PAGE rwo Spring Found By BARBARA YUNK A eat toon character with a long bill and spectacles has replaced Old Main. Of course this substitution is only temporary. For the iv. l of the week a picture of this character, instead of Old Mam. will appeal- on the scieen of all TV courses—before cl.i ,■>, 11. U is j '1 hr .licit* being used which pic- ««. r a _ . I* • f I'U". th" bespectacled noose yW KHL A 1 i Ifinl l. ,i p.iit of the pie-Spimy, W‘*t*k '* w WUUtIMI pinnuim wluth will he m full « i * • se i'u: fo, th" lest of the week. iQKeS ACtlOtl That pink elephant you see swinging from the balcony of A -i the HUB and that goose (repre- IAQUinSf vO6QS senting Mother Goose) that you . w . see people carrying are signs j Iwo penalties were handed °* n , ° ther *J? an Spring j r |ov\n and late minutes were Week 1960. And. although Pm nochio isn’t taking any chem- (discussed at a meeting of islry courses, he’s spending W SGA Judicial vesterdav af more time jn front of Osmond than any chem major an- ternoon. other sign of Spring Week 1960. Rcine m b cr those f.nmliai "shotls” which follow downtown movies’' The ones that say "eat popcorn" 9 These, too, have been replaced by announcements of “Iti Happened Once Upon a Time.” Individual gioups have enteied (he publicity (tame In case you 1 hadn't noticed, those crowns which have appeared on somej heads aiuund campus are not the' emblems of a new hat society. Gieen witches Soaring at you fiom collais, candy canes and lol lipops and gentlemen in turbans aie all foicninners of the carni val themes for Saturday night. Some more serious publicity aids were undertaken this week, publicity chairman Jacqueline Leavitt said. Chairmen of the various events in Spring Week have begun to wear skimmers. This, she said, will identify them so people may ask them questions pertaining to the events. A huge story book, none the woise for the mm, pi petrel at tlir foot of tin* Mall, will be another aid for all those eoneerned with Spiing Week, she said. The book wilt carry the date, tune and lo cation of events, the paiade route, advei tisrmcids and articles pei taming to Sprint; Week 1960 Goodv/in Gets Position H Eugene Goodwin, dneetor of the .School of Journalism, was elected to the acei editing commit tee of the Ameiiean Council of Education foi Journalism at weekend meetings held in New Yoi 1; * CATHAOM NOW: 1:20. 3:51, Ci3B. 9:27 It/i. M C M ttmin i iji t w.ft Y HOME FROM X ~ the hill ROBERT MITCHUM ELEANOR PARKER { H CiHtMAiCOPB a/ri | “* NITTANY Today Doors Open 6:45 A Superlative Murder Mys tery m the Great Biitish Manner’ “THE GREEN SCARF” Michael Redgrave ANN TODD - LEO GENN bill McMullen florist 130 E, College Avenue AD 7-4994 Week Signs Everywhere A mac-day stnct campus was [given to a junior girl who returned: to her residence hail two hours’ ;after sign-in time. She will have' Ito sign in at 6 p.m. and will be (restricted from dating, the HUB ,and any area off campus. j Several girls who failed to sign .out prior to Easter vacation rvere, (given warnings and will have the' I responsibility for taking care of !yellow travel sheets in their resi-, .dence halls for the hostess for two, weeks m May. j In other action Diane Moritz,, acting chairman of Judicial, 1 stressed that all accumulated late 1 minutes become part of the girl’s personal file. They should be used (judiciously, she said. I Members of Judicial recom mended that dorm meetings be hold to decide on specific places near the dormitory where sunbathing will be acceptable. That’s what a career in life insur ance sales, leading to sales man agement, could prove to be—if you're looking fora job with limih less opportunities. Without any investment of capital on your part, you can be in business far yourself. And there's no ceiling on your potential income. Our booklet, "Career OpportunL ties", is yours for the asking. Just phone or write us George A. Borosqoe t 103 E. Beaver Ave. 