The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, May 12, 1960, Image 3
THURSDAY. MA 12. 1960 1 ion Bl ame d ;Kennedy Wins • t ) W.Va. Primary owlet s ecrecy CHARLESTON, W.Va. UP) The Democratic presidential hopes !of Sen. John F. Kennedy on the of Mas , WASHING ON (, 1 P) --President Eisenhower denounced.sachusetts soared high !wings of a sweeping victory in yesterday a S viet "fetish of secrecy" as a major cause of Tuesday's West Virginia primary. world tension. And he defended American espionage as a As the late returns mounted, Kennedy continued to rack up "distasteful bu vital necessity" to prevent massive surprise more than 60 per cent of the vote attack. lin a contest in m, hich he knocked 'Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey of Calm, poise , but firm, Eisenhower once more challenged Minnesota out of the presidential ! the Soviet Union to join in open-I nomination contention. With 2355 of 27 50 precincts tab ing the skies o international Rockefeller Jr. Rilated the count stood . Kennedy aerial inspection i order to guard; 1 198.165; Humphrey 126,347. against sneak a tacks. Moscow'lD les in Tucson . ' Kennedy's victory was impres again gave clea indications of Isive beyond the boundaries of rejecting the idea; . TUCSON, Ariz. UP) John D West Virginia because of the way Eisenhower chose his regular !Rockefeller Jr., who poured mil-,it was achieved. A Roman Catho news conference for his first pub lions of dollars into a woildwide lie, he took on Humphrey, a Con lie pronouncements relating to t h e: program of philonthropy, died in gregationalist, and thrashed him Soviet's May Day downing of ania Tucson hospital yesterday at the soundly in a state where only 4 5 per cent -of the population is American U 2 jet plane on an Intel-; a g e of 86. ligence mission high and deep in' A spokesman for Rockefeller's :Catholic . . Flushed with victory, Kennedy Soviet territory. ' physician attribute death to pneu- said this should settle the religious In a quick spur of the moment monia and heart strain. Roche- issue NN hi c h has caused some reaction to a tough-talking speech letter, a frequent winter visitor to Democratic leaders to oppose his by Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei:Tueson, had been ill for several nomination on the ground he Gromyko yesterday morning, the months. could not win in November. President said it is absolutely ri- Admitted to the hospital last • dieulous to accuse the United December, Rockefeller remained there until being discharged two Correction States of provocative acts, since: "We are looking to our own se-weeks ago. He was readmitted It was erroneously reported in curity and defense and we have!Monday when his condition be—Friday's Collegian that Clot no idea of promoting any kind of ,came serious, and members of worthy Birnie Jr., assistant pro conflict of war."! the family were called to his bed- lessor of mechanical engineering. ~., There were assurances from the' slue• had spoken against the Univer- President that he still has hopes. His son, New York Gov. Nelson sity proposal to eliminate Thanks for progress on the great issues A. Rockefeller, arrived by_ plane giving recess on grounds that stu dividing East and West at the only a few hours before the death:dents would cut classes. Ten On summit conference starting in Paris May 16. Swiss Gov't Apprehends Soviet Diplomatic Spies BERN, Switzerland (iEl') The Swiss government yesterday ex pelled two Soviet diplomats after announcing they had been caught trying to obtain Swiss and West German military secrets. The two were said to have been lured by a double agent into an espionage trap in Zurich. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Blood Typing Program Tonight 7-9 205 Patterson Rh Factor --25 c Type -- 25c SPONSORED BY ROD AND COCCUS CLUE Air Condition Me—temperatures made to order—for elt•weather comfort See The Ihrtab Shore Chevy Show lo color Sundays ,IIBC-TV—the Pat Soong Chevy Showroom weekly ,ABC-111 ~-~ Why shouldn't you be driving America's first-choice car right now? You couldn't do better by your family— or your family budget—than to pick out one of Chevy's 18 FRESH-MINTED MODELS, load up its VACA TION-SIZED TRUNK and take off on one of those springtime trips Chevy so dearly loves. Once you're Save—right new--during the Spring Fever Selling Spree at your local authorized Chevrolet dealer's 1r - Electrical Workers Plan !Friday Morning Walkout PHILADELPHIA 01 United Electrical 'Workers Union has called a Friday morning strike of about 6500 pioduction and maintenance employes at the Westinghouse steam division. The strike, authorized by secret vote, was called Tuesday night by the union's 32-member execu tive committee. The committee says the union has 51 grievances. A Westinghouse spokesman said management tried for three days to settle the grievances git en as reasons for the strike call. lea Belle F Ciflille . . . HAIR STYLING SALON "YOUR DOORWAY, TO LOVELINESS" MAY SPECIAL! EVERY MONDAY * TUESDAY * WEDNESDAY REGULAR $15.00 PERMANENT WAVE SPECIAL $lO.OO "EVERYTHING IS INCLUDED" *FASHION CUT oHIGHLIGHT RINSE *PERSONALIZED SET ..---...--w...----......,*.--- —--------.ti- -- FREE! FREE! Passes to Nittany Drive-In Theatre For All Services of $5.00 Or More WALK IN 127 S. ALLEN ST. STATE COLLEGE Or PHONE for Appointment AD 8.0545 Open Mon. Thru Sat., 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. whisking along the highway, cushioned by FULL COIL SPRINGS at all four wheels, you'll have your own smooth-running account of why Chevy's '6o's best seller. And right now when • . beautiful buys are in full bloom CHEVROLET at your dealer's! U.S. Will Attempt Balloon Launch Today WASHINGTON LAP) An at tempt will be made today to launch a gigantic balloon into or bit around the earth PS a reflec tor for radio signals. The Project Echo expel invent was originally set for May 5 at Cape Canaveral, Fla.. but was postponed because of technical difficulties, in the second-stage Locket of the Delta vehicle. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, which usu ally withholds advance public mooed on satellites, said in an nouncing the new date that it was doing so to give volunteer private paetuvpants lime to get ready. 'le with Body by Fisher! tor essineasicat trawaristioa PAGE THREE