The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 09, 1960, Image 7
WEDNESDAY. MARCH 9, 1960 Matmen Finish First In EIWA Standings By JOHNNY BLACK The Penn State wrestling team, which will shoot for the Eastern Intercollegiate tourna-1 rent title this weekend in the Princeton tour first place in standings accoi released yestero The Lions 1.) record of 6-0-1 of 9-0-1 secure, 16-member lea, which had a 4-0. mark in confe] ence comp& tion. The Pal thers had a 7-1- overall record. The two team: tied 14-14 their ineetil last month h the Nitta n beat Michigai. 19-12, early in the season, while Gucclene Pitt lost to the Wolverines, IY-11, in late January. The Nittanies sewed up first place with a 20-9 win over Rut-i gers in their final dual meet Saturday to conclude their firsV undefeated season since 1953. The Lions triumph we; spark- ! Two Frosh Win Firsts In Wrestling Tournament Denny Slattery and Mike Wil liams, freshman Lion grapplers, copped first places in the West Point- Freshman Invitational Wrestling Tournament last week end, Slattery won the 123-pound class and Williams took the 137- pound division. Ron Lucas, 177, and Terry Shaffner, 130, were run ersup in their categories. Chuck Beatty, 147, and Al Hastings, 123, also participated in the tourney. OLYMPIC SPECIAL BY JET A Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity to See Possibly the Best Games Ever Led by 6 Top University Track Coaches YOUR LEADERS ARE - the six top USA track coaches representing Penn State, Illinois; Michigan, Purdue, Abilene Christian, and Southern California. A BACKSTAGE VIEW OF THE OLYMPICS is in store for you. In Rome a visit ,to the training camps of the United States and foreign teams under the guidance of the coaches will take you behind the scenes. You will meet the athletes and watch them train. THE TOUR DEPARTS from New York on August 20 via Pan American Airways Jet Service and returns to the United States on September 13. All transpor tation during transfers will be by motorcade. This For Further Information Contact "Chic" Werner UN 5-7951 or AD 7-2837 or Write to TRACK COACHES OLYMPIC TOUR, TRAVEL CENTRE, PLYMOUTH, MICH. ed by Guy Guccione, senior /37-pounder, who installed him self as a top threat for the up coming easterns by disposing of Rutger's highly-touted cap tain Tom Grifa in a close snatch. Cornell, beaten only by State this winter, finished third in the EIWA standings with an 8-1 con ference and 10-1 overall slate. The Lions beat Cornell, 20-8, on the home mats. Yale was the second Ivy League, team to place high in the EIWA. [The Elis compiled a 6-3 record to take the fourth slot. Lehigh, which defends its eastern tournament crown Saturday. posted a 6.d record for a fifth place finish. Franklin and Marshall, Rutgers,) I Army, Navy and Syracuse made. up the second five in that order.: Princeton, Harvard, Columbia,: Penn., Brown and Temple rounded' out the team standings. 1 STOP THINKING! try action Merrell's foot-long Hoagies and Steak Sandwiches with french fries and soft drinks 25% reduction on ten or more Hoagies delivered from 9-12 AD 84381 perfect Graduation Economical THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA TKO', 'Mice' Notch IM Wins Tau Kappa Epsilon and the: "Mice" scored overwhelming TM, swimming wins by identical 33-8 scores and Montgomery House ad vanced on a bye last night as the. tournament neared completion. The "Mice" swept every first place in their convincing win over Nittany 27. Jon Apple was the leading in- I dividual winner, posting a 32.5 Ito take the freestyle and racking up 18.8 in the diving to complete his double. Bob Metzler equaled his week old record in the backstroke, splashing to a 60-yard victory in 35.5. Jim Moser was the other vic tor for the "Mice." He won the backstroke in 41.1. TKE romped to an easy victory over Alpha Chi Rho, but missed The Martin Company representative will visit the campus on March 15, 16, 17, 18 to discuss opportunities for graduates of the School of Engineering. Contact your Placement Officer for appointment and further details. OTHER STOPS IN EUROPE will be in Paris, Lu cerne, and the Zurich: - At all stops there will be sightseeing tours of the area by deluxe motorcoach. Hotel accommodations will be in European style hotels with the best possible rooms. YOU WILL ARRIVE IN ROME on August 25 and remain until September 11. Class II tickets for the games will be available. OTHER FEATURES of the tour are: tickets for the Polies Bergere in Paris; breakfast and dinner through out the trip: excursion to Versailles and surrounding area; and a Get Acquainted Party in Paris given by the coaches. Present --- Easy Financing Only . . . . . . . $995.00 Tour ENGINEERING NOTICE THE MARTIN COMPANY BALTIMORE 9, MARYLAND Missiles Electronic Systems Nuclear Applications Advanced Programs Designers and Manufacturers a dean sweep when AChiftho's Jerry Ziegler scored a 47.7 to take ,the breaststroke. • Individual winners for TKE were Al Egolf (35.9) in the free style, Jim Cober (45.1) in the back stroke and Jerry Jackson (17.1) lin IM Wrestling Decielline Deadline for entering the IM wrestling tournament is 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 15. All entries must be turned in at the intra mural office in Rec Hall. Entry fee is 25 cents per man. Basketball Scores NC A A Tourney Regionals At New York .NYIT 7R. Con neetictit 59 West Virginia tit Navy Ell Duke N 3, Princeton GO At Lexington Ohio U. 73 Notre Dame 60 W. Kentucky 107, MlMhi Pls.) Yi ~,=, "Chic" Werner to Rome PAGE SEVEN ANNUAL MARRIAGE SERIES Thursday friday 10 & 11 7:30 - 0:00 P.M. 214 BOUCKE DISCUSSION Experienced Graduates PhD of Psych IE Prof "When to Get Married and How to Do It" TALK U R I Friday Dr. Aaron Rutledge MERRILL-PALMER SCHOOL (Detroit) "GETTING TO KNOW YOU" The Social and Personal Problems Of The First Years of Marriage Sponsored by— WSGA PANHEt IFC LEONIDES AIM