1 State College, Penna, Office ADams 8-0544 Residence AD 8-1364 j PROVIDENT MUTUAL ' Life Insurance Company , of Philadelphia FLOWERS Flowers are such a thought ful gift. Mom is sure to ap preciate them whether she is visiting Penn State or staying home tor Mother’s Day. Why not order her fa vorite flower early? THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA MOM Student Leaders invited to Help Alumni Campaign Junior and senior student lead-' ers will be invited this week to, participate in Senior Week ac tivities by acting as class agents for the 1960 Alumni Association membership drive. Class agents will contact ap pioximately 10 seniors each, to tell them about the Alumni Asso ciation and its set vices to the Um-| \ersii> and its graduates. A kick-off meeting will be held ,al 7:45 p.m. May 8, at the State College Hotel At that time class agent- will team moie about the Alumni Association and receive in-tructions and materials to use during the campaign which will begin May 8. Senioi Class Piesident Theodore Haller said the success of Senior Week will depend greatly on the effotts of the class agents them :.e!ve- Encampment Applications Applications for the 1960 Stu dent Encampment are available at the Hetzel Union desk. They must ibe returned by Friday. ONLY THREE MORE WEEKENDS! >4 " s Tickets Available NOW at HUB or door LA Council Approves Donation, Scholarships The Liberal Arts Student Coun cil voted last night to give $5O to the World University Service and two $l5O scholarships to Univer sity students. ! Sheila Cohen and Herbert Gold 'stein were appointed Orientation Week chairmen for the Council, and Sheila Cohen was appointed parliamentarian. The Council will hold a tea! May 8 at the home of Dean Ben lEuwema of the College of Liberal Arts. There will be a business 'meeting at that time. Ponla-lG ; \ / ; S r and I'll dance seamless stockings WEDNESDAY. APRIL 27. 1960 Women's Chorus Dinner Will Be Held Tonight The Penn State Women’s Chor 'us will hold its annual dinner at 5:30 today in La Galleria Restau rant. New officers for the coming year will be announced and keys will be presented to members who have been In Chorus for six semesters. Dress will be casual. Bar-B-Oued Chicken Halves—6sc and up WE DELIVER AD 81016 Herlocher’s Bar-B-Oued Chicken Take Out Located in Coffee Spot Bldg. U.S. GOVERNMENT REFUSES TO RECOGNIZE LA GALLERIA AS A KINGDOM The owners of La Galleria feel it would be much more ad vantageous to be an indepen dent kingdom, so they have seceded from the Union. The government will not recognize this secession so “Union troops" are mobilizing on the borders of 233 E, Bea ver,. An appeal for help was ignored by the Cuban embas sy, but Patagonia, Greenwich Village, the natives of the Gaspe Peninsula and Sutton Place have all pledged their assistance. The British Com monwealth has also pledged its assistance but La Galleria refuses to recognize the Com monwealth’s existence. In the near future La Gal leria may come to be known not as the “home” of the $1 19 steak, but the "kingdom" of the 51.19 sfeak. Come down to the dutv free port of La Galleria, where there is no custom’s inspection, and try some of our foreign dishes. (We have American Dishes but who can tell what will happen in the next few days') NOW YOU CAN HAVE YOUR FAVORITE DELICATESSEN DISHES DELIVERED TO YOU DUTY FREE. CORNED BEEF, PASTRAMI. TONGUE, SALAMI, TURKEY WITH FRESH RYE BREAD COLE SLAW AND POTATO SALAD, ALONG WITH YOUR FAVORITE SOFT DRINKS. ALL MEATS IMPORTED FROM PHILADELPHIA. CALL AD 8-8122 7 P.M. io 1 A.M., OR COME DOWN TO THE ATMOSPHERIC CELLAR AT 233 E. BEAVER AND EAT IN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT LISTENING TO THE FINEST IN JAZZ AND DANCE MUSIC. INCIDENTALLY WE DON’T ROLL UP OUR DANCE FLOOR ON WEEKDAYS. This week ive've only received 18,641 fillets; so, first come, first served. RESERVATIONS Now Being Taken for MOTHER'S DAY AD-8-8122