The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, September 27, 1960, Image 8
PAGE EIGHT Annual Chamber Series To Gi e Three Concerts The Tenth Annual. Chamber Music Series, sponsored by the State College Choral Society, will present three concerts during the 1960-61 season. All concerts will be held at 8 on Sunday evenings in the State College High School auditorium. Opening the season on - Nov. 6 will be the Albeneri Trio, followed by the Vienna Octet on Jan. 15 and the Quartetto Italiano on Feb. 19. The Albeneri Trio, consisting of piano, violin and cello, is ac cepted as perhaps the foremost trio of its kind. Their program will include compositions by Mo zart. Beethoven and Brahms. The Vienna Octet will present works by Michael Haydn, Mo zart and Schubert. It is coin posed of Viennese musicians whose interpretations of the old masters provide a living link with the magic realm of the Vi enna of bygone days. The Quarletto Italian°, making its fourth appearance here, will play compositions by Mozart, Bar tok and Verdi. The four young Italians execute their scores as one to achieve unity of perfor mance. Co-chairmen of the Chamber Music Committee are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Passow. Also serving on the committee are Mrs. Ralph Condee, Mrs. Henry Finch, Mr. Raymond Brown and Mr. Barry Brinsmaid. Tickets are sold for the entire series only and are now avail able until Nov. 6 for $5. They may be purchased from members of the State College Choral Society, at -Keeler's Book Store, the Harmony Shop, the Music Room and the Hetzel Union desk. They are also on sale at Pifer's Music Center in Bellefonte, or may be reserved by calling ADams '7-77'70. Leonides Votes Not to Attend Indie Meeting Leonides Council voted last night not to participate in Indie Encampment to be held this fall, since the majority of the prob lems confronting organization were discussed at the Leonides Conference last spring. The money that was to be al loted to the encampment will be used to sponsor more girls in, Spring week projects, Roberta Hill, Leonides president, said. Further new business included the introduction of the 22 newly elected council members and Miss Miriam Laines, new advisor to Leonides. The new council members were selected from 70 applicants who were screened by -the executive committee of Leonides. They are: :Indy Benson, Maureen Bishop, Michelle Ilinan, Joe Bronstein, Judy Daven port. Linda Eager. Nancy Hughes, Carol Johnson, Betty Mathison, Beverly Price, Roberta Radish, Joyce Rauch, Linda Rosenberg. Sue Rumbungh, Chris Sellers, Sandra Stilling, Diane Snyder, Nancy Stewart. Mary Stones. Carol Ann Taylor, Millie Varlcunie, and Roberta Rad ' Those girls who were not se lected as council members will be contacted to participate on committees. Speakers Program Forms Available Applications for the SCA High School Speakers -program are available at the Hetzel Union Through this program, qualified University students will speak on the aspects of college life at their high school alma mater during one vacation period' of each se mester. Applicants should be willing to give three hours a week for the next five weeks to prepare for the speech. Cwens Gym Suit Money Upperclass women who turned in used gym suits to be sold -in the Cwens Gym suit sale may pick up their money from 2 to 5 p.m. tomorrow and Thursday in 202 Hetzel Union building. The money must be picked up at this time and a receipt will be required. Giography Professor Wins Awards for Paper Dr. Peirce F. Lewis, assistant professor of geography, won first prize and an honorarium of $l,OOO for his paper presented last month at. the International Geographical Congress in Stockholm, Sweden. His paper was titled "Topog raphy in the Southwestern Pa louse Hills, Washington-Oregon" and the contest was sponsored by the Association of American Ge ographers. —lt's a real friend who likes you in spite of all he knows about you. + CLASS FOR SALE 1057 poitscilE 1500 coupe, low milenve. excellcnt condition. Call AD 7-1171 after USED 15 rpm records by variety of ar tists. Records you've been searching for 5/$l. Call UN 5-1316 ask for Ca rut. 1956 AUSTIN HEALEY, 4 speed trans mission and overdrive. $l5llO. Call AD 9-9488. 