PAGE rwo Greek Week Winners To Keep Sing Awards All j'loups winch qualified as winners in the Interfra tornity-i’anhellemc Greek Week Sint; will keep their awards, Robeit Parsky, chairman of the IFC Board of Control, said Sundav A combined meeting of the Interfraternity Council Board of Conti ol and the Panhellenic Council Judicial Board was held Sophomores Will Sponsor Scholarship 'I’ll" Mipliomoie chi'.-. vmII spon .sm the "Class of ’{>2 Scholarship." a M()0 aw aid to be presented each fall beginning m 1%9. The w inner of the scholarship will be '.elected bv the Umvei sitv on the basis of financial need To be eligible foi tins awmid a pi pin was foiced to relinquish student must have a 2 5 All-Uni- p., title and trophy to Kappa vei'bv awiage and must have re- Kappa Gamma sorority which ceived no othei .scholaiship placed second in the quartet dl aw'ud. Members of the class of,vision. rv :,p! ! ly l^!A thl "' SL 'holarship' Howewr- an investigation con- 1 until Mav 1. 1)60. ducted by The Daily Collegian re in othei business at the Sopho-' ,ealed that 8 of the 13 finalist moie Cites Advisory Board meet- groups had participating singers mg. the campaign to collect who were on academic probation names for a new Nittanv Lion also. sub was di-cussed Letters have p arsky said that lhe group been sent to nil soiauties, fra- reacke( j n, e decision to retain fei mtie- and other campus organ- the si winnGrs and lo restore i/atinns Kquosting donations to; }he trophy lo Pi Phi because no lmcl . restrictions based on academic Thr possibility of purchasing a requirements were made by the i'ml linn to act as mascot for the Greek Week Committee this University had been discussed at year. an eailit-i meeting of the advisory The combined group decided KMIC (Sunday to recommend to the Sen- TKE Takes lst f Continued from page one) Projeit-. and the total possible points tor participation m the vanoi s Greek Week activities Aloha Xi Delta won first place P lobd ! inn ma >' V ,k( ' an a E tl ' e P alt in Hi.- poster contest, second m m extiaeurneular or hatermty the lEC Smj;, fouttli m theQuai- 01 •'’ o,o,lt > activities tet Contest, and also received full ... ,7" . . _ participation points. Michelson Joins Committee 1 Dr. In mg Michelson, professor The National Goorgraplne Soci- and head of the Department of ct> estimates that man has wiped Aeionautical Engineering, has out about itO i>er cent of ti e original been invited to serve on the pub wildhle nopulatior of the Afuean licatinns committee of the Amen-, continent can Rocket Society, Inc. „ —Collegian Photo In Kick Bower GREEKS AT WORK —Mo.nbet.-, of Sigma Delta Tau, Theta Xi. and Lambda Chi Alpha washed cats on Satiiiday to earn money to donate to chanty. This was one of the Greek Week PtojcGs undei taken to impro\e Greek-town relation' pni;—ft. | Kssentfjl in (he librir* #f frrrt thlnkin* per* 'Z sotl. GREAT BOOKS oi ihk tuvrtits vxmin «uh treat new MMOI’KON For irifornutiun «n how you cm ob tain thh set direct from pnkluhpf on it siunnl kudtrt nUn. .Send post vjir<! •o Great Books, Field Office, 109 S. 171 h St., Harrisburg, Pa. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA | Sunday afternoon to decide on the !eligibility of Greek Week Sing participants. ■ The group reviewed all the par ticipants in the sing. Pi Bela Phi sorority was dis qualified as winner of the quar tet division of the Greek Week Sing last week by the dean of men's and the dean of women's offices when it was learned that one of the members of fhe Pi Phi quartet was on academic probation. 'ate Sub-Committee on Student )Affanthat the last line of the ;rule 0-1 of the Senate Regula tions for Undergiaduate Students be deleted. The iute states that ,no student who is on academic SUMMER JOBS IN EUROPE 3000 Positions open m all fields ASIS ALL-INO USIVE PACKAGE FOR MEMBERS ONLY $329 • Summer job • round-trip air fare ®orientation course • health and accident insurance • social ; reception • first night accommo dations • sightseeing trip • postal service •information on inside Europe, etc. For more information write to: American Student Information Service Johnstr. 56a, Frankfurt/Main, Germany McComb Reports on By KAY MILLS A library that was good five years ago is a poor library now if it hasn't had anything spent on it since that time, Ralph W. Mc- Comb, librarian, said in an interview. “A library is an extremely expensive operation.” McComb said. “If the University really wants to be one of the major institutions, it must step up the assistance the library receives,” he explained. McComb said that the ex pense involves the physical plant itself, materials and staff salaries We are having a difficult lime increasing our subscrip tions lo periodicals and news papers, as well as buying ba sic books.” he said. At present the library has about 525,000 volumes and subscribes to about 6000 magazines and jour nals. Students sometimes say that if they could go into the stacks, they could find any of these publications they wanted right away, McComb said. “Open or closed stacks is a Campbell >4s Home Nancy Jo Campbell, senior in home economics education from Erie, was crowned Miss Home Economics at the Spring Weekend Fashion Show held last Saturday afternoon in Schwab Auditorium. Miss Campbell was selected for the contest by Phi Upsilon Omicron, home economics hon- 1 orai v society, and chosen as a « j« « ■ ' finalist by Mr and Mr* Bill Me- CXteHO Mullen and Mr and Mrs. Frank ~,W,CS Schlow She uas voted queen of gI» the College of Home Economics 11T UGCICIIIIIG