The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 19, 1960, Image 8

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Prom Queen
Due by Sat.
Applicants for the Junior
Prom Queen Contest must
submit their pictures by noon
Saturday to the Hetzel Union
It is necessary that contestants
include their name, semester
standing and the name of the
sponsoring group (if sponsored)
on the back of the picture.
Any group may sponsor as
many applicants as it desires arid
individuals may submit their own
names. The only qualifications
are that the applicant be a junior
and that she be willing to attend
the dance if she becomes a final
ist, according to Patricia Dyer,
queen committee chairman.
Five finalists will be selected
from the pictures subrhitted by
the Junior Prom Committee.
Three judges will interview the
finalists at 8:30 p.m. Oct. 27 in
217 Hetzel Union Building.
The name of the Queen will be
announced at the dance Oct. 28
in Recreation Hall, She will re
ceive a dozen long stemmed red
roses and will be crowned with
a tiara.
Sears Fe abFery--
(Continued from page one)
over Homecoming Weekend.
Juba added that 'Mroz will be
returned to State College after
charges and hospital tests are
completed in Altoona. Juba said
he believes Mroz is involved in
several other unsolved robberies.
Health Issue Analyzed--
(Continued from page one)
Kennedy's plan he would be com
pelled to subscribe to a set policy
along with his other Social Secur
ity, benefits for • the designated
period of time.
"Supplementary agencies now
exist to take care of the medical
ly needy and medically indigent,"
.Davis said. A needy individual
may receive aid from voluntary
health organizations within his
community, he said.
Davis explained that, at the
present time, approximately 110
million people in the nation hold
voluntary medical insurance pol
icies while about 30 million are
without medical coverage. Under
the proposed Social Security
health program, the question of
how to handle these voluntary
policies now in effect would pose
a serious problem, he said.
Since the policy-holders repre
sent a majority of the nation,
Davis said, we must decide
I"whether or not the Social Se
curity health plan should be im
posed on this majority, when ad
equate agencies do exist to care
for the minority."
I In comparing foreign health
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ENROLL 7 to $0 TONIGHT ---
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programs with the American sys
tem now in operation, Davis said
that "the experience of foreign
plans has not kept pace with the
American program." He said that
"the quality of medicine would
be affected if a government-con
trolled health program were in
Davis said a satisfactory health
program for the aged could be
established under a federal grant
in-aid system. The state govern
ments would receive funds from
the federal government which
would be used in solving their
separate medical aid problems.
Such a plan would incorporate
the merits of both party plat
forms, he said.
Kirkpatrick, McCarthy
Win Golf Tournament
T. Kirkpatrick of Manchester,
Conn., and Martin F. McCarthy
of Chevy Chase, Md., shot two
under par 70s yesterday to become
co-medalists in the North & South
Seniors Golf Tournament at Pine
hurst Country Club.
Northumberland House
Elects Dorm Officers
John Mandeville, freshman in
engineering from Beaver Falls,
has been elected president of
Northumberland House of Pollock
Other officers are: Fred Good,
vice president; Ronald Butler,
'secretary; Eugene Retallic, trea
surer; Richard Kipp, athletic
chairman, and Bennet McKnight,
social chairman.
Frank Mascia, sophomore in
psychology froM Scarsdale, N.Y.,
is the dorm counselor.
What Does BB Stand For?
. . . Well, It Could Be
Or Maybe A
Both Are Famous For
Their Great Build
• • •
Available At
(Burger Boats, We Mean)
112 S. Frazier St.
5 p.m. to 12:30 a.m.
Call: AD 8-8381
Students to Hear Clark
Today *in HUB Ballroom
Senator Joseph S. Clark (Dem.-
Pa.) will speak at 4:30 p.m. today
in the •Hetzel Union ballroom.
The first 200 seats will be re
served until 4:15 for members of
the Students for Kennedy and
Johnson, Robert Umstead, spokes
man for the group, said. The Sen
ator will also address a group at a
dinner at the Autoport tonight.
The kantar, a weight used in
the Middle East and Africa, is
worth 99.05 pounds in Egypt, 112
pounds in Morocco and 124.45
pounds in Turkey.
