The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 09, 1960, Image 8
PAGE EIGHT Pattee Display Cites Newman "Cardinal Newman Week" is featured as the current display on the second floor of the Fred Lewis Pattee Libiary. Cardinal Newman was an Eng lish theologian and author who lived from 1801 to 1890. Included in the exhibit is a por trait of John Henry Cardinal New man by Britton, a family portrait in Maisie Wood's book "Young Mr. Newman" and another picture of the cardinal plus a sample of his handwriting in "Cardinal Newman " • The big news for '6O: America's new lint small economy cars .. . and here, for the first is the comprehensive, fact-filled, side-by-silo parson you've been looking for . . . a 3: illustrated hook that can help you save hundl dollars on your 1960 car. Every detail bat manufacturers' published data. • Additional .1{ - Ray books compare tht standard-size cars ... the 1960 medium-prices No obligation. See your Rambler dealer. Get Free AutomotiVe X-Ray at Your Rambler Dealer's Old Coed Rules Still Effective The WSGA Judicial Board said yesterday that the present WSGA rules and regulations will be in effect until 8 a.m. Monday. Any infractions of the rules will be subject to judicial action ac cording to the present system of penalties. Infractions can be con tracted under the present system until the new rules go into effect Monday morning. The new WSGA rules and regu lations will be explained and in terpreted in individual residence units this week by members of WSGA e-Shoulder F Cheeks the NOIR usi , of usefulnesi the user THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA Visiting Prof To Give Talk Dr. William S. von Arx, profes sor of oceanography at Massachu setts Institute of Technology, Is serving as distinguished visiting professor of earth sciences in the 'College of Mineral Industries. During his two weeks on the campus he will deliver a series of lectures. He will present a lecture on the 'subject, "The Origin of Oceans," 'which will be of general interest, at 8 tonight in 119 Osmond. COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS BUY, SELL, TRADE, TELL HEc Student Council Elects Eagelman Head Elizabeth Eagelman, junior in home economics from Womels dorf, has been elected president of the Home Economics Student Council. + CLASS FOR SALE SILVERTONE 'MUSKRAT jacket, match ing hat $3O 00. Sky-blue cloth coat $2O 00. Never IN orn. (inner in Florida. Call AD 7-1052. NEW 2-BULB flourescent desk lamp Must sell Call Tom AD 7-4967. NEED TROPHIES? You name it- 7 1 have it. Plain or engraved. Big discounts. Quick ger% ice. Phnoe AD 7-7851 after 6. Catalogs A% a Ilnble. Sam Troutman's Trophy-Zslm city Shop. SUEDE JACKET, charcoal gray, quilted lining, 1 mu. old,nize 44. New price $22.50, my price $15.00. Call Ed AD 7-2020. FOR RENT ONE DOUBLE front loom, twin beds, ‘ery quiet Inane. Reasonable rent. Free packing mailable. AD 7-4329. FOR SEPTEMBER—house with three furnished kitchen apartments, close to campus. $7 00 per neck per student. AD 7-2443. ROOM IN de , irable neighborhood, near canipua v. Ith pric ate bath. All linens furnished 705 McKee St. Call AD 7-7248. ROOM IN desirable neighborhood. Parking included. Private entrance, bath, linen, towels, furnished. $7.00 per seek. AD 8• 0689. DOUBLE ROOM with study facilities; either two boys or two girls. Also, single room. New home uith no children. Avail able immediately. Parking facilities AD 7-4794 after 6. NICELY FURNISHED single room and 1 double for male students, near campus, reasonable, parking privileges. Call AD 7-7906 or EL 5-4302. ROOM Fr BOARD RESERVATIONS NOW being taken for room & board for spring semester at 317 E. Deaver Ave. & 220 S. Allen St. For complete information ask for Mrs. Petriaky at 317 E. Beaver Ave. WORK WANTED TUTORING IN German and French for couraes and graduate language require ments. Call AD 8-1254 after 6 p.m. WANTED ALL UGLY MEN to serve as contestants in APhiO's Ugly Man Contest. Apply WEDNESDAY. MARCH 9. 1960 Dr. A. H. Waynick, professor of electrical engineering, attended a special meeting of the National Science Foundation, Engineering Sciences Program Panel in Wash ington, D.C., recently. miuuAalua.w.iaa.uluadiiiiiiidddiiLw.w.l FIEDS + MISCELLANEOUS MEET ME at the Pow Wow. Beaver Avenue. STUDENTS WHO want part-time work =!M=MM=M RELIEVE SCHOOL Day drink, and be merry at the College Lunch located in the old V.F.W. 149 N. Atherton. MIKE HEAGO, 208 Holmes, proudly an nounces opening h is rendition of the "Library of Congress"; all magazine dontaions accepted. GUARANTEED WATCH and Cluck repair. Thirty years experience. Sam Diaz, op. posite school, Pine GriAe Mills. Al) V.-A047. "FOREIGN ASSIGNMENT 1960" behind. the scenes European trip; iN‘ID months, 10 countries; ocean %oi age, ft sib. lilt, con. terences, many highlights. Sponsored by Travel and Study, New York. Led by Robert Peal ass, School of Journal lem, UN 5-5013 THE NEWMAN CLUB pi esents the an nual Mat nage nit urn Serves. Match 16— Topic: Mixed Mai lime, Speaker: Msgr. Thomas O'Shea, HUB Assembly Rm , 7 pm. March 16—Topic: Both Control, Speaker: Father John Ziegler. 'HUB As lembly Room, 7 pm. March 22—Topic: Raising a Family, Speaker: Msgr. Vincent Costello, HUB Assembly Boom. 7 p.m. ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing, tap, toe or acrobatic lessons Profess atonal School of Dance. AD MOH. HELP WANTED CLEAR POOL CAMP, Cannel, New York, m, ill interview men for all type poaitiona March 15 & 17. Salariea beginning $3OO. Sign up In advance for appointment, 112 Old Main. LOST BARACUTA COLF jacket at Sigma Pt, Sat.; name on label. Call AD 7-2602. BLACK FRAME glasses in black cane somewhere on campus. Call Lynn UN 5-6277. BROWN WALLET—vicinity of WC 111111. containing important papers need ur gently. Call Jack AD 7-4963 or mail P.O. lios 680 State College. AN OLIVE DRAB medium length coat, Sat. night at Phi Gam. Will pick coat up. Please call Rick AD 7-4928. KHAKI RAINCOAT at Phi Kappa Theta Feb. 27. E. Noll 'written on collar. I have yours. Call UN 5-7120. QM=