PAGE FOUR Editorial Opinion. Mushrooming System Like the lnciiim scout of times gone b\, .student leaders must 1 1 liglitlv and quickly if they aio to formulate a ;iv trouble semblance of .student government along the [in,able lines exposed at the weekend WSGA confeience '1 hr number ol icgulai school weeks that lernam liefm c the factoi which may be the basis of all tins pro posed i eoi gam/at ion goes into effect can be counted on the fmgeis of one hand When students return for the fall semestei they will be residing in community living unit r According to the Dean of Women these living areas will have councils. What spheres of student life and prob lems these councils will deal with is yet to be decided. They may just plan social events for the area. They may handle their area’s discipline and rules violations thus eliminating the need for women’s judicial and on campus tubunal which now exist. They may handle all the cultural, recreational and counseling problems and eliminate the need for WSGA, AIM, WRA and Leonides. They may change the basis for representation on SGA. Unlimited possibilities exist here in a system that could mushroom into a complete reorganization of all student government on campus, Make haste, 0 students and leaders, for the extent to which this system will go into effect next fall must be determined before summer breezes herald the mass exodus next month. Memo to Poll Takers As a reminder to those taking surveys and votes about the status of Thanksgiving vacation, we would like to point out that it is just not enough to say Thanksgiving vacation is a nice idea and let’s keep it. A Student-Operated Newspaper 55 Years of Editorial Freedom ®br iatlg (Mlegum Successor to The Free Lance, est.lBB 7 PuhlUhed Tuesday through Satutday morninc during tile University year. The Daily ( nllrgian in a student-operated newspaper. Entered a* second-class matter inly 5. 1331 at the State l ollege, Pa. Pont Office under the act of March 3, 1879. Mall Subscription Price: $3.00 per srmester $5.00 per year. Member of The Associated Press and The Intercollegiate Press jo ™r cK City Editor, ( nrnl Hlakeulre; Assistant Editor. Gloria Wolford: Sports Editor, Kandy Pariue; City Editor and Personnel Director, Su>nn Linkroum; Feature Editor and Assistant Copy Editor, Elaine Micle? Copy Editor, Annnbelie Koicmhal: Photography Editor, Frederic Bower; Make-up Editor, Joel Myers. I.oral Ad Mgr., Brad Da\is; Coral Ad Mgr., Hal Deisher; Credit Mgr., Mary Ann (ran*: Ass’t Credit Mgr., Neal Keitz: Classified Ad Mgr., Constance Kiesel: Co-Cirrulaf Inn Mgr*, !