The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, May 04, 1960, Image 5
WEDNESDAY, MAY i 4, 1960 Spring Week 1960 NAPKINS AND CHICKEN WIRE plus plenty of hard labor are the essence of every good float, but the long hours of hard work often seem worth it in the end. SATURDAY EVENING 5:30 P.M.—All seems to be in order if only the rain will hold off until it's all over. FASTER EVER FASTER—The 50-yard dash was one of the featured events for the title of Queen of Hearts. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANi,. FINALLY THE BIG NIGHT ARRlVES—Carnival provides fun for all, those who participate in it and those who just go to enjoy it. 4t :P r *. 1 '‘i E 4+) it drawing cards as beamed the MOMENT OF GLORY for Sigma Sigma Sigma and Theta Delta Chi as Walter Kaplan, Spring Week chairman, presents them with the over-all trophy. in Review THE OLYMPICS—PENN STATE STYLE—Straining muscles and pinpoint passing told the story in this year's He-Man contest. Spring Week ended last night amidst the cheers and songs of the smiling winners. The long hours of prepara tion and presentation are over for another year. The float parade was one of the most colorful and noisy in recent years. Fantasy and imagination were used to the fullest extent in fulfilling the theme of "Once Upon a Time." The Spring Week Carnival went off without a hitch, and chilled customers refused to have their spirits dampened by the threat of rain. From 7 p m. until mid-- night, students and townspeople left their daily cares behind and enjoyed themselves. In all it was a successful Spring Week filled with those little events to make it interesting, from the mysterious disappearance and return of "Mother" Goose,"to the little boy whose mother had "wandered away" and left him alone at the carnival. Photo Feature by Rick Bower, Marty Scherr, and John Beauge ~ Y ~ • F'~. PAGE FIVE