D AGE SIX Kikld Seeks 3rd Win Will Play Today A • • l i • ! Penn Stale’s golf team, sport- AaA f net Mmmf'lfiC ln S a four game win streak, will f %Uvl lIB*2 I. ifl\Jvfll « I V* <9 attempt to make it five in a row itoday when they face Penn at Penn State mound ace Ed-jgame Saturday, will play left- Phi i acl eiphia.Coach Sherm Fogg’s die Kikla a victim of errors again and either Tom Dur- tennis team also will be in action , . , r . Inn or Roger Kochman will stait meeting Bueknell at 3 pm. on in two fit Jus (our outings tins m center Old standby Zeke varsity courts in back of Nit year, gets the starting assign- I - ,O , RR ; 1 who , 1S bsittling a slump, tany dorms. i r tnG nod hi i Thp linksmen hrivt? coiiio on rnont this afternoon when l Harry Beans, one of the moststrong after diopping their openei Penn State meets West Vir- ‘Oloifui college playeis in theito Georgetown and Maiyland T , , , game, will catch Kikla, Beans ! Their rrcoid shows consecutive gima on Beaver field at » ,d) never stops hustling and he’s hit- wins over West Virginia. Pitt, Kikla, 2-2 for the season, has tln E a healthv 400 with most of Villanova and last Saturday’s 5-2 beaten Gettysburg and Penn but hits coming in the clutch ,win over Syracuse, u/uvinid nue- io'-i him the Villa- One of two local products — ! The netters have not been as nova and Colgate games Robinson from Port Matilda is !succe-sful and have a 1-4 maik The junior southpaw is very the other—Beans is State's top 'The lone Lion victory was a 9-0 familiar with West Virginia, rbi man with six. shutout over Pitt having beaten the Mounlies last hisM name statMiia —— year on a one-hitter. 3-0 at tl , „ {ft" 1 "* AB „ BA Lions 9th in Scoring Morgantown. fuiin ai h ,4M r>mbin m 3 .2311 Penn State was the nation’s As a iesult of then double win”;;"’ \ h n * \ ninth best scoring team in the ovei Geoi gel own Saturday, Joe i,, u i„. y 7 * H r„i,Kk m 4 iiir, 1959 grid season The Niltany Bcdenk's Nitt.mv laons aic light itpntmi u s '277 Kinhnmn 2S 3 12(1 Lions scored 255 points in 10 back in the thick of the iace foi lt '’ l,mson n 3 273 j’hiiiu.a J 7 s in games. All-Ameiican quaiterback the Disti ict II playoff l -. r.tchin, Richie Lucas and halfback Jim Seemingly out afti l la-1 week’s 10-s to Colgate which left them [’ll. 4-2, the I.'on- got a bie.ik when' the tlue<‘ undefeated teams in' the dMiut, Navy. Villanova, and Temple, dropped lecent grimes ; Thi Middies lost to Columbia and Dai 1 mouth ovei the weekend while Villanova lost to Army and then heal Temple yesterday. ! Bedenk plans to stick with the same lineup today that he used aaainst Georgetown. That finds Bill Benton or Larry , Beighev at first, leading hitter , Larry Fegley at the keystone sack. Bob Hrobak at short and rookie Don Robinson on third. Jim Suph/to, a conveited eatch ei who went 3 foi 4 in the second Dodgers Top Cubs CHICAGO i/R) Don Diysdale.i making his fouith straight com plete game a 4-hitter, led the thud place I,os Angeles Dodgers out of a fnui-game losing streak| Tuesday with .in 8-1 victory over the Chicago Cubs J*ro®ollfiS SHOJ P' '^Vjf NAPKINS White... 