1951 PI, YM 11 4-door sedan, excel lent condition, good tires, radio, etc. UN 5-5441 after 7 p.m. SLIDE RULE for sale. Dietzen. $lO.O Coll Dick Landitruff AD 84039. HOUSE 'FRAILER 4xlo HoII-a-Horne Al) 8442.14. ONE BOY'S English bike fully equipped Contact Ed Finney AD 7-2835. PONTIAC 1951 2-door, good shape, 2 new tires, good engine, still insured, radio clock, heater. AD 7-4852. MARRIED? SINGLE? You'll he happy with the savings, the service and the shopping convenience—the quality mer chandise too when you shop at 0. W. flouts Se Sons. The area's largest shopping center located on West College Ave. in State College. Everything to furnish a home and everything in personal needs. Open daily til 9:30 p.m. every Monday anti Friday til 9:00 p.m, Plenty of free parking. '62 CHEVY convertible, needs top _but otherwise in very sound mechanical order. AD 8.2135. USED TELEVISION sets. 17" - 21", table and floor models. Burn's TV. AD 7-1962. SLIDE RULE. Post Versalog in padded leather rase. $l6. Phone George Carlson at AD 7-2651. FOR RENT LARGE FRONT room, preferable grad uate students two students. Call AD 7-2156 or AD 84547. GARAGE SPACE available Oct. 1 near Old Beaver Field. Dial AD 7-1:11.4. ROOMS FOR Rent—Comfortable weekend accommodations for PARENTS and FRIENDS. Colonial Hotel. 123 W. Nirarr, Ave. Telephone AD 7-7792 or AD 7-1850, ask for Mrs. Cox. -- - _ ONE-HALF DOUBLE room 1 block from campus. Private entrance, bath, large closet, parking'. AD 7-4105. 1056 ONE BEDROOM *Trailer located at Woadsilale Park. 169/mci. Phone AD 8- 0247. GARAGE SPACE available Oct. 1 near Old Beaver Field. Dial AD 7-1341. APARTMENT FURNISHED: 3 rooms and Lath. Contact Bert, Pi Lambda Phi. GRAD STUDENT (physics) would like to share his room. It's attractively fur nished in a new home. Vor more informa tion call AD 8-9691. ROOMS—vicinity Pugh & Fairmount. Per fect for fraternity annex. Contact house manager Beta Sigma Rho AI) 7.4933. QUIET SINGLE room, two blocks fr om campus. AD 7-7151. TWO • LARNE double rooms, free off street parking. Full cooking privileges. One block from North Halls. AD A-19-1(1. SINGLE ROOMS. graduate students. Free parking, 220 E. Foster Ave, r DOUBLE ROOMS—one block from New Men's Dorms. Newly furnished, private entrance. Have a look at 602 Holmes St. or call AD 7-4720. MEN STUDENTS: One vacancy in fur nished apartment for three—s3s each ;month. One vacancy in furnished apart ment for two—s 39 each month ; including !everything. Call AD 8-1109 after 3:30 p.m. LOST MATRICIIIATION CA RD and meal ticket No. 145. Return to Room 135, Thompson Hall or call UN 5-2110. Reward. SM ALL Z PPO Lighter in Pollock Snack Var. Judy engraved across front and CCII along side. Call UN 04854. BLACK. WA LLET. If found return to Jake Hebble, 231 Beam. Reward. UN 5-04S0. BROWN "ROLFE" key case on Tuesday Finder please cull AD '7-2496. Reward. HELP WANTED PAR KIM; LOT attendants needed for remaining home football games. Call UN 6-7667. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANI/ Chatter Dates Continue Today Women who are participating in the rushing period may return invitations from sororities for chatter dates from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. today through Friday at 129 Grange. The sororities may pick up the answers to the invitations from 2 to 5 p.m. today through Friday in 129 Grange. A mass meeting will be held for all rushees at 7 p.m. tomorrow in 121 Sparks. The informal Panhellenic rush ing period for upperclass and transfer women officially started yesterday with chatter dates held in the sorority suites. Chatter dates will continue through Oct. 5 and ribboning will be held 7 p.m. Oct. 7 in the soror ity suites. Enrollment Certification Students who intend to vote by absentee ballot and need certifi cation of enrollment at the Uni versity to register a vote should