The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, May 04, 1960, Image 8
PAGE EIGHT 1959 Grad to Explain Marine Officer Training Second Lt. John L. Witwer, U S 1V1;11 me Corps, a 1959 grad hate, will be available until Thursday to txplam the Mat the COI ps offiefq darning programs to intotc ted male students Group-, or individuals desiring to meet burn may make appoint ment:, through the Naval ROTC Unit, UN 5.7343 TREASURE HOUSE is all prepared for Mother's Day with a good selection of gifts at sensible prices to gladden the heart of your best girl. Rea & Derkk's ONE CENT SALE Going on NOW TWO for the price of ONE plus a PENNY . Rea & Derick 121 S. Allen St. • • • ** ......... • - " • • , < • ~• • ,••••••:;* - • .::NIVERSITY CREAMERY SALESR-1.0.,.."''''l ICE CREAM PASTEURIZED MILK Panofsky Receives Grant Dr Hans A. Panofsky, professor of meteorology, has been award ed a Guggenheim Fellowship to : study atmospheric turbulence at the University of Cambridge, Eng land. —Arctic foxes, with their heavy winter fur, can live comfortably in tempei atures as low as 40 be low ?Pro '• '.• CHOCOLATE MILK BUTTERMILK CREAMERY BUTTER UNIVERSITY "Grade A" Large EGGS THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA VIIOIIO . FOR SALE FOR RENT OR SA L E—Flt et) 4.1a1-3 Too ter 20 00 :IEI AS FM F:NT APA RTM ENT—E.O itable for s oho] croo , ,w. or netstork 9110 16 te male 0.11,it 01.1-, One block from milve pen k 4-r 15 00. Call AD 7-3012, Don' cartipim. Ettremely lot% rent Phone AD livrtintori ?-14745 after fit e trr inquire at rtar of YOUR CHOICE of LP from collet tion ! of 150, good condmon, man) recent— HOOM lOR four other lucky guys to . ab.o Royal Pot table ry p‘‘ riterl share nn air euntlitionta bungalow tiutually 1,1 and new— large flourcs-Idurlng ,urnme r Call AD 1.-071 , 15, Larry. cent Dick Lamp —316 . e 3-It'l e '- /I ' 4l Set I FURNISHED APARTMENT 3 rooms, Will sell as unit or sepal ately Mike i bath. garage; next to Golf Cour-e $:7600. AD 7-2110, 117 N Atherton, aid floor Cl;al AD ~( }$, ,K . , aft,, 536 p.m :41 IT MA RLETTE, 2 bcdroom Trnilm,, FIRST FLOOR, set en room fin n tidied with patio located nn huge, beautifully ;low ttnent, half oc from landscaped lot )nti,,,,, fm-,,,bings In- four tir fitt student bl s, k Ay lidoble campus June. 'i hided - 17" TV, "'Y chair, huge "g AD F-91:28 Al) 8-5210 BA ItGA INS IN BOOK at Bello ß S Schlow Au, Call AD:..1. ,, j0 OOMS FOR climber sessions 207 ET. ---- Park Memorial LIM ary , 222 Ni, est College AY e Rook sale, May 2-7. LIVING ()DAM ERS suitable for one or — 1 two in Metzger Building offering spa -1057 ONE bedroom Irwin, excellent eon• ditlon, nice shaded lot. ottlit) building, 1011 trees of State CLlktre u ith emphasis on Corner Room and Bunn's Barber Shop other tND /Is. Scott Schreffle is Al) E-03514 Mailable for all summer sessions. Call weekdays. _ :A D 8-6081. GIRL'S LIGHTWEIGHT . S. h " inn ith s ' Ie :MEV:LER APARTMENT for rent from 1 with ircur,hif t. Call AD :3-2242 after: p m 1 June 6 to Sept 2 with option on nest fall If &siren call AD F-171414 M0131L1::116M1C27 - 7t. American, one ' A PA RTMF.NT FOR RENT: furrlished 3 bedroom, complete bath. kitchen and' rtioni, shover-bath, washer and dryer. hy mg room, Excellent condition. Must sell Maiiied student couple only, $65/mo. Call AD S-1229 _ _ ,AD 7.3559 ONLY 3300 SEATS left "The Sleeping THREE MAN Metzger apaitment for sum- Prince," Schwab Auditorium, May 5,6, , , mer : flu inshed Call AD 0-2302. 7. Mother's Day weekend. ENGLISH RACER,exrellent «mdmon, METZ(;ER APARTMF.NT for rent June. July. August. There furnii,heil rooms, fully equipped $35 Call Arthur Brandon bath,i cooking Call AD t.-1031. UN 5-5961 after 4:30. 19b0 MANUHRIN motor scooter. 16-inchrSINLLE ROOM Sit a month for sum wheels, automatic transmission, 134: mei. 125 Cast Nittany, , econd floor. See m P g., good condition, V. indshi.A. SM.: John AD 0-0772 UN 6-Gl2O. :MODERN APARTMENT for married grad student or faculo . sub-let for bummer. 