The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, May 10, 1960, Image 8

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54 Alums
Named by University
'Distinguished Award Winners'
The Univeisny has named
51 men and three women
graduates ;is distinguished
Idurnnus award winners.
The at d l , 1,01101 \k t• begun
in 1951 and are t , ,elt tied by the
"Soma of Ttusteek, ate giver, to
have made ouh,tatl
tog I) tnent,.
Pit ,ideal Eue A Walker said
the ttuuv , r hate been cited he
cati,e their' "personal hre, pru
fesvnnal achievement, and corn
mew dy sercrce best exemphf3,
the , objerhve , , of Penn State "
Five men alumni are selected
annually for this honor by the
executive committee of the
board from a panel of candi
dates recommended by the Um
versity president.
\\ omen', al N 1 of I \\ (Ie
founded in 1958 to leconuf. and
honor an ont , tanding Pc nn Statl2
Woman of the Tent,
All (f thy avk cuds ;all' pit d
dui ink alunun lounton extto l e s
held - on thy eampws to i , t1.13. Juni ,
ecipivnts receit np
This year's awards will be
DIG MAN, DlG—Slone fall(< Dom Project received about $60,000
from the Penn State Alt, nut; Fund The pioject will be pat tinily
completed by laic Sp; me
Faculty Meml , err (et Fellowships
The John Simon Guggcoli• oo ,•miate piofe.son of geography.
memorial Foundation h as no _ who will investigate recent
fre , changes in the induso geog
flounced that four Univel , itv
aphv of Southern Italy.
1/113' members 'weio dt d thy D i. L eo IL Sommer, pmofessotj
Guggenheim Fellowship Awz4rds of ehemictly, who will study al
for 1960. tilt.ol . l' of substitution reactions
Flee11)1E4115 AVV/ e Di Ilanc A of silicon atoms: and Di Hugo
r. prof , - ,, m of metcmol- D. Weisgall. composer and visit
v.ho \+ ill , itgiv atmospho it n rworeccor of music. who will
tuibulence: Dr. Allan L Rokers, study music cornowltion.
Players present
'lnge's best" Atkinson, New York Times
Tickets on sale at HUB or door
presented June 18 to James C.
Gary, '25, administrative vice
president of raw material. U.S.
Steel Corp.; Samuel R. Hursh,
'l6, assistant vice president (re
tired) Pennsylvania Railroad;
Herbert E. Longenecker, '33,
vice president, University of
Illinois and president elect of
Tulane University; C. Lee Rum
berger, '2O, vice president for
research and quality control and ,
member of the board of direc
tors of H. J, Heinz Co., Pitts
burgh: and J. Theodore Wolfe,
'3O, president, Baltimore Gas
and Electric Co.
The University's Woman of the in 1957 Harvey B. Jordan, '17, 1
Year will be Cora M. Foster, '27 , executive vice president of U.S.,
Offer! lieutenant colonel of the Steel, Samuel F. Hinkle, '22, pres- .
Women's Army Corps Miss Fos.,ident o f Her s hey Chocolate COM-,
t er ), now a teac h er o f mat h e _pany, Fred Waring. '22, leader ofi
matics at Bellaire High School in ,The Pennsylvanians, and John R.!
Houston TE xas. Richards, '29, chancellor of the'
Other ecipients of the wornan's f-livec `" of Ore g on '
a‘‘a , d , have been in 1959 Mary The 1958 awards included Mi-'
Fl en y Keeler. '24, dean of the fac- chael Bakei, Jr., 36, president of
Michael Baker & Sons consulting,
ulty and professor of history at
engineers and in 1959 Edwin T.
Hood College, Fredet wk. Md 'and'
in 1958 Julia Gregg Brill, '2l. a AsPiundh' 'l2, chairman of the!
board, Pittsburgh Plate Glass
retried professor of English coin_ board,
George L. HalleK,
position at the University.
vice president of General Elec-
Some of the distinguished men Inci Co, and Van 11. Leichliter.'
alumnihave been Clarence G. '3O, president. American Steel and
Stoll. 03, a retired president of Wire Division, U S Steel Corp.
Western Electric. named in 1951:
George H. Deike, 'O3, Univer
sity trustee and chairman of
the board of Mine Safety Appli
ance Company, 1952; Robert W.
Ostermayer, 'l7, University
trustee and chairman of the
Alumni Fund, president of the
Pennsylvania Industrial Chem
ical Corp., 1954.
In 1955 the University named
William C. Decker, '22, presidenti
of Corning Glass Co. and David
D. Henry, '26. president of the,
University of Illinois; ni 1956 Rav i
Scott Tannehill, '23, vice presi-l i
dent of Bell Telephone Co.; andi
Standing Stone
Offers 8 Plays
For Summer
Eight plays will he presented
this summer by the Department
of Theane Ai is at the Mateer
Playhouse at Standing Stone
Classes in acting. production.
and theatre appreciation will be
'offered in mid-session in con
junction with the Playhouse pio
The dnector, Dr Max Fischer
of the American Theatre Wing
Staff. and six professional actors
!will work with the students in
( presenting the plays
The schedule for the produc-
Lilions is as follows June 20, "Vis
t to a Small Planet" by GoreVt
in!: June 27, "Middle of the
'Night" by Paddy ChavefskY; July
1 , 1, "The Gazebo" by Alec Coppel:
July 11, "A Streetcar Named De
sue" by Tennessee Williams: July
25, "Twelfth Night" by William
Shakespeare: Aug 8. "The Play
hoy of the I,Vestein World" by • J
M. Synge; Aug 15, "The Male
Animal" by James Thurber and
Elliott Nugent: and Aug. 22. "Two
for the Seesaw" by William Gib
son •
cralu.aling Sen iori .. .
Commencement Marks the Real
Beginning, not the End, -
Of Your Ties with Penn State
This Is Senior Week, May 9-14,
When Your Class Agent Will
Contact You Personally to Ask
That You Pay Your Membership
Penn State Alumni Associati©n
104 Old Main
5 ,4 %-t ,
of 1903, the entrance gate on Pollock Road was erected in 1953
and dedicated on the class' 50th reunion.
Series to Present Alum Reunions--
• •
Pianist, Folksinger (continued Iron/ page :six)
union is mailed to each class mem
ber in early March. This is fo-
Claude Frank, pianist, and lowed up in April by individual
RH hard Dyer-Bennet. folksinvr. brochures to members of each
will appear during sessions this c l ass prepare d by the class secre
year in the Artists Series summer tares, chat' men or committees.
prolo am. Local alumni from each class
Frank. described as one of the plan the individual class activi
finest and most brilliant mum- ties, parties and dinners, make
clans of his generation, will ap- the arrangements and keep
pear at 8 - 30 pm , June 30 in classmates informed by letter
Schwab. Student ticket distiibu- and brochure.
lion for his concert will begin Presentation of the 1960 Dis-
June 27 and non-student ticket tingue,hed Alumnus awards and
sales will start June 28 of the Penn State Woman of the
Dyer-Bennet, the "20th century Year award also take place at
troubadoe ) to be presented Aug. 4. these reunions.
•1 > NICE?
t VISIT DeVictor's AT
220 A S. Allen St. De Victor's AD 8.0213
University Park, Pa.