PAGE TWELVE Corso Study Dr. John F. Corso, professor of psychology and director of the Human Factors Research Program, is conducting an extensive study to discover how a person's hearing changes as he grows older. Technically, such a change is called presbycusis. IFC Appoints Nine Committee Heads for '6O Inter-Fratei pity Council stand ing committee chairmen were an nounced last night by Chester Lu cido, vice president. Thomas Fey was named chairman of the safety cornnuttee; Richard Moyer, pub lic relations; Gerald Logue, schol arship; and Herbert Goldstein, ushing. Also Eugene Chaiken, work shops; Dudley Thomas, cultural; Cary Robinson, IFC Board of Control; Stuart Bischoff, Christ mas parties; and John Anthony, Greek Week. George Haney was named IFC chaplain. In other bu,mess, Ralph Kap lan, of Kaplan's Pi ime Meats, Inc., Philadelphia, spoke to the group about budgeting meat purchases. Ile was Invited by the IFC Pur chaFing Agency. Radio Operators Attend Conference A meeting of the Pennsylvania Military Affiliate Radio System (MARS) members was held at the University recently. Gilbert H. Crossley, assistant professor of electrical engineer ing and assistant state MARS di rector, coordinated the pro gram, which is expected to atti act some 150 amateur radio operators of the ~fate who are members of MARS. The program included a short olx,eivance of Armed Forces Day, talks by members of several ROTC units on campus and ad dresses by Maj Henry Rexford, chief of MARS. and Capt. Wil liam I, Scott, MARS Second Ar my diiector. The newly elected officers of t Epsilon Chapter of Beta Gamma Phi Chi Theta, women's business' Sigma, national business honor honorary, are: Patricia Schockey,!ary fraternity, initiated the fol president; Joan Cavanagh, vice!lowing members. Michael Hotten president; Sandra Binder. record-:stein, Susan Butchkosky, Dale ing secretary; Leonora Gahn,!Rauhenstine, Nancy Werner and treasurer, and Anne Chernefski,;William McNeil. John B. Long, convention delegate. The new president of the board of trustees, pledges are Suzanne Volinn, Val-!was initiated as an honorary cite Cavanagh, Diane McCreerv, l member. New officers elected are Lois Young, Judy Howe and Judy Richard Elnicki, president, and Schaffer ' William McNeil, vice president. Newly elected officers of Sigma! The Editorial Board of Froth Phi Sigma, physics honor society,;elected Dale Peters, editor; Elea e• John Davis, president; Lloyd:nor Jacobs, associate editor, and Bobb, vice president, Elizabeth Peter Linder, assistant editor. Dow] ing, secretary; Charles Other officers are Steward Bar- Slcowi onek, treasurer man, business manager; Richard New officers of Phi Upsilon;Horowdz and Eugene Downer, ad- Omicron, home economics pro-,vertising directors; Francis Zet fessional fraternity, are Sallie,tler, art director; William Jack- Tapasto, president; Eleanor Ro- son, photography director, and senberger, vice president; Connie;John Kohl and Ronald Martin, co- Coates, recording secretary; Su-!directors of circulation staff. san Cook. corresponding secre-; New initiates of Alpha Kappa tau: Dorothy Len/. treasurer; Psi, business fraternity are: Paul Theadora Del Prete, chaolain:,Maima, instructor in accounting Patricia Caputo, historian: Linda ; land business law, and graduate Harmon, librarian: Marilyn Bal-ktudents Frederick Busse, James lard, marshal!: and Martha Wil-tHepler, Ronald Herlihy, John Mal son, editor. tory and Louis Noe. Continue Hearing By ELAINE MACH Corso began this research in 1952 under a contract with the U.S. Air Force which provided long-term financial support for over $lOO,OOO. In the past six years Corso has tested the hearing of more than 700 subjects between the ages of, 18 and 49 years. At