PAGE TWO South Africa Declares Emergency JOHANNESBURG, South Afi Ica (/P) South Africa's government beset by dem onstrations against its segre gation policies, declared a state of emergency yesterday and alerted its citizen defense foi ce for mobilization. The ()viers went out as more than 30,000 Negro demonstrators Jamming the streets of Cape Town, the seat of South Africa's nirliament, emphasized tlw build up of racial tension. Scattered violence flared in the countryside With armored cars circling the Parliament building, police with rifles guarding the en trances and street corners and a police helicopter circling over head, Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd declared the situation was under control. If 18 regiments of the citizens force now alerted cannot handle any di,oiders, he said, the regular army will be called in. The Cape Town New oes finally dispersed peacefully. but their sheer numbers made profound impressions. Three million white persons control 10 million Negroes. nearly half a million Indians and more than a million coloreds —mixed bloods—in this nation, rigidly segregated according to racial complexion. The dramatic events in Parlia ment came only a few hours after police had rounded up some white liberals and Negro, Indian and colored leaders to ward off what Verwoerd described earlier as "a massive revolt," More than 150 were reported arrested. Floods Drive Thousands From Midwest Homes BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Flood danger and damage spread rapidly yesterday while the number of homeless mounted into the thousands. Heavy tains beat down in the eastern half of the country and poured into streams as far east as New York State. The Red Cross estimated 4000 persons have been forced out of their homes in Nebraska, lowa, South Dakota, Kansas and Mis souri. High water trouble reached into areas in other states. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE PENNSYLVANIA 'K' Hits Western Arms Plan; France Schedules New A-Test ROUEN, France (/P) Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev criticized the West's disarmament plan yesterday at about the time his French hosts announced they may be about to set off another atomic blast. While unaware of the French announcement at the time he was making his remarks about, disarmament at a news confer-ther tests while Khrushchev is ence, the touring Soviet leader,here. said he disapproved of any fur -I The announcement emphasized titer atomic tests by France or on the eve of renewed talks be- anyone else The French government sent :President Charles de Gaulle that warnings to airlines that the 'France is an atomic power and Sahara will be generally off intends to go on testing until limits to all flights beginning early today. i mt agreement.til:ne is an acceptable disarma- France's first test Feb. 13 wasm preceded by several similar an Khrushchev was sprightly and nouncements that were only often in bubbling spirits as he drills. The present alert also may talked to newsmen aboard the be a drill since the French had:train that brought him here from indicated they will hold off fut.. Lille. He seemed tired at Lille. Seniors—find out what Kearfoll's flexible training program offers You JAMES KEATING Vilianova University '59 Not at ail sure of the area of engineering (develop ment, design, test, menu facturlng) which would Interest him most, Jim has been most Impressed by the way Kearfott Project Engineers STAY WITH A PROJECT from study phase eight through to produc tion, assuming full tech nical and financial respon- sibility for the quality and salability (price-wise) of the finished hardware. He finds that this Kearfott philosophy enables him to operate across the broad spectrum of engineer- Inc*" Coming from out of•town, Jim was also pleasantly surprised by the wide choice of living quar ters readily available. NaOtt Kearjoit Company, Inc. 1600 Main Avenue, Clifton, N. J. 6.... 