The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 19, 1960, Image 6

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    p AGE SIX
--Oilegian Photo by Marty Scherr
STERN-FACED GREG WEISS —on the still lings. Weiss scored 538 points to place third in the all
around competition. Jay Werner won the all-around with a point total of 547 25.
Lions Qualify for 18 Positions;
Toniaht's Finals Begin at 8
(Continued from page one) (State’s most productive evenF
lied for tonights finals in six; W ith four Lions qualifying Weiss
title. sixth, Palmer ninth, and Werner
He also qualified for the side tied for 10th. Navy’s Nelson Hulme, EIGL
horse, free exercise, high bar, still Ca r s j im Fairchild, lowa’s record holder, posted a 3.4 and
rmßs and parallel bars. He tied Bill Buck and defending title- looks like the man to heat
for first on the high bar with de- holder shurlock led the field ! io o« s like the man to beat,
fernbut; champion Stan Tarshis of and win be lhe lop jhreals to - . Lions entered only Werner
Michigan State and later tied n jgM. ;in “? e tumbling but he failed to
Southern Cal's 5-1 dynamo Sani; w •’ i qualify as A 1 Barasch of Illinois
Garcia, for first on the still rings l . Wmss and Werner Apaed the field with a sparkling
with n 94 sixth and ninth respectively m 945 6
Weiss qualified on the side Card!-’ M ‘chigan State’s Tom Osterland
Cunninaham will see nali and wfre most im- Thompson and lowa’s
bars, while Cunningham will see ■ ■ t : th Dre . L ohn McCurdy paced the auali
aclion on the side horse, high n p ,fiers in the rebound tumbling
bar and flying rings in tonight's i(trampoline). Penn State had no
finals. An unexpected surprise came entrants in this event
" Illinois' Hadley and Michigan on the flying rings when Cunning-; " * • •
State's John Daniels look like the ,hamiust managed to qualify with; The all . around awards will be
men to heat in tonight’s free ex- 1 a 10th. Werner and Schaefet'tied, presented before the meet to
ei'nse on the basis of perfor- 1 *® 1 " second behind Pitts n jpht'and other individual awards
inancTs in the preliminaries, but Hirst while Jon Aaronsohn of iW jjj be Bresen ted following each
Weiner and Weiss were only a Army was fourth. event. The team champion will
ste p behind. Fosnocht turned in bis best receive its trophy at the conclu-
Tho side horse proved to be time of the year in the rope ’sion of the meet.
Mrs. Grossfeld Attracts
Plenty of Attention Too
Male gymnasts held the spot-my first free exercise moves. Lat
light on the floor at Rec we worked at the same summer
yesterday but the crowd was cam P”
graced by a lithc-limbed blond .Miss Davis made a phenomenal
who holds the double distinction rise, making the Olympic team
i ... , t .. . . , ,her first year and capturing the
f being the National AAU fe- na vi on al AAU crown at the age of
A aS WeH 8S MrS - 16 - She credits her background
A , , as a ballet dancer and acrobat for
■ I to S es \r hat \,r her rapidly acquired proficiency
months, the former Miss Muriel , in gymnastics.
Davis; womens all-aiound champ Gynmashcs is a daily family
m husband affair in the Grossfield household
f '’t'.P 1 ' 1 !:, handle the Illinois for both work out about three
■iimini fhamn ° l ' national all- hours a day in preparation for
‘Th c hamp too. the coming Olympic tryouts.
The 19-year-old beauty holds, tauv apir
fond memories sI<ACK
of Penn State,
for it was here
that she first be
came prominent
as a national
gymnastic figure
when she made
file Olympic team
in 1956 in her
first year of com
She first met
Grossfeld at a
national gvmnas
tics clinic in Sar- Mrfc
asota, Fla., four years ago. “I was
just starting, and Abie taught me
v ./ i 'I
Jam Session
Phi Sigma Kappa
Sol. March 19 2 HU 5
freshmen and Fraternity Men Welcome!
