PAGE FOUR Stone Valley Rec Area Not Ready This Summer The Stone Valley Recreation Area originally scheduled for completion this year, will not be available for use this sum ei The darn constructed across Engineering Camp, has been corn be removed and beaches and oth er facilities built. says Dr. Peter W, Fletcher, director of the School of Forestry. Fletcher heads a com mittee working on plans for the use of the recreation area Lawrence J. Perez, professor of civil engineering, who directed the design and construction of the dam, said that work is progress in.e with the clearing of logs. brush and other debris from the lake area as they float to the su face and are washed ashore. This debris would be a serious hazard to the users of the lake which is formed by a 42-ft. darn that spans COO feet. With a shoreline of nearly two miles, the lake formed by the dam covers 72 acres, pro viding an area about three and one-half times the area of the lake at nearby Whipple Dam State Park. The const;•uction of the im pounded earth darn was made pos sible largely by gifts through the Alumni Fund. Funds from alumni and other private sources are now being sought to develop facilities. It is planned to construct picnic arras and sandy beaches along designated areas of the shore, as funds become available. There will be facilities for canoes, rowboats, and sailboats, as the project develops. Plans for the stocking of fish and the establishment of a wild life area with the possibility of controlled hunting are also under consideration. Two main roads to the area are planned. one to serve each side of the lake. One will be the road that has been used as the entrance to the civil engineering camp. The other will enter the area at Cht:r ter Oak and cross a bridge to be constructed by the University up stream from the lake. Control points will be estab lished at each of the two en irances where fees will be col lected from persons utilizing the acili ties. These admission charges, as yet undetermined, will be used for maintenance of the recreational area and facil ities. The committee plans to appoint n resident director for the area ho \vitt he responsible for the enforcement of regulations per t:lining to hours the area will he Open. use of equipment. safety measures, etc. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE Frill SALE: 1.K,9 Sprite.. White. 27.4111 rnilt.=. yoll m ) tike I ' llll 41101 11 N L-6221.. Alum Ihrve ht kith $1..1,• I I et,. bed rw,rlis, line easily rlill,l'l/11 into !Andy. Very Itea,msl , lr.. ('all AU 4 slier t, p.m, FOR RENT 11A1.1' OF A 1 , 01'10.1.: rvotti b.r runt I'm (L11 iu fsniiiy holm. tcith prix ute 1.1,1 h anti t ri . fe varkiue. AD S-1,11,9. 'fn !rim Nerl.l/111 , Ant C;dl Jim L-C:40.,, A 1;1'M ENI Hitt RENT 1)••;•%, r,Ar. tvfriVerstinr klkii 11,0. trit• II() 1;-65145 nflr 3 p.m. m()DERN, rtittNistirr,, rfri,•it•nvy blurt Inc lit. :1 miles from St tr l'‘)!legu. As),il al•le• 11 1, W f.r 111111111 A couplt , on!y. La rkr• lairs /010 laundry 14.n.m. Th: t