The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, May 04, 1960, Image 2
PAGE TWO Men's Orientation Board Favors Christmas Cut To Center in Dorms , The Sophomore Class Advisory Board repeated the decision of The 1960 Men's Orientation Program will be centered in SCA and recommended that the , Christmas vacation be shortened the iesidence hails with three student counselors assigned to two days at their meeting Sunday a unit,_James Ettelson, student chairman of the program, said. 'night, In the past, muscling meetings have been held in class- Twenty-two members voted !for the two-day removal from the rooms. Christmas vacation and 1G mem- Freshmen and transfer students wilt he grouped together bE,.._iso f t} were in f a vor removal because the committee feels that of the free day before final ex the information applies to all new:ammations students. _ In other business, the Lion suit Alumni Fund Establishes Loan Plan An emergency loan fund, designed to help graduate! students meet last minute ex..' penses of graduation, has been set up as a special project' within the Alumni Fund. The fund has accumulated $2OOO hom contributions of Grad uate School alumni who have re ceived thou bachelol's degrees at other college, or universities. Loans will be made on a short term basis. "Tt►e red-tape of loaning money has been cut out to permit funds it o be adminis tered quickly," Robert Beam, di rector of the Alumni Fond, said. The fund will he administered by ll.unld K Schilling, dean of the Graduate School. A graduate student may apply for loans through his advisor, who will make a recommendation on the request to Schilling Ci actuate students often find unexpected expenses such as un usual thesis typing costs, job in terview travel and cap and gown rental which are difficult to meet when the%—anse near graduation, 13eam said Loan, V, ill b{ }united to $2OO and there Witt be no interest chat tte if they ate paed plorapt lw, he said. Senior Advisory Board App ations for Senior Cla , ,s' v Boat d will be available today tin outili Saturday at the Unlon deslx, The applica hon. are ali.o to be a ctunied to HUB desk THE TAVERN RESTAURANT Wishes to announce that it will be open to serve you on Mother's Day, May 8, from 11 A.M. to 7 P.M. tHE DAILT WLLtGIAN. STATE cx..n.LEUc rENN,TLVANtA Ettelson said the residence hall committee iepoited that there counselors will continue in Their Ihas been $750 collected for the present function of explaining new suit. Since $l3OO is needed dormitory government an d before the lion suit can be or regulations. ,dered, the board suggested that The student counselors will ex—any campus organization which' plain the academic, social and plans to contribute to the fund.' extracurricular activities at theishould send its money as soon as University. Each will be assigned:p oss ibl e , an average of 20 men. I The board also announced that Instead of merely pointing out --- applications for the Sophomore the mechanics of campus activi - iClass Advisory Board Scholar cuss the "why's and wherefore's ties, Ettelson said. they will di3-• shin will be available until the of pal ticipation." )end of the semester. The new program is based on' the one employed 'in the past by• 'll/ Film to Fie Shown the women's orientation commit- { "Riot in East Berlin." a "Twen lee. tieth Century" television show A two-session training program film, will be shown at 10 a.m. will acquaint the counselors with:and 1:15 p.m today in the Hetzel 'the changes and new policies for union assembly room: of ientation. I The film is presented as a pub- Invited to apply for counsel- I Admission . free.dep ing positions have been hatmen, de i the Town service Itien men on the fall semester dean's nt men. hy list, fraternity men with a 2.5 , I I average or better and men se- I lected by the residence hall 'I counselors. Ettelson and his ,1 committee will screen the appli cations this weekend and noti fy the men selected by mail. About 180 men will be chosen /1 to counsel. Members of the men's orienta-. Ilion committee and their respec-'• !titre areas of responsibility are jEttelson, chairman; Jack Crosby., !Pollock Hails; Steve Brown, Nit tang Halls; Art Schneider, West, ,Hall; and Ecigat Grubb, North' CATHAUM NOW SHOWING eal: 12:45, 2:52, 4:59, 7:13, 9:30 LATskisnip7i. /1,1 p-ry;\ ‘ltionvihr D , rve HUSTON Pi: < )) tEcsoecotOit• 'A4 Partite Drive-1n Theatre ROI TE SJS BETWEEN STATE COLLEGE and BELLEFONTE WED.. THURS.. FRI., SAT. "Goliath and the Barbarian" Ste‘e Bee%es • Ilruce Cabot "1001 ARABIAN NIGHTS" A Fall-length Animated Feature Stairing the Near-sighted Mr. Magoo SHOE CLINIC Shoes Properly Rebuilt and Repaired. Orthopedic Prescriptions Filled. Arch Supports and Foot Remedies. Phone ADams 8-1451 Basement Level 153 S. Allen St. State College, Pa. RALPH FLANAGAN SENIOR BALL Friday, May 13th P- 1 Semiformal $5 per Couple Vocalist Kay Golden REC HALL Awards-- Sigma Alpha Eta Admits T New Members (Continued from Page One) } Three Gamma and Sigma Alpha Epsi- Three new members were ini lon; Ardyth Phillips, Alpha Del-, tinted into Sigma Alpha Eta, to Pi and Phi Sigma Kappa. speech and hearing honorary so- The four who placed for the He iciety. They are Sally Fowler, Sal- Man title after top winner An-1Y Leight, and Laura Spielvogel. thony Wayne are: Robert Newly elected officers are Mar ger. Sigma Alpha Epsilon and garet Welch, president; Sa/ly Delta Gamma; Paul Bohan, Phi Fowler, vice president; Marilee Kappa Tau and Alpha Phi; James Grabill, treasurer; Sally Leight, Kerr. Lambda Chi Alpha and Sig-lrecording secretary, Helen Davis, ma Delta Tau; and Eugene Rin-;corresponding secretary and Lau .ltus. West Halls Ira Spielvogel, member-at-large Five trophies went to they groups sponsoring teams which placed in the team events, First place went to Delta Gamma and Sigma Alpha Epsilon; second place to Delta Upsilon; and third to Kappa Kappa Gamma and Al pha Sigma Phi. AIM placed fourth and Alpha Omicron Pi and Phi Kappa Psi and Alpha Phi and Phi Kappa Tau tied for fifth place, —Winds un to 200 miles an hour make Comrnnnwealth Bay in Antarctica the windiest spot in the world. at MORRELL'S Oven-hot delivery too, With a selection of toppings pepperoni ground beef hot aausago onion rings mushrooms frankfurters Delivery 9.12 AD 8.8381 * NITTANY * BEGINS THURSDAY STARTLING ! "AREAS DR. KINSEY NEVER REACHED" L A. Examiner FILMED BY 17 CAMERAMEN AROUND r ")RI br CITATION, Ph otographed in MKS, INC. ' Nature Color lit•Uosed Strange love customs in many strange lands! DOORS OPEN 6 P.M. a Feature: 6:39. 8:04, 9:32 ENDS TODAY Edmond O'Brien "THE THIRD VOICE" WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, h...... AUTHENTIC !