111 El—graduating senior e. 3 to sell his set. features: VM automatic changer 'May be seen by amointment. AD 7.3296 with diamond, 10 Watt thommeq Amp, ROOMS AVAILABLE Mother's Day. Call large mahogany floor model speakei set Mrs, Coo AD 7-050. gi‘e good mice Call AD 7-7006 !COMFORTABLE MODERATE rate accorm COMPLETE SET of golf clubs, good con- modations pith vrtiate bath or running damn. Inquire at Golf Shop. water. Colonial lintel, 123 W Nittany Ave., POTTED PLANTS beautify a islndow or State College AD 7-4050 or AD 7-7797 the interior of a room. Why not select FOR RENT—tAto double rooms for male se‘tral plants for your suite or dorm, students: prkate bath. m‘n telephone, from a large variety primed as low a, 19e Ornate entrance, (tee parking: three blocks front 0 IN, flouts and Son, Inc., State {tom campus, June • September. Call Cu AD S-0:108. CONIES easier ,hen using LOST ()Imlay Grumbacher Alt Supplies. Every thing for the lutist: V!, cash and carry DARK BROWN glasses, Theta Xi Sat. dn.count. Sate today at 0. W. Hoots and, night Mas be in your coat pocket Please Son Inc., Stale College. look and rail Kim UN 5-22b4 - - NEED TROPHIES? You name it-1 base,SUEDE JACKET in Forest Building over it Plain or engraved. Big discounts i April 23),1 weekend. Reward. Please Ounk service. Phone AD 7-7461 after fi call AD 64150 Catalog. available. Sam Troutmnn's' DOTI 3 I KE—Siolen I( x cle—minn's black ifrophy-Novelty Shop ' English "R ridge" Qe nal no 67647-0 L '3t BUICK Slcvlark ton,erttble, londtd, deft code of frArne beneath saddle). $6OO 1 excellent condition. Call AD 7-3908 after Tea ni d for return or information leading 5 30. ,to return. Call Bob Thornle% UN 5-4969. FOR RENT BLACK LEATHER Witold. keen money. need other contents urgcntl3. Call Jim Craw. AD 7-71 , 51. !SINGLE AND double room for Mother's I Day Wephenil.•Call Al) 7-421 t. RIDE WANTED :THE NICEST APARTMENT HI town, for' mummer Newly built, m.tern dwogn, COOO GRIEF GorrA GET HUTA HERE ' free parking. Call AD 7-3296. Need me Fri Mai, 13 to APARTMENT FOR TWO - - kitchen, .N(%% k ll m al n ra UN 5 - I‘ . l ( azi rood, New room, utilitieq-152 mon lhly , near cam pus AD 7-31ik6 WANTED 1-MAN House-It pe Apartment for tint. completely futnished Ateuliitle in June MEN AND Women' lord Engln , ll type Apply 310 W 14,11% rr Atr M0re1.... Call 11. 9-250 7-11 p.m .....;;•; ::::*.......1 THURSDAY, MAY 5 COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS , . . 14 •••• • .• • . . . ..... ... ••••••• „.: p • .• ••• BRICK CHEESE OZM=I TRAPPIST CHEESE CHEDAR CHEESE COTTAGE CHEESE WEDNESDAY. MAY A. Ilcas WANTED EIGHTEEN PEOPLE to tiyn Mu, t In EE. Iluilainu Lobby beim( Friday for EE 31 & 32 this 'summer. TO BUY—Small net of lifting weights (Barbell and weights 1. Call U Betake UN 5-63.3 f.. WANTED OLD US. Coins Indian jlvxd Pennies. Liberty }lead NIll(CIP. (h.). Call AD 7-3702. TUTORING IN German ana French for courseq and gi actuate language rekiiiire merits. Call All 8-1254 betnecn 12 p in.. 2 p.m. HIM 5 Pm-7 P.m. THESIS MUL/TILITHING and duplanaN for gale. Reasonable AD 8-0774 after ti WANTED RIDERS from PittAbingh to PSU, Friday May 13, retain Sunday Mu) 15. Cull 'loge! Battle liN 6-w2. ROCK AND ROLL Rand for May 14 or 21. Must be reasonably nosey. AD 7-057 ask for 80. ONE BOOM for two male students. North campus Sept. to June 19611-61. Call UN 5-5000 after 5:00 p rn. DISHIVASHER FOR lunch and dinner :Monday through Sunday except Sunday eventngl. Call caterer at AD 7-4332. MISCELLANEOUS SHE WAS pure Eta snore tilt the drifted— into a Carpathian Cabtle. "The Sleeting Prince" May 6,6, 7. I3A Rt.; AINS IN books at Rclla Si P. hloor hlernorial Library, 222 'W. College. Look .tale Nay 2 to 7 DIN ET ATE at the POW W OW, Newer A,enue BOWLERS. DATES. open 1:11/ 34: exert' mte any time 6.30 p In. ill 4 11 m Also 9 to I 2 p m In les 32e No mailing. Phone AD 8-9140. Downtown Dux CIA. 120 S. Pugh IA E REPAIR and have 4,0111 S, heads , and 'implies for all make x.halt i 6. Ft-c our line of irhuit shin ei s. $3 00 to $e CO. Guaranteed Electric .Supply Corni , t,ny 210 S Allen. Phone AD 7-2062 OPPORTUNITY FOR summer livltt vkork for loom. Call AD 7-7702. SHE WAS only the prince's girl, tint ehe could hiindle hei dukes—" The Sloping Prince" • WILL WATCH child in my home, prvfer age 3 to 5. Call AD R-10157. DENR MARY • When Pm I‘ith you • relaxed Your , in tranninlity, "The Sleeping Prince" May 5,5, 7 TENNIS FANS—expert restringing and repair. Large selection of nylon and aut. ,Prompt service. Guaranteed satisfaction. Unhersity Tennis Service, 614 E Beaver AS.P. after 6 p.m. ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing, tam toe or acrobatic lessons. Profeesional School of Dance. AD 8-1078. ROOM St BOARD MAKE RESERVATIONS for fall Centre.. ter nt Marilyn Hall, 317 E. Hewer. Reservations also being taken fur sill summer sesstons. Board or room and tonrd to fill vacancies for balance of remfater. ROOMS WITHOUT board 220 R S. Allen Stieet. Ask for Mis. Ninakey at 317 K. Heaver. • . 4.