The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, April 09, 1960, Image 8
Come To Church University Chapel SCHWAB ADUITORIUM 10:55 Speaker—Mr. Williams Topic—“ And Life Everlasting” Special music by the Medita tion Chape] Choir directed by James W. Beech 8 p.m. Schwab Auditorium Easter Music By the University Chapel Choir Directed by Willa Taylor St. Andrew's Episcopal Church 316 Frazier Street Rev. John R. Whitney Holy Communion and Clnuch Services 745 9.00 1045 +++ University Baptist Church 4U South Burrotves Street Rev. Earl F. Spencer 8.30 Student Bible Class 9:30, 10.50 Services +++ State College Friends Meeting 318 South Atherton Street 9.15 Young Friends Discussion: Quakerism & Re ligious Symbols, led by Elton Atwater 124 S. McAllister St. 10 45 Meeting for Worship 318 S. Atherton St. +++ The Christian Church 164 West Suburban Avenue Rev. Robert G. Martin Pastor 9 30 Church service 10.30 College-age Sunday Class 615 pm. Christian Student Fellowship +++ B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation 224 Locust Lane Prof. Clifford A. Nelson Acting Director Tues: 10:00 Service Wed: 10:00 Service April 18: 10:00 Service April 19: 10:00 Yiskor Memorial Service Our Lady of Victory Roman Catholic Church 215 West Fairmount Avenue Pastor—Joseph F. Trexler Masses: Upper—B 00, 9-30, 11:00; Lower—9:3o, 11:00, 4:30 p.m. Masses on evenings, 7-00 during Lent, Sun., Wed., Fri. Schwab Auditorium—3 00 a.m. Confessions: Sat. 4:00 & 7:00 p.m. Presbyterian Church and Westminster Foundation 132 West beaver Avenue Rev William McClain Services: 9:15 and 10.45 Rev. William McClain Sermon: "High King of Heaven” Westminster Fellowship meetings: 1. at 6:20 p.m. 2. Lenten Worship Services and a play 3. Held at Presbyterian Center Leonides Blue Key Alpha Kappa Psi Sigma Sigma Sigma Kappa Alpha Theta Detla Delta Delta Delta Gamma Zeta Tau Alpha Sigma Tau Delta Alpha Epsilon Phi Alpha Xi Delta Alpha Chi Sigma Acacia Delta Chi is Message Is Brought to You Through tho Courtesy of College Orgaalxati lAJeeh blaster The Easter Vacation time is almost upon us. The students look forward to this vacation from their academic surroundings . . . some will take holiday trips to Bermuda and Florida, some will use the time to catch up on their studies and the piles of term paper assignments they have collected, some have planned a full schedule of job interviews, some will simply relax with their families. But in the hubub of vacation are we losing the significance of Easter? Perhaps. Now is the time to reorient yourself—April 17 is not just a holiday, it is Easter, a symbolic day on which to remember and revitalize our faith in Christ. It is a time for reawakening our souls through examination of our lives. 4-++ Womens Student Government Association of Independent Men - A.I.M. First Church of Christ Scientist 133 West Beaver Ave. 11.00 a.m. Sunday Church Service 11:00 a.m. Sunday School Wednesday Meeting 8:00 p.m. Faith United Church of Christ 300 E. College Ave. Minister—Rev. Albert Asendorf Student Minister Rev. Theodore Braun Services: 9-30—Church School 10:45—Morning Service Theme—“ The Palm Sunday Crowd” 2:3o—Baptism Service 6:3o—United Student Fellow ship; Discussion: Contempor ary Magazines Association • W.S.G.A. Town Independent Men - T.I.M. Delta Upsilon Phi Kappa Tau Pi Kappa Alpha Chi Phi Sigma Phi Epsilon Theta Delta Chi Zeta Beta Tau Phi Kappa Theta Lambda Chi Alpha Phi Gamma Delta Alpha Chi Rho Theta Phi Alpha Parmi Nous St. John's Evangelical United Brethren Church 306 West Beaver Avenue The Rev. Melvin L. Whitmire Morning Worship—9:3o Easter Cantata by the Senior Choir Church School—lo:4s Student Fellowship Dinner Meet ing—5:00, Mr. Mohammed Ali Kahn, Pakistan, speaker Unitarian Universalist Fellowship 345 S. Buckhout St. Fellowship President— Dr. Philip Skell Sunday Morning Service—lo:4s Mr. Vernon Spencer will speak on “The Servile Mind and Its Dangers in Our Fundamental Liberties” Emerson Society meeting 6 30 p.m. Dr. Samuel Bayard will speak on “Folk Music” St. Paul's Methodist Church 256 East College Avenue Rev. Nelson H. Frank Services at: 8:15 a.m. 9 30 a.m. 10:45 a.m, Methodist Youth Fellowship at 7:30 p.m. Grace Lutheran Church West College Ave. and Atherton The Rev. Dale Brlngham Pastor Services: 8:30, 10:45 a.m, Lutheran Student Association 6:30 ++4‘ Assembly of God Church 619 West College Avenue Rev. Leo Slarner Pastor Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 10.45 a.m. Morning Service 6:30 p.m. Young People’s Meet ing 7:45 p.m. Evening Service Wednesday: 7:45 p.m. Prayer Meeting Church of Christ 405 Hillcrest Ave. College Heights Rev. F. P. Higginbotham Minister 10.00 a.m. Bible Study 11:00 a.m. Worship 7:00 p.m. Evening Worship 7:00 p.m. Wed. Bible Study