The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, September 14, 1960, Image 2
PAGE TWO 1112MIE=BEI „:;;. Z • BOOTH F - :::!,W1•174:41 ENE WG sv4o HEE Ei '-;:la• ',.-N,t.,' . • N. 'Vi.F . ::; , . - ...- •..-.--::.:11.4.o.. vs- - WE 'zoo WC stoo WA • • WA 90r - • N SIl4 e ' 4, N , Q 4 . . ). e ei o ,_ e A , ) . 0N 1 I. X O • FT -/".• , 9 \ 1 0,, , Stadium Regulations- (Continued from page one) ,Association administrative assis stands. The student entrances lead'iant into the student seating areas. Students will riot he allowed to enter either of the main gates at the open (southern) end of the stadium. The purpose for the new entrance arrangements is to ex pedite the flow of fans into and out of the stadium, according to Richard A. McDowell. Athletic Tradition Duffy's Tavern is a mere four miles from State College and it's worthwhile going out. You'll see why it has been a Penn State tradition for so many years. Don't be worried about dress, either it's in formal. You're as welcome as one of the family. Duffy's In Boalsburg, 4 miles east of State College on Route 322 (turn right at the Texaco Station) Starlite Drive-In Theatre Route 45 between State College. and Bellefonte Wed., Thurs., Fri., & Sat. "ONE FOOT IN HELL" Color Bz. Cinfrrnascope Alan Ladd - Don Alurrav "THIRTEEN GHOSTS" Joe Morrow Rosemary DeCamp Showtime 8:00 .-=-•,-)71„ ' -e" ' :74 .1 1,7 t 17 4 77 4;7, 7 4,tc 5 .,,1 • ..,:, (~..,' - A 7— ..,.,, ,4;,. 4 r.t% , ;: - , p- , i .-,'.;,. ~,..;,.. ; ..- .. t- , ,,,,, -; 71;-,..i.--1411,,,V 1 rflf. J! fM:14.;41,4-•?1,'-<,14 C'',. I ''' 6 ''''',.' 3.. r 7 • .' 'f . '' i' tt - : 4 `' ~, 7 ,-:1..- re ...,- , “ ,, to;tvik:2* •:• , 5i 4- '‘, Jk. ~,,_.•.;.,, •,-: - ' ,T 3 , .','" d'z4:44l-....;,-0?..-S • i"-V,:t. 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Bring a date . . . she'll enjoy it too. • REFRESHMENTS and SHOE SKATE RENTAL AVAILABLE • Coliseuin Roller . Rink EAST COLLEGE AVE. & BOROUGH LINE THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA • „ Ne 7, \tar' -',;i:-. , -::'. , -.NDt:r . :::.: . . . . ~ ... ... „ . . ~. -7;4:,-.:_f: ,71,7Y-4 0 Z, , vz-4-:91 N=~.; .. _ N'~ EOM ~ S Q '~"'~ Stadium Seating 08. • .....:.•„-k....t' e .. ' . ~'. N, . .„ ~4'"', 7111 A' ...,-4,- 704. Ni( .i...1..--,--.'..,,-.'":: .:t.- - . " *, -.r)' ----fs?',.-. ji -, .: : :: , ;: ,- ,:•;:.:,.' - 7. -- '.•;., , ,....',; - ,i.. : 4 ' -',..• :" ...7 "' ,: :;;.: ,, : , .. ,, := ,, ,i5;;!.::...:ii.:5.Ct .4. '",. .:ii' .14:-:'-:'.,..",.;--...',k1.1 ...,;;,;...„...:.,„...,,,...,,.:.... ..,g . i .,, ; . i?:6 , " . -?..-,1' , .4 , '"'., ~.!, '''!,.:':'_;;-..; fr• 27 ._ ~~. . , Pt )h• to nd Entrance Plan sit in the horseshoe at the north end of the stadium. The sopho mores' section will be the north east half from NF to NL and the freshmen will occupy the north west half from NA to NF. The Blue Band will sit in the lower east stands between the 10 and 20-yard line (crossed section in mapj and the Block "S" Club flashcard section (dotted section) will be in the lower east stands from the 20 to 35-yard lines. EMM CM/ '4410 E.J_- Az ! toE..J 744 EH f; 'i.-I'-, -_,':....- -.•.• ; ,•:;: i ':./..-• ED ATO 'so EC '77 E C liii NS EB 144 EB 1140 EA sKI3EA p it ‹):C' COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS BUY, SELL, TRADE, TELL F , ~'~l , 1 4 ;Ifl4 JUNIORS . ' . -,---- ....__—, , • or -4 C . , • • a 1 - .1: 0 ..4 ' SENIORS - ---7 and PR , 2 x .. 4 ' GRADUATES ~.• ). .tea , 0. 1. ' ! ' '' '• : ' .; t'-'•..z. • •..,'V'.. 1 • • . . ': : - , .X. , 7:1!• • sBoEG .rrit , sear',- W•wee - R , 7,l•seoerd NITTANY - .. " Funniest film in _months" pdtu r u, ii§ N hate Cameron YNews s,.ellers ° 76 o ing MAW IN A in the Boulting Bros. new hit C tic op MT NEMINIMIIIMINIIMMEr WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 14, 1960 Sorority Rush To Begin Soon Registration for the. fall sorority rushing program will be held be tween 8 a.m. and 12 noon Satur day in the Panhellenic office in Grange Hall. Second semester freshmen front any of the Commonwealth Cam puses having a 2.3 Ail-University average and all other upperclass women from the Penn State cen ters who have 2.00 or above are eligible to rush. A transcript must be presented at registration. - All upperclasswomen from oth er schools are aligib!e to rush without showing a transcript from their former school. A fee of $2 will he required from each woman to cover the ex penses of registration. gbir 74 ,,,, .TA,.. 01. t. CI Gt . ,- 1 1 A , Now: 1:37, 3:36. 5:35, 7:34, 9:33 TREVOR HOWARO•DEAN STOCKWELL WENDY HILLER-MARY WIE HEATHER SEARS EIBIB 1111 sualllT ITN uEWIIo.DJE NOW SHOWING -DOORS OPEN 6:45-