0t seholluoro of Genera! Precision Zonipssont Corporation ==i= Check the experiences of four '59 graduates at Kearfott STANLEY WALLERSTEIN Ohio University '59 The very advanced nature of many Kearfott projects fired this engineer's Imagination. He joined the Electronics Systems Lab, where he worked on the development of a tiny counter —part of what is believed to be the most accurate test equipment yet devised for missile guidance systems. After exposure to the diversity of the projects In the Sys tems Lab, Stan has decided to look no further, but re quested permanent assign ment here, where work ranges over space naviga tion, digital computers, guidance systems, solid state physics, Industrial automation systems and diverse electronic systems. A GENERAL PRECISION COMPANY Russians To Get Plan Public Affairs Program GENEVA GI, A new nuclear CORRY, Pa. (?P)--A two-year test ban plan tailored by Presi- program designed to promote in dent Eisenhower and British terest in public affairs was Prime Minister Harold Macmil- !launched here Tuesday night lan will be handed to the Russians today. Soviet reaction is uncer-i thin. Western sources said yesterday the United States and Britain will: challenge the Soviet Union to red move all remaining obstacles to: a partial nuclear test ban treaty. LOBSTER HOUSE LOBSTER TAIL With Drawn Butter and Creme-De-Mint for Desert TAXI RETURN GRATIS ESTATE NOW Feat.: 1:30, 3:31. 5:32, 7:33, 9:34 14 0 01 'TOBY TYLER WCEtC.7 : with CIRCUS FROSHMORE- DUO Two Bands Two Classes IVY ROCKS Howard Pertoff and his PHILADELPHIANS Frieda Lee MISTRESS OF CEREMONIES APRIL 8 9 - 12 in HUB Ballroom TICKETS FREE TO MEMBERS OF THE FRESH MAN AND SOPHOMORE CLASSES AND THEIR DATES AND MAY BE PICKED UP BY MATRI CULATION CARD AT THE HUB DESK A WEEK BEFORE THE DANCE. INFORMAL DRESS FREE REFRESHMENTS LENNART G. JOHANSSON lsfayette Cotten '59 Len is pleased with his six months' experience at Kearfott on two widely dif ferent counts. First is the combination of both thee. refloat and practical know how he has gained In a field that has fascinated him for a tong time—tran sistor applications. The other is Kearfott's loca tion. Finding midtown New York only 40 minutes away by car, Len, a veteran, Is planning to continue his studies for an MS at one of the many colleges In the New York/New Jersey areas Columbia, N.Y.U., Stevens, Newark College of Engi neering are ail close by. This semester, Len has enrolled for two Kenton sponsored courses taught at the plant. ON CAMPUS INTERVIEWS APRIL 1 FOR ASSISTANT PROJECT ENGINEERS Make an appointment now with your Placement Director, or write to Mr. Francis X. Jones. GARY WOERNER Newark College of Engineering '59 Gary has worked by choice in two Moratories since he joined Kearfott last June—Astronautics and Electronics. He values the opportunity he had to work In direct contact with senior engineers and sci entists who have played a leading role in developing the Kearfott inertial systems and components which have been selected for application in over 80 aircraft and 16 major missile Systems. Gary now leans to the choice of a permanent assignment in the Electronics Lab but has decided to work a few months is the advanced Gyrodynamlcs Division, be fore coming to a decision. THURSDAY, MARCH 31. 1960 CATHAUM Now: 1:04, 3:08. 5:12, 7:16, 9:30 TONY It JANET cuns • MARTIN • MOH W wco voz /41 MIAILIMOI MOOKIIO , II A come.. ' tiCTIAt * NITTANY REVIVAL CHAMPIONS! TONITE: OPENS 6:45 P.M. Kay Kendall - Gene Kelly "LES GIRLS" •FRIDAY. JOHN WAYNE in "ISLAND IN THE SKY" • COMING• "MEN IN WAR" "BROTHERS KARAMAZOV" "GOD'S LITTLE ACRE" "MOBY DICK" "NAKED & THE DEAD" "SILVER CHALICE" Opportunities at Kearfott are expanding Long occupying a unique position in the fields of electronics and eleetrcr mechanical components and precision instrumentation, Kearfatt in recent years has moved more and more into the development of complete systems. This has lead to major staff expansion at all levels, including a sizable num ber of positions for recent graduates in all 4 major company units: The Systems Division The Gyrodynandes Division The Electra-Mechanical Divisioa The Precision Component Divisims Through its flexible TRAINING PROGRAM, Kearfott offers young engineers freedom to explore the field. before selecting the broad area beat fulfilling Individual Interests. Remarkable rapid professional advancement Is possible and likely through the PROMOTION BY MERIT POLICY. For detailed Information, see the Kearfott representative on campus.