250 for 33c VIVID COLORS RED BLACK BLUE GREEN ARTIST BRUSHES WALKING CANES ... $1 10c to 69c 27” by 22” POSTER BOARD IN THESE COLORS 15c each 127-139 S. ALLEN STREET THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA L h Kikln n A i nt-r H< ntz#*l AGAIN THIS YEAR! Unlil Saturday April T;C)lh We are Judging the MOST DESPICABLE TENNIS SHOES m 9 9 9 | {Z PENN*STATE 'T") 9 C\J 7 (X Prizes— Free iennies & Surgical taps $5.95 a thousand FELT HIGH HATS ... $1 SHO-CARD PAINTS IN THESE COLORS WHITE BLUE BLACK RED YELLOW GREEN The Complete Variety Store i; Kerr shared individual scoiing ‘ honors on the team with 36 point'- ll each. CREPE PAPER 71 It. LONG |Q 20 Inches WIDE | /C 2 inch ROLLS 45 ft. 2 in. ROILS 600 ft. 15c and 25c PINT JARS $1.49 STATE COLLEGE, PA. Top Season Penn Stale’s 1957 baseball team 'compiled a 22-2 reccitl. Both de feats were by national champion California in the College World ■ Senes where State placed second. .The Nitlany Lions lacked up a perfect 17-0 regular-season record and added four wins in tourna ment action. + CLASSI HTJisi MANUHRIN motoi scooter, 16-inth ! wheels, automatic transmission, U 4 mpk . itood condition, windshield. $2OO IUN 5-6120 ENGLISH RACF.R, excellent condition, fulU equipped, <35 Call Arthui Bihiuluw UK 5-5961 after 4:30 J9sf>" STEM ART Tiailer 8 x 45; 2 bed room*. complete bath, washer, jalousie window", theinioxtat contiolled heat. Phone AD 8-1808. MOPED DELUM. rnotm *u>otei, like ntw, over 100 m p.p , German made. Cull Tom Kiibhnei UN 5-5451'. ’53 rtUK’K SkWnrk convertible. loaded. excellent condition. Cal! AD 7*3808 after 6-30 HI Fl—tftnduatinjr senior wishes to sell ! hi* set. Features: VM automatic channel with diamond. 10 \Satt Gromrms Amp. Inure mahoirnnv floor model speaker set Will jrise vrood puce. Call AD 7-708*7. COMPLETE SET of KnlfTluh*. jrood con dition. Inqune at Golf Shop. ONE SET of j/olf dubs, bait and cait included Good condition. Call AD 7-3958. a«k for Maik. 11M.0 VW Deluxe. 3000 ml . whitewall* Rest offer over $l5OO Call AD 7-735.1 after 0-00 pin J MODERATELY PRICED meals. Horne Eco [ noniicH IJuildinjr. I unchoons—Gafetenn [service Tuesday thimiuh huday 11 r>o - Dinner—Tea Room service *\Ved ■and Thurx 5:30 to 6.30 I HOUSE TRAILER, extra bedroom built on Ideal foi yount? married couple with children. Call AD 8-1853. Puce $5OO. PROFESSIONAL ItERLANT Conceitoiie 20/20 tape recmder te*reeds NARTII standards) at less than half price. Call ' AD 8-1557, ask for Pre-amp 1058 TORD comeitihle, white, 300 horse power, conventional shift, nvetdtne. Fast and beautiful’ Call AD 7-3159, Andy ONE MAN’S English tvpe btcvcle, excel lent condition. $3O AI) 8-1436. 1954 41-FOOT TRAILER, 2 bedrooms. Call AD 8-8249. 1958 FORD letiaetable Skvliner, turquoise and white, excellent condition. Contact Richard FL 5-3877 after 6 00. A PALTRY Sl.fifl will purchase an> classical I.P in a collection o t 160. 137 North Atherton St., thiul floor. Tim EE- PI EC E~hi -f I mt~ \V 1 H * sell as unit or hv component. Also Royal Portable Typewnter. Mike AD 7-2106. MOTORCYCLE 1956 Auel ... 19c . $1.39 Bci ambler, four speed foot shift trans mission, 2(M)co motor Cal! AD 8-2273. POTTED"PLANTS beautify”a~wiudow or the interior of a room Why not select set era! plants for >o»r suite or dorm from a large vmiety priced as low as 19c from 0. W. Houts and Son, Inc., Slate College. PAINTING COMES easier when using ounlitv Grumbnchrr Art Supplies. Every thing for the aitist; G r c cash and cany discount. S;ne todav at 0. W. Houts and Son Inc., State College. NEED TROPHIES nnnie it—l have , it. Plain or engraved. Rig discount*. Quick service P*hone AD 7-7851 after 6. Catalog* available. Sam Troutman’s Tropin-Novelty Shop RI.ACK LEATHER billfold, keep money, need other contents urgently. Call Jim Cimg, AD 7-7S'»l BLACK WALLET, somewhere near on campus homes Sat. night. Contains papcis and pert-cription that 1 must have Phone Abbey AD 7-4979 Reward. 