The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, September 20, 1960, Image 8

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Walker Will Address
Chambers of Commerce
President Eric A. Walker will
address the annual meeting of the
Pennsylvania State Chamber of
Commerce Oct. 5 in Harrisburg.
He will join with Dr. Walter C.
Langsam, president of the Uni
versity of Cincinnati, in a discus
sion of how our colleges can meet
the new manpower requirements
and also cope with the enroll
ment upsurge.
HANDSOME teudal oak for fraternity
that wants to dress up its dining area.
Refectory table, fi newly upholstered aide
chain and arm chair, hunting table, cor
ner cupboard, closed china cfoset. Also:
one single bed and box springs: one
mahogany bureau and mirror. Phone
AD 74102 for information.
PONTIAC 1961 2-door, good shape, 2 new
tires, good engine. still insured, radio,
dock, -heater. AD 7-48f,2.
MOTORCYCLE -- linries.floyidson, VAR.
Good condition, An E-0097. Most eui
COMPLETE KkE Drafting Set in excel
lent condition, Contact Dave Grow at
AD 7-4332.
MARRIED? SINOLE? You'll be happy
with the savings* the eeryiee end the
Shopping convenience—the quality mer
chandise too when you shop at 0. W.
'louts & Sons. The area's largest shopping
center located on West College Ave. in
Slate College. Everything to furnish a
home and everything in personal needs.
Open daily til 5:30 p.m. every Monday
and Friday til 5:00 p.m. Plenty of free
194 R MERCURY convertible. Good con
dition. Rest offer. Can be even at 207
E. Park Ave. Bank Mosher.
'15.2 CHEVY convertible, needs ton hot
otherwise in very boo nil mechanical
order. AI) R-2135.
USED TELEVISION sets. - 17" - 21". table
and floor models. Burn's TV. AD 7-3962.
COLLECE VlVA"Prailer Park. Five ex
cellent trailers for sale. Four spots for
root. Phone AD 8.8223 or AD 7-44112.
SLIDE RULE. Post Versalog in padded
leather ease. $l6. Phone George Carlson
at AD 7-201. . •
PENN STATE jacket, large, leather
alegves. (load bargain. Call Karl Ohrinan
at AD 7-4151.
FIVE OLD VIOLINS, rcainnally priced.
Dial EM 4-1144.
kEUFFEL ESSEL 11111161 W get for rode.
Price $12.00. Used once. AD 7-7777.
QUIET SINCLE room, tw•o blockt3 horn
campus. AD 7-7151
TWO LARGE double . ronnag, free off
street parking. Full cooking privilege's.
Onc block front North Halls. AD F-1946.
SINGLE DOOMS, graduate students. Free
parking. 220 E. Foster Ave.
ROOMS across from Old Main, above The
Campus Restaurant-50 feet from cam
pus, 5 minutes from any class; tYith
kitchen. Call Dick or Jerry AD a-265v.
bath. Contact. Bert, Pi Lambda Phi.
ROOMS—one block from New
Men's Dorms. Newly io rnished, private
eott.nm•e. Bove n look "al_ (M 2 • llohot-s St.
or call AD 7-4720.
LARGE FRONT MOM, preferrilde grl,4llinie
ntoolents, two students. ern AD 7-2156
or Al) R-16.17.
DOUBLE AND Triple room for rent.
Reesonel.le relee. Ouse to campus. Cell
AD 8-2473.
ONE DOUBLE room, I win beds: in quiet
home. Rent reasonable. Al) 7-4329.
LA 11# E STUDY bedroom 161 h PriViite
showe r-hnth for 2 or 3 students. Easy
trnlking distance. 811 S. Smirks. Al) 7
DOIIBI.E 011 Single room. College IleightF
section, 211 Ado n is Ave. Phone Al)
One vaenney in fur-
niched apart went for three--$36 earh
mouth. One yummy in furnished N 1.0.-
11104 for two---MI cavil month ineludink
verything. Call Al) l'-1409 after 3:311 p.m.
DOUBLE ROOM for two mrn or two
womn. P ri% ate loath, priva te eat ranee.
half Mork from campus. Cull AD No-1
after 3::10 p.m.
QUIETH(10111S. fine food. sit the Ag Hill
Club, adjacent to raninua. 207 E. 'Park
Ave. Fnr room and board inquiries dial
AD F-1330.
FOR RENT: boy, stalls 'available; nice
surroundings. trails, horse trailerintr,
riding rime. Pleasant Dill Farm, 2 miles
north of Deaver Stadium. Cell AD ft..S2t2i.
BOYS ROOM for rent. Single or double.
Priebte bath, entrunee, refrigerator Mid
parkins. Call AI) 74055.
for rent across f rom
Ath'•rinn dull. Call Campania Shot Re
pair, AI) S-5172.
LIVING IN the College Ileighta xrest Ent
HI the At! hill Cluh, 207 E. Ptak Ave.
Dial AD S-1:330 for inquiries.
meeting - for all boards on Tuff. ffe
tonight—ut 7 :00 in business office.
Please bring class schedules.
ATTENTION! .Exceutive meeting Penn
State (lilting Club. Hui. 240 nee Bull,
7 p.m., Mom Sept.
RESERVATIONS BEIM: taken for begird
and room or hoard alone at. Marilyn
POI, 817 E. Tracer. NtnA ly decorated
symols, family style home cooking. Con-
Ten ient to 'town and Cfl p ug. Ask for
rs. Pet rishey.
