The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, April 26, 1960, Image 5

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    TUESDAY. APRIL 26. 1960
J Group Proposed by DARI SGA Faced With
DARE, the anti -segregation I ibe borough." in the dean of men's office, was A * JL*
* c>4 4 r* -n ~ ' The m °tion requesting this ac- tabled until the next open meet-’ V tiff fall fill * JI IPC7 Inn
group 01 State College, gave tion by the town was made at a ing of the group. 2’30 p.m. Sun- ▼UvU l K I 1 WCtfdl. I 1 8
the final stamo of annroval! meeting held Friday night, to day in the Helen Eakin Eisenhow-! _
5_ " -which all of tlie barbers in town er Chapel. By KAREN HYNECKEAL lion, through Haber, at the next
to a proposal which would set had been invited. DARE's fund drive, set for ! Should the Thanksgiving-Senate meeting May 5
up , “bi-racial hiunan «la-i p ap. Mv 8 tart 10. •£ ivacation be eliminated lo| _ J™,, Kr.jM Camp,,, „,wr
lions commission m btate the group met to decide on a fu- Bernreuier, special assistant to compensate for the irregular- ll > - leader, told the Assembly that
College Sundav tule course of action, which the president tor student at- u.. h e had talked to Benjamin A.
8 . , brought forth the "human rela- fairs. 01 cJass meellll g s duung Whlsk , t chairman o{ thc Senate
The group, which unanimously tions commission" proposal. Money collected will serve foi the fall semester? If the Committee on Class am, Talon
voted to assume the name, 'Di-, DARE is the same otoud that the local defense nf smripnK ar , .. ,von.miiue on eiass anu cairn
rect Action for Racial Equality " had been picketing Bunn's re.steddunng non-violent the calendar da ‘' f l ' he . du !f Wh,sler lnl1ial!y
definitely decided to send a let-; Barber Shop at 110 S. Allen Si., strations. payment of fines, and b e changedtoeliminate S ir- lntrociacc iJ he to ehmi
ter to the State College Borough after Kenneth Bunn, the owner, programs and conferences to en- leculanties"’ nH * e t u Thanksgiving holiday
Council, requesting that the coun- had refused lo cut the hair of courage non-violent, student pro- One Assemblyman asked why
eil establish such a commission. . a Negro student. test movements in other parts of the problem of irregular rla'-s
Under the jurisdiction of the ' A petition to the council, advo- the country meetings hadn't come up befoie
Borouqh Council, the commis- eating the appointment of such a 1 The Student Christian Asso- ,tins tune. Haber explained that
sion "would be permanent in commission, is now being circu- ciation has agreed to sponsor the the rule concerning the number
nature, acting by appropriate lated on campus and in town. drive. Hillel Foundation and the 'of class meetings per semester has
means to investigate reported t A discussion on discriminatory Newman Club have been also ap- .always existed but had never been
cases of discriminatory prac- j practices in town housing, as list- proached, but have not yet made followed to the strictest sense,
lices in all areas of life within ed on the approved housing list definite commitments
New Set-Up—
(Continued from page o»ie)
of the workshop on "Individual
ity Among Thousands ”
• Leonides shourfd work with
AVSGA to form a committee to
plan the community area councils.
• Leonides should have a “rush”
piogiam to inform independents
of its activities.
• Independents should have a
central lounge.
• Sororities and independents
should maintain a common blue
book file in the community liv
ing aieas.
• The proposed residence hall
counselors should be the mam
channel of communication for all
living units.
• Independents should give
move publicity and support to po
litical candidates.
• Independent honors should be
• Independents might invest!-,
gate having more social functions. |
—The Seeing Eye Training!
School, where dogs are taught to'
guide blind people, is near Mor
ustown, NJ. j
Factory Authorized
New '6O Deluxe Sedan sl62s
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Theater to Give Play by Miller
The Five O’clock Theater willarts and letters, will play the part
present a farce comedy today the "other woman.”
based on "the year of decision”! Other characters will be played
which is faced ’bv every college ®£[ ] 1 o u^; ; Sandr;i Ma £ ee and
sen ‘ or - ' Jon Barry Wilder, .graduate in
“Millie Marlow's Dilemma,” speech from State College, is di
written by June Miller, senior m 1 9 ctln £ play, and the technical
arts from Myerstovvn, will be pre- ! >» l ,^, tllon ls d °j e d >' David
sented fiom sto 5:30 p.rn. in the. c^llr ' toaduate student m thea
' Mai If. Theater ’ basemeTlt of 01d Ag Eng Society to Meet
1 ii„„ 4 i . _ . 1 Larrv H. Skromme, president
Sandia Halt, sophomore in arts 0 f the American Society of Agri
‘l 01 " Clanon, will play the part culture Engineers, will be the kev
of Millie, and Joel Daniels, who spea k er at the spring meeting of
has the lead role m the Plavers the soeieiv tnrt-iv- b B
production "The Sleeping Pi ince"! The theme of'the meeting !s
which is now m rehearsal, will -New Developments in, or Re
play the pail of Jay Winkton. lated to , the Field of Agriculture
" Elaine Edwards, freshman ini Engineering.”
Expert Styling
for those who
care . . . about
their hair.
220 A S. Allen St. D& AD 8-0213
CIRCA out irimy 9!k
C«rner Rowm
Today SGA Assemblymen will
be seeking student opinion on the
above questions. At a special
meeting last night, Richard Ha
ber, SGA president, told the As
sembly, “The proposed calendar
change is the most crucial issue
to hit student government since I
can remember
Edgar Giubb fSr.-U.), who has
been investigating the proposed
calendar changes, distributed
copies of the lour pioposals con
sidered by the Senate to all the
.Assemblymen Haber then ex
plained that Assemblymen should
not simply get a list of names
similar to a petition but should
find out which proposal students
favor and why.
He said that the Assembly
hopes to give its unanimous ap
proval to one on Thursday night
at the SGA meeting. The SGA
'will then voice the students" opm-
New Low Film Prices
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Refreshing new fruit drink
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