PAGE EIGHT Senior Day (Grad Students q It,,r Offered Posts 't A As Counselors et,ical EC/ k I ` - ' , l- 41:or Cl;k,o-' lu~h U htld tu rr, MIZE 111 1 , ;1!(. nwo: availat)le at 1)), , rmon voiding to :11;tliin cli:III Inan TILLI l'• '‘ ill Li Vtvt n out on a fit t (tune lit tA-cr , i t.'( , (l 1);!;..4:4, v.ith a 'molt of tilt( f• Ili kcly to a pr r- "A II hottelt this tti Senior Cl,e;-, Dts , It v.lll not lw e10 , ,01 to oth t It :il'u he stz e-sed th—t »i Ittlent , nt t•tling tnote than thtt.t• tickets for a family rna‘ - ha have thc•th," Voting for the 18 outstanding r.emois has taken place and the innils have hi notified. The 111 not he disclosed until the nine men and nine women walk dOWn ue the prneessronal dr icetly behind the academic dean. he said The r lass gift also has he en chosen hut only the gift efimmittee has h( 4.11 notified about the Imal selection, Leshner said A icception following the Class Day (1 . 1 I. monic , , will be held on the fast floor lei race of the 1 lUtl In case of rain, the event IA ill he held in the 1 1 118 Alembets of S , r oils. ...emoi women's hat so v, will .4'l\ ho , tesm.";, he stied --The population of Ontario has inuea , aicl 50 per cent i,ince the end el Writ Id War If. Factory Authorized VOLKSWAGEN Salto—farts—Service New 'FO Deluxe Sedan 31625 WYNO SALES CO. 1960 E Third St Williamsport. Pa. Phone 3.4683 WREN YOU GRADUATE THE WORLD IS YOURS Provided you have the training to qualify yourself for a position in America's ever-expanding foreign trade THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE FOR FOREIGN TRADE Phoenix, Arizona Can provide you this training Sign up for an interview A Representative will visit the University Placement Service on FRIDAY, MAY 6 9 A.M. to 4_.P.M. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA I't t sent temol women v. ho wi.,11 The FAT O'C',ock Theatre willi 4 0 do graduate w , o k at th e f tent "That Time of Day" itv ale hung offered the op _ ten t.v DaVid Raher, graduate stu pottuntty of a work-study pro- dt nttheatre arts from New to am as le: idenec hall counselor Yolk, N, today in the Little:, Theatre in the basement of Old'lfuph Dackan staff a‘ , .sis- „,, tant to the dean of women, ism The play k being directed by, , haigt of interviewing for these Roxanne Walton, giaduate stu ositions. 'dent in theatre ruts from Hat- Rtsident counftelois have bozo, and concerns the actions of upervisory, counselling and pro- members of a ballet company .ciarn responsibilities in each of touring the continent, the residence halls after 5p m The part of Yura Kazian will ,under next fall's new set-up be played by Robert Jervis, soph- As a full time graduate staff omore in secondary education employe, a student may take six from Factoiyville, and Donna credits per semester toward work Adams, senior in arts and letters on a maters or doctorate degree. from Altoona, will play the part As a student on three-quarter of Flore de Lenau Barbara Lem time she could take eight credits mon, fieshman in arts and letters per semester. or 10 credits on'from Coatsville, will play the part half-time, 'of Flore's mother, Enid de Lenau There comes a time in every student's life WHEN HE: . • falls in love . • almost flunks out • needs new sneaks • must visit the All American RATHSKELLER + CLASSIFIEDS + FOR SALE 1'057 ONF brthoom Ii Ftller, eNk.ellent eon- dit.oo. Tiler , hurled lot: tit thr % butltling. other e.‘t 1 col Scott Schl of let s AD 16-035 h (,110,'S LII,IIIIVEII.IIT Sella inn Bicycle with utal , hift. Call Al) t.-2242 after fi p ur A Kt' Rh - A.l:ll'En Fr) •cater pup , . 'Win al 111,111t141 14{1111e hunters Phone UN 54755. MOBILE HOME, 21 H. Ameucan, one Led slum, complete bath. kitchen and lit ink loom. Excellent condition. Must sell AD N-1224. ONLY MO SEATS left. "The Sleeping Prince," Selmah Auditorium, May a. a, 7, Mothet', Day ueeltend, ENGLISH RACER excellent condihon fully equipped $35 Call Au thur Brandon liN 6.5061 after 4 30 1'49 MA NUHRIN motor ticootri . 