The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, August 09, 1960, Image 3

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    TUESDAY. AUGUST 9. 1960
Ike Asks Action On Old Legislation
WASHINGTON (/P) Pres-'America posted for sudden devel-! ing. The vice presidential con
l opments such as those in the Con- tender was the Democrats'
ident Eisenhower challenged i i go. ,, 1 Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson of
Congress yesterday to act on' 2. An authorization fora 600-t Texas. The national chairmen
a lengthy legislative prograd '
rrillion-dollar Latin American aid! on hand yesterday were Repub
lican ThrustOrt B. Morton of
He was promptly accused by 1 3. Approval of a food-for-peace Kentucky and Democrat Henry
Democrats of trying to steal program to be laid before the:
M. Jackson of Washington.
United Nations in September. 1 Kennedy, in a two paragraph
their party platform's political; Eisen h o w e r accompanied ' statement, commented:
thunder. these with an outline of actions i "The President has outlined
he has taken and proposes to once again some of the general
Taking a -leaf from harry S I take lo strengthen the nation's ;areas in which executive and leg-
Truman's election year hook. Ei- military power, which he said islative action has been badly
senhower, in a special inessage, is "second to none and will be needed, If he can now assure us
tossed back at the lawmakers 211 kept that way." !that a responsible program to
proposals he recommended last; This obviously fell short of the meet those needs will start re-
May but which were not acted onidemand of Sen. John F. Kennedy ceiving the support of at least
in the session recessed for the two of Massachusetts, the Democratic one-half ~ .)e Republican members
national conventions. presidential nominee, for a three- of Congress, Sen. Johnson and I
He told the members of Con-!billion-dollar increase in the level can assure him that those needs
gross to "stay on the job until,of defense spending. will be met in every possible way
it is done." Whether it satisfit'd Vice Presi- that time permits.
"Certainly we cannot adourn I dent Richard M. Nixon, the Re- 1 "A presidential message calling
the public interest," he added. ;publican presidential nominee, for action on bills previously ve-
Included were proposals rang- was not immediately clear. toed, and complaining about
ing from an increase in foreign : Never before had the Senate spending after a broad series of
aid funds, civil rights, a farm :proceeded to its business with:demands is not unexpected in an
bill and medical help for the Itwo presidential nominees, one:election year but if it can be
aged. To them Eisenhower add- :vice presidential nominee and:backed up with Republican co
ed requests for: two national party chairmen of- operation and leadership, this will
1. An increase of 100 millionlicially participating. be a production and constructive
dollars in special funds "to keep , Nixon presided at the open- session."
_ _
To Force
Rights Vote
cans disclosed yesterday they hope
to force a quick test vote in the
Senate on the politically explosive;
civil rights issue and thereby
embarrass the Democrats.
The planned first step is the!
early introduction of a bill to car-'
ry out civil rights recommenda
tions President Eisenhower made;
yesterday in his message to Con-I
Then the Republicans would
seek to place the bill op the Sen
ate calendar without referral to
Such a motion would be debata
ble. opening the way for a fili
buster against it by Southern foes
of civil rights legislation. But it is
anticipated that a motion will be
made to table and thus kill the
motion to bypass committee con
A tabling motion is not debata
ble and thus a test vote could be
forced that Republicans feel would
dramatize the split between
Northern and Southern Democrats
over civil rights legislation.
Republican leader Everett M.
Dirksen of Illinois told a reporter
he expects to offer the bill today.
He said also ne plans to offer
the motions designed to keep the
bill out of the hands of the Senate
Judiciary Committee, headed by
Sen. James 0. Eastland (D.-Miss.).
This committee long has been a
graveyard for civil rights mea
Sen. Richard B. Russell (D.-
Ga.), chief strategist of the South
ern forces, left no doubt he will
use every available resource to
block action.
Soviets Ask--
(continued from page two)
nationals there would have pro
tection and safety.
Hammarskjold sounded a
warning in the council against
any unilateral act ion that
would bar the UN from its goal
of establishing or de r in the
newborn African republic. He
said such action would extend
the East-West conflict to the
African continent.
