The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, April 09, 1960, Image 6
CAGE SIX Nine Durbin, Kiklar*” Will Hurl Twinbiil By SANDY PADWE Dave Guisti will get a chance to beat Penn State for the second straight year when the Lions anti Syracuse get together for a Beaver Field doubleheader staiting at 1 this afternoon II was | about a year ago that lhe Syracuse junior halted Perm Slate's eight-game winning streak and beat his mound op ponent m today's fust game, lefty Tom Duibin. That was Durbin’s only loss of the sea-urn and he'll be out to actuate tilings today. He should get plenty of help from his team mates who haven't foigolten the loss eithet. Lion coach Joe Bedonk pl'ns only one change in the Penn State lineup and it will find Jim Suplizio behind the plate in place of John Adams who caught the opening game win over Gettysburg Wednesday. Bedcnk will go with Captain Tuck Landis at third. Bob Hrobak at shoi t, Larry Fegtey at second and Bill Benton on first. John Phillips will be the left fieldei. slugger Roger Kochman Thinclads Hurt By Loss Of Moran, King, Kerr (First of u senes on the Lion truck team, next the weights) The Penn State track team will have plenty of good run ner*. this year, but whethei or not they’ll have enough to retain their IC4A title remains to be seen. Last year with runners like Ed Moran, Chick King and Fred Kerr the Lions swept both the indoor and outdoor eastern championships Moran, tlie best nulei in Penn State his tory, captured IC4A titles in the HtiO. 1000. and mile events King placed second in the 880 and Ken came thiough with some great clutch performances. With these three top-notch runners gone, Penn State coach Chuck Werner will have to come up with beiier-ihan-aver age replacements it his Lions have any hopes of retaining their title. And it looks like the Lion men tor is going to have to rely on a batch of sophomores to take up the slack “'You just don't lose fellows like the three we lost last year without being hurt,” Weiner said “It will take a lot of seasoning before the sopho moies can fill those shoes” Werner is counting on first veai men Steve Moorhead, Mike Mil lei, Pat Cunningham, Fred Lar son and Tonv Wayne to come through this spring. In the sprints Werner has one of the best in the east in Junior Bobbv Brown. The Lion dashman had a little trouble with his starts during the in door campaign, but he still had a fine season, breaking several Weber, George Jones, Denny - , , . . Johnson, Dave LaHoff and Bill Loras Down CUDS# 0-4 Schwab plus sophomores Moor- MESA, Aii/:. UP) The St. head. Miller and Larson will give Louis Cardinals scored two runs the squad plenty of depth in the in the eighth inning—one on Stan 880, mile, and 2-mile. Musial’s fourth homer of thej " spung—ar.d defeated the Chicago Cubs 6-4 yesterday. Spring! Soccer All spring soccer candidates will meet at 7'30 pm. Monday at 114 Ree Hall. 8 p.m. White Hall "C Hosts Syracuse Today !run which cleared the fence ini deep left center field. j | Fegley and DeLong, two of the; better hitters on the Lion squad; last year, didn’t fare too well against Gettysburg, but Bedenk, is hoping that they'll snap out of ;it today. | j Bedenk said that opening game' ■ winner Eddie Kikla will pitch , thesecond tilt this afternoon. { The junior southpaw looked ' sharp Wednesday, striking out , 13 and limiting the Bullets to ! eight scattered hits and one un : earned run. ] Fresh from a southern tour, Syracuse comes into this after noon’s game with a 2-1-1 record Their tour took them into the' Washington and Baltimore areas | and they came home with wins lover Georgetown and American University, a tie with Maryland, and a 5-6 loss to Navy. m Syracuse coach Ted Kleinhans TOM DURBIN .has a ve f eran club which features ~ tnrl „ tnrln u 'nine lettermen, including Guisti' * ’ * y and three other pitchers, will play center and Zeke DeLong Kleinhans nominated another will start in light. righty. Lawrin Van Keuren, to Durbin, who is getting his pitch the second game against first start of the year, will add 1 Kikla. Outfielder-pitcher John plenty of offensive punch to sMustion and Carl Petroff will back the lineup. Doubling as an out- : him up in case of trouble, fielder last season he led all ! Ron Holmes, a senior letier- Penn Slate hitters with a .393 man, will calch one of the average. games and sophomore Dale While not a power hitter, he White will be on hand to spell gets on base a lot because of his him. great speed, and last year about Doug Clemens will probably a third of his bus were of the in- start at first with John Howell field vanetv. at second, Bucky Winters at short ★ ★ ★ ' %>->?- ■ f ] Kochman will supply the pow- and Bill Voorman at third, or along with Phillips, Fegley and Dick Easterly, a member of Ben DeLong. Playing in his first var- Schwartzwalder’s grid champs, sitv game Wednesday, Kochmanjwill start in left, Mustion will be accounted for two of Penn State’sin center and basketball captain four hits including a mighty home Dick Conocer will be in right. By JIM Kf F r meet records and finishing a close second to Villanova's Frank Budd in the IC4A's. Blame O’Connor, George Metz gar and Wayne are the other men Wernei will use in the sprints The squad is fairly well stocked with hurdlers, according to Wer ner. “John Fa reira is very likely going to be our best high hurdler and Bob Szyeller (IC4A 220 low hurdles champ) looks like our best low hurdler,” Wer ner said. Dick Ham lUmbritht bright will be the Lions’ top quarter-miler. A senior, Hambright holds the Penn State record (47 6) for the quarter mile. Veteran Don Davies and sophomore Cunningham should give Hambrighl plenty of com petition. The trackmen appear set in the middle-distance events with cap tain Dick Engelbrink, last year’s IC4A 2-mile champion, heading a strong crew. Veterans He r m LUTHERAN STUDENT SERVICES Grace Lutheran Church College and Atherton Palm Sunday Services 8:30 and 10:45 Lutheran Student Center 412 W. College Ave. 6:30 p.m. “Scientific Theories on Origin of Life and Their Compaiakil iiy With Christianity" by Dr. Hubert Frings. Pena State pro fessor of xoology. