The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, April 29, 1960, Image 12
TWELVE Co-Edits ,vly elected officers of Sigma! Newly chosen membeis of Angel a Sigma soionty aie Carol Flight aie. Sandra Baker, Mary er, president, Sandra Bar- DePiante, Chailotte Boyd, Ade vict piesident; Rice Lamb.Jaide Cassella, Joan Greenwood, tier; Maiy Gomhar, rccord-'Su/unne Guincy, Judith Harris, L'tretary; Jovce Shaffer, ror-iPhyllis Hanoun, Patricia Higgins,! nding seeirtaiy, Diane Cop-Kvelvn Koebhn, Diana Leedy,| M'holastie chan man .Domthv I.erew, Anne Lessig, Joj w pledgee of Acacia me Da- Ann Mintmicr, Janet Munioe, Re-! inland and Charles G. R< plo- gma Olivis. Barbara Ol.s/ewski, 'Elizabeth Pan, Louise Phillips, ■ new olficeis of Sigma Al- Kills Plowman, Helen Burner, du air Steven Stiates. prioi,'Joan Rebol, Lois Rising, Carol ■n Zitin, vice prioi. Haloid Robinson. Maiy Sehrott, Josette loss, exchequer; Hn hard Spudis, Sandra Teren/ini, Judith nan, leeoidei; Neal Fned- T'lavis, Linda Uiam and Allison pledge master, Lany An- Woodall. , assistant exchequer; Rich-i The new officers of the Worn loldlierg, scholaiship chair- en's Recreation Association have and Paul Gian, histonan been elected and installed. They w Sigma Alpha Mu phdges.ue Elizabeth Ingley, president: ichaid Leedes, Mark Slovon- Baibaia Newman, vice piesident, Allen Saks, Anthonv Gitt,. Virginia Davenport, secretary; .han Yulies and Ronald Smo- Nan cy Campbell, intramural (h<m man; Sheila Allison, club w olficeis of Alpha Omicron activities ih.uiman and Barbara noiity are Haihara Gombcr, Tilhott, publicity chairman lent, Janice Hewlett, vice The new olficeis of Alpha Kap lenl; Diane Love, tecoidingpa Psi, professional commerce ary, Linda Ackley, cones- fialermlv, are' Michael Postnieks, nr; s”<ietmv. Marlene Ni If, pn sident, Richaid Snyder, vice irer: Nancv Mf llmgei, social'president; Morris Rninbo, secre man, Patrnia Bant/, msli lai v: Geiaid Arndt, treasui er: and nan, tmd Lynne Ceii fice, William Hastings, master of nt 'utils Camp Conrad Weiser, Reading, Pennsylvania will interview men for positions os heads of a. Waterfront (Red Gross Instructorship) and b. Music (piano experience) Interviews to be held on May 4, 1960, in the morning Sign up in advance for an appointment at Student Employment Service, 112 Old Main RALPH FLANAGAN LPH FLANAGAN and HIS ORCHE with VOCALIST KAY GOLDEN SEMI-FORMAL $5.00 s PER COUPLE THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA uilN) Over 18,000 Students And Faculty Read These MOBILE HOME bedroom, compile hath, kttt h#*n ami living mom Excellent condition. Must sell AH 8-1229. ONLY 3:i00 SKATS left “The Sleeping I’rinci l ," Schujb Auditorium, Miij 5, *>, 7. Mothers Dav weekend. ENGLISH RACMI. *v client um«!iti«n, fully <nuipp<d #35 Call Arthm Binndun ON *-*>«•*,l afttr 4 30. F'79 MANUHKIN motor scoot*'!*. lb-inch wheels, automatic transmission, 1H ml*jf , good condition, windshield. $2OO. TIN 5-15120 PROfESSIONAL BEKLANT Conc.'i tone 20/20 tape recotder (* steeds NAKTB standards i at less than half price. Call AD 8*1.7.77, bs’k for Pre-amp Hi hl graduating ‘pnior wishes to mil his m t Fe.ilurts* VM automatic changer with diamond, 10 Watt Grommet* Amp. Luge niahoirany floor rondel speaker set Will give Rood pine Call AI) 7-708*1. 1955 STEWART Trailer 8 x 4.7; 2 htth rooms, comtdete hath, wa'-hei jalousie windows, eonticdlcd heat. Phone AD 8-1 m»8 COMPLETE SBT of golf eluhs, good con dition Impute at (mlf Shop ONE SET of golf eluhs, hag and lait included flood condition Cali AD 7-3958, nsk for Mark. HOUSE TRAILER, extra bidionm limit on Idea! fo»* vmrng nun* ltd couple with ehildien Call AD 8-1833. Price $7OO POTTED PLANTS beautify a window or the interior of a room Whv not select several pi iiit« for \our «mto nr dorm from Intge wuntv pri<<<] hs low 10c fioni 0. W. Houts and Son, Inc, State t nllege PAINTING COMES *.iMer when using minlity Giumhacher Ait Supplies Every thing for the aitist; *>7r cash and cariy discount Save today at O W. Houts and Son Inc , State College ' NEED TROPHIES 'f 1 it Plain or engraved. Big discounts (Burk service Phone AD 7-7bst after 6 Catalogs available, Sam Troutman’s Trophy-Novelty Shop HAUfiAINS IN hooks at Bella S Sthlow ! Memorial l.ihrar>, 222 West College. Book Sale Mav 2-7 ij’63 BUICK Skvliuk coin ei tihle, loaded, i excellent condition Call