santama - their personal and national sym- The issue is De Gaulle's plan rina, 45, "that will make Budapest f pathies were on time. . 'for giving France a $1.2 billion look like nothing." Standing in a drizzle which atomic striking force, but the cen- The diplomat said a "vast un- obliged him repeatedly to swab sure motion went far beyond dergound army" is organized the moisture from his scalp, Ei- that. It aimed at De Gaulle's throughout Cuba, all set to strike senhower drew enthusiastic ap - ,whole foreign policy—his concep against the Castro regime. They 'plause from the townsfolk. stand - tion of Europe as a continent of will be joined. Rojas said, by,ing shoe deep in mud, when he separate states, his refusal of po "thousands and thousands" of cx-' promised them "the Amistad Dam liti ca l an d m ilit ar y integration. iles who will pour back into Cuba ,will be built." his apparent tendency toward from Miami and Mexico, Venezu- Lopez Mateos struck the note , diplomatic isolation. eta and other parts of Latin' of the community interest of , Back of it all—as always—was America. the two countries in the inter- his slow progress at reaching a .. . But Cuban exiles in Washington . national crisis, peace in A l geria, where the said Rojas is not regarded as a "It is," he said, "a frierishiP.French have been battling nation spokesman for anti-Castro forces, which will benefit our peoples alist rebels for almost six years. Rojas used to be Havana's man' and constitutes a stirring example , Here both left and right attack in London until he was "dishon—in the climate of uncertainty. .him. but for different reasons. orably dismissed" by Castro earli-' which prevails in international Mollet argued that the North er this year. 'relations." Atlantic Treaty Organization is more than ever necessary. "All that might weaken it is I I UN Anniversary Celebration .bad," he said. ur "So is all that corn- _ promises European integration.. Held in Midst of Congo Riot Soviet Newspaper Quotes Kennedy's TV Statement LEOPOLDVILLE, the Congo to intervene bet Ween civilians' MOSCOW ifP) Pravda, the (Th—With terror and anarchy and uniformed Congolese. n Communist party paper, devoted spreading throughout the Congoj For the third day in succession nearly two columns yesterday to the United Nations mission calm-leivilians were reported killed and quoting a television statement by ly celebrated the 15th anniverHinjured in clashes with unruly Sen. John F. Kennedy and a Fary of the UN Charter yester-jactions of the Army and police.,speech by Adlai E. Stevenson say day and once again called on Both forces were clearly out of ing American prestige is at a squabbling politicians to settle control of their officers while ter- new low. their differences. rorizing the unarmed population The Democratic presidential Drink-crazed soldiers and po-,of the capital. nominees of this campaign and lice were seen beating, robbing UN officials said similar con-;the last were quoted as saying Pnd stripping civilians a few hun-:ditions were reported from the'American prestige is law in Afri . dred yards from the giant Bau- Interior douin Stadium where UN troo staged a colorful ceremony honor the anniversary. Ambassadors of the Wester powers boycotted the ceremon, sending junior officials, to ma' their displeasure with curre UN policy - in the Congo. Only handful of Congolese got throug] the rough military checkpoints I watch the parade from almo empty stands. A UN spokesman said the cal ital's African city was "regular patrolled" by UN troops but tour of the city disclosed not ingle UN soldier. The UN troo in any case had no authori 01100110•••••• PRIZES: Ist-6 Tickets for Pitt Game 2nd-4 Tickets for Pitt Game 3rd-2 Tickets for Pitt Game 100000.0000000000001000000000000000000 WANTED! "A Cheer from You for P.S.U." Original Penn State Cheer Contest Applications at HUB Desk THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA Monet Says French Pose Unity Threat PARIS (IP) Former Premier Guy Moller, emerging as general- issimo of the forces seeking to ea, Asia and Smith America Hurry... Contest Ends Nov. 8 Candidates Stomp In Illinois, Penna. WITH KENNEDY in Illinois; WITH NIXON in Pennsylvania Sen. John E. Kennedy (JP) -- Vice President Richard M. 