PAGE TWELVE Movie Funds to Aid New School Library The motion picture "It Happened to Jane” will be present ed at the State Theater today, with all proceeds going to the Houserville School to help start a school library. In cooperation with the Houserville Parent Teachers Association, University students and townspeople have been working on this "movie party’’ project foi the past five weeks. Teachers al the Houserville School, which is two miles out side of State College and in cluded in the Slate College Area School system, will select the books to go into the library. The project first started out to be a community service project of Pi Lambda Phi social frater nity. With the encouragement of Ur. Jerome M. Weiss, assistant professor of secondary education and a member of the Houserville PTA, more students began to wot k on the project. Weiss said that most of the students are in secondary educa tion. The movie, which stars Kim Novak, Jack Lemon and Ernie Kovacks, will btf presented four times today starting at 1:30 p.m„ and running through until the 9:30 p.m. presentation. Tickets at 75 cents are being sold in the Hetzel Union Build ing, Murphy’s Five and Ten and at the State Theater. Students working on the project are committee co-ordinators, Wil liam Dusack and Richard Camp bell; publicity, Iris Pogal, chair man, and Nancy Gilliland. Posters, Mona Meabon, chair man, Ann Anderson, Patricia Purdy, Marilyn Crowell, Martha Zsidisin, Warren Hullow, Jack Meiss, Carol Stone and Janet Toluck; tickets. William Col lins, chairman, Gilbert Sergeant, Wayne Clawson, Zelda Green span and Joyce Meisler. Organizations working on the project are Acacia, Alpha Omi- Gym Show— (Continued from page ten) gent and let them do what they want about sports." » » * Rich Barasch, UCLA, and Pat Bird, Illinois, are testimonials to handicapped athletes. Bolh had polio when youngsters and it left them with withered legs. Baiaseh couldn’t walk till he was five years old. In spite of their handicaps both men fashioned for themselves fine bodies and became champions in their events. A Los Angeles Metropolitan AAU champ, Barasch tied for second in the rope climb Satur day. Bird, captain of the potent Illinois squad and Big Ten ring tiilisl. lied for third in the still rings. "The leg gave me inspiration to work that much haider," said Barasch. "Just make that check pay able to the dog food co." Admittedly few dogs cre ate f i n a n cial emergencies like this! However, count less other occasions do arise that call for cash in a hurry. When this is your situation, this is your place to come . . . for quick cash on a low-cost loan ... on easy to-handle terms. LOANS UP TO $6OO CENTRE THRIFT THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA cron Pi, B’nai B’rith, Chi Lambda, Hillel Foundation, Kappa Alpha, Thompson residence hall, Kappa Delta, Lambda Chi Alpha, Out ing Club, Pi Lambda Phi, Pi Kap pa Alpha, Sigma Tau Delta and Zeta Tau Alpha. Members of the Outing Club have been selling tickets in the HUB, and members of Chi Lamb da social sorority have been sell ing tickets in Murphy’s Five and Ten. BusAd Council Forms Available in Boucke Self-nomination blanks for the Business Administration Student Council are available starting to day at the secretary's desk in 120 Boucke. The blanks must be turned in by Friday al 120 Boucke. The most difficult puzzle in the world COLLE FOR SALE 1952 2-DOOR FORD, automatic trans mission, radio and heater. Good con dition. 9176. Call AD 7-3002. WADNIJT LUMBER, -various lengths and widths. Call AD 8-1762 after 6 pm. FOR SALE —BOOKS, Encyclopedia Bri tnniea 24 VoJmue Dictionaries with Atlas. Call AD 8-8231, M. E. Foltz. POTTED PLANTS beautify a window or the interior of a room. Why not select several plants for your suite or dorm from a large variety priced as low as IBe from O. W. Houts A Sons Inc, State College. CROWN TAPE Recorder and used tapes, also Pentron Tap Recorder. M. E. Folt2, AD 8-8231. 