The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, May 04, 1960, Image 6

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: edenk Juggles
For Game With
Penn State will have to use
a patched up infield today
when the Lions try to break a
three-game losing streak
against Bucknell at Beaver
Field at 3 30.
Injuries to Don Robinson and
Bo» Brobak coupled with Larry
Ye );ley's measles left Joc Bedenk
shorthanded and as a result the
Lion mentor will have to go with
two not' led sophs at !..hott and
Fi cowl
Bedenk said that Bill Buten
would start at second in place of
Ft glee, State's top hitter, and Bill
ltuikhart will play in I frobak's
•,hnrtslnp position
Fegley came up with the mea
sles following State's weekend
road trip to Rutgers and La
fayette and Hrobak has been
hobbling around on an infected
toe since Sunday.
fiedenk caul that 1-Itohak would
:Radable, though in case of an
f flit 1'71E11( V.
Mow had new , . wa , , received
(-on day when the Lion coach
ne d that R01)0160/1 would be
.Jdohned this ,, weeks With A ft tic
( I.l.lmne,
The little :mph, who had done a Jim SuPlillo in left, Tom Durbin
piial lob 'uhhing for Dick Landic in tenter and Zeke DeLong In
at th u d. «a,4 hit by a wic k e d 'right
wound ball in practice Monday Hairy Beans. a .360 hitter, will
and N-I.l'.'r reN paled the fracture catch hig lighthancier Marlin Bie-
'1 i , lel daN
I.andi , ,, who mv,k,ed the George- losing to Lafayette Friday.
town trip 10 &it c ago after being Bucknell has been having
lut in the mouth by a grounder, troubles this year due to poor
tell! t at thn d today and Bill fiel d i n g and inexperience.
Benton will be the fit st baseman Twenty sophomores are listed
Benton is one of State's most on the Bison rosier and they've
consistent hitters and has a .280 been making plenty of mistakes.
batting average. He's leading Tommy Thompson. Bushnell
—Plat mar oic ht
iekterilas's ftelults
Red s, v.,
, Yaliket 10 1 • W.1., 3
National League
W. L. Pd.
Pitt ,, bot ith _ _ 12 4 .750
San I. Itillt1:•( , / 11 5 558
Ws. soare .571
'St [awl , . _ 0 7 533
• -I,lr, 'welt , . S .500
PhMitit Mina ___ 0 11 353
( ho lig. _ 5 11 .313
INnhll 5 11 .313
CHICAGO tit') ---- Rookie outfielder Ken Walters' first; " tt ,„ ;un ,,
mayor league home run, a drive over the left field screen
itraso3 l 2l ' ' ip ' ; l iil rain
with one out in the ninth, cat ried the Philadelphia Philliesl Probable Pitc
Ameritan Leagu ers
to a 10-9 victory over the Chicago Cubs yesterday. Dtleort, La) i 1.1 i at Now York. Short
The victory enabled the Phillies to smash a six game. „ (:)t , ,, , ,..r. 1 1 -11 at Baltimore, Pap.
('let eland, Litman 10-0/ WaAllagtoa
losing streak and gave them a -
split in the bobtailed series Pascual 11-31 maht ' kfiii‘as ,1.0) at tiw,ton, Brew
Ii was an-hill triu mphumPh for Dodgers Lose ).
the Phillirs, who bad to (welcome
a 5-0 deficit to gain their sixth • •
vletory in the season'sfirst 17 F ather Craig
Fames Seth Morehead, forme' lv
a pitcher for the Pinnies, served nu
"gnphei" to Walters
,lack Meyer, second of three. 2 Months
Philadelphia pitchets, held
cobc to three hits over a five to ;Roger Claw, a hey man in pitch-r,
nmv 'p an t o earn h is f irs t v i ctory ing the Dodg,eis into the World,
of the season Seues last ;\ cm - , is out of action)
for two months
Dr. Robert Kerland, club phy-i
sician, said Craig suffered a frac-1
tined collarbone when he collided!
with Vada Pinson of the Cincinl
nati Reds Monday night.
Vice President E J. Bunie,
Bavasi wired National League,
Pic Warren Giles, asking
!that Craig he placed on the chc.!
abled list If gi anted, this would,
reduce the Dodo el roster to 27.1
just two over the linnt for the
,legular season.
Bavasi made no move to replace,
Craig on the ioster.
Craig was knocked head over ,
;heels by Pinson in the eighth in-,
Ming. Pinson was In mg to score'
from third.
Craig tagged out Pinson and!
!managed to hold onto the ball But I
;after three pitches. Craig had to]
deave the game
Faulty fielding which led to five,
:unearned Cincinnati runs and a 6-
, 5 Redleg triumph cost Craig the
game and gave him a 1-1 record
for the season.