bring the necessary forms from 8 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m. to 4 Willard. IFIEDS + FOR SALE OR RENT SALE OR Rent each or term 2-bedroom 4S` Trailer, storm windows, furnace, tub and shower, seven closets, ample d rawer and cupboard space. Excellent. condition. College View Trailer Park No. 2G, 1234 E. College Ave. AD 7-4452. MALE STUDENTS may work in the dining halls (for meals if lip 1111 Z off campus) or for cash if living on campus. Apply Old Main. PART TIME WORK—college students male only) evenings and Saturdays. Call Air. Rogers between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. AD 8-2051. Salary $45 a week. WAITERS, DISHWASHERS for frater nity work for meals. Cali AD 7-7.51, ask for caterer. K ITCHEN HELP—meals furnished. Con tact Lambda Chi Alpha, AD 7.2602, ask for caterer, OPPORTUNITY FOR Enterprising Stu dents. Swap your talent as a waiter for meals. Call Don Davies All 7-4923. HELP WANTED—CM for general office work. State College TV. 232 S. Allen St. WAITERS AND Dishwashers. Lunch, din ner furnished. Apply caterer, Alpha Rho Chi. AD 7-4232. WANTED CUSTOMERS TO EAT moderately priced meals in quiet, pleasant surroundings. Cafeteria luncheon, Tuesday thru Thurs day. 11:60 - 12 :30 in the Mapel Room and Cafeteria. Dinner, Tea Room menu, Wednesday and Thursday only, :30 - 1; :30 in the Maple Room. Ground floor, Home Economics Building. WAITER WANTED• at Phi Delta Theta, on campus. Call Toni Fey AD 7-4917. WANTED: STUDENTS to work at eon cessions for home football games. Counter and vending help. Sign up at 237 Rec reation Hall. BADYSITTING AND housework for working Mother. preferably II :30-6:30 Monday through Friday but can be ad n:Act!. Daytime call UN 5-8384, night call AD 74756. A WAITER to work for meals at Delta Chi. Call AI) 7-49A9. GIRL TO share large furnished apart ment near campus $4O monthly. Contact Gallagher UN 6-2211 ; AD 8-2778 after five. MALE TO share three-room apartment, 428 West College Ave. Call Tom AD 8-8898. ONE MALE student to Ft hare apartment close to campus. Furniture provided. Call AD 8-0651. WANTED—MEN to work in fraternity kitchen for their meals. Good working conditions. Contact - caterer at AD 7-4969. ONE MALE student to sluice apartment two blocks from campus. Furniture pro vided. Call AD 8-0654. WOMAN'S USED bike. Will pay reason able Price. UN 5.8563. STUDENT—maIe to share apt. with two EE students (seniors) ; reasonable, pleas ant. Phone AD 7-3812, 409 S. Atherton. MISCELLANEOUS MEETING OF the Newman Club mem bership committee, 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, 2nd floor HUB. PLAYBOY at reduced student rates; November to June only $3.50, save $1.30. Call Wayne at AD 7-34f4. DO YOU know USSO-USA Relations, Congo Situations, Space Venture, Presi dent Elections and World Crisis? Why don't you read half-price Time, Life, News week? Drop the card in the mail now. PENN STATE-ARMY Ex7usion ILekes-To- Sea Bus) leaves Corner Room 5:00 A.M. stops at Millheim. Oct. 8, 1900. Total costs: Came ticket and boa $lO.OO. Mail orders and check to Twin Valley Farmers Exchange, Begins, Pennsylvania. Call Valley View, Pa. Overbrook 2-3171. Bene fit Levi Lamb Fund, HAVE 5.A1111., will manage -- wire Car zidine San- Franboucke. Join the Management Club NOW! Open to all stu dents. A WELL-INFORMED college student is America's greatest security. If you want to know the greatest crisis in the world now, rend 1: 2 price Time, Life. Newsweek. Just drop the card iu the inaiL HELP WANTED Residence Board Forms Available Applications for membership on men's residence hall area judicial boards are available in Waring, Pollock dining hall and Warnock. Membership is restricted to upperclassmen having a 2.2 All- University average except in the Nittany area where first semes ter freshmen are eligible. Seven regular members and three alternates will be selected from each area. Applications should be turned in by 7 tonight to the dean of men's office. office. THE PLEDGE YOU SAVE MAY BE YOUR OWN Today's column is directed