81, A C K~LE A TIIE R D~umbrelln in HUB men's room Monday night. Call Ken AD 7-78.10 Reward SKIRTS IN plastic bag Set., April 2 behind McElwain. Call Joan UN C-f>fi29. LIGHT BLUE Glasses in a brown leather case. Reward] Cali Liz UN £-6154. CAFETERIA MANAGER TRAINEES • Live and grow in Philadelphia with an ex panding chain of industrial cafeterias. Employ ment either immediately or upon graduation. • Must have degree in Home Economics or Hotel Administration. • Our representative will be on campus for interviews Wednesday and Thursday, May 4 and May 5. • Contact Miss Esther Atkinson. Home Eco nomics Building for appointment. FOR SALE WEDNESDAY. APRIL 27. 1960 tntersectiona! Games Penn State’s 1960 football team j will face four intersections! op ponents. They are Missouri (Big [Eight), Illinois (Big Ten), West lirginia (SVouthern), and Mary land (Atlantic Coast). The Nit lany Lions met and defeated five [interseetional opponents last year. FIEDS + FOR RENT COMFORTAULF. MODERATE rate accom modations with private bath or running water. Columal Hotel. 123 W. NltUny A\e.. Stale College. AD 7-tSSO or AD 7-77U7. APARTM KNT: June, Jul>, Auk. fuat floor furnished. Close to campus. Suitable for men or families. jr,o per month Cal! AD 7-7*BB APAR MENT— (mo furnished rooms fop summer. Locution 183 South Gill SL Call Marine** Al) *-215f after 6.00. FIVE ROOM Apartment with bath, mm iner ©nl> ; one block from campus. Call Djim* UN G*449.t after 7:00. fOR RENT—two double rooms for mala students, piivate bath, own telephone, pruate entrance, free parking: three block® from campus. June - September. Call AD S-0308. MISCELLANEOUS HELP THE OLD WOMAN on’Th""shoe Fare Fm Her Crew With Chi Lambda- Phi Epsilon Pi Spiing Week Carnival. WILL WATCH child in my home, prefer »Ke 3 to 6. (’nil AD 8-SBS7. YOU’LL SEE mo in mv dreams—Th* Sleeping Prince Mav 6,6, 7. MAN\ ARE < ailed but few are chofen* Tough darts—The Sleeping Prime. ME at the Pow Vi ow, Reaver A\e. BOWLERS, DATES, open alU’vs every nite an> time 6*30 pm. to y.dO pm. Also 0 to 12 pm. Rat*** 32c No unittng. Phone AD 8-9148. Downtown Dux Club. V2K S. Pugh APPLILA HONS ARE now being taken for positions as ngentv beginning next fall with The Student Pr\ Cleaning ami Laundry Agency. Apply: Student Employ ment bt'ivice, 112 Old Main, Deadline: r i tday, April 29, 6 pm. GARDEN AND lawn and general house eleamng jobs now available. Apply: Student Employment Service, 112 Old Main. TUTORING IN German and French for courses and graduate language require ments Call AD 8-1264 between 12 p.m.- 2_p.m. and 6 p.m. - 7 p.m. TENNIS FANS—expert restringing and repair. Large selection of nylon and gut. Prompt service. Guaranteed satisfaction. University Tennis Service, 614 E. Reaver Ave. after 6 p.m. ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing, tap. toe or acrobatic lessons. Professional School ©f Dance. AD 8-1078. WANTED GIRL WANTED for date for Lancaster County Farm Fair. Call Doug UN 6-3266. RIDE WA NT ED to Ithaca. ILY] F riday afternoon, April 29. Larry AD 8*0298. TWO IMTORTS need tide from rhila. Fi! April 29 return Sim. May 1. Will pay. Call Pete AD 8-B2. DISHWASHER FOR lunch and dinner Monday through Sunda) except Sunday evenings. Call caterer at AD 7-4332. FRATERNITY KITCHEN help. 'Call AD 8-1)332, ask for caterer. » EX PER lENCED - TYPIST would like ti do typing at home. Call AD 7-7296. ONE DORM tNittany type) for group of men evicted from Nittany' 27. Uigentt TWO MALE students to share apartment for first half of summer. Cal] AD 8-1436. GIRL’S LIGHTWEIGHT bicycle with gearshift. Call AD 8-8966. P^EiEEsWANTED HAVE HAREM—WILL TRAVEL. Where? To Sigma Delta Tau-Lambda Chi Alpha booth. Spring Week. FOUND THE CAMPUS PATROL has .eveia! un claimed bicycles. Fleas, check It you hav. one, missing.