Skipping Frosh--
(Continued from page one)
are responsible only for the ac
tions enumerated in those sacred
pages—anything else is consid
ered hazing and should be
brought to the notice of the Fresh
man Customs Board.
Violators can be reported to the
Board by means of an official
form available at the Hetzel
Union main desk.
WANTED Waiters and dishwasher for
Phi Sigma Delta. Cull AD 7-4409, auk
for Bruce Edelson.
KITCHEN HELP—meals furnished. Con
tact Lambda Chi Alpha, AI) 7-2602, ask
for caterer.
Kappa Phi. Excellent food, extra pay
and time off for special occasions. Call
find AD 7-4937.
KTCHEN HELP—wanted immediately, Sig
ma Chi. Call enterer at AD 8-9332.
WANTED—WAITERS and dishwoshers.
Three meals a day for two meal's work.
Contact Mark AD 7-4953.
OPPORTUNITY FOR Enterprising Stu
dents. Swap your talent as a waiter for
meals. Call Don Davies AD 7-023.
HELP WANTED—GirI for general office
work. State College TV, 232 S. Allen St.
WANTED—WAITERS and dishwashers
for Alpha Epsilon Pi. Call AD 7-2941,
ask for Ira Lieberman.
STUDENTS EARN up to $1.60 per hour
working 2 or 3 evenings of your choice.
Downtown DUX Club, 128 S. Pugh.
WAITERS AND Dishwathers. Lunch, din
ner furnished. Apply caterer, Alpha Rho
Chi. AD 7-4232.
Car Accident--
(Continued from page one)
right rear of the Edens vehicle
,and knocked it over onto the cen
ter of the highway into the Folino
car, state police reported.
The total damages, including
personal injuries, was estimated
at $4775.
The Folino car and the Edens
car were damaged beyond repair.
Loss to the Bumbarger car was
estimated at $75.
NEED ROOM? Pereon needed to take
over Nittany contract immediately. Con
tact David Palomer, 121 S. Gill St.
WANTED—MEN to work In f raternity
kitchen for their meals. Good working
conditions. Contact leaterer at AD 7-7951.
ONE MALE student to share apartment
two blocks from campus. Furniture pro
vided. Call AD 8-06541.
WOMAN'S USED bike. Will pay reason
able price. UN 6-8563.
GIRL TO share large furnished apart
ment near campus-440 monthly. Con
tact Gallagher UN 8-2211, AD 8-2778
after 5.
MAN TO share two-man apartment; pri
vate entrance. Call after 8 p.m., AD
shop in town. Latest equipment, 121
South Allen St. Call AD 8-0546 or AD
to work for meals. Call Art AD 7-9951.
STUDENT—maIe to share apt. with two
EE students (seniors); reasonable. pleas
ant. Phone AD 7-3812, 409 S. Atherton.
RCA, builder of Tiros Satellite,
needs young engineers today
for spectacular achievements tomorrow
Tiros has broadened man's scope of the heavens
and earth. From an orbiting observation post high
in the sky, it transmits a new wealth of meteorolog
ical information to earth-bound stations below.
Tiros is only one of, many RCA successes in the
wide, wide world of electronics. And as the horizons
of electronics steadily expand, the need for more
and more competent and creative engineers in=
creases in direct ratio. That's why RCA, now in
the forefront of electronic progress, offers such
tremendous opportunities for Electrical Engineers,
Mechanical Engineers, and Physicists.
If you already know what you want to do in
engineering ... and are qualified, RCA can offer
you direct assignments in your chosen field, and
back you up with training and guidance by ex
perienced engineers.
If you're not quite sure which direction you want
to go ....RCA's Deeign,and Development Special
ized Training will help to point the way. You'll
receive full engineering salary while you progress
Nephew Seen Nominated
(Continued from rage five)
tempt to make them more ac
ceptable to edibility "so we'll
eat them not just because
they're good for us."
The candidate's mother, he said,
is proud but, "motherly-like,"
fearful as well. She appreciates
what her son has to go through.
"It's like a mother sending her
son to the moon—he might not
get back."
ONE BEIGE Suede Jacket in HUB ball
room coat room. Return to HUB desk,
no questions asked.
BROWN "ROLFE" key ease on Tuesday
Finder please call AD 7-2496. Reward.
OWNERS CARD, selective service card and
others, near Beaver Field. Call Tom
Loser AD 7-2676.
Will Be Short; Please Bring Schedules
through engineering assignments that give you a
clear picture of various fields you might choose.
Or, if you'd like to continue your graduate study
... RCA will pay full cost—tuition, fees and ap
proved text—while you go to school or study two
days a week, and work at RCA three days.
These are only a few of the many reasons for getting
all the facts about a career with RCA. See your
placement officer now about getting together with
an RCA representative, for an interview ont
Or, send your rhunti to:
Mr. Donald M. Cook .
College Relations, Dept. CR-8 ,:, , r 14
14. , .. :
Radio Corporation of America '•:-:;t,
Camden 2, New Jersey
7 ---...
AC ,........„
The Most Trusted Name In Electronics
\ '
Collegian Open House
An open house will be held fr
7 to 9 p.m. tomorrow in the ba
ment of Carnegie for all new st
dents interested in joining t
news staff of The Daily Collegi.
WDFM Meeting Tonight
A meeting for all students '
terested in working on the WD
staffs will be held at 8 tonight
121 Sparks. A tour of the stati
will follow the meeting.
iN HUB—olive raincoat, red plaid 'lint
Needed desperately. Please call UN 15-64
FOUND—LADY'S wrist watch, Poll
Area: returned for price of ad. C
UN 6-84113.