the present l time, his research is being con centrated on a select group of sub -1 jects ranging from 51 to 65 years! of age. The main purpose of Corso's present experiment is to com pare the hearing of older indi viduals to the average thresh old of hearing for a particular , group of subjects, between the ages of 18 and 24 years, which has been established as a nor , mal reference group. This study will be concluded in 1962. From the data which he has! ,thus far accumulated, Corso feels cei tam "the results from thin study will play a significant role in changing our concept of nor , mal hearing, and will very prob ably lead to the revision of they pi esent standards of hearing. both! national and international." The subjects for Corso's re search consist of students and State College residents. State College is considered to be an ideal site for such a hearing survey, since its residents are not exposed to the excessive amounts of noise usually found in larger cities. Also, State College is the home! of a fairly large number of re-' ! tired and long-term residents in ,the older-age categories. Research for this project is con !ducted in the Psychoacoustic Anechoic (echo-free) Chamber in Osmond Laboratory. The subjects are tested by a standardized pro- I cedure and, during the tests, are viewed by the experimenter by :means of a closed circuit televis ion system, Assisting Corso in his research 'are Mr. Walter L. Baker, Assist kint Director; Mrs. Moira LaMay, l a graduate student in psychology; !several undergraduate students `who are majoring in psychology and in engineering; and Dr. John K. Covey, a State College otolo gist. Co-Edits THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA 67 Initiates Token By PiGamMu Sixty-seven students have been initiated into Pi Gamma Nilu, national social sdience honor society. New officers of the chapter are Rose Colo gn e, president; Maurice Mook, vice president; Helen Buchanan, secretary; and Charles Mann, treasurer. The initiates are: Aileen Bickel, Susan Borchers, Phyllis Breisch, Anne Castrodale, Judith Clapper, Robert Chapman. Harold Craige, Joanne Ebert, Patricia I. ergiiwn, Patricia Oman, Itichatel Gibboney, Virginia Gross, Nancy Hadfield, Webster Hatton, Mary Helms, Judith lies, Barbara Jewell, Margaret vashay , Jean Lobrw. irk, Melina Mazza, Martha Mem hey, Kristin Meyer, Janice M !chalk°, Lois Neuharth, Dale Rauben stine, Mary Reid, Melanie Schlapak, John Stout, lies erly kler, Ivy Sutherland. Heather Tiesler, Gretchen Van Kirk, Ralph Warman, Hai bara Whitman and Milton Wy kW, seniors. John Burnosky, Janet Calloway, Joseph Flay, Janet Glenn, Carolyn Greer, Eliza• beth hrley, William McNeil, Marcia Mey cis, Leif Mollo, Charles Myers, David Oh- Nett. Cynthia Park, Robert Pasquale, Carol Rife, Annabelle Ro , enthal, Sharon Stone and Renny Timers, juniors. Mint Arms, Gerald Burke, Glenn Car ter, Michael Deeny, Joseph Hunt, Betty Jeffrey. Sally Kilmer, Len Kizer. Wit luini KM 'et.k), Edgar Michalson, Thomas Pol%ell, Jay Ituhardson, Carl Shafer, Dawn Tuttle and Rime° Yamamoto, graduate qudents. LP Investigation-- (Continued from page five) of students, faculty and admin• istration." Frank Pearson, former Univer sity party clique chairman, called the charges "nebulous" and said that LP members act as indivi duals and not as a group. "We wouldn't act against student wishes because we, too, are stu dents," he said. Brandt closed his arguments with further statements that LP had acted consistently as a group for the past decade and that it had acted against student govern ment. Julius summed up LP's view: "Why would students who have devoted so much time and effort to student government suddenly turned against it in their senior