Letterpress • Offset
Commercial Prir.ting
352 D. COLLBGE AD 94791
TRALER 27' excellent condition. Ideal
for married couple desiring low cost
housing—comfortable living. $llOO. Call
AD 74991.
'63 FORD. R&D, good white aide walla.
See and drive it. Bill Millhiser, AD E.MI
after 6:00.
GOLF CLUBS--9 McGregor M.T. Irons,
putter, 3 Ben Hogan woods. One year
old, canvass bag. 8126.00. Phone AD 8..
6937 after 6:00.
1963 OLDS, '66 engine, standard shift,
AUL ww. Contact. Don AD 7.4402.
GIRL'S USED English Bike with basket*,
light, horn. One year old, excellent con.
dition. Contact Emy Lou UN 15.600.
'57 PLYMOUTH Convertible; radio, auto
matic transmission, rower steering
brakes. $lOOO. See at Baney .Chevron
Service Station. AD 5-43725.
1958 VOLVO. white, wsw, rfich, helta,
80,000 mi.; like new condition. UN 5-
CUSHMAN MOTOR Scooter. Very good
mechanically. Good dependable trans.
portatlon 895. AD 8,2261.
USED TELEVISION seta. 17" - 21", table
and floor models, Burn's TV. AD 7-31it2.
BE ABLE to hear your -tombs. Mike, 2
speakers, 20 watt Ili-Fi amplifier.
$l5/night. Call Ed AD 84408.
SINGLE AND Double rooms for rent.
920 S. Pugh St.
TWO BEDROOM furnished apartment
with private bath and parking accom
modations located five blocks off campus.
Suitable for a couple or four student's.
Call AD 7-3231.
ROOMS FOR Rent--Comfortable weekend
accommodations for PARENTS and
FRIENDS. Colonial Hotel, 123 W. Nittany
Ave. Telephone AD '7-7792 or AD 7-49E0,
ask for Mrs. Cox.
!MEN STUDENTS: One vacancy in fur.
nished apartment for two-439 each
month; including everything. Call AC
84409 after 3;30 p.m.
A RIDE FROM Thiel College (Greenville)
Oct. 28th and back Oct. 30th. Call
Chuck Bail at Al) 7-037.
RIDERS FROM Pittsburgh on Oct. 28 and
return Oct. 30 (Junior Prom weekend,.
Call Roger UN 6-5848.
RIDE WANTED to Elmira, N.Y. or vicin
ity for two on Oct. 28. Urgent. Call
Sherry UN B-8056.
ONE MALE student to b hnre furnished
apartment. Call AD 8-0654.
MAN TO share a two-man apartment,
furnished. Call AD 7-2592 after 8 p.m.
KITCHEN HELP wanted. Work for meal!.
Contact caterer Al) 8-2473.
PART TIME WORK—college students
(male only) evenings and Saturdays. Call
Mr. Rogers between 9 a.m. and 2.
AD 13-2051. Salary $45 a week.
FIDEL: The revolution is at an end.
All the rebels have fled to the 'West
11-1811 Record Hop Raul.
LOOKING FOR the best in music? Try
the "COLLEGIANS" Rock and Roll;
Standard or Jazz. Contact Jeff Brown
UN 6-5632 or John Bowles AD li-2473.
DORM CONTRACT available at reduced
rate. For information call AD 7-4702.
ator Clark at 4:30 p.m. Oct. 19. 190—
HUB ballroom.
WILL THE person who accidentally
picked up a black blazer in the HUB
cloak room Saturday night please call
Al) 4-4465, ask for John.
LIGHT PIGSKIN wallet. Need important
papers; keep money. Call Walter Mats
land AD 7.4444.
PAIR OF glasses with black frames, no
case. Call UN 6-4003. Melissa.
GREEN TRENCHCOAT with corduroy
collar in Schwab on Sunday. Call AD
8-2715. Reward.
BLACK FRAMED glasses in grey glass
ease. "Rodney Green o.a" printed on
care. Call AD fl-2612. Small reward.
EYE-GLASSES in black case lost near
Garner St. Call Steve AD 7-4979.
LOST: CHI OMEGA sorority Tin, vicinity
Old Main Skeller. Reward. Call
UN 5-2943.