Ifl sf' 5
MANILA (&) Flash Elorde,
newly-crowned world junior light
weight boxing champion, said yes
terday he never hit anyone as
jhard as he did Harold Gomes of,
(Providence, R. 1., in their title
fight Wednesday.
| Elorde, known as a fast but
light puncher, dropped Gomes;
eight times and knocked him out!
in the seventh round.
Gomes, his face still showing
(he marks of the beating he took,
left for home today. He and his
co-manager, Frank Travis, said he
will be ready for a return bout
in two months.
climb lo lie leammale Neuhau
ser .and three others for second
place in 3.6 seconds. Mumau had
a 3.8.
Elorde Surprises
With Strong Punches
Qualifiers for Finals
ROPE CLIMB: 1 Hutme (N) 34: 2. 54; 2 Puck ilowai 93 6; 3 Tie between
Tie la tween Baratch (UCLA), Uoldring (Cardinali (Springfield) and Shurlock (Cal)
(UCLA), Mumiu (PS), Neuhsnuer (PS) ‘*2.5; 6. Wt*isa (PS) 92; 6. Rolek (Minn.)
land DeLnrs (Call 3 f»; 7 Tie between 91.6: 7 Tie between Hadley (111) and
KoMiocht iPSi, Pfmirstayr (N) and Brown Gama (So. Cal) 90.5. 9. Werner (PS) 90;
(USC» 3K;_IO Furblur (Springfield) 3.9. 10. Mnutpetit (Mich) 88.5.
SIDh HORSE: 1 Imrehid (Call -6;: 2., .SWINCINf,' KINDS: 1. Hurt ij’itl)
Bu'-k (IcmHl 95.5 ; S Shurlock (C- 9«; l9 fl. 5 ; , Tle u , twwn Schaeffer IPS) and
,4. \\eiri (PS) 52.5 . u. 'j W eriitr (J’Sl 55.6, i. Anrunron t Army)
n. Cnnnmj-ham IPS SO; i. byera lN k Wi f> Hoffm „ n , Ttmi ,|e) S 4; 6. Deuel
tV ? • V, 1111 ,al , 'Arm;. 02 5. 7. HoryencKK St) 79.5}
h' ,6 'i "‘' ,rH ' r ,1S) arui ;.«. Oit (UCLA) 82, 9 Foster (So. 111.1 74}
FREE EXERCISE: 1 Tie between! 10 - ' P?, ‘!i 5 -
| Daniels (MSU) and Hadley Cllll 92 6;! REBOUND TtMBI.IW. (trampoline):
13. Tie between Buck (lowal and We,tier l l- Oeterland tMich. St) 92.5; 2 McCurdy
11 PS I <l2. 5. Tie bctweetl W.ias IPS} and 11 1 ""” 1 k''.s: 3. Tie between Th«,mr*on
11,> nn (CSC) 91: 7. S.iutlock (Cult U 0.5; (Mich St I and Bomoa tSan Jose SM 88.6;
18. Tie between Takach (USCI and Cardl.|s. Tie between Snyder llowal and Gonipf
inall l Springfield) 911- HI Tie between [ (Ohio St. I 87.0 ;7. Haywood (Son Jo«e St.)
Brow ah tMSUI and McConnell (Pittl K 9. Son. 8. Johnson iMich St I M <1: 9. Car-
HORIZONTAL BAR: Tie between Wer- molli (Fla St.) 81.0; 10. l.oudiich (111.
tier (PSi and Tarshis (MSUI 93 5 ; 3.80 5.
Worthington IUSC) 5*1.5; 4. Cunningham ALL-AROUND: 1. Werner (PSi,
(PS) 91; G. Tie between Weis# (PS) and 2. Shurlock (So. Cal. 1 540,5; .( Weiss lib)
Shurlock (Call 90; 7. Taylor (III) *9:1538. 4 Hadley (III! f>29.5: Cardinal!
