The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, October 01, 1960, Image 12
PAGE TWELVE roun Will Speak At Chapel Service The Rev. Theodore K. Braun, United Church of Christ chaplain to the University, will speak for the Protestant wor ship service at 9 a.m. tomorrow in the Helen Eakin Eisen hower Chapel. He will speak on "A Sword at the Gate." During this past summer Rev.' Braun was a co-leader of a group. working in Ghana with oper ati o n s Crossroads-Africa. One hundred-eighty U.S. students worked with Ghanaian students and townspeople on projects such as building schoolhouses and dig ging street drains. The Meditation Chapel Choir, under the direction of James Beach, will sing "Come, My Way, My Truth,_ - ?My Life" by Sampson. Masses for Roman Catholics will be said at 9 a.m. in Schwab and at 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m. at Our Lady of Victory Church. There will also he a 4:30 afternoon mass at the church, Presbyierian services will be held at 9:15 and 10:45 a.m. at the Presbyterian Church. Holy Communion will. be dis tributed at the worship services to be held at Si. Paul's Methodist Church tomorrow morning at 9:15 and 10:45. The S. and S. Peter and Paul Greek Orthodox Church will spont:or a special servicept 3 p.m. tomorrow in the Helen Eakin Ei senhower Chapel. Speaker for the occasion will be Rev. Ivan Lazin sk v. Tomorrow night will mark the opening of the Hillel Foundation culture program. A panel discus sion on the topic-" Moral Issues in Contemporhry Life" is scheduled for 8 tomorrow night at. Hillel. A question and answer period will follow the discussion and re freshments 'will be served. Other series are scheduled for the same time each Sunday until Nov. 6. At 6:30 tomorrow evening the United Student Fellowship of the United Church of Christ will fea ture a discussion meeting on the subject "Our Purpose in U.S.F." Dr. David Rix will speak at the Graduate Newman Club meet ing at 7:45 tomorrow evening in the small lounge of the Chapel. His topic will be "Erasmus, Chris tian Humanist." Refreshments will be served following the meet- Inrr. The Presbyterian University Center will feature Sunday morn ing seminars at 9:30 and 10:30 a.m. in the Center. Coffee and rolls are served in the Fireside Room at the 9:15 a.m. seminar. Mrs. Helen Buchanan, instruc tor in family relations, will speak on "Values and Goals in Social Life" at the Sunday evening Fel lowship -meeting from 6:20 to 7:30 p.m. at the center. _ _ Reservists to Discuss Staff Aftionagempnt Skills "Management as a Staff Func tion" will be discussed at' the meeting of Flight C of the 9018th Air Reserve SquadrOn 7 p.m. Monday in 104 Wagner. Air Force reservists interested in joining this flight may con tact the flight commander at AD 7-4254, or Maj. David Fores man at EL 5-4891. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE 1957 PORSCHE 1600 coupe,, low mileage, excellent comlition. Call AD 7.9171 after PONTIAC 1951 2-door, good shape. 2 new tires, good engine, still insured. radio clock, heater. Al) 7-4852. USED TELEVISION sets. 17" - 21". table and floor models. Burn's TV. AD 7-2962. I.lo'l'olllllKE—Must self immetlioldy; real bargain. AD 1;-1621. FOR RENT APARTMENT FURNISHED: 9 rooms and bath. Contact Bert, Pi Lambda Phi. CHAD STUDENT (Physics) would like to Hilaire his room. It's attractively fur nished in a nia home. For more informa tion call Al) 8-9697. QUIET SIMILE room, tw•o blocks from campus. Al) 7-7151 TWO LARGE. double rooms, free off- street pnrking. Full cooking privileges. One block from North Halls. AD 8-1946. sirzaL}l. ROOMS, graduate atudenta. Free parking. 220 E. Foster Ave. nourtLE ROOMS—one block from Newt Men's Dorms. Newly •furnished, private entrance. Have a look at 602 Holmes St. or call Al) 7-4720. MISCELLANEOUS HAVE ROOM contract for University Arnim.. Any male •interested in taking ovet contract call UN 6-2460. Dr. Sittler Will Speak At Schwab Dr. Joseph Sittler, profes sor of theology and the author of two well-known books, will be the speaker at the Univer sity chapel service at 10:55 to morrow morning in Schwab. Sittler, who is a professor in the Federated Theological Faculty of the University of ChiCago, will speak on "The Care of the Earth." Last year Sittler was selected to give the