FRIDAY. MAY 6 Revie e Believe Air lights 'Prince' Ma Hig By SUSIE LINKROUM City Editor and Personnel Director make believe enveloped the Penn State's i tion of Terrence Rattigan's "The Sleeping An aura of Players' produ Prince." A sophistica takes place in t ed and e fairy 18 Sen Will L ors d Iona! Proses led by the and 18 outH yin begin the; for Class Day tomorrow{ A processional academic deans, standing seniors' program for Se to be held at 2 • in Schwab. The Rev. Sam.el Gibson will give the invocation. Throughout the program several addresses will be presented. Dr. Howard A. Cut ler, assistant to the vice presi dent for academic affairs, will speak on "The Class of 1960." Ronald Reinhart, class salutator ian, will deliver the greetings and Lois Di Joseph, class valedictor ian, will speak on "Los Fortu natos." Entertainment for the program will be provided by the Pi Beta Phi sorority quartet and the Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity quar tet. Both groups were winners of the IFC-Panhel Sing quartet com petition which was held during Greek Week. The winners of the award cate gories for outstanding seniors will not be revealed until the pro gram, when the class gift will also be announced. Theodore Hal ler, senior class president, will present the gift to Dr. Cutler. Women's and men's class honors will also be awarded during the program.. Following Class Day, a recep tion will be held on the Hetzel Union terrace. Tickets for the event, which is open to members of all classes, are available at the HUE desk. The Atereehting Commission for Business Schools, Washington, D. C, as a".lunier College of Business" The Pennsylvania State University requests the pleasure of your attendance at Saturday, the seventh of May nineteen hundred and sixty at two o'clock Schwab. Auditorium Tickets available at HUB desk May 1-7 witty comedy of romance, the play tale setting of the Carpathian Lega tion in 1911. The production, slow in getting off the ground, pro vided an enjoyable and amusing evening in the final analysis. Joel Daniels and Clairenell 'Cowan, as the Prince Regent and 'Grand Duchess, highlighted the p'rformance. Daniels was more (than convincing in his role as the romantic, debonair suitor of ,a brash American showgirl. Miss Cowan portrayed admir ;ably the gay yet scatter-brained Grand Duchess, who made her 'entrances with an elegant swish !of her hand and a swift kick of :the train of her gown in true Auntie Mame fashion. Dawn Mits. who made her first appearance with the Players, played the part of the wide-eyed and supposedly brassy showgirl. Miss Tints' ferformance, though ,not quite on a par with those of Daniels and Miss Cowan's, im 'proved during the play. Her clev er lines added greatly to her por trayal. _ Jim Andrews, as an aide to the' Regent, took the role of the' straight man. He played very !well the tolerant, sober-faced sub-! ;ordinate who must emu out his! ,master's orders no matter how ,fantastic they may be. I The costuming in "The Sleep-' ling Prince" was an outstanding feature of the production. It was ; elaborate and well-adapted to the `air of fantasy covering the plot. The Players definitely gave a smooth-running production of a (play that, because its humor de- Ipends entirely upon the deliver ance of the dialogue, could be 'very difficult to perform. No theater-goer could help but ,chuckle at the Grand Duchess, the antics of the bratty, spoiled Louisa (played by Carolin Myers) and ,the Prince Regent as he is ruffled !by the beautiful but impish and 'not-too-bright showgirl. —The male mallard, one of the most numerous of game birds, has la bright green •head and a purple I mark on the wings. PRIVATE SECRETARY AY, PRESTIGE FOR COLLEGE GIRLS Less training to your college knowledge! Let pare you for a top secretarial job in the field Loice—advertising, law, TV, medicine. Enroll L short, intensive course designed especially women. Write, come in, or call PE 5-2100 Ire. PEIRCE' SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 