16• inch is beds, rink/m:lin. ten tn. niiclion, 134 good condition, is indsh add. $2OO. UN 5.6120 11 I'l—terminating , emor Lu shes to adl his art. Feature, V M automata, changer n tth diamond, 10 AVatt C rummer Amp. see mahogany floor model sneaker set. e good prier Call AD 7-70 C. 11 , 55 STEWART Trailer S a 45; 2 bed rooms, t t o m b to bath, w tonht r. Jalousie .6% intlow s. thermostat controlled heat. Phone AD S-ItiO,S C()NIPLETE SI•.T of golf clvd.m, good eon- dition. Impute at Golf Shop. POTTED PLANTS beautify a n indow or the interior of a room. Why not select qe, eral plants for your suite or dorm from a Int ge atiety priced an low as 19c hoot 0. W trouts and Son. Inc., State College. PA INTINC COMES easier When using ouality G undineher Art Supplies. Every thing for the artist: fre cash and carry discount. Sn.e today at 0 W. }Touts and Son Inc.. State College. NEED TROPHIES? You name It—} has e It. Plain or engrin ed. [lie discounts Quick service. Phone AD i-7851 after 6. catalogs evadable. Sa IT Tr ontman's *Front). -No% city Shop BUICK Slivlark comestible, loaded. excellent condition. Cull AD 7-3808 after •' FOR RENT ROOMS FOR summei tics done. 207 E Park Me Call AI) I+-13314 LI V ING QUA '('ams ,ultu Die for one or too in Metrget Building offering spa emus t u• 0 of Stale College w ith emphasis on I'o•ner Room and Bunn's Bailor Shop, Hilkhle for all stonnor .ses.ounn. Call AI) e-tO,SI, M ETC ZER - APARTMENT - fo; rent from June ii to S. pt. 2 tt tth option on next fall If de.i!ed call AD 14-1759. A l'A RTM F.NT I'OR RENT. furnwtied room.. •hou cr-bath. oatiher and dryer. Murrictl student couple onl, $65/mo. Call AD 7.3550 THREE MAN Metruer apartment for bum met fun nus.h..o CM! AD 11-2.192. .111-.TZGEI2A irrm ENT for rent June. Jul}A smug: Ths ee turn kilos' rooms, bitth. ecoUng fIiCIIIIICP. Cnil AD Iss-1031. SINCLE ft (MM. IS a month for num nu 1::5 Se.l Rlttanv. 'econd floor. Sec Job., All C-0772, MODERN APARTMENT for married grad Ftudent or fuolty . aub•let for sorrow. ;Ma) be seem by appointment,. AD 74296. ROOMS AVA I LARiTi Mra Cox AD 7-4b50. ,COMFORIAI3LE MODERATE rate aceora modations with pmate bath or running !water Colonial Rotel, 123 W Nittany Arc. 'State College. AD 7-4850 or AD 7-7797. rroir. KENT—two double room, for male students; ptilate bath, nun telephone. pl ate entrance, free parking; three blocks ft om ram pug. June - September. Call AD S-0308. i Five CYClock Mil Present Original May SUEDE JACKET in Fort ,t Building mei. =OEM call AD S-Slno TAN RA.NCOAT wah hrtn% n lining and nutialg LW V. in collar 11»:P1111V Dom Delta Chi. Call Walt Valentcen UN 6-2053 I base ..ours BLACK HORNRIM glst+es hell together by straight pin Call 'tally at AD g-2415. bicycle--man's black English "Midge" serial no. 67547-01, !left side of frame beneath saddle). $5 00 rewurd for return of information leading to return. Call Rob Thornle) UN 5-4969 BLACK f, EATHER billfold, keep money. need other contents urgently. Call Jim Craig. AD 7-7551. BIDE WANTED RIDE WANTED ft ont c hector, Pa. to State College and return Mother's Day v.eckenil Call Al) 8-0245. WANTED , THESIS MULTILITIIING and t3Ping doolimata for sale, Retp.onable Call AD 5.0774 attar 6 p m. WA N TED EE RENDofMn' 7 bluebook-tree no I nn see THE SLEEP ING PRINCE Pleadingly Some Scholar. M ANTED RIDERS front Pittsburgh to PSU, Friday Mats 11. return Sunday May 15. Call Rogel Rattle UN 5-6022. AITERS FOR Sunday noon May F and Sat. e‘ening May 14. Call Chuck Gaston AD 7-4444 or AD 8-1627 NON-TIIESIS typing dr.iiroil 30e per Doge, 5c per carbon. Call AI) 9-0497. ROCK AND ROLL Rand for May 14 or 21. Must bt i ea.sonably noisy. AD 7.4957 ask for HO. ONE ROOM for tut) male students. North campus Sept_ to June 1060-61. Call PN 5-5900 nftei 7 .00 p ro. DISHWASHER FOR lunch and dinner Monday through Sunday except Sunday eserungs. Call caterer at AD 7-4332. MISCELLANEOUS REPAIR and hale cords, heads and supplies for nll make shakers. See our line of rebuilt sharers. $3.00 to $6.00. toinratileed. Eleetiie Supply Company, 216 S Allen. Phone AD 7-2062. ONLY 3300 SEATS for THE SLEEPING PRINCE, main attraction for Mother's Day neckend. Get them now 1 Pla y ing in Schwab And. Mae 5. 6. 