Lyman Beecher lec ture at Yale and the William Bel den Noble lecture at Harvard. He is_ the outhor of "The Doctrine of the Word" and "The Structure of Christian Ethics." Sittler has served as chairman of the North American Commis sion on Worship of the World Council of Churches and has been an active participant in the ecu menical (u niversal Christian church) movement. . The University Chapel Choir, under the direction of \Villa Tay lor, will sing a morning anthem, 'How Excellent is Thy Name" by Hans o n University organist George E. Ceiga will play as pre lude Parry's "Christe, Redemp 'tor Omnium" and "Psalm Tune" on 'Martyrs" by Grace as post lude. TIM Council Applications Applications for the Town Inde pendent Men's Council are now available at the HUB desk. Elec tions will be held Oct. 6 and 7. Take Something Back to Those at Home -- • Pennants • Ash Trays • P.S.U. Shirts • Stuffed • Scarves Animals ••Bibs • Charms • Jackets • Bracelets • Hats • Tie Clips • Sweaters • Lighters • Bags • Spoons • Steins • Pens • Glassware • Gloves • Booties Penn State Souvenirs METZGER'S THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Kol Nidre Heralds , Day or Atonement Just as the long blast of the Shofar, or ram's horn, ushered in Rosh Hashanah (New Year), so the - singing of the Kol Nidre marked the eve of Yom Kippur for Jewish people Yom Kippur, or the Day of Atonement, is the holiest day of the Jewish calendar. According to the Bible, it is a day of total fasting and abstention for the purpose of scrutinizing one's deeds during the past year and aiming at moral improvement. Fasting began at sundown last night.. The Kol Nidre, which is He brew for "All Vows," is a petition for forgiveness of deeds of im petuosity and rashness. Jewish tradition holds that before God ' will pardon a transgression the 'guilty person must seek the for giveness of the individual who was wronged. Prayer services continue National Symphony To Perform Oct. 9 The National Symphony Or chestra, with Howard Mitchell conducting and Jaime Laredo as violin soloist,• will present the second program of the Artists Se ries Oct. 9 in Recreation Hall. Tickets for the program, sched uled for 8 p.m., will be distributed to students, beginning at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Hetzel Union desk. Tickets for others will go on sale 9 a.m. Wednesday. The National Symphony, which last year completed a successful tour of Latin American under President Eisenhower's. special international program for cul tural presentations, was founded in 3931 with Hans Kindler 'as the first conductor. Math Prof Gets Grant Dr. Carl C. Faith, associate professor of mathematics, •has been awarded a National Science Foundation post-doctoral fellow ship for the current academic year. throughout the day until sunset and emphasize the Jewish belief in man's capacity for spiritual betterment. Worship services for students will be conducted at the Hillel Foundation at the following times today: Shacharis (Morn ing Service), 8:30 a.m.; Yizkor (Memorial Service), 11 a.m.; Mussaf -(Additional Service), 11:30 a.m.: Minchah (Afternoon Service), 4:30 p.m.; and Neilah (Closing Service), 6 p.m. Memorial services conducted on Yom Kippur contain special prayers which are offered for the souls of the deceased. This year, additional prayers will be re cited in memory of the souls of Jewish martyrs and the war dead of our country. A stirring reminder of the great Messianic call proclaiming an era of peace and justice for all men, the Shofar will again be blown to conclude the Holyday. Block 'S' Club Will Meet Block 'S' Club members are to meet at 12:30 today in their sec tion at Beaver Stadium. The group will perform eight stunts to honor the alumni and the foot ball team. • MAXIM'S ANTOINE'S HACKNEY'S TRADER VIC'S .HOWARD JOHNSON'S: names that soon fade in the twilight past like a summer romance . • In State College, the • gourmet's choice is • MORRELL'S, formerly with • the Diner's Club WORLD FAMOUS for its FOOT LONGS Italian Steak Sandwich Burgerboals Submarines PIZZA join those in the know CALL AD 8-8381 112 S. Frazier •, SATURDAY. OCTOBER 1. 