AD 7-380 S .after 0.40. TO (HIC AGO or anv tiiv enroute May 4 [ m 5 Call Sin, UN 6-1947 RIDE WANTED finm Chestei, Pa to ! State College and return Mothei’s Day weekend Call AD 8-024.7 AT SENIOR PROM! Friday, May 13 th ;„ g REC HALL COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE Ann ri< an. on* RIDE WANTED 9 'til 1 FOR RENT unnriiu WAITERS I-'OR Sunday noon Mas S mid MODERN AIARIMENT for mairitd grad c , ... \i < , p„i| i>l,, l . u.ii.n . , , . , , ~ Sat evening May II Call Chuck Gafcton student or faculty, sub-let for pummel . ~ - .... _ *r» jmT Mi . . , * ij ( . r . L i IAU 1-44 4* 01 A U 3-IC-1* ay he Been hy appointment. AD <-429b | _ — j NON-THESIS typing denned 30c pei page, ROOMS AVAILABLE Mothers Dav, Call 1 5c per carbon Call AD 8-0497. Mrs Cox AD 7-4850, j ——— * f ROCK AND ROLL Band for May 14 or APARTMENT TO Miblet f<»r summer, 21. Must be reasonably noisy. AD 7-4957 s»!‘2 7U month!}, 4 rooms-, bath, fui ni'-hed ! »j.k foi 80. cooking facilities lnqunc Apt. 1 rear j of Tavern R«'-tnutunt |ONE ROOM foi two male students, North . . ... j Sept to June IUbO-bl, Call ROOMS IN Rpattment for the bummer, CN 5-5900 after 7 00 pm. three flooiM above the Sktllei. Cal! Egg AD S-bbjn. WANTED* ONE WIZARD Please o»n. “ “ tact Doiothy at the Sigma Alpha Mu- SINGLE AND double looms for nil Bum- phi Sigma Sigma Booth, Carnival giuundb! mer bes-iom* 244 S Pugh St Urgent! DOUBLE ROOMS with hoard for fall semester, 244 S. Pugh Stiect COMFORTABLE MODERATE rate accom moilations with private bath or running water. Colonial Hotel, 123 W. Nittany Ave„ State College. AD 7-4850 or AD 7-7797 FIVE ROOM apartment wuh bath, sum mer on!> ; om* block from campus. Cali Dave UN 5-4194 after 7 UO I*OR RENT—two double rooms for male students; private bath, own telephone, private entiante, fiee paiking, three blocks finm campus. June - September. Call AD 8-II3OH TAN RAINCOAT with biown lining and initials J WV. in collar missing fioni Delta < hi. Call Walt Valenteen UN 5-20,73 I have joins BLM’K HORNRIM glasses held together [»\ straight pin Call Hally at AD 8-2115 BIG Yf'l.E man’s Hercules, white Lspe« d hub plus 2-speed chain deinilet Reward M Biown UN 5-7111. WILL THF person who inadvertently took the black umbrella with the lacquered cane handle from the hall eoatiack on 4th floor Willard between B*B*so am Wrd Api 27 please return to HUB desk. HOT HlKE—Stolen bte\rle—man's black knyli'-h ’‘Kmlgt” scunl no. <»T64T-()L| (left *<le of frame beneath paddle). $5 (Hi i inward f<lr <•']! TUTORING IN Geunan and French for lo i ctm n (all l)iih Thwnlev IN j courscg Dn( { K indunte lanmiaste miuire- ULACK LEATHER hillfold, keen money.! Cn, 1 1 _ AD 8 " 125 :! between 12 need other contents urgently Call Jim I ?__T nK . p _™* “ L.J* nl Ciaig, AD 7-ihSl. . _ , . ~ , repair. Laige selection of nylon nml Rut. HLACK WAI.LT.T, somewhere near on- p rompt gervice. Guaranteed satisfaction. campus houses Sftt. night. Contains University Tcnni3 Sei\icc, 514 E. liea\er papers and per-rription that I nui*-t have a, p after snm Phone Ahliey AD 7-4079. Itiwaid. i ——' SKIRTS IN plastic bag Sat , April 2 behind McFlwHin Call Joan UN 5.fi629 WjMild FRIDAY. APRIL 29. 1960 WANTED DISHWASHER I* OR lunch and dinner Monday thioimh Sunday except Sunday etemngH C.ill caterer at AD 7-4H32 FRATERNITY KITtHhN help. Call AD S-bR.'l2, fm eateiei MISCELLANEOUS OPPORTUNITY TOR summer I>kM "<*rk for loom Call AD 7-77512. OSWALD—Pei feet meeting place —Alpha Xi Delta-Chi Phi hunth. Ctowd will ho huge Meet me in-ode booth fit 9—lDniutta SHE WAS only the pimoe’s gill, but ►he could handle hm dukes —“The Sleeping Pi met ” DARE (Diiect uction for racial ennalitv) •—the gioup against disci lminntmn. Mteting this Sunday 2‘3U Kismhower Chape! DOTTY, I take it all back. Pni not the jruy you thought 1 was Rut 1 think 1 found HIM at the Sigma Alpha Mu- I’hi Sigma Sigma Rooth, Lo\t», fin hie DOC COUNCIL Dance Friday April 29 | 9-12, riajhoys. K\eryone welcome, in i formal. HUH Rnllroom. HELP THE OI.D WOMAN on The Shoe Cure For He, Ciow WTlh Chi LiilnLiia. Phi Epsilon Pi Spimtg W f i-ok Canmal WILL WATCH Chilli in my home, prifer nue 3 to 5 Call AD 8-8867. MEET ME at the l’ow Wow. Ben\ei Are. ’ENNIS FANS—expert restringing and ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing, tap, toe or acrobatic lessons Professional School of Dance. AD 8-1078.