8. Brietcel (Must 88 5. 9 Christiana} < Springfield! 52075; 6. Lynn (So Cal)
(Hor. State! 87 5. 10. Hoecherl (Minn) H7.j514.5: 7. Garcia (So. Cal ! 504 75 8. Cun-
STILL KINGS: 1. Tie between Werner ninKbmn IPS) 504; 9. Montyetit (Mich)
(PS» and Garcia (USCI 94; 3, Shurlock 4P3.7G 10. Hoeehei l (Minn.l 493. G.
ICfil) 90.5: 4. Tie between Bird (111) and TUMBLING: 1. Bara«ch (Uli 94. G: 2.
Lynn (USCI 90; 6. Fcata (MSU) 89 ; [McConnell i Pitt) 85 •3. Couger ( San Jose)
7. Tie between Schwarzkopf (Miim.), WHnertB3 ;4. Ryder (I*la. St.) 82: 6. Tie between
(UCLA) and Tijerina (So 111) 88.5; 10. Wilev (So. lII.> and KaUkian (So. HI)
!Tie between Duikee (MSU) and Foster 181.5; 7 Maishul! (Navy) 80 5: 8. Naw
{(So. ill) 87. jracki (lnd ) 7**s; 9. Tie between Cuthberfc
( PARALLEL BARS: 1. Lynn (So. Chl> (So CaJ.i and Daniel'- (Mich. St) 79.
Brown Takes Ist Place
In Oevelond Track Meet
Special to The Collegian
CLEVELAND, Ohio, March
18 (TP) Penn State’s Bobby
Brown won the 50-vard dash
here tonight and Lion grad
uate student Ed Moran took
second place in the mile run
in the Cleveland Knights of
Columbus Gamts
I Brown’s 5.2 finish broke the
old meet record of 5.3 set in 1957
by Western Michigan’s Ira Mur
chison. Indiana's Eddie Miles, who
beat Brown in Chicago and Mil
waukee last week, finished sec
Jim Beatty, former North Caro-
6 Homers Help
Tribe Beat Boston
TUCSON, Ariz. (TP)—The Cleve
land Indians belted six home runs,
two each by rookie Walt Bond
and Norm Cash to bury the Bos
|ton Red Sox 11-6 yesterday.
; The 6-foot-6 Bond also had a
single as he sparked the Indians
jwith six.runs batted in. Catcher
John Romano and shortstop Gene
Leek also homered for the In
Ex-Buc Electrocuted
| SAN DIEGO, Calif, (TP) Rob
ert J. (Bobby) Thorpe, 25, former
National League baseball pitcher
jwith. the Pittsburgh Pirates and
.Chicago Cubs, was' electrocuted
jhere Thursday. Thorpe quit base
iball last fall because of arm trou
ble. He was at work on a power
line as an apprentice electrician
when he was killed.
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lina star came in first in the mile
in 4:07.1. Moran was second and
Brian Hewson of England was
Penn State's 2-nnle relay team
did not finish among the first
three. Yale was first, Manhattan
second and Michigan third.
Hayes Jones of Eastern Michi
gan romped over the 50-yavd high
hurdles in 5 9 seconds for a world
record, defeating olympian Lee
Calhoun for the seventh straight
Jones’ mark erased the 6 0 rec
ord set by Harrison Dillard in 1953
at Philadelphia and tied twice
since—once by Rod Perry of Penn
State and once by Calhoun.
Pirates Take Workout
After Game Is Cancelled
scheduled exhibition game here
yesterday between the Pittsburgh
Pirates and the Los Angeles
Dodgers was called off when a
I rainstorm grounded the Dodgers’
plane at their Vero Beach, Fla.,
training base.
i The day wasn’t a complete loss
Tor the Pirates, however, as they
played a seven-inning intra-squad
NCAA Semi-Finals
Ohio State 76, NYU 54
Calif. 77, Cincinnati 69
NBA Playoffs
Philo. 115/ Boston 110
Factory Authorized
New ’66 Deluxe Sedan $1025.
1960 E. Third St. Williamsport, Pa,
Phone 6-4633