The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 10, 1960, Image 8

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UCA to Hold Mintz to Speak to Give $lOO
Annual Series At HEc Affair cZLbo^
• Dr. Norbett L. Mintz, from the, WI P donate * or payings bond
On mamaae Department of Social Relations at.-P™* at the Science Fair on April
3 W Harvard University, will be the , . !
The University Christian,featured speaker for the 11th an-i ? air I s . usually financed by
Assneialinn will nresent iiJ niial Home Economics Springi the University but this year vari-
Associdlion will present Jts lWeekcnd t 0 be hc]d A } £ an §:ous groups are being asked to of
annual marriage series at 7:30 9. their assistance, Walton Da
toninht anil tomorrow in 914 ! Mint/, will speak at 4 p.m., April { VIS Chemistry - Physics Council
tonif/lit and tomomuv in 214. 8> ln Schwab Auditorium .His top- pr ? slde . n u’ said. .
Boucke. ic will be “Psychological Effects ICCB i'
“When to Cet Married” will he Suroundings.” He will dISCUSSi CUS a possibility of using col
the hlp/c o°f a panel dis C us"on conditions, -ed name c a :E™ch cob
be held tonight. Francis tier, color and music on peo-j»*'“}.
Whaley, associate professor ofT M ; ~ • bachelor of ored name card. They would be
psychology, will be the modera- „ ; , lec y lveH nls oacneior oi ~ , , j CC n
lor The nnnei will rhceoc- *r,el a sts degree in economics and psy-[P“l,u oy
economic and Toe al nroblemr'chology from Rollins College Lnt A downtown printing company
n onornic mu social problem., F j orifia H rec(Mved his master! has been contacted and has the
which both undeigiaduate andi - , , . , . jifacilities for orinting the colored
graduate mamed students face. | of arts degree in psychology andi tac “* ues lor pnnung
» “Gcllmn to Know YoiAbiK'“
First Years of Mamage” at the - -
Friday session. The problems of
getting along with each other,
which face newlyweds, will be
An overnight retreat for en
gaged people or couples seriously
contemplating marriage will be
conducted by Rutledge over the
weekend at the Bucknell Cabin. 1
Fifteen couples will leave for the
cabin at 130 p.m. Saturday and
leturn at noon Sunday. ;
A non-refundable fee of $3 per’
couple will be icquired at the time!
of registration for the retreat. |
Couples may sign up at the Hotzel
Union Building de'-k
t Vvx\\xxxxx\xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxvxxxxxxxxxxxx\\xx\xx\xx\\x\\\xx\\v\x\\\\\v\\\\x\\\\\\\vvvx\\\\\v^VK^ s ’
Large-scale, real-time system design and engineering is a technology
so new that its importance to our nation’s future cannot, at present,
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namic technology, The MITRE Corporation has established a
reputation for pioneering major system advances.
Formed under the sponsorship of the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, MITRE’s scope of activity ranges from electronic
system inception through prototype development to final evaluation
of operational systems.
This spectrum affords college graduates trained in engineer
ing. the sciences and mathematics opportunities to join with leading
scientists and engineers in making major state-of-the-art ad-
vances in
• Communications
• Radar Systems and Techniques
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• Computer Programming
MITRE’s convenient locations in .suburban Boston; Montgomery,
Alabama; and Fort Walton Beach, Florida provide opportunities
for graduate study under a liberal educational assistance program.
A brochure wore fully describing !MJ7R£ mid Us activities is available upon reefuest,
While some men battle their
way to the top, others bottle their
'way to the bottom.
maker of the PHILADELPHIA
ever popular 15” SUB
corner of S. Atherton and W. Beaver
Oven Hot Delivery . . Call AD 7-0596
• Human Engineering
Please contact your Placement Director
to arrange an internets on campus.
Campus Interviews
Friday, April 8
244 Wood Street—Lexington 73, Massachusetts
• Digital Computers
• System Evaluation
• Circuit Design
• System Research
UCA Will Hold First
Grad Luncheon Today
The first session of the Univer
sity Christian Association grad
uate luncheon series will be held
| from noon to' 1 p.m. today in the
Ismail lounge of the Eisenhower
1 Chapel.
I Fritz Rothchild, assistant pro
fessor of religion, will lead the
discussion on the topic "Genesis
and Evolution," the biological
theory of evolution on religion.
All persons attending the func
tion must provide their own
' •
I "All Mimsy •
, were the Borogoves .. ." •
I •
i (They needed Morrell’s de- *
' licious Hoagies and Steak •
| Sandwiches along with*
french fries and soft drinks.) •
I •
I •
| So when you become •
I mimsy—don't wait! 2
. Cail Morrell's j
I •
I Delivery 9-12 j
I AD 8-8381 j
I 9
Slavic Club to Show Film
The Slavic Club will show the
film “Spring” at 3:15 p.m. today
in 10 Sparks and at 7 tonight in
121 Sparks.
1960 PONTIAC—-good shape, be*t offer.
Call AD 8-0820
NEW 2-BULB floureseent desk lamp,
Must sell. Call Tom AD 7-4‘*>7.