7, OPPORTUNITY FOR noromer hitht work for room. Call AD 74792. SHE WAS only the Prince's girl, hut she could handle her dukes—" The Sleeping Prince." WILL WATCH child in too home; prefer age 3 to b. Call AD F 4,357. TENNIS FANS—expert restringing and repair Large selection o( nylon and gut. Prompt service. Guaranteed satisfaction. Unii,er+ity Tennis Service, 514 E. Beaver Ave. after b p.m. ENROL(. NOW for ballroom dancing, tap, toe or acrobatic lessons. Protessiona School of Dance. AD 8•I0i8. ROOM gr BOARb MAKE RESERVATIONS for fall semes ter at Marilyn Hall, M 7 E. flemer. Resenations also being taken for all summer sessions. Wald or room and board to fill vacancies for balance of semester. ROOMS WITHOUT board mailable. 220 R 8, Allen Street, Ask for Mrs. Petrishey at 317 E. Hea%er. TIRED 3? ? Let Collegian Classifieds WORK FOR YOU Summer Camp counselling opportunities still exist at: ANDROSCOGGIN JUNIOR: WAYNE, MAINE (near the State Capital of Augusta) Nationally Known Private Camp for 110 Boys Has Openings in Athletics, Arts and Crafts, Manual Training, and Drama Interviews Thursday May sth Sign up at the Student Employment Office 112 OLD MAIN earwe th thor of "I Was a Teen-age Dwarf","The Many Loves of Dottie GllIts", etc.) A GUIDE FOR THE LOVELESS Gentlemen, take warning. June k almost upon us—June, the month of brides. Have you got yours - yet? If not, don't de spair. You don't have to be rich or handsome to get a girl. All you have to he is kind, considerate, thoughtful, and obliging— in short, a gentleman. For example, don't ever call a girl for a date at the last min ute. Ah ays give her plenty of advance notice—like three months for a coke date, six months for a nio ie, a year for a prom, two 'years for a public execution. This shows the girl that she is not your second or third choice and also gives her ample time to select her costume. And %then you ask for a date, do it Nsitli a bit of Old World gallantry. A poem, for instance, is always sure to please a young lady, like this. 1 think you're cute, Daphne La Prance. I'll put on a suit, And lake you to a dance In the unlikely event that you don't know any girls named Daphne La France, try this: I think you're cute, - Winifred Jopp. I'll put on a suit, And take you to a hop In the extronely unlikely event that you don't know a Wini fred Jopp either, try this: I think you're tile, Isabel Frail. I'll put on a suit, And take you to a ball. ,$ 1..., .5c I. :i.•.'' . , 8 If there is no Isabel Prall, Winifred Jopp, or Daphne La France on your campus, it is quite obvious why you've had trouble finding dates all year: you've enrolled in an all-male school, you old silly! Next let us take up the question of etiquette once you are out on a date with Isabel, Winifred, or Daphne. The first thing you do, naturally, is to offer the young lady a Marlboro. Be sure, however, to offer her au entire Marlboro—not just a Marlboro butt. Marlboro butts are good of course, but whole Marlboros are better. You get an extra inch or two of fine flavorful tobacco—and I mean flavorful. Do you think flavor went out• when filters came in? Well, you've got a happy sur prise corning when you light a Marlboro. This one really de livers the goods on flavor, and when you hand Isabel, Winifred, or Daphne a whole, complete, brand-new Marlboro, she will know how highly you regard and respect her, and she will grow misty and weak with gratitude, which is very important nhen you take her out to dinner, because the only kind of coed a college man can afford to feed is a weak and misty coed. Latest statistics show that a coed in a normal condition eats one and a half times her own weight every twelve hours. At the end of your date with babel, Winifred, or Daphne, make certain to get her home by curfew time. That is gentle. manly. Do not leave her at a bus stop. That is rude. Deliver her right to her door and, if possible, stop the eitr when you are dropping her off. The next day send a little thank-you note. A poem is best. Like this: For a wonderful evening, many Kanks, Isabel, Winifred, or Daphne. ill take you out for some more merry pranks Next Saturday if you'll haph nee. a 1960 Mai !Anima * * * We can't Dice you rhyme but we'll give you good reason why you'll. enjoy Marlboro and Marlboro's unfiltered companion cigarette, Philip Morris. One word says it all; itaror. TUESDAY, MAY 3. 1960