The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, May 11, 1960, Image 8
EIGHT ASSIFIEDS FOR SALE I LIIIIS Ihro , o , M, (;rotor Chief. ~ . .1.1 I.ood • oo,htton Cull John 11.1 0111.. f. A" totipt• (.ocAl “aillition t , (11.4 after 7 'i‘, I (g 11(11 :,10r11114 ) 200 mull., $6OO off lo ',vie Al) S•'l'lh iFVHIII.6T 4b,s .ur $l.lOO. Al) 7-4412 Tit AI I., extra bedroom blllit ,1011 ft r N.III{I mai rind votiplp ildl4 n I all Al) P-1 ) , L3 Price $5llO Tit A ILI. It Iritifi Naiitilia 36-ft phis brink spars 101 l Ito iyitnisitile let.. Phone ()IT but of Slate' Alfa ii11111(4) Sk ith bl) , /i , k d00,, ,, ,A lit , Viii in Penn i ' . Of I Call lo OA vum 3 and 6, Fill 1,10/11.' lisiii) , in our :12 ft mobil). Tan rush us north of (TIMMS bleu' f., irs,... r• AI) 8-1707. 11'1.1t1A1, Ntobile }Tome, 31 ft., one m., 46..10. pule Int. hen Ent ellrnt 11. el anotialply pi let 01. 26 WOOig. h. lIONIF, 2? ft.. A met lean, one nn, complete bath, kit, hen and emu 1...i.ce11t ilt condition. Mutt tell 22'1 E'l I: SET of golf clubs, good con 'mom... Pt (01l Shop. A NIIIRIN motor ',rooter, 11.1-loch ttlitotrill tic t nut- 1.1 114 vool contlitmn, wmdthtcld. 11200 .121 i 511 li A l'Eit, excellent condition. equipped $35 Call At thur lirtindun dill after 1.10 I'torlllEs7 You name it —I have Min or enerated lug discounts. .ert ice Phone Al) 7.0 , 51 after 6. ittailulde S a in Troutman's Nil ill Miop !ICS Skylark eon% ertilde. loaded, lent condition. Call Al) 7-3/ 4 08 after 'it COAT in hnll N,.d 11 I ,Pel /1, l')V, t ltininv d. ~k Item itril Call ) H-NSSI WAI ( H-1101111111110 I' Ft i , oiling 111111 Ind S 0.. It,'. aril Cull Al) 7-'2641 Ai K ET. res el slide Itt N‘n rd. Ileum. Nii k tit All N,-slO4, I 11151 n; Mue and uhite framed he, raw with Dr ler nn (ion?. t all 1 o-1.0 DIHMC Aiht, A)ST--nuUilhc gut,: stone in WI roll UN 5-7911., loik for Steve LEATHER billfold, keep money, other contents urgently. Call Jim AD 1.-Thfil FOUND 1 111,Al K mill tan female mongrel hint) of Kee Hell. (1%111.1' call IN 5.41 WORK WANTED C. It N 5.71181 C, Carole, between 8 FOR RENT MALE OR Gamic 'Numb to have eingle rconi clime to eampux for mummer oes. slob, first fl o or, front porch to campus Inquire 310 E rollcire Ave TH ft YE ROOM apnrttnent building—furnished. Laundry facilities and parking available June 1 thru Sept. 1. Cull AD a-1009 the evening M F.Tm ER A tam ENT rooms and toith furnished Make summer school excitinr. AD F-23:12. MODERN APARTMENT available for summer, Ilnse to campus. Couples. priob, Where Completely fi nmshe4 Hrduced ratio Call All 8-a528. , _ LARGE FIRWF floor apartniiit home Excel!. nt for 3 students Summer and permanent a desired. Benner Pik( $7O month. AD A-0810. F Olt SENT for summer two s ery nice niiitrtments I , ', blocks from carninot. PH- Nate bath, kitchen, phone Row,' for five In each ftemonable rent. 230 S. Frazier St AI) 7.2960 F. Olt SUM M Elt reabonatile, five room wit moot e10 , ,t to mitoptoi Betio tifully furni , heil , phone, TV , pnrk mg. Call Al) 8-020. TWO-ROOM APARTMENT for emnmer 133 S. CiII Call AD b-2153 after f, p m Reasonable rate. APARTMENT--one bedroom, unfurnished Apt. M, 228 Bradley Ave Tel AD 15-2190 Include '1 'Amp, retrtgcrator. hot Hater, triedi and karbage. $77 33 per month Asailable July I LA RI; E ROOM ,uitsible for nmi raid couple for light housekeeping. Call FL o=4Bllo e‘enings. daytime AD 7-220. - ONE 01' the nicest rooming house, for summer rental Singles and doubles, free parking- $5 00 per week. Mr. Mechem. dorn Al) 8-072 day , evenings 110 6-6,520 COM FORTA 111. F. MODERATE emintninbitions with pi ate bath or run ning water. Colonial Hotel, 123 W. Nittany Aye, State 'College AD 7-1350 or AD 7.77:12 FURNISHED APAIITMENT for summer. Complete privacy, centrally located. Call AD h-toir, after ti p m. BOOMS AVAILABLE for Commencement Call Mm. Co.. AD 74850 ROOMS FOR summer sessions. 