'stormed into Republican strong-Nixon jabbed at Sen. John- P. holds in central Illinois •ester- Kennedy with specchos, state day and accused Vice President ments and tele , !rams yesterday as Richard M. Nixon of evading 'a he plugged for Pennsylvania's vital vote on Social Security. prize package of 32 electoral "I believe Mr. Nixon has led votes. the wrecking crew on social . leg- The Republican presidential islation, not.merely been a mem- candidate laid down the bar ber of it," Kennedy_said. rage against his opponent in a Kennedy also taunted Nixon heavy day of whistle-stopping for running on the slogan, in brisk autumn weather that • . "You've never had it so good." , changed to snow at Altoona. He slammed hard at the Re- He charged in a statement that publican record on social legisla- the Kennedy camp resorted to tam and at the Eisenhower ad- "distortion, innuendo and smear" ministration for being "uncon- an attempt to "exploit the re cerned about our deteriorating po- ligious issue to solidify what they. sition around the world." regard as a 'Catholic vote'" . The Democratic pr - isidential He said in a• telegrait to Ken candidate was attracting substim- nedy that the senator has Nun tial crowds in traditionally Re- dered badly in prononnceme►ats on . publican areas. Cuba and that "the United States In Peoria which has not .in these critical times cannot risk voted Democratic since 1944 a president who makes mistakes a crowd verging on 15,000 of this magnitude." massed in front of the court- He repeated thrusts in house to hear him. speeches at what Nixon said. An estimated 10.000, mainly were the senator's rashness and students, heard Kennedy in an lack of experience in foreign al outdoor speech on the campus of fairs. the University of Illinois at The vice president said Ken- ClTampaign-Urbana, nedy had shown that "when the An even at 9 a.m., Kennedy; chips are down" Kennedy was pulled an overflow crowd of more likely to "make mistakes that than 2,500 to a theater in Rock-'could lead to war or loss of ter ford. ritorv." ENGINEERS AND SCIENTISTS NAA's On-Campus Interviews The NAA industrial family has a career for you o;';'t Nuclear ‘4ll*" power at the Atomics International Division (Co flpga Fafl, COW.) N Autonetics Division producescom *lElectronics fluters, inertial guidance, arma & el ectro- rnent control, and flight control systems. Developers of inertial mechanics at the guidance systems for first Polaris- Autonetics Division carrying subs, Minuteman ICBM, IlDowncy, CUM GAM-77 missile. A "--STA Naval aircraft kmissiles at the Columbus Division too om bu:, Ohio) A Desigri & Los Angeles Division is the home development of next-generation manned weapon of manned weapon system—the Mach 3 13.70 Valkyrie —and America's first manned space systems at the Los Angeles Division vehicle, the X-15. _ 0.0, Angeles, Calif.) A Missile Division produces GAM-77 /V Missile Hound Dog missile, is at work on weapon space exploration vehicles and system management methods, and is conducting re & space research at search well in advance of existing the Missile Division technology in the space sciences. !Downey, Calif.) fi p , Propulsion Rocketdyne Division, Free World's ' 4 systems and concepts leading producer of large rocket at the Rocketdyne engines, supplied main-stage boost- Division ers for 25 out of 28 successful U.S. (Conoco Pod,, Cold.) satellites and space probes. tmcG,eva, Teem) Advanced opportunities for engineers and seientiats toith graduate degrees. See Your Placement Office Today For Interview NORTH AMERICAN AVIATION, INC.* OCTOBER 31 Atomics International Division is a leader, both here and abroad, in the development of nuclear reac tors for power, research, and mobile systems. Columbus Division, a complete center of systems capability, pro duces Navy's Mach 2A3J Vigilante, is developing new Army target missile, and building the reflector for the world's largest radio/tele scope. PAGE THREE
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