PAGE EIGHT Flags to Fly In Honor of Americas' Unity Tin.' flags of 21 American re publics will be r.'iised in honor of the unity of the Ameiiens at 11 50 n m today on the lawn of Old Maui A student fiom each of the Pan- Anniiean eountries will be as sisted by a member of HOTC in the raising of his country's flag. In celebration of the 70th an mveisary of the Organization of Ameiican States, the University will observe Pan-American Day on Thursday. ] This yeai will mark the 20th’ year that the school has observed tin day. j The Pan-American tree which ; was planted last year with 1 ground from the Latin Ameri- , can countries will be rededicat ed at 4:15 p.m, Thursday on the east terrace of the Heizel Union Building. Two students from 1 Cqsia Rica will add soil from their country to the tree this : year. AL this ceremony, President Ei senhower’s Pan-Amei ican Day Pioclamation will be read. Music for the piogrnm will consist of songs m Spanish by (he Latin Ameiican Kdurntois Gioup and ‘-elections by the State College High School Band The Inst event of the week will he a ptnginm of songs and dances of the Amends to bo held at 8 pm Friday In the social hall of Faith Evangelical and Reformed Church at College Ave and Locust Lane U3MSNV ICDH KQDL KROSSWORD ACROSS Fraternal letter Haywire Crew driver* Tin* I* poison Sport for Willie the Penguin <2 word*) Seut-oMho puntu condition They go with outs ('•rand, hand 6 Lika switching to Kools (3 words) 7 Upright (2 words) 3. NorPSHity for Pop's tar 12. Traveling t‘2 words) 16. Curvaceous figure 17 It's good iq the hole 18. Modern art, sounds educational (pi) 10. Classy classes 21 KooU are _ favored by Umerning nmokern 22 U follows "Hi" or hand t 7 Small accounts 20 Little organization 21. Strike out 20. With damee 20 flay needy man's name 80. What Harvard men fml) Tor 81. A little teas than many 82 A kind of Abncr^ 83. Between you ami the rnattresa 95. (ini alternative 87 Kvervnnp Kool’fl Menthol Magic 41. Khan man 42. “Jernt" 41. Kind of cent 45. Libido 23 _ jam 24 It's cooling like a Kool 23 Ointment item 27 Creme —, creme 28 Pedal niggler 33. Buy a carton of Kools at your fnvnrirn__ . 84. Count, for instance 83. It precedes 46 Backward idol in Italy 47 liras'* curve 48. An age 86 Unopened 88 America's most refreshing 49. N. C. college DOWN 1.- do cigarette 89. Prefix meaning Boulogne 9. Reaching without the ring 40. Kind of dive 43. Knowledgeable fellow YOU NEED 0F KGDL Nittany Protesf- (Cuntinued from page one) mu.s at not dealing well with you fellows ” Simes agreed with the council that the residents should have been given advance warning of the evacuation. As to the damage from Sun day's incident, Otto Mueller, head of the Department of Housing, said yesterday that "it didn't amount to much." Muel ler said, however, that the siu denis who had been living in Nittany 27 would be charged with any damage which oc curred in their rooms. i Bernreuter, however, said yes terday that he did not think it 'would be necessary to assess the students foi the damage. _ ’ The council voted to consider i the four or five residence halls I with the least number of residents j land then narrow them down to 1 ,one by considering the academic | .aptitude and general spirit within the residence halls. j When asked what improvements weie being made, Rein said that bookcases, painting, doors on shower stalls and matching dress ers in each room would be in stalled In the lobbies, cardplay ing booths, an extra phone, pic tuio fiamos will be added, he said. Michael Dzvonik. Nittany 39, asked what was being done to give more space in the individual rooms. Bernreuter answered, "Nothing can be done” OUTING CLUB ELECTIONS THURSDAY APRIL 21 7 P.M. HUB Assembly Room Tom Smythe will show | slides and speak on moun tain climbing In Mexico , 3. Whero the nuts romo from 4. Cricketers’ craving f> This is basic, in banic 30 Across OlitO. MOWN * WILLIAMSON TOBACCO COM. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA M I i ■ •«» t I, It ItMMM* Over 18,000 Students And Faculty Read These COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS POTTED PLANTS beautify n window or the interior of a room. Why not select several plants for your suite or dorm from a large varktj, prired ai low an 19c from (). W. llouts and Son. fnc , State College PLYMOUTH, one lady owner, veiy good condition. Reasonable. Call after 4 p in AD 7-4622. PAINTING COMES easier when Duality (iruinhncher Ait wupphes Every thing for the aitHt G'4 ca«h and carry discount Save today at O. W. Hunts and Son, Ine . State College. |iy, p >o I-'ORD 2-dour sedan. radio, henter. | Good condition, excellent transportation, f f 2.7. Phone Dick Tuve AD 7*4979. .1967 4b* TRAILER, 2 bedrooms, bath auto matic washer; immediate posbtßbion, Call AD 8-0381. Pit takes our IgSw kind of work to please 'em WE HAVE VERY HAPPY CUSTOMERS Shoe repairs made fo old lime standards using the most modern equipment and top-quality materials at sen sible rales ... all add up to happy customers! SHOE CLINK ~~ SHOES SOLES keels 153 S. Allen St. Phone AD 8-1451 * ** FOR SALE No. 10 ,«®l f ALSO > AVAILABLE WITHOUT . FILTER J FOR SALE ll) r >D COUVETT hardtop; Lest offer. Call AD 8-HM. 1956 PONTIAC in Philadelphia; 2-door Catalina, excellent condition. Call Helen UN 6-7944 for appointment during Easter. NEED TROPHIES 1 Vou name it—l have it. Plain or engraved. Big discounts. |Quick service. Phone AD 7-7851 after 6. ’Catalogs available. Sam Troutman’s [Trophy-Novelty Shop 11963 COLONIAL Trailer, one bedroom, I patio, wall to wall carpet, $l3OO. 28 |College View Ttatler Park. 1953 MG-TD $996. 1952 Dodge convert. $195. 1954 Buick Special ?496. Clark Motor Company, 120 S. Pugh Street WANTED WANT TO buy one boy's bike, one girl's. Call AD 8-1803 after 5 I RIDERS TO Ft. Lauderdale over Easter I vacation Call Bud Albright or Ken iSulhvan AD 8-6821. i LOST K&K SLIDE RULE Thursday noon. Re- I want Call UN 5-5579, ask for Sheldon. GLASSES —Tortoise shell frames in front of Hthba Hall March 25th. Call Jan UN 5-6173. | WOULD PERSON who mistakenly took i brown suede jacket from lower level of HUB please return it. 1 need a coat in this rainy weather. Call Mel at AD 7-2809 RAINCOAT AT Sigma Nu Sat. night, red lining, Call UN 6-4328 ask for Bob RAINCOAT AT Phi Kappa Theta, car keys in pocket. 1 have yours. Call Bon AD 8-6311 TAN RAlNCOAT—fourth floor Boueke on Friday. Liszka printed on bottom seam Call UN 5-5016. FRATERNITY PlN—somewhere between , Bill's and Phi Gamma Delta. Call Don Book AD 7-4957. FOUND ONE CHI OMEGA and one Kappa Kappa 1 Gamma pledge pin at The Athoi ton Shop. Phone AD S-2212 10 a m -8 p,m. 1 GOLD~B ULO VA watch?" CuITTaD 7-4735, ask for Chuck. CAN YOU SEE YOURSELF IN THIS PICTURE! General Telephone Company of Pennsylvania offers unusual oppor tunities for outstanding graduates capable of rapid advancement into responsible management positions. • ENGINEERING: E.E., M.E., C.E. for applicalion engineering, structural de sign, transmission, circuit application. • BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION: For administration, supervision. • ACCOUNTING: For income tax, cost, IBM. Interviews: Friday, April 11 (Make Appointment at Placement Office) GENERAL TELEPHONE America's Fastest-Growing Telephone System TUESDAY, APRIL 12. 1960 ■ ■M.eeei.fMMetnMii.ieieee.MieMMMMiMMtMMiij.sMii FOR RENT APARTMENT—3 J ,{: rooms, stTm-furmshcd including laundry, parking, Mirage space Available June 1. AD 7-2967. FOR RENT Metzger apartment for the summer. Call AD 8-8981. FURNISHED APARTMENT available Yof summer, one block from campus, 2 to 4 people, cheap I Call AD 8-8628 after 0. SECOND FLOOR Apartment. 4 rcomtt and bath; heat, water, stove and refrig erator furnished. 166. Phone HO €-6142. FURNISHED APARTMENT for one or two male students, two blocks from campus, available immediately. Phone AD 8-1400. COMFORTABLE MODERATE rate accom modations with private bath or running water. Colonial Hotel, 123 W. Nittany Av*. f State College. AD 7-4860 or AD 7-7797. ROOM&BOARD MAKE RESERVATIONS for Ml Minister at Marilyn Hall, 817 E Heaver. Rtterva lions also being taken ftn all summer gesMons Board or room and board to fill vacancies for balance of RemeMei Rooms without board available 2208 S Allen M, Ask for Mrs. Fetriskey at 317 E Heaver. | HELP WANTED KITCHEN HELP W"inter) for fr"t.'rnlty" Thursday through Sunday only. Contact Dave AD 7-4963. MISCELLANEOUS •■»••■■■■■■■■••••••■■•■•■•••••••••■••••••■•••••••••■•••«i»i