bv its students ] Miss Campbell was chosen for The deadline for applications! her qualities ol professional at- for the Leonides Honor Grant titude, beautv. poise, personality, was extended until April 26 bv' and contributions to her college. r ] She hopes to teach home eco- Leonides Council last night ( nomics in the Philadelphia area Any independent woman with after graduation this June. '3 2 5 All-Umversity average may! Other events on the Spring a PP ! V for the sdo scholarship. The 1 Weekend agenda proved to be grant will be awarded primarily verv successful “As successfub°n the basis of leadership and as can be expected with the'character, rather than financial, weather as it was,” said Miss La- n e «*. Mary Kaye Stoker, scholar-: vein Henderson, instructor in chairman, said, home and community relations) Applications are available in' and m charge of Spring Weekend;2os-D Old Main. publicity. | In other business the council Miss Henderson also stated yes-'decided to present two awards terday that approximately 1500;at its annual banquet this spring.) people attended the events of the | One award will go to the inde-! weekend. One-third of those at-.pendent selected as “Outstanding tending were visiting high school.Leonides Member” and the other students, for whom a special pro-! to the “Outstanding Independent giam was devised. 'Woman.” [ Several of the events offered. Designation of “Active Inde this weekend were - the fashion: pendents” who are entitled to show, various exhibits placed iwear the honor guard to the throughout the Home Economics; Leonides pin will be made this Building and a talk given by Dr 'spring by the old and new execu- Minam Lowenberg, head of tho'tive boards rather than on a point [Department of Home Economics.'system, the council decided. j on “Around the World on a Nu tntion Mission.” j Mexico is made up of 20 states,l [two territories and a federal dis trict —the equivalent of the District; 'of Columbia m the U.S ! * CATHAUM Now: 1:30, 3:29, 5:28, 7:27, 9:30 j “The Last Voyage” | Ron-Mt Stick - Dorothv Maumt* ! •ItnilNS WKDNKSD \Y • I TWO FAMILY MOVIES "Guns of Ihe Timberland” “The lio> &. The Lauehinic Do* - ’ ★ NITTANY NOW DOOR OPEN 6:45 4 ACADEMY AWARDS “MARTY” ERNEST BORGNINE BEGINS WEDNESDAY “The Silver Chalice” Jack Palnnce - Pier Ansjeh Paul Newman perennial problem,” McComb continued “Students actually can do better by themselves if they will learn to use the cata logue. The stacks now are not designed for undergraduate use. They are meant to be a storage area.” The library as now designed could actually house fewer books if open stacks were set up because more space would be re quired to dis play them, he said. Several of the reading rooms which were used on ly for study ing now con ta i n some books. Study SMI McCemk space would be reduced if more books were shelved in the reading rooms, McComb ex plained. Recent acquisitions have been made possible by an anonymous gift of books on American economic develop ment- and the Class of 1959 presented its gift to the library to purchase contemporary lit erature. ‘•There is hardly any area Reign Queen to Ec TIRED ? ? ? Lei Collegian Classifieds WORK FOR YOU "HU'S R RBR : STUDENT • YOUNG TEACHER 3 ■ EUROPEAN TOUR I S 60 DAYS s£+"7G 5 il COUNTRIES 0/3 ■ H TOUR PRICE INCLUDES “j 3 meats daily everywhere; alt transportation in Europe by d( luxe dir* B conditioned motor coach; special receptions throughout tour.,. St yOU'LL ENJOy THESE UNIQUE EVENTS: • Live several days In the home of a French family • Talk with leading government personalities • Attend cultural events that characterise Europe • Meet students from all over the world • Thrill to variety of special evening entertainments • Visit renowned studios, industries and art centers • Edinburgh Festival, Shakespeare Memorial Theatre, Oherammtrgau S Round trip transatlantic V fwwft transportation available at ( additional cost. xsS^ S TRAVEL & CULTURAL EXCHANGE, INC. 8 650 Fifth Av«m. Hwr Y«k 16. FLY. Clrdo 6-66 M TUESDAY. APRIL 12. 1960 Library which we don’t need to devel op,” McComb said. He added that books relating to the hu manities probably are most needed. The Patlee Library ranks about 50th according to the number of books. It circulates an average of 35.000 books a month. Last year 366,000 wer* circulated. The heaviest book use is "probably in reading courses, such as literature, his tory and political science," Mc- Comb said. Also housed in the library are the Pennsylvania Historical Collection, University materi als in the Penn State Room, a rare book collection, a photo stat service and microfilms of newspapers, early English books, British government pa pers and American books be fore 1820. Several rough outlines for possible expansion have been made. McComb said. "We would like to expand seating capacity and provide for future library growth. We’d like to include more rooms for maps and documents. We would also like to increase the staff so that more materials can be processed and more services offered," he explained. Annual Science Fair Will Open April 29 The seventh annual Penmsyl vama State Science Fair will be held April 29 and 30. Competition is open to junior and senior high school students who can enter projects in var ious scientific fields. The exhibits will be on display April 30. A $5OO scholarship and a $250 scholarship will be awarded to ithe two top winners. LOBSTER HOUSE LOBSTER TAIL With Drawn Butter and Creme-De-Mint for Desnert TAXI RETURN GRATIS
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