207 E Park Ave. Call AD 8-1310 MODERN APARTMENT for married grad t.llent or homily ; sub-let for summer. May be seen by appointment. AD 7-3206 FOR RENT—two double rooms for malt atilenta: pihnte bath, own telephone, prilrate entrance, free parking ; three block% from CHTIVUB June • September. Call Al) 8.0)08 I==3 ROOM & BOARD MAKE RESERVATIONS for hill semester at Marilyn Hall, 317 E. Iteservit- Hong ako being taken for all summer ItessionN Board 01 room and board to fill vaennetes for balanee of bentegter Ronmu ithont board mailable, 20011 S. Allen St Abk for Mra. Petoskey at 317 E. Ilea% er. WANTED RIDE FROM Washington, DC. Friday May 13 (good hall i. Call Marty, AD 7 1933 THREE ROOM apartment for main BUM. 111C1 , t.” 4 ,1011 Write John Eaton. Oak Hills Manor, Butler, Pa. or phone 6-5752. New cigarette paper "air-softens" every puff! Now even the paper adds to Salem's springtime freshness! each puff to give you a softer, fresher, even more flavorful smoke. NOW MORE THAN EVER THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA WANTED—KITCHEN help. Call AD 8-2064 _ RA for caterer. WAITER FOR Pht Pei. Call Lanny, AD 7-4908 after 6.00 WANTED JAZZ LOVERS to dig jazz the roost See and hear "Jazz on a Inn mer', Day" at Cathattm Theater May 11, 12 and 13 RIDERS TO capitol thstrio NY. State with luggage, IcaNing 4th June. Contact Alan Mu-,ca All 7-4266 RIDE TO Chestnut 1111 IFoit. Washington or Norristov.ii Interchange) Sunday, May 15. Call Rick UN fi-4510. TEEMS MtII.IILITHING and typing duphmats for nate Reasonable. Call AD 8.0774 after fi p m RIDER TO Los Angeles, Cslit.; levee June 9. Ca!! Juo AD 8-2353 OUTING CLUB requestii that all ski equipment he turned In at the Club office I wuter-totver). WANTED OLD il S. Coma I Indian Head Pennies. Liberty Head Nickels. etc.). Call AD 7-3702. ONE ROOM for two male stmlents, North campus. Supt. to June 1960-61. Call UN 0-5000 after 7:00 pm. DISHWASHER FOR lunch and dinner Monday through Sunday except Sunday evenings Call caterer at AD 7-4332. ROCK CLIMBING (IR ittion of MC meet- Election of officer , ,, Wed. May 11, 7 112 Buelthout Lab OVERNIGHT to be held by winter sports dp, Isom of PSOC on May 11 and 16. Why 9 Take down ski tow. Sign up at HUB desk now. JUST RELEASED 1960 State College crow Indexed do eettery $.300 plus tax. ('all Mt, G. Wagner AD 7-3380. JOBS ARE al. allable—garden, lan n and gene] al housecleaning. Regular and pa: t time nark through the mummer In cluding store nork, technical work (draft ing) and indoor and outdoor cleaning. Student Employment. BOWLERS, DATES, open alley% every nito Any tune t; 30 p m to 9 p m Also 9 to 12 pm. Raton 32c No It nittng Phone AD 8-9149 Dottntonn Dux Club 128 S l'utth MEET ME at the POW WOW, Beaver TUTORING IN German and French for course., and graduate language require ments. Call AD 8-1254 betneen 12 p.m.• 2 pm and 6 pm -7 p.m. ATTENTION JAZZ CLUB members. You eats ain't with it till you nee and hear ,".lass on a Summer's Day" at the Cathaum Theater May 11, 12, 11. It'n the most! CAMERA FANS for imaginative, in genious peetleas Photography you nmat See "tI:IZ7 on a Summer's Day" at The Cathaum Theater May 11, 12, 13. WE REPAIR and have cords—heads and supplier for all make shavers. See our line of rebuilt shavers $3 00 to 66.00 guar anteed Electric Supply Company, 216 S. Allen' St. Phone AI) 7-2062. TENNIS FANS—expert restringing and repair. Large selection of nylon and gut. Prompt service. Guaranteed satisfaction University Tennis Service, 614 E. Beaver Ase. after 6 p.m. ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing, tap toe or acrobatic leeaone. Protesttonal School of Dance. AD 84078. • ;4" Y Aep , 7(4",. , v*".7 o. „ y • . • szrz,„4 , , •!. tr 4 " . " 4 rs , '•• " • o.( st 9 sr , '444,?•••Z7'" An important break-through in Salem's research laboratories brings you this special new Rich POROSITY paper which breathes new freshness into the flavor. Each puff on a Salem draws just enough ® menthol fresh e rich tobacco taste • modern filter, too Salem refreshes your taste WANTED MISCELLANEOUS THIS COUPON AND Good toward the purchase of one lb . .; pair women's leather heel taps or , • 4 heel lifts, spike or cuban heels. Reg ular 50c value! Save 11c! Valid until May 21. 1960. While U Wait or Shop Service. 153 S. Allen Si. Whelan Building o-~+o^~~f .p sa k<,b<tl f N ~~ ~ '.'f~ , AezL ~ fits Created by It I Ileynolda Tobacco Company fresh air in through the paper to make the smoke taste even softer, fresher, more flavorful. If you've enjoyed Salem's spring time freshness before, you'll be even more pleased now. Smoke refreshed, smoke Salem! WEDNESDAY. MAY 11. 1960 COUPON ,2,A.,4i i . „ SHOE CLINIC State College, Pa Basement Level AD 8-1451 COUPON