Win on
NEW YORK ( 2 1't --Bill Skow
nn Roner Mails and pinch hit
let Hadley hammered home
°tint, and Art Ditmar and Ryne
Dwell turned in fine relief oer
_rot nwnees as the New York Yan
-1•« inflicted the seventh straight
dt.ftlat upon the f) ,, ttoit Tigers
It iday, 10.3
Foil! Tiger pitcheiN were vic
lois of the Yankeis' 14-hit attack
v.'l , ch included three double:, and
a triple besicl , -; the three home
/tins. Skowron. hottest New York
hitter with a 458 batting average.
I , ad a double hes - Ides his fifth
four-bagger of the seznon which
I iPd him for the leatme lead with
Cleveland's Noodle field
Don Mossi. veteran left-hander
who whipped the Yankees six
films in eight decisions last year.
hole the - taunt of the Yankee at
'BOSTON (.4) Norm Siebern'si
throwing viz - or on a 10th inning.
bt.nt by Pete Runnels lct m the;
winnina inn yesterday as Boston;
edf.rd Kansa% City. 4-3.
Shortstop Don Buddin scored:
in-ni second base
Runnels dragued a bunt down
lbe first base line and Siebern:
clovtd in to field it. The bespee-•
I,lcled A's infielder set for his !obi
By ow with plenty of time but:
overchot Jerry Lumpe who was
coverine! the bag.
Buddm doubled off loser
Boa Daley to open the Red Sox
* * *
ei 5r41,4,
* * *
the learn in homers with two
and has been playing good de
fensive ball.
In the outfield Bedenk will use
seeker %% ho has a 2-1 record after
New York
Home Runs
Ed Mort:n. currently aiming for
a spot on the U.S. Olympic team,
holds two Penn State track rec
Swordfish Steak
baked in butter
basketball captain and the Bison's
top pitcher, will probably get the
starting assignment against the
Thompson didn't have luck
against State last year, losing 2-1
at Lewisburg after being knocked
from the box in an earlier game
Against common opponents, the
Bisons have lost to Georgetown,
Lafayette, and Colgate while beat
ing Gettysburg. State beat
Georgetown and Gettysburg, but
lost to Colgate and Lafayette.
The Lions will close out their
short homestand Saturday when
Maryland comes to Beaver
for a single game.
Peg lov 44 20 .454 Durbin 19 4 210
501 , 111.10 22 5 161 Adana 10 2 .200
Iteighey 11 4 101 hoehman 82 4 .125
ilenns 25 9 360 111-01,0-9 42 6 .119
lien ton 25 7 2!•31 Phill Ips 27 1 .111
Ji.loll. 14 3 .2il Im mire 23 1 04'1
Del ong 50 I. 222
Dm tlin 2 0 1.1 e'er 0 0
I Illeko cher 2 1 Itentze) 0 0
I kilda 2 4
133 The A ~ nein fed Preps
A mertran League
W. L. Pet.
7 5 .5`3
7 6 .653
7 6 .553
6 .571
6 .500
7 .417
5 7 4)7
5 .957
\ -Cie% ida !Id
t‘.l, _
Ort rat
-441,11}(kt , on
( tty
National League
Pitt.burrch. I i lend 3.0 t or Witt (04H
at Ulm ago, 1. 11,,, nth 10-01
\filt,ankt , e, Hula tl-I(at Los AngeirE:
Podre, I nwht
Cincinnati 1-t‘h tO-21at San Fran-I
Li ,a Sanford 12.01
Phtladrlphtn, Itki h. edt tO-2) at St
Lotus, (itiAnn 10.01 nig ht.
Atlanta, Chicago Granted
New AFL Franchises
NEW YORK 0 1 ) Atlanta and
Chicago have been granted the
,ninth and tenth franchises in the
!American Football League, Harry
IWismer said yesterday. He is pres
ident of the New York Titans of
!the league and also is chairman
,of the AFL's Expansion Commit
Wismer said that the Chicago
team definitely would play in
1961 and that the Atlanta fran
chise might get into action at
that time if Georgia Tech's Grant
Field could be obtained for the
Atlanta's new stadium is ex
pected to be completed in time
for 1962.
---------- ---
Frosh Nine to Play
The Penn t'tate freshman base
ball team will go after its thud
straight win of the season tocire
when they meet the Buckncl'
rosh at Lewisburg.
Times "Witty"
Herald .... "Wonderful"
Mirror "Whimsical"
Froth - - "Bletch"
8 p.m.
Thursday - Friday - Saturday
Linn A
--Grandstand Views
4 A'' 4 , 1
` ~ -j~:y
Room 235 Rec Hall looks the same as any other coach's
office except for a big poster on the door:
Opportunity for travel; see the best basketball teams in
the country; entertainment and laughs provided at post-game
wakes; inquire within, signed John Egli, booking agent,
basketball coach, entertainer, embalmer, etc
Alongside the poster is Penn State's 1960-61 basketball
schedule which is going to be about as enjoyable as a stroll
up Mt. Suribachi without a rifle.
The Lions will play 24 games, 16 on the road and 8 at
home, and some of the toughest teams in the country will
provide the opposition on the road!
where State has trouble beating, Lions
opened and lost to Noith
!Carolina State, Purdue and West
even mediocre teams. Virginia in their first three games.
