The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, April 09, 1960, Image 7
SATURDAY. APRIL 9. 1 DU C For 2 By DEAN BILLI Delta Upsilon won wrestling team cham for the second straij before a large crowe Hall last night by 112 points and cop^ Individual titles. DU won the title easily over Sigma Phi Epsilon which had 72 points. Sigma Nu had 67 for third. Only one champion held on to his crown. Gene Edwards, last year’s independent 176-pound titleholder, moved up to the un limited class and won a 3-2 de cision over Jim Williams. Ed wards used two escapes and vital riding time to win. Frank Skiddle of DU, who won the fraternity 167 pound title last year, was not as for tunate as Edwards. Skiddle ran into baskelballer Don Wilson and was pinned in 2:32 of the second period with a body press. Delta Upsilon sent three men into the finals and twb of them came out victorious. Bob Alman started things off on the right foot for DU by squeaking to a t 10-9 last second reversal win in' the 128-pound class over Howie! Walter of Delta Chi. Walter held a; 9-8 advantage with five seconds) remaining when Alman reversed for the win. Bob Sommons was the other DU winner, using two take- .. , . ~ T , . downs and a reversal for a 7-3 er P° hshed off John Musser in win over Bill Phillips of Alpha 2:25 of the second period. Sigma Phi in ihe 158 pound In the bloddiest battle of the tdass " evening Jim Bohn won a 8-4 Footballer Andy Stynchula gave SPE second place in the team standings when he pinned Chuck Ebert of Phi Gamma Del-j ta in 3:26. A heavyweight, Styn-j chula led 5-0 at the time of the pin. In independent action Bill Stitt, 135-pounder and George Fischer,! 176, racked up pins. Stitt pinned] Don McCreary in 4:54 and Fisch-' 1 Palmer Holds Masters Lead AUGUSTA, Ga. (/P) Arnold Palmer salvaged first place in the Masters Golf Tournament at the halfway point yesterday with a 140 total after a retioactive pen alty had cost Dow Finsterwald the lead. The muscular, 29-year-old Pal mer from Ligonier, Pa., lost most of the two-stroke lead he held af ter the first round, posting scores of 67-73-140 over the massive par 36-36-72 Augusta national course. Finsterwald, a former PGA champion and Tournamen Com mittee member who should know the rules, called one on himself] yesterday for an infraction Thurs-j day. He could have been disquali-j fied for it, but the Tournament: Committee decided instead to add a two-stroke penalty to his first round score. That gave him 71- 70-141 and threw him into a tie with Ben Hogan, Claude Harmon Factor? Authorized VOLKSWAGEN Sties—Part*—Service New *6O Deluxe Sedan ..$1623* WYNO SALES CO. 1960 E. Third St. WiUUws|»rt hm. Phone 1-4(81 PIZZA! • tantalizing • delicious •oven-hot • pizza Delivered to you from MORRELL'S with selections these toppings: Peppcroni Hot Sausage Mushrooms Ground Beef Onion Ring* Frankfurter Delivered 9-12 refund of 101 l calls on all orders over $2.00 ps IM Mat Title d Straight Year the IM pionship ;ht year i in Rec tmassing ling two TOP—INDEPENDENT WINNERS: (L to R Back)—Arison, Stitt, Gette, Bond (missing'). (L to R Seated)—Dean, Lewis, Fischer, Edwards. BOTTOM—FRATERNITY WINNERS: (L to R Back)—Alman, Newhouse, Saba, Sommons. (L to R Seated)—Phillips, Eberhardt, Wilson, Stynchula. decision over Keith Dixon. Bohn who led throughout the match battled a bloody nose from the second period on and almost had to forfeit his match. Bob Dean, wrestling in the in dependent 158-pound class, com pletely outclassed Ernie Noll and took a 5-0 decision. and Waller Burkemo for second place. About one third of the field still, was out on the course when Pal mer sand the last shot of a rag ged, putt-plagued round to lead by a stroke. There appeared little likelihood that any of the late finishers could catch him. Fmsterwald’s difficulty arose from a practice putt he took on the fifth green Thursday. A local