year because of LP?" According to committee chair man, Lee van Breman, the com mittee will consider Sunday night's evidence and will also ac cept any other evidence in writ ten form from anyone who would like to submit it. COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS BUY, SELL, TRADE, TELL is MIKITIN GRADUATION Congratulate the graduates of 1960 with an appropriate Gibson card. See the complete selection on display at our store. THE UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE ' 206 E. College Avenue TIRED ? ? ? SOMEONE YOU KNOW SEND GIDSOII CARDS KEELER'S CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE ALMQ 13 IS T FIBERGLASS (Saber I) sports car body and Crossley chassis and motor. Engine in good condition. Chapala has been modified to accommodate btAly shell. Will sell body or chassis. Call AD 8-6930. GIRL'S BICYCLE. good condition, reason able. Call Jackie, UN 6-20430. 1957 TRAILER, 34 ft. by S ft„ excellent condition, two bedrooms, patio, large fenced yard. Must sell. Call AD 8-0223. MUST SELL 3-Speed Capitol.Reeord Play er, vaell eared for new diamond needle $25. 2-burner Universal hot plate, 3-speed, heat control, *lO 00. AD 8-0492. 1969 SIMCA 4-Dr. Deltnte, 30-plus M.P.G., radio, heater. NV.W., 11,000 miles, ex cellent condition. Jerry, AD 9-6223. VERY NICE House Trailer in Branch Road Trailer Park; extras, ornate owner. $1350 or best offer. James Noll, RD 1, Box 424. 1956 PACEMAKER, one bedroom, lull bath, large yard. Call AD 7-2514 or AD 7-7137 after 5. CLASSIC GUITAR—Goya imported. Pur chased Easter with cede $lO6. Best offer accepted. Larry AD 6.8122. after 8 p.m. 1962 ROYAL HOUSE,' Trailer, good con dition, adjacent room as aillible, price reasonable. 21 Woodsdale Park. CAR RADIO—SS.. For MCA, one month old. Plus $5O State College sales tax, total $55 (still a bargain). Contact Rony AD 7-4925. VERY MODERN 40 ft. Howie Trader Eye level oven built In range, large G.E magnet:- refrigerator, etc. AD 11-1958. ENGLISH RACER in terrible condition $l5 00 or else to highest bidder. Help toe get rid of it. Call Buddy UN 5-5961. ARE YOU out of State? Alfa Romeo with only 0000 kilometers, illegal in Penn sylsania, 40% off. Call betsseen 8 and 6, AD 7-2801. COMPLETE SET of golf clubs, good con dition. Inquire at Golf Shop. WANTS • TO BUY USFD SPORTS ear, preferably T-bird or Cart ette. Call 'Howie UN 5-6563. LARGE TRENCH COAT with plain lining Small reward. Call UN 5-2200. BLUE GIRL'S ENGLISH Bicycle, wire baskets, chrome fenders, white walls, '57 license 596. T 5 reward Call UN 6-79213. DODGE KEYS in small leather key case between Phi Delt and State College T.V. Call Ken, UN 5-410 M. GOLD NAME plate necklace saying Bar bara—fact Thursday, May 12. Senti mental value. Please call Baibara UN 5-6829. SATURDAY May Bth (parents weekendl a li,: j inch gold link bracelet, sentimental value. Reward. Please return to HUB office. A mother. ONE COLD charm bracelet, keys of uni- versity organizations. Initiated either L.D.D. or D. M. A. Call UN 5-5339. Re ward. DID YOU FIND a K & E Slide Rule in 315 Willard between 2 and 4:00, If so, call Charles Booth UN 6-6298. DIETZEN SLIDE RULE in RUB. Re ward. Call AD g-6679 Stan WANTED SMALL UNF RN S IEI e ficiency apart ment fur single male senior. Must be mailable in September. Call AD 7-3296. RIDE TO PITTSBURCiI or Monroeville area this Saturday. Lease at 11 A.M. Call Mike after 7 p.m. AD 7-260. ROOM for paienti, st.njog overnight, June El. Call Jack, UN 5-7884. TYPING TERM PAPERS and Reports. Quick accurate work. Call AD 8-0993. CLOTHES AND SHOES for WRA Charity Drive, May 23 to June 2. Boxes in dorm lobbies WANTED VETERAN or grad student to share et,,nfoltable a partment for sum mer. Convenient to campus. Call