ONE DOUBLE front room, twin beds,
veiy quiet home. Reasonable rent. Free
pat king available. AD 7-1.429.
ROOM JN desirable neighboihood, near
campus with private bath. AH hnena
furnished. 705 McKee St. Call AD 7*7248.
ROOM IN desirable neighborhood. Parking
included. Prnate entrance, bath, linen,
towels, furnished. $7.00 per week. AD 8-
DOUBLE ROOM with study facilities ;
either two boys or two girls. Aho, single
room. New home with no childien. Avail*
able immediately. Parking facilities,
AD 7-4794 after 6.
NICELY FURNISHED single room and
1 double for male student*, near campus,
reasonable, parking privilege*. Call AD
7*7906 or EL 6-4302.
RESERVATIONS NOW being taken for
room & board for spring semester at
317 E. Berber Ave. & 220 S. Allen St*
For complete information aak for Mrs.
PetrUky at 317 E. Beaver Ave.
TUTORING IN German and French for
coujbee and graduate language require
ments. Call AD 8*1264 after 5 p in.
ENGAGED OR neatly engaged couplet
for oxernight retreut Saturday. Dr.
Aaron Rutledge Marriage Series. See
HUB desk.
Senes come to 214 Boucke &t 7:30 to
night. "Experienced” mairied students on
TWO MEN to share apartment in Metzger
Building. Cali AD 8*1604.
SINGING GROUPS for Bppeaiance at
Record Hop. Jf interested call Joe at
UN 6-5125.
;THE PENN STATE Outing Club’s Tobog-
! gan returned to the Water Tower. No
questions will be asked, If returned within
three days.
DESPERATE: RIDE wanted to Philadel
phia sometime Fri. Call Catol at UN
TYPING—ALL SORTS, sizes, varieties.
Expert typing for reasonable prices;
quick delivery. Call AD 7-4434
ALL UGLY MEN to serve as contestants
in APhlO’e Ugly Man Contest. Apply
HUB desk.
COLLEGE STUDENTS—students looking
for part-time work 2 evenings a week
and a half-day Sat call Mr. Liehtenfels
AD 8-2051 10 a.m.-2 p m. Salary $46 per
week. Male student only.
COLLEGIAN HAS paid positions open
for proof readers. See Editor In Col
legian Office.
CLEAR POOL CAMP, Carmel. New York,
! will interview men for all type position#
March 16 & 17. Salaries beginning $3OO,
|Sign up in advance for appointment, 112
'Old Main.
i Hoyt Hall Sat. night. Please call Janet
UN 6-6200
BARACUTA GOLF jacket at Sigma PI,
Sat. j name on label. Call AD 7-2602.
I BROWN WALLET—vicinity of Rec Hall,
I containing important papers need ur
gently. Call Jack AD 7-4953 or mall
P.O, Box 680 State College.
KHAKI RAINCOAT at Phi Kappa Theta
Feb. 27. E. Noll written on collar. 1
have yours. Cali UN 5-7120.
FOUND: PAIR OF rose-tinted glasses in
ladies Ist floor rest room. Mineral
Sciences Building. May be claimed in 220
Mineral Sciences Bldg, by paying for
this ad.
ELMER, WHY CAN’T we go to the
Marriage Series Panel Discussion In 214
Boucke at 7:30 tonight?
PSOC SKIERS meeting tonight, 112 Buck
hout. Elections. Special meeting.
RICHIE TOLL has finally broken down
and asked out a certain little redhead.
TIRED OF rock 'n* roll? Try the Jack
Huber Quartet. Dance music. Contact
Paul Wucst UN 6-6598.
MEET ME at the Pow Wow. Beaver
Avenue. %
RELIEVE SCHOOL Day tensions* eat,
drink, and be merry at the College
Lunch located in the old VF W. 149 N.
MIKE REAGO, 208 Holmes, proudly an
nounces opening his rendition of the
“Library of Congress”; all magazine
donations accepted.
the-scenes European trip; two months,
10 countries: ocean voyage, festivals, con
ferences, many highlights. Sponsored by
Travel and Study, New York. Led by
I Robert Pockrass, School of Journalism,
jUN 6-5013.
THE NEWMAN CLUB presents the an-
nual Marriage Forum Series. March 16-
Topic: Mixed Marriage, Speaker: Msgr.
Thomas O’Shea, HUB Assembly Rm., 7
pm. March 15—Topic*. Ruth Control,
Speaker: Father John Ziegler, HUB As
sembly Room, 7 p.m. March 29—Topic j
Raising a Family, Speaker: Msgr. Vincent
Costello, HUB Assembly Room, 7 p.m,
ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing,
tap, toe or acrobatic lessons Profes
sional School of Dance, AD t-1078*