rule, printed on the back of the scorecard, says this is not al lowed and prescribes a two-stroke penalty. GREEK WEEK CAR WASH 25c TODAY 1-5 P.M. LOCATIONS: Lambda Chi Alpha—Corner Earner & Fairmount Kappa Sigma—Corner Locust & Beaver Bathurst’s Gulf Station—Cor. Atherton & College fusr Print: fret Tripe ti Ktsav, Tnt Ifi » SarpiTsn » MC: Cfaflit JUnbA, WORM ADMISSION $3:00 PER PERSON • DRESS c OPTIONAL w- •' ' r Tl G K E ' T s . AVAjUBLE ;AT BOX OFfI.CE THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA ARTISTS [EPS the Station) [SALLE QUARTET /m Capitol Recardt >r* Visit with Playboy'* lovely Playmole* and comedy favorite Woody Woodbury SCMMARY Fraternity i2B-Alm»n (DU) ttec. W«lter (DChi), 10-') 13> - NVwhome (ACRhui dec. Eiber (SChu, 5-0 14‘2 —Snba (Sohi> dec. Harlow (SNui, R-l l jO--Sornmons IDU) dec. Koyntz iPhiPsil, 7-1 153 —Phillips (AS!*) dec. Claycomb <ST Gumma), 4-1 107—Ebeihardt (AZ) dec. Black (AcHciaj* 5-1 I7t»—Wilion (SPE) pinned Skuldle (DUi, 2. VI Hwt - Stvnehula (SPE) pinned Ebyit iPhi Gamma D». 8:20 Independent 124—Alison dec Abramson, 4-2 IT»—Stitt pinned MeCreitiy, 4 54 142—(Sctte dec. Millei, 5-0 150 (tohn dec. Dixon, .4-4 154—Dean dec. Noll, 5-0 107—Lewi* dec. Merits’, 5-2 170—Fischer pinned Munier, 2:25 Hwt—Kdwaids dee William-., 5-2 NEED RESEARCH HELP? Five-Day Service We piovnle a list of icfeience* co\er in>f the i»a*t THIRTY yeaia of all patent's, chemical abstracts, government publications, and teUs for ymir spe cific production, technical and'or re search subject or problem. Complete List of Source* $25.00 List with material, condensed 73.00 RESEARCH SERVICES 1422 Chestnut St., Philadelphia 2, Pa. Suita 814 LOcust 3-6003 ISENT A GAIA Hawks, Celtics Clash for Title BOSTON (.P) The off-and-on Boston scoring machine and the S‘. Louis “comeback kids” must cram their bids for the National Basketball Assn, championship into 48 minutes today. Seventy-five regular season games and two playoff series’ apiece will be wrapped up in the nationally televised action start ling at 2:15 p.m. (EST) at Boston Garden. A hassle over officials spices this dramatic “no tomor row” contest Three times the defending champion Celtics have gone ahead in the best-of-seven title series displaying their awesome firepow er and speed. Three times the em jbattled Hawks have pulled even ! by forcing the Celts to slow down and by defensing Boston off its feet. Following Thursday night’s 105- 102 St Louis triumph in the west ern city, Hawks' owner Ben Kern el' and NBA President Maurice Podoloff clashed over Podoloffs choice of Mendy Rudolph and Jim uffv as referees. Podoloff yesterday stuck with his original selections Kerner would have preferred Sid Borgia, because it is believed in the NBA ranks that Borgia calls more fouls in favor of the visiting team. V CANDIES GAY YELLOW BASKET ; filled with Easter candies l . ' * v" ; 11b. box *l*o : ASSORTED CHOCOLATES • 2 lb. box $2.70 • » Chocolate and Butter ! Bon Eggs ! 104 & 154 ach J • * • • • exclusively ours... • ! GRIGGS ! i PHARMACY j 120 E. COLLEGE AVE. j STATE COLLEGE, PA. j ADams 7-7812 l PAGE SEVEN CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE YELLOW FORD convertible, new ret! seat cowrs. new batten. good tires, good engine. Reasonably priced Al) 5-0214. 1553 lORD 2-il<x>i sedan; radio, heater. Good condition, excellent ttansporution. $125, Phone Ditk Tuve AO 7-1070. VM TAPE RECORDER _ Reasonable. Call Rill Rehng AD 8-9086. HART KH\FFNER M\RX tuxedo Siee 4l. J 39 <i(i. AD7-3934 after G pm. HUSH SETTER puppies born March 2, 10*»O AXC registered Call UN 5-5607. DON'T HITCH-HIKE, drive home in thi* bargain-pi ucd. clean *5.1 DeSnto V-3 sedan. M:in> extias. Call AD 7-2985 and haggle ;19.">7 46* TRAILER, 2 bedrooms, bath auto* i matio wasb-r; immediate possession. : Cull AD 8-0,181. VOLKSWAGEN 1050, leatherette, 12.00(1 milea, will guarantee car— $1450, might finance. AD 8-1505. 