AD 8-1513. PASSENGER TO Sacramento, Calif. or along route. Call AD 8-8228 COOK FOR fraternity for fall semester Call caterer AD 7-4957. THE BICYCLE that was taken from the rear of Patterson (re Wednesday's Col legian) between 2 and 3:30 pm. Monday, May 16 was a 1959 Western Flyer, maroon with white tuirn, having is generator and rear light (tient light missing), odometer on front wheel, duel baskets and hand Makes. Serial No. C 17064 ton flame be low rear axle). $lO reward for information leading to its return. Frank Banker AD ,14617. PHOTOGRAPHER FOR Summer Colle gian. Darkroom experience necessary. Work Monday 'and Thursday evenings June 13 to September I. Remuneration. Apply to Editor, Collegian office, Carnegie, UN 5.2531 after 4 p.m. daily. RIDE WANTED to Los Angeles—leaving June 13 Call Rich AD 8-130. THESIS MULTILITHINC and typing duplimata for sale. Reasonable. Call AD 841774 after 6 p.m. DISHWASHER FOR lunch and dinner Monday through Sunday except Sunday evenings. Call caterer at AD 7-4332. ROOMS FOR RENT RIMS AVAILABL, for Commencement. Call Mrs. Cox, AD 7-4850. FOR RENT LARGE THREE-ROOM Unfurnis ed apart ment on top floor of Metzger Building in center of downtown. Magnificent view in three directions Rent 3105 per mo. Yearly lease at mlable, beginning June. Call DaNc, AD F,-145.5. BEAUTIFUL NEW Modern Studio Apart tnent for summer or part. Private en trance, large puquie windon, 10 blocks from campus AD 8-0334. , - ITWO ROOM apartment in prit ate home. Reduced late for bummer occupancy only. Call AD 8-0481 for details. TWO BEDROOM 42 it. Mobile Home, equipped with automatic washer, patio, I awning, TV antenna, Call AD 74767. DOUBLE ROOM I , .ith board for fall. Single and double rooms for summer sessions. 243 S. Pugh. SUB-LEASE Apartment. Available June 5 to Aug. 6; very time but inexpensive. Call John AD 8-1888. FURNISHED HOUSE including automatic dishwasher; for the summer. Perfect for four students. call AD 84417. TUESDAY. MAY 24. 1960 FOR RENT ROOMS FOR summil and fall. One alma% one double. Call AD 9-2363. COMFORTABLE BASEMENT room with bathroom suitable fur studglita or work ing people. A % tillable now. Convenient location. AD 8-0609. FURNISHED EFFICIENCY apartment, pi irate bath, 2 blocks from campue. Mailable :tine I. Call AD 8-6727 and AD 8-6264. HAVE; SUMMER APT. will rent 2-man modern efficnncy. Call AD 8-1795 now. ATTRACTIVE SINGLE and double rooms available for rummer sessions. Quiet study misironment assured. Convenient location Call AD 8-1330. RENT FREE for 1 year—S room hunter's cabin on estate adjoining University farm. No eons enienees—you'll have to fix it up. That a rkhy the free rent. Cull AD 8-fiaaa. TWO SMALL fbrmshed apartments avail. able Sept. 1 near campus. Graduate male students preferred. Phone AD 7-2665. BOYS— ROOMS with kitchen privileges. Reser.ations being taken now for burn. mer starting in June. Inquire Harmony Shop. METZGER APARTMENT for summer, 3- man utility apartment (furnished). Make summer school exciting. Call AD 8.2392. 1956 37 FT. TRAILER for summer months $45 monthly. Hilltop Trailer Park. Lot No. 17. CLEARFIELD COUNTY school employee wishes to rent two bedroom housetrailer for the three summer months to be parked at Williainiliort, Pa, Please contact R. S. Ashy, 109 N. 3rd St.. Philipsburg or call Dickens 2-0961 or Dave Cresol at UN 5-2896. TWO BEDROOM Bummer apartment, fur nished at 215 W. Foster. Call DUNI§ Ruppert AD 7-4957 Mon. thin Fri. 2 BEDROOM furnished apartment above Lobster House. Available June 15 or July 1 until Sept. 1, 1960. Suitable for 3 or 4 students. $lOO per month. Call AD 8-8500. ONE BEDROOM apartment available July 1. Vaughn Nittany' apartments, Coiner of Pugh and Bradley.