As if that's not bad enough, !
Egli's boys never recovered
Egli certainly doesn't have the , fr om those losses and as a re , ,ult
manpower to cope with the ; their confidence was shattered
likes of Maryland, Duke, Wake 'for the test of the season.
Forest, West Virginia,
.Army, ; Just how Egli can prevent a
Navy, Denver and Evansville on !recurrence is going to be one of
foreign soil. All he's got are !the toughest problems he's run
Mark DuMars and Gene Harris,
:into since he started coaching.
the only two ballplayers who i
Barring a major miracle, the
I really belong on the same floor
'Lions probably will be 1-5 after
with those teams.
:their first six games.
,In addition, Egli must play; They open on the road with
arch-rival Syracuse twice at the Maryland, return home to play
Onandoga War Memorial, a grave-
Purdue with Terry Dischinger,
yard for Lion basketball teams.
:and then take to the road again
The reason, "it's just a favor with.for a game at Lehigh, the only
,no strings attached," said orle,one they really have a good
State athletic official yesterday.'thance to win.
After a long look at the
monstrosity conjured up by the
Rec Hall rulers who think of
nothing but the dollar sign be
cause they have to atone for
past bloopers, one begins to
wonder when basketball is going
to get a decent break and a
chance to get on its feet again
1990-01 isn't going to be the}
year, that's for sure, but two
years from now things could start}
changing if Egli gets some of the
boys he's been after since the
end of the season.
- - ,
Fellows like 6-10 Scott Fergu-'able lesson too, but as one Air
son, one of the hottest prep school,Force Academy Athletic Official
players in the country from St.,'
said in Sports Illustrated, "Our
Kart: objective is development of guts,
Francis prep near Itroik, Ulo
,aggre , ,siveness and the desire to
a 6-8 rebounder from Bridgeton,.
win. In a national emergency we
N.J , and 6-7 Bob Watson from;
can't afford good losers."
Bethel, Pa. will give Egli a solid'
l There's a very good point to
nucleus but he's not sure they'll , be taken from that statement.
be coming here.
I Around here, the sad fact is
/It the meantime, Egli needs that the Penn State basketball
something to bridge the gap—if team has a defeatist altitude
there's going to be one at all—
because of the ridiculous sched
buat.t the schedule makers forgot )
ules it has been subjected to in
i . past years.
The answer isn't to make the I The players give everything
schedule a pushover so the ;they have 100 per cent of the time,
Lions could coast home with a and they manage to beat the
winning season over mediocre iGettysburgs, Lchighs and Euck-
Iteams, but at least they could rells but when it comes to West
Ihave been given a fighting Virginia, Navy or Temple it's a
chance. !different story.
The way things look now, Penn' The answer is simple. If the
State's going to find itself lickediadministration wants a schedule
before it starts. The same thing like next year's, it should give
h a p p e n e d this year when theiEgli enough financial help to cope
with it. if not, then fill the sched
lule up with teams of State's call-
American Cage Loop her and give the players a chance
Schedules First Meeting Ito develop some pride in them-
CHICAGO (UP) The newly ; : selves.
The ashedole• Dec. 1, at Maryland: 3,
organized American Basketball ( ~ ,,,tuf, . 5. at Lchtgh• 9-10 Charlotte Tour.
'League will meet here Satuiday;t4 ) " ,, ,,7 ` :.P"kz: 2 \ - V : 2 ,1 a k va / r n V c a., h i fi k I ; r 7„7, t ifi )
to discuss final plans for openingk r 4 nt I;::%a e r:s i vil : lc, Denier. LA. Statel ;
play in the 1960-61 season. 'Jan 5. Colgate; 7, Carnegie Tech: Ilk at
. The meeting was called by act- {Feb.ttluck n 4 c , 11, 12, at. Gettysburg; 14, at At my :
at Nai•e; 7, Bicknell; 11, P2lls.
ing president, Abe Sanersteinjhurgh: 14. at West Virginia: 17, at co.
owner-coach of the independent 125, at
Harlem Globetrotters, 11 1 4 , . n a v t ,i). S r y st rrus 2 e 8 : 21, West Virginia;
Temple, March 1,
at Carnegie Tech: 4, Rutgers,
Camp Conrad Weiser, Reading, Pennsylvania
will interview men for positions as heads of
a. Waterfront (Red Cross instructorship)
b. Music (piano experience)
Interviews to be held on
Wednesday, May 4, 1960, in the morning
Sign up in advance for an appointment at
Student Employment Service, 112 Old Main
Cage Schedule
Is Plenty Tough
By Sandy Path!,
Collegian Sports Editor
After that it's the Charlotte
Tournament with Duke, Wake
Forest and West Virginia, fol
lowed by one of the games at
Syracuse. Then comes t h e
Evansville tournament,
No, winning isn't everything.
There's a lot more a person and
a team can get out of sports and
the athlete should be the one to
benefit despite any University's
gaping pocketbook.
Sports should teach the com
petitor the will to win and how
to be a gracious winner.
Being a good loser is a valu-