He ticked off his defiance to
threats of independent action
against Katanga that have come
from the Soviet Union, Ghana
and Guinea among others.
Without naming any country,
he told the council. "It does not
help the UN effort if it has to live
under a threat of any one—or
more contributing government
taking matters in its—or their—
own hands, breaking away from
the UN force and pursuing a uni
lateral policy."
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OAS Cools Toward Cuba,
Approves 4-point Agenda
ganization of American States.!
apparently stiffening its attitude!
toward Cuba, voted 20-1 yester-'
day to have its foreign ministers
review subversive activities with-i
in the hemisphere.
The action came as the United
States denounced as a "calculated!
plan" Cuba's seizures of rem-'
nants of what once amounted to,
nearly a billion dollars in U.S. in-,
vestments in Cuba.
Only Cuba raised substantial
objections as the 21-nation OAS !
Council approved a four-point.
agenda for the ministerial confer-,
ence opening Aug. It in San
Jose. Costa Rica.
Similarly. the council rejected
by the 20-1 margin an alterna
tive agenda proposed by Cuba.
Cuba asked the ministers to plan
a joint defense against alleged
U.S. military and CCOlIGIllie ag
The agenda the council adopted
asks the foreign ministers to con-
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"Thousands proudly wear this ring"
skier "threats of extra-continental
intervention," "existing interna
tional tensions in the Caribbean,-
and measures to promote higher
living standards.
A fourth point—in a provisional
agenda sent to member govern
ments in late July—called for a
joint defense of democratic insti
tutions against "activities of any
system incompatible with such
But the OAS Council, acting on
a committee r e c o m mendation,
toughened this up and asked the
ministers to review inter-Ameri
can cooperation "for the defense
of the democratic American insti
tutions against the subversive ac
tivities of any organization. gov
ernment or their agents." •
Nowhere in the agenda, how
ever. is there any direct reference.
to U.S.-Cuban differencs, or to
the Russian aid offers.
(between 9 and 12 p.m.; that is)
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Ike Hands Congress
Legislative Chores
WASHINGTON (IP) President Eisenhower handed
long list of legislative chores to Congress yesterday and the
Democratic presidential nominee said many of them can be
carried out if the Republicans cooperate.
Sen. John F. Kennedy of Massachusetts, who heads. the
Democratic ticket. and his. run-
ning mate, Senate Majority Lead-'can assure him that those nrr ds
er Lyndon 13. Johnson of Texas. will be met in every po!zsible way
joined in imputing a • politically that time permits." it said.
inspired turnabout to some of the
Republican President's recom
Vice President Richard M. Nix
on, the Republican presidential
nominee, withheld immediate
The Republicans' Senato lead
er, Everett M. Diricsen of Illinois,
described the message as a chal
lenge to the Democrats to show
whether they intend to carry out Johnson said Eisvolt Aver now
their party platform. appears to be trying "to embrace
"The President has spoken vast portions or Mc' Democratic
like a true craftsman in calling platform." The Texas senator was
for action on his program and sharply critical of the President's
telling Congress to stay 3n the requests for domestic legirlation
job until it is approved." Dirk- which he already has "vutoed or
sen said. Kennedy released a threatened to veto." lie cited es
two-paragraph statement. pecially area redevelopment and
"The President has ceatlined agriculture hills.
once again some of the general While indicating willingness to
areas in which executive and leg -'go along with Eisenhower's ec
islative action has been badly ommendations in sonic fields,
needed. If he can now assure us .Johnson quickly ticked off some
that a responsible program to as having no chance. One was :he
meet those needs will start re- renewal appeal to raise the in
ceiving the support of at least one wrest ceiling on U.S. bc,nds. This
half of the Republican members isn't needed and hasn't been for
of Congress. Sen. Johnson and I some time, the said.
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"A presidential message call
ing for action an bills previous
ly vetoed, and complaining
about spending after a broad
series of demands, is not unex
pected in an election year—but
if it can be backed up with
Re p u blican cooperation and
leadership, this will be a pro
ductive and constructive ses