1956 CADILLAC 4-door sedan, maroon; full power, 38,000 miles —91600. Test drive it. AD 8-8354. PAINTING COMES easier when using quality Giumbacher Art Supplies. Every thing for the ai list, 6$ cash and carry discount. Save today at O W. Houts A Son Inc., State College. HERMES ROCKET Portable Typewriter, five yeaie old, in very good condition Would like $3O. Call Paul AD 7-2261 be tween 6 and 6 p.m. HELP WANTED COLLEGE STUDENTS—Students looking for part-time work two evenings a week and a half-day Satuiday call Mr. Lichten fels AD 8-2061 10 a.m -2 p m. Salary $46 per week. Male student only. KITCHEN HELP wanted Pi Kappa Phi, Call Al AD 7-4037. WAITER AT Maternity house. Call AD 7-4071) ahk for caterer. The puzzle? How to find your life’s work. The solution? It comes only with searching. It may be right under your nose or it may still be far away in the future. But the solution will come. You will very probably find it in the work you undertake after college. This has proved true many times at IBM. For instance, young engi neers and scientists after learning the scope of IBM activities in research, development and manufacturing—have found their inter ests leading them into such vital growth fields as microwaves, circuit design, solid state physics, magnetics and manufacturing research. Depending on individual talents and inclinations, a college graduate may acquire skills at IBM that lead to a variety of careers. When a person is able to move into areas where his true interests lie, and when he has many areas to choose from, it will certainly be easier for him to find his life’s work. After all, it’s easier to find the solution to The Most Difficult Puzzle in the World when you have access to all the clues. «■ » jp IBM* You are Invited to Investigate opportunities in Research, Development, Manufac turing, Programming, and other fields. Your Placement Director can tell you when cur representatives will next visit your campus. Or you may write to: Manager of Technical Employment, Dept, 873, IBM Corporation, £BO Madison Avenue, New York 22, N. Y. lAN CLASS WOULD THE person who picked up a monogrammed brown leather brief case timt. 0.5.5.) in Waring coatioom please return it. Notes are urgently needed. Con tact Don Stewart, 288 Hamilton. RED SCHAFFER’S Snorkel Pen in Room 202 Home Ee. Reward I Please call Kay UN 5-2790. PENN STATE ring 1961, red stone. Re ward $6.00. AD 8-9082. LOST MARCH 11: Pickett Slide Rule If found call UN 5-6668. BROWN PURSE left In 317 Willard. Keep monev just return purse. Call Renee UN 6-5648. ONE CLASS RING, John Carroll Urn versity 1966 , initials LJ.D. Call AD 8*1748. $5.00 reward. WANTED BlKE—Englmh-type preferred: ’til June 4. Call Henny UN 6-6160 between 10*30 and 11:00 pm. to arrange rent fee. TYPING TO do in home. All types, quick delivery, reasonable prices. Call AD 7- 4433. RIDE TO Ft Lauderdale and return En%ter vacation. Can leave anytime, can drive. Please call UN 6-7138. ANYONE DRIVING to Warren Pn. oi vicinity Friday the 26th leaving after noon and arming before 7:00, please contact Tom B , AD 7-4666. RIDE FROM Washington, DC. to State College April 1, No Foolin; Marty UN 6-25 tl. iHKLP! CAPABLE tutor needed for Physic* 1 2C5. Graduate student preferred. Will pay well. Call UN 5-6720. Do you have a solution? In high school, you may have thought you had the solution, only to have it vanish. In college, it may seem well within your grasp, only to vanish again. But this is not unusual, It’s a very difficult puzzle. TUESDAY. MARCH 22. 1960 IFIEDS MISCELLANEOUS fIIMIIIIIIIKHIIIIIIIItIIIHimiHHIUIIIIIIIIMIHHtMI ATTENTION HOME ECONOMICS Stu dents ! Vote now lor the H. Ec. College Queen. She will be crowned on H.Ee. Spring Weekend. Vole in the lobby of the H Ec. Building, Tues., Wed. and Thure, of this week. THE SWINGING sounds of The Stan Barton orehestia now available for weekend engagements. Phone AD 9-1968. THE NEWMAN CLUB presents the an nual Marriage Forum Series. March 22, Topic—“ Birth Control,” speaker—Father John Ziegler. HUB Assembly Room, 7 p.m. Everyone welcome I ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing, tap, tos or acrobatie lessons. Protec tions] School of Dance. AD 8-1078. FOR RENT ■ mi SINGLE ROOM for male student, one block from campus. Call AD 7-3252. TWO SINGLE rooms for male students. Priced reasonably. AD 7-7901. COMFORTABLE MODERATE rate accom modations with private bath or running water. Colonial Hotel, 12J WNittany Ave. t State College. AD 7-4850 or AD 7-7792. SINGLE ROOM, hot and cold running water. Parking, central; quiet. Call AD 7-7792. NICELY FURNISHED single room and 1 double for male students, near campus, reasonable, parking privileges. Call AD 7-7908 or EL 6-4302. FOUND FOUND: PAIR OF rose-tinted gtaasee In ladies Ist floor rest room. Mineral Sciences Building. May be claimed In 220 Mineral Sciences Bldg, by paying fo? this ad.