1420 Pine Street, Philadelphia 2, Pa. The Senior Class Senior Class Day THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA O utstan d ing , Delta_ Alpha Delta To Hold Contest I , Delta Alpha Delta, women's de n epe . n eni i b l a u t l e , s i o n e t i i e l t i t; ;u t r t a l l ll d sp i c o c i l t i r s. r i m i l o t s C an• ;test at 7 p.m. next Tuesday and 'ednesday in 2 Sparks. Announce W Any sorority or independen 4 iwomen's group or an individua coed may enter the contest. Thy Mary Ann Canter and Paul ,paiticipants will discuss the topi , Craska were named the out- "Is It Desirable for Colleges b standing senior independents Train Women for Equality in iMan's World?" at the annual Association of I The speakers will be judged by Independent Men - Leonides the varsity women debaters. Banquet last night at the Nit-! Participants must register be-i tany Lion Inn. fore 9 p.m. Monday with Sheila ; Miss Ganter's award as Out- Cohen, chairman of the contest. standing Independent Woman was awarded on the basis of her service to the University through activities. Miss Ganter served as vice president pro-tern of Leoni des this year. Craska's award as Outstanding Senior Independent Man was awarded on the basis of his serv ice to the University through out standing work in AIM. Other awards presented by AIM were the Outstanding Non- Senior Independent Man Award which went to Philip Haines, past president of the Town In dependent Men; the Athletics Award which went to Jay Wer ner, and the Scholarship Award which was presented to Arthur Furman. Other Leonides presentations were an award to a member of Leonides Council foi outstand ing work in the organization and the Leonides Honor Grant Echol arshlp. The first award was pre sented to Mary Kay Stoker, past treasurer of Leonides and incom .ing vice president. The scholarship was awarded to Patricia Hagan. a sophomore in chemistry from Erie, who was recently elected secretary of Leonides. Blaine Harvey, disk jockey of WMAJ, Ni.'aS the master of cere monies and Dr. Arthur M. Wel lington, professor of counselor education, spoke on "Independ ents and Independence." CLASSIFIEDS—RESULTS Sec BUYS 17 WORDS KODL (CROSSWORD 50. Kiss and make up DOWN 1. Longhair 2. Resorted to low humor 3. Wicker 4. The Prey 6. They're bound to spread 6. Dude, like 7. Closed 8. Oodles 9. Surpasses 17. Only Kool gives you real Menthol 18. French gal's name 20. Koola the brand for you 21. Ego's alter ego 22. Understand 25. Sizable saline solution 26. Heart penetrant 27. Homed around, but petulantly 28. City with wine in the middle 29. There's one in the titan 81. Fair, lovable chick 92. Best buy your Kools by it 33. For this you gotta reach 88. lea skinny as Sinatra 39. _ klagnani 40. June 6, 1944 43. Electrical engineers 44. He puts up antennae ACROSS I. The season for ta. head cold 6. he smoke, (It.) 10. Feel like gelatin U. Stone with New York inside 12. Den Linden's first name 13 . Fig (French) 14. lona than a gnat 25. Sweetiv's last name 16. Lots, in paper talk 18. Make a change to Kool 19. Peetery Millay 20. You need help 23. They're the last word 24. Tough knot to (lack 27. You'll ____ a rtsd rhaage with Kool 80. Alexander'', land 84. Swiftly 85. Flake out 36. Little governor 87. Mowed land 41. Museum piece 42. Description or Rod package (3 wordal 45. Raison 46. M iddkof Dinah 47. This coma soon 48. Juan, Amecbe, Cornell 49. Place ea YOU NEED THE ,AAeZtoe, 0 F Ka)L 1,13/ASNV/ 10001 you Wh ie s eh .‘t f i °u me r th f: 3 r a at clhgei k :2 1 you need a real change..e airl • Oneq, ism+ • rrIUJANSON Haw° coat. RALPH FLANAGAN SENIOR BALL Friday, May 13th 9 - I Semiformal $5 per Couple Vocalist Kay Golden El= This Week's SPECIAL R YE! RAINCOAT: Cleaned & Pressed only 99c Cleaned, Pressed & Waterproofed only $1.49 The Launderette 110 Wen College Avenue Open: 730 - 5 . 30 Daily Saturday 7:30 - 4 30 Watch for our weekly SPECIALS! cloAng - rTee • di* PAGE THREE REC HALL MERE No. 13 1111 ALSO AVAILARUE WITHOUT FILTER 6