1960 CLASSIFIEDS • FOR SALE 1951 PLYMOUTH, excellent condition. Good Urea, radio, etc. Call UN 5.5441. APPLES, CIDER, Indian Corn, Gourds,. Houseplants. Hort Show, Saturday— Sunday. Livestock Pavilion. FRESH CIDER. No nreservativea added. Truck at Freezer Fresh, Dale Summit on Saturday evening, Sunday afternoon and evening. Bring jugs. Phone HA 2-8392. GOLF CLUBS 3,5, 7, 8 irons, 1 & S woods—sl2. AD 8-1621. ENGINEER'S WATCH -has built in stop watch and circular slide rule. Call after 9:30 p.m. AD 8-0373. Approximately half price. FOR RENT ROOMS—SINGLE or double to rent at 420 S. Pugh St. ♦D 8-6013. APARTMENT, furnished, from forks to furniture. Private entrance. Ideal for two. $65 monthly. AD 7-7277 anytime. FURNISHED TRAILER for 3 male stu dents: close in, reasonable rent. Cull AD 8-6772. LARGE DOUBLE room in private house, two blocks from campus. Quiet, nu other roomers. $22.00 a piece per month. Call AD 7-4144. FOR RENT—% double room at sB.6ojwk. Call AD 7-4749. GARAGE SPACE available Oct. 1 near OM Beaver Field. Dial AD 7-4314. SINGLE BASEMENT Room in a quiet faculty home $3.75. Male student, private entrance, phone, bath and park ing; six minute.walk from campus. Phone AD S-fifiii7. ROOMS FOR Rent—Comfortable weekend accommodations for PARENTS and FRIENDS. Colonial Hotel. 123 W. Nittany Ave. Telephone AD 7-7792 or AD 7-4819. ask for Mrs. Cox. MEN STUDENTS One vacancy in fur nished apartment for two—s 39 each month; - including everything. Call AD 8.1409 after 3 :30 p.m. FOR SALE OR RENT SALE OR RENT Bx4o Rollo-Home House Trailer; porch, and awning. Phone AD 8-8214. 10 x 45 MOBILE HOME. All modern con veniences ; two bedrooms. Available a once. Call AD 7-3010. LOST ALPHA OMICRON--PI sorority pin. Please , call suite, UN 5-6432. Reward. WATERMAN FOUNTAIN Pen I green and silver). If found please call Katie UN 5-8290. CHARCOAL GRAY Dacron Jacket in Room 226 Sackett laat 'MPH. Please call Glen Kreider UN 5-4923, 17 Nittany 2s. ONE BLACK Cashmere Cardigan, Beta Sig, Saturday night. I have yours. Call UN 6-7930. SHEAFFER FOUNTAIN Pen (grey). If found please call Nancy UN 5-8035. BROWN "ROLFE" key case on Tuesday. Finder please call AD 7.2498. Reward. FOUND PAIR OF girl's glasses.. Return for [den• tification and twice of ad. Call Megan UN 5-2829. HELP WANTED WAITER TO work for meals. Call AD 7-4979 ask for caterer. WAITERS AND Dishwashers—inquire Phi Sigma Delta. Call Al) 7.4409 ask for caterer. HELP WANTED in kitchen at Kappa. 'Delta Rho, good hours. Call AD 7-2337. PART TIME WORK—college student• (male only) evenings and Saturdays. Call Mr. Rogers between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. AD 8.2051. Salary $l5 a week, OPPORTUNITY FOR Enterprising. Stu dents. Swap your talent an a waiter for meals.- Call Don Davies AD 7-4923. WAITERS AND Dishwashers. Lunch, din ner furnished. Apply caterer. Alpha Rho 'Chi. AD 7-4232. WANTED 1 ONE MALE student to share furnished I apartment. Call AD H-0654. WANTED IMMEDIATELY: two waiters to work for meals. Call the caterer, AD 7-4151. - MEN WANTING to eat good !meals— AEPi has openings for waiters Or dish. washers. Call Ira AD 7-2941. WOMAN'S USED bike. Will pay reason. able price. UN 6-8563. STUDENT—maIe to share apt. with two EE students (seniors); reasonable, pleas. ant. Phone AD 7-3812, 409 S. Atherton. MISCELLANEOUS • :LOOK AT THE UNITED STATES with International Students UCA Firesides, !Monday, 8 p.m. Mervin Humphrey home, :362 E: Irvin. Meet HUB desk 7:16. NEWMAN,CLUB football game, Newman Club vs. Yogis Monday, Oct. 3, 3:115 p.m. field No. 1 golf course. ANYONE INTERESTED in dorm con. tract at reduced rate. Call AD 7-4702., A WELL-INFORMED college student is America's greatest security. If you want to know the greatest crisis in the work! now, read ~ fa price Time, Life, Newsweek. Just drop the card in the mail. CINERAMA No, a "Panorama of Horti. culture." Livestock' Pavilion, Saturday and Sunday. DESPERATE! Ride needed .to New York City or vicinity on Oct. 2 . afternoon or evening. Contact Lynn .at UN 6-820 or UN 6-4831. PENN STATE-ARMY Excursion Makes. To-Sea Bus) leaves Corner Room 5:00 stops at Mißhein!. Oct. 8, 1960. Total costs: Game ticket and bus $16.00. Mail orders and check to Twin Valley'Farmere Exchange, Begins, Pennsylvania. Call Valley View, Pa. OverbrOok 2-3171. Bane fit Levi Lamb- Tund.. TEE INDIGO •QUINTET: top .6-pled combo. ' Now Woking Fall and. Winter dates. Cal/ Rick Fiedler, AD E...42241.'