GE EIGHT For and . . where you can do ail your shopping for books and school sup- plies STORE HOURS WED: 8:00 A.M. - 9:00 P.M. THURS., FRI., SAT.- 8:45 A.M. • 5:30 P.M. MON: 8:45 A.M. 9 P.M. In Keeler's self-service book department downstairs, you can select all of your required and optional text books for the Summer Sessions. Self-service means easy book selection, because Keeler's "super market" type book department eliminates the "mad book rush." On Keeler's first floor it's easy to find all your school supply needs, incluing slide rules by Post, K & E, and Deitzgen; art and drawing supplies, Barnes and Noble college outlines, and Smith-Corona or Olivetti portable typewriters. KEEL E R S the University Book Store Summer Relaxation, Education, Inspiration .. . for Economy too / visit K E Keeler's has EVERYTHING for the University Student SUMMER COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Directly opposite the East Campus Gate This Is Self-Service . . . and at KEELER'S, self service means easy shop ping. You will find our stocks of new and used text books are complete and it's easy to find these books. They are located downstairs and are in alphabetical order, according to curricula. In case you have trouble, there's an information booth in the rear of the department. ARTIST MATERIALS PAINTS oil and water color Grumbacher . Winsor-Newton Permanent Pigments BRUSHES oxhair and sable Gyros • Hillman • Delta rolled canvas and canvas boards PAPER for charcoal, water color, pastels IMPORTED SWISS PRINTS your choice of framing, only $1.98 WOOD EASELS for Indoor and outdoor work only $ll.OO ELER'S WEDNESDAY. JULY 6. 1