at those young female under graduates who have recently pledged sororities and are wor ried, poor lambs, that they won't make good. Following is a list of simple instructions which, if faithfully observed, will positively guarantee that you will be a mad success as If sorority girl. First, let - us take up the matter of housemothers. The housemother is your friend, your guide, your mentor. You must treat her with respect. When you wish to speak to her, address her as "Mother Sigafoos" or "Ma'am." In no circutn stances must you say, "Hey, fat lady." Second, let us discuss laundry. Never hang your wash on the front porch of the, sorority house. This is unsightly and shows a want of breeding. Use the Chapter Room. Third, meals. Always remember that planning and preparing meals for a houseful of healthy girls is no simple task. Your cook goes to a great deal of trouble to make your menu varied and nourishing. The least you can do is show your apprecia tion. Don't just devour your food; praise it. Exclaim with delight, "What delicious pork jowls!" or "What a yummy soup bone!" or "What scrumptious fish heads!" or "What clear water!" Fourth, clothing. Never forget that your appearance re flects not just on yourself but on the whole house. It was well enough before .you joined a sorority to lounge around campus in your old middy blouse and gym bloomers, but now you must take great pains to dress in a manner which excites admiring comments from all who observe you. A few years ago, for example, there was a Chi Omega named Camille Ataturk at the University of lowa who brought gobs of glory to all her sorors. Camille hit on the ingenious notion of suiting her garb to the class she was attending. For instance, to English Lit she wore a buskin and jerkin. To German she wore lederhosen and carried a stein of pilsener. To Econ she wore 120 yards of ticker tape. Her ihiningest hour came one day when she dressed as a white mouse for Psych Lab. Not only her Chi Omega sisters, but the entire student body went into deep mourning when she was killed by the janitor's cat. Finally, let us take up the most important topic of all, I refer, of course, to dating. As we have seen, the way you dress reflects on your sorority, but the mer. you date reflect even more. Be absolutely certain that your date is an acceptable fellow. Don't beat about the bush; ask him point-blank; "Are you an acceptable fellow?" Unless he replies, "Yeah, hey," send him packing. • But don't just take his word that he is acceptable. Inspect him closely. Are his fingernails clean? Is his black leather jacket freshly oiled? Is his ukelele in tune? Does he carry public liability insurance? And, most significant of all, does he smoke -Marlboros? If he's a Marlboro man, you know he has taste and discern ment, wit and wisdom, character and sapience, decency and warmth, presence and poise, talent and grit, filter and flavor, soft pack and flip-top box. You will be proud of him, your sorority will be proud of him, the makers of Marlboro will be proud of him, and I will be paid for this column. 1060 Max Shulman The makers of Marlboro, having paid for this column, would like to mention another of their fine cigarettes—mild, un filtered Philip Morris—available in regular size or the sensa tional new king-size Commander. Have a Commander— welcome aboard. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1960 Seminar Group to Hear Fluid Mechanics Report A report on the National Sci ence Foundation conference on instruction of fluid mechanics will be presented at the Fluid Mech anics Seminar scheduled for 4:10 p.m. Friday in 211 Mechanical Engineering. Matrk Cards Available Any students who have not picked up their matriculation cards may do so from 8 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m. in 4 Willard. The cards will be necessary for admittance to Saturday's football game since bursar's receipts will not be honored. On Campus mg*. hor of "I Was a Teen-age Dwarf", "The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis", etc) * * *