- Includes large store, refrigerator, heat, water, trash and gar bage, $80.33 per month. Call AD 7-7758. COMFORTABLE MODERATE rate ac. commoilationa with private bath or run. !ling water. Colonial Hotel, 123 W. Nittany Ave., State College. AD 7.4850 or AD 7-7792. MODERN APARTMENT for mai ried grad student or faculty; sub-let for summer. May be seen by appointment. AD 7-3296. FOR RENT—two double rooms for male students; private bath, own telephone, private entrance, free parking ; three blocks from campus. June - September. Call AD 8-0308. ROOMS AVAILABLE for Commencement. Call Mrs. Cox. AD 7.4850. ROOM & BO ROOM AND BOARD at Alpha Zeta fra. ternity. Inter-session and Main Session. Board on five day week basis. For informa. tion call Mrs. Alice Crandell, phone AD 7-7621. MAKE RESERVATIONS for fall semester at Marilyn Hall, 317 E. Beaver. Reser. rations also being taken for all summer sessions. Rooms without board available, 220.13 S. Allen Street. Ask for Mrs. Petrie ke• at 3 7 E Beaver. r~~~~~,z~~~ meeting tonight at 6:45 in businet , a office for intermediate boarders (new peo. pie:. Last meeting of year—compulsory WE REPAIR and have cords, heads and supplies for all make Shavers. See our line of rebuilt shavers $3.00 to $O.OO, guar anteed. Electric Supply Company, 216 S. Allen. phone AD 7-2062. PHILA. STUDENTS Send your heavy luggage home by Noerr Motor Freight. You can ship .130 pounds for S 3 55. We will pick it up in State College one day and deliver it in Phila. the nest. Please mark each piece according to destination and bring them to the door of your fra_ ternity or dorm We can also take Pa. shipments for anywhere Is ithin 35 nide' of Phila. Call AD 7-4723. YOU ASKED FOR IT! Friday, May 13, I notched from top floor Willard while R. fruy sniped my bike. You can return it to HUB rack or explain it to Campus Cops next time I spot you on campus. MEN—Summer job; excellent opportunity selling ger, Ice. Holland Furnace Co. of Lewistown seeks 6 men for Centre County area. Undergraduates have earned up to $2OOO. In three months period. Call Lee is town 8-2802 or come to 125 Spruce St. for interview. PENN STATE Sports Car Club rally Sat. May 21, at 6:30 In the ;WEI parking lot. PENN STATE Sports Car Club Gymkhana Sunday May 22 at 1:30 p.m. on the Erie Technical Ceramics parking lot, 1 mile west of State College on Rt. 45. ATTENTION PROSPECTIVE grooms I Bring your bride home to "A Castle" (1957 32 ft. Mobile Home). Price cut. Call AD 8-1107. FRESHMAN MEN in NORTH HALLS watch for announcement of fine oppor tunity this week. BALLET TAUGHT by profe4sional dancer. former soloist with well known Ballet Company. Private lessons evenings. Classes thru summer. Call AD 7-2411. FOR A SIZZLING Steak anti your -I'-o-rito beverage try The College Lunch noose from the bus depot at 149 N. Atherton St. Telephone reservations appreciated tut not necessary. AD 8-0031. COME TO the Newman Club Picnic! Sun. day May 22, 1:30 p.m, Meet at the HUB parking lot. Transportation and rcfresh. ments-50c. JUST RELEASED 1960 State College crow indexed directory E 3.00 plus tax. Call Mrs. G. Wagner AD 7-3588. TENNIS FANS—expert restringing and repair. Large selection of nylon and gut. Prompt service. Guaranteed satisfaction. University Tennis Service. 514 E. illea%ee Ave. after 5 p.m. ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing, tan, toe or acrobatic lemons. Professional School of Dance. AD 8-1078. 1955 NEW MOON 41x8. Fully equipped College U Trailer Park. AD 8-2986 Leaving June 25. HELP WANTED MARRIED DUPLE wit no children to help in private home. Separate furnished apartment provided in addition to meals and salary wife to help with housework. Opportunity for additional income for hus band in spare time. AD 7-3103. mportant