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA * rsj: *v- ' ' *• 1 ! Devine Joins Lion Golfers For Opener Golf coach Joe Boyle can breathe a little easier now. At the last minute Bob Devine, a 6-1, 220-pound powerhouse, has joined the golf team. Devine, an ex-Army man and a veteran golf er, will probably hold down the second spot for Penn State in to- I day's triangular - match with Maryland and Georgetown at College Park, Md. Penn State's other starters. Roy Altman, Haydn Thomas, John Morton, Bob Rutherfoid and Ed Kormos, will move down one spot. Captain Dick Burgoon will be in the top spot, and the one-two punch of Burgoon and ' Devine should cause plenty of trouble for the Terps and the Hoyas. Boyle feels that a lack of prac tice may hurt his team’s chances today and he is particularly con cerned about chipping and put ting. “The boys haven't had a chance to practice around the greens because of the soft ground,” Boyle said. "But we hope to get in some practice at College Park before the match.” Boyle said that Maryland's course is expected to be wet, and the gTeens could cause con- I siderable trouble. The two-year old course has narrow, tree lined holes, with a couple of wafer holes. Maryland ace Deane Beamon will miss today's meet with the , Lions and Hoyas. The British Amateur champion is playing in the Masters in Augusta and Is in la tie for fifth place. Nittany Netmen Play Tough Terps Today Penn State’J tennis team, hoping to break into the win column for the first time this year, hosts Maryland on the Jordan courts this afternoon at 2. The Lion netmen have suffered two straight losses to Penn and Georgetown, and they will be aiming for a win today before taking a two-week ★ ★ ★ layoff Terp coach Doyle Royal has a strong squad back from his 1959 team which compiled a 7-5 rec ord. including a 6-3 win over the Nittanies. Marvland is undefeated this year and has already beaten Georgetown. 6-3. The Hoy as' stopped State, 6-3, Thursday. Royal has a full complement of talented sophs to go with five returning lettermen and three seniors. Lion coach Sherm Fogg isn’t suie of the lineup he will use against the Terps, but it's a fairly safe bet that the same six netmen who started Thursday will play in the singles this afternoon. Captain Jerry Carp, sopho more Jim Baker, spunky Vance Rea and leiiermen Dick Lud wig, John Blanck, and John Krall made up State's starting lineup against Georgetown. Veteran doubles-men Don Mc- Cartney and Garry Moore also will see action this afternoon. I Blanck has the only perfect rec-j . ord in singles competition for singles lineup from veterans Penn State. He downed Penn’s. Chuck Abelson, Paul Capozeilo Butch Knauer. 6-0. 6-2. and beat an d Alan Citrenbaum, senior let- Georgetown’s Walt Burbrick, 6-3, Wrmen Don Palmer and Tom 3-6. 6-2. .Beall, and sophs Chuck Shapiro, i Baker and Carp both have 1-1 Tom Bane and Joe Donatiu. records. After winning then j The doubles pairings foi both matches against Penn, they both' if am * a f e as uncertain as the [dropped 6-3. 6-3 decisions to the I smgles lineups, home-standing Hoyas. Krall also' Coach Fogg will probably go stands at 1-1 for the season after with Baker and Blanck in one ja comeback win over Bob Ruzamc'match and make up the other two 'of Georgetown. duos from Carp, Rea, Moore and Royal will form his starting.McCartney. Rifle, Vollevbal! | Braves Defeat Reds, 6-3 ~ , 1 NASHVILLE, Tenn. (£>) The At Rec Hail Today Milwaukee Braves parlayed 11 Rec Hall will be the scene ofi hits and flve enem y errors into the P.I.A.A. vollevball and rifle '* e ; 3 ™' or y over the Cincinnati , ... l „ i Reds Friday and ran their exhi championships this- afternoon. ; bition winning streak to seven Eight districts will be repre-games, sented in the volleyball tourna-j Stan Lopata led the Braves’ at ment' The field consists of de-! tack on thiee Cincinnati pitchers fending champion Monessen h,s thh ' d home run of the trict 7); Conestogo (1); Turnpike! ;(4): Peabody (8); Clearfield (9) j Kieffer Signs Contract jConneaut Valley (10); and Tunk-i Bill Kieffer, a Penn State grad hannock (12). juate student from Wayne, has Four regional champions, in-'signed a contract with the Ice eluding 1959 winner MunhalllCapades. |(Southwest Region), will compete! Kieffer, & member of the Penn | for the rifle crown. The others(State Figure Skating Club, will [are Doylestown (Southeast);!jom the show at Atlantic City in IStroud-Union (Northeast); andjJuly when it begins rehearsals (Bradford (Southwest). for the 1961 season. S JAM SESSION : TKE \ { featuring the 4 Dimensions 2 © © S SATURDAY 9:30 i • • © # 9 All Freshmen and 9 9 9 • Fraternity Men © • Welcome • • a SATURDAY. APRIL 9. 1960 By JOHN MORRIS -.IP/. + * *