1059 COR VEIT hardtop; best offer. Call AD 8-H6SL in Philadelphia; 2-door 1050 PONTIAC Ostalinn, exctHent condition. Call Helen UN 5-7944 foi appointment during Easter. NEED TROTH lEST^Ym)"’name it-) it Tlain or enginved. Rig discounts. [Quick service. Phone AD 7-7851 after 6. i Catalog* available Sam Troutman** ! T rop h.\ -Nost* 11 v Shop 1953 COLONIAL Trailer, one bedroom, patio, wall to wall carpet, $l3OO. 28 | Col lege _Vjew_Trailer Talk. |i 95 M G-T D $995. "\ 932"“ Dodge” con vertl jsl9s. 1954 Ruick Special $195. Clark Motor Company, 120 S. Pugh Street WANTEI RIDE TO Harrisburg after 3*30 on Tues day April 12._Cal) Frank AD 7-1677. RIDERS TO Ft. I*auderdale, Miami. Leav ing Tuos . April 12, lMfio. Call Joe, l>e forefoie 4 30. AD 8-8136—after 4*3® AD 8-GIIG CHICAGO-ROUND for Easter vacation. Want l lders. Call AD 8-0780 after 5 pm. WANT TO buy one boy'* bike, one girl's. Call AD 8-1803 after 5. RIDERS TO Ft. Lauderdale over Easter vacation. Call Bud Albught or Ken Sullivan AD 8-GR2I. KELP WANTED KITCHEN HELP Wanted for fraternity. Thursday through Sunday only. Contact Dr\ e AD 7-4953. FOR RENT TWO DOUBLE looms for student*. Will rent single or double. Next to Pobt Office, 114 E Reavei A»e. Phone AD 7-4147 APARTMENT—3L loom*, semi-furmtjhed including laundry, parking, storage space Available June L AL 7-2957. M)K RENT Mitxger apartment for the summei Call AD 3-8681. SUMMER APARTMENT for two (postiblf tliteei, furnixhed, ground floor—rear, pnvate entrance, quiet understanding land lady. Centtally located. Appointment, AD 8-0069 APARTMENT— looms, semi-fuiniahei including laundry. parking, storage spate Available June 1. AD 7-2957. FURNfSHHDAPARTMENT - flv*llnble~for surnniei, one block from campus, 2 to 4 people, cheap I Call AD 8-8528 after 5. SECOND FLOOU Apaitment, 4 rooms and bnth; heat, water, stove and refrig erator furnished $65. Phone HO 6-6142. FURNISHED APART M ENT for~one ”or two male students, two block* fioni campus, a\flilab!e immediately. Phont AD 8-1400, COMFORTABLE MODERATE rate accom modations with private hath or running water. Colonial Hotel, 12S W. Nittanr Ave., iState College. AD 7-4800 or AD 7-7797. K&E SLIDE RULE Thursday noon. Re ward Call UN 5-5579, ask for Sheldon. GLASSES—Toi toi«je shell frames in front of Hihhs Hall Match 25th. Call Jan TJN 5-C173. WOULD PERSON who mistakenly took brown suede jacket from lower level of HUH please return it I need a coat in this rainy weather. Call Mcl at AD 7-2809, LADIF.S* ELGIN watch with black sued* band—vicinity Carnegie, HUB or Boucke. Rewaid UN 5-5596, Kdie. RAINCOAT AT Sigma Nu Sat. night, red lining. Call UN 5-4328 ask for Rob. RAINCOAT ~AT~Phf” Kappa Theta! car keva in pocket. I ha\e yours. Call Ron AD 8-6311. ,TAN RfMNCO \T —fourth floor Iloucke on I Fridnv. Liszka printed on bottom scam. [Call UN 5-504 G. [FRATERNITY PlN—somewhere between ' Bill's and Phi Gamma Delta. Call Don ‘Book AD 7-4957 ; FOUND 'gold HULOVA -watch. Cull AD 7-473.», I ask for Chuck. i«SCEL , L , ANE , 6 , US ,,,,, 1 GOING TO Bermuda? Call Beit AD RIDERS TO Fort Lauderdale and Miami over Easter Call George Fahiion, AD 8-8762 TYPING OF ali Kinds by experienced tech nical tvpist. Reasonable rate*. Cali AD 8-8633. HEY • EVERYBODY'S invited to TKE*a Victorj Jam Session with the Four Dimension*! Saturday night, 9.30. GIL lost your phone number. Please | _c»ll UN 5-2381 or AD 8-2142, Lionel. 56 EXPERIENCED baby sitters available afternoon* and evenings. Proceed* to charity. Phi Sigma Sigma, UN 5-7785. ALTERATIONS—hems and dressmaking. Reasonable rates. Call AD 8-1772 er come to 415 fi. Foxier Avenue. ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing, tap, toe or acrobatic lesson*. Piofessional School of Dance. AD 8-1078. ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing, tap, toe or acrobatic lessons. Profeasional School of Dance. AD 8-107 L. good condition.