The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 09, 1960, Image 6

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All-Americans Dominate
Opponent Cage Team
All-Americans Jerry West
of West Virginia, Pickles Ken
nedy of Temple and Terry
Dischinger of Purdue head the
1959-60 all-opponent basket
ball team chosen by Penn State
players and coaches
Two sophomores, Temple's Russ
Coulon and Colgate's Bob Duffy,
round out the team which was
selected in a special poll for the
All five stars played big roles
in victories over the Nittany Lions
the; year, especially West.
Called the best all-around
player in the country, West
proved it to Lion fans by scor
ing 60 points, and leading all
the rebounders in two games
against State.
Ile had 34 points in West Vir
ginia's 104-74 win in Morgantown
and added 26 more, most of them
in the clutch, when the fifth
tanked Mon - tit - les squeezed out a
75-73 win at Hee Hall.
Kennedy did his share of dam
age too as Temple beat the Lions,
60-50, in the Keystone Classic
and 79-68 last Friday in Philadel
The 5-11 playmaker was the
big offensive gun for the Owls
with 49 points, but he had
plenty of help from Gordon,
one of the most promising
r)phomores in the country.
Gordon was a demon off the
hoards, pulling down 25 rebounds
in Hairkburg and 12 in Philadel
phia and whenever Temple need-
West Runs Wild As
Mounties Top Navy
Special to The Collegian
NEW YORK, March 8, (AP)—All-American Jerry West
scored 34 points, topped the rebounders and did most of the
playmaking tonight as fifth ranked West Virginia defeated
plucky Navy, 94-86, in a first round game in the NCAA East
ern Regional basketball tournament at Madison Square
The victory sent the Mounties,
runnerup in last year's NCAA
championship, into the Eastern
semi-finals at Charlotte, N.C.,
Friday night against streaking
The Violets opened tonight's ac
tion heating Connecticut, 78-59,
as little Russ Cunningham bombed
open the liconn's ,one defense
with some eye-popping sharp
West's play was by far his
best in New York. He hit 12 of
21 field goals. 10 of 15 free
throws and grabbed 15 re
bounds. He also had five as
'The 6.3 senior from Cabin
Creek, W. Va , broke the game
open %visit two wonderful flur
The first burst, in which Jer
ry scored eight points and set
up two other baskets, fired the
Mounties from a 27-24 lead with
seven minutes to go to a 44-32
halftime lead.
When the score was 58-53 in
favor of West Virginia, West went
to work again. In the next eight
minutes he scored 16 of \Vest Vir
ginia's 30 points, set up Lee Pat
tone and Jim Ritchie on three
se :
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ed a few points, he was right
there. The 6-5 leaper put Friday's
game on ice for the Owls with
three straight buckets after State
had narrowed the gap to 48-44
midway in the second half.
Dischinger, who will be at Rec
Hall next December when Pur
due comes to town, has been
named to every All-American
team this year.
Only a sophomore, he wound
up as one of the top ten scorers
in the nation. Dischinger was at
his hest, scoring 25 points, when
point plays and Joe Posch for an
easy layup. By that time the
score was 88-69 and the Mounties
were home.
Box Score
Fir F Tp Fs F Tp
West 12 10-15 34 Brown 7 3- 3 17
Ritchie 2 3. 4 7 Bower 5 3- 3 13
Akers 2 1- 1 5 Metzler 11 5- 927
Warren 10 2- 222 Delano 2 0- 0 4
Petrone 3 2- 2 8 Hughes 4 3- 611
Goode 1 0- 0 2 Egan 3 0- 2 6
Popo.ieh 0 0- 0 0 Trernaine 3 2- 2 11
Ward 0 0- 0 0
Poach 4 2- 2 10
Miller 3 0. 0 6
Total.% 37 20-26 94 Totals 35 M-25 1M
Halftime: West ‘lrstinut 44. Nary 32
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of importance to all members
4 1 , , , , ,,: :,; , The Penn Stale Jazz flub
S 4, t
Wednesday Evening
7 P.M.
the Boilermakers beat the Lions
63-54 early in December.
Colgate's Bob Duffy is the oth
er first team member. He was
personally responsible for restor
ing Colgate's basketball prestige
this season with some outstand
ing individual performances.
One came against Penn State
a few weeks ago when he made
the tying basket and poured in 29
points In Colgate's 84-75 overtime
win at Hamilton, N.Y.
Others receiving votes were
ILee Patrone, West Virginia; Bill
Sofia, Carnegie Tech; Norm
Brandi, Lehigh; Jay Metzler and
Jim Bower, Navy; and John Mills,
IM Results
Scott, Sigma Nu beat Willmhani, TKE,
21-10, 21-11
Danks, Beta Theta Pi beat Penning, Delta
Swine Phi. 21-1, 21-1 b
)(rail, Phi Mu Delta beat Miller, AZ,
21-b, 21-1
Bullock, DTD bent Desmond, SAE, 21-3,
HoMmon, AZ beat DiGiacinto, PM Kappa
Sig, 21-7, 21-9
Horner, Theta Delta Chi brit Koontz, Phi
Kappa Psi, 21-1, 21-9
Gueeione, Sigma Chi beat Plankehorn
Delta Pht, 21-9, 21-5
Hammond, DU heat Ronzeka, Phi Mu
Delta, 21-P, 21-15
Krevsky, Phi Sigma Delta beat }Juggler
SAF. 21-ti, 21-1 h
Philadelphia House 40, Luzerne House I
Dauphin House 10, Laekaa mina MM.! 11
Sigma Nu 32, Pi Kappa Phi 30
Phi Delta Theta 40, Delta Phi 211
Triangle 29, Alpha Gamma Rho 16
Phi Kappa Sig 34, Theta Chi 27
AEPM 33, Beta Theta N 24
N Kappa Alpha 32, Sigma Pi 23
Sigma Chi 27, Kappa Sig 20
Phi Em,ilon Delta 42, Phi Gamma Delta
H-Ball Doubles Entries
All handball doubles entries
must be turned in by 4:30 pm.
Tuesday, March 15, at the intra
mural office in Rec Halt. The en
try fee is 50 cents per team.
, .
will meet
203 Willard
Pressure Is on Top Ranked
Cincinnati in NCAA Tourney
Associated Press Sports Writer
Cincinnati's slick Bearcats
were the nation's No. 1 college
basketball team for 1959-60.
The Associated Press' final
poll of the season had the Oscar
Robertson-led Bearcats perched
in the top seat just where they
have been since the first poll was
taken in December.
Now it's up to the Ohio five to
prove its merit in the NCAA
championships against a talented
field that includes California's de
fending champs, the No. 2 team
in the poll.
Since The AP basketball poll
began in 1949, six of the 11 quin
tets chosen for the No. 1 rating
crowned their campaigns with
NCAA titles.
A year ago, however, Kansas
State was named the top team
and then was upset in the early
NCAA eliminations. California,
ranked 11th, beat Cincinnati in
the semifinals and then edged
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KEELER 'S The UnivEercsill7gßAookslore
Complete lino of desk sets—Cartsidge—Ballpoint Pens
West Virginia for the title.
Another meeting between Cincy
and Cal would set up the game
of the year for the hardwood
Cincinnati which wound up its
regular season Monday night with
a 25-1 record.
In the final poll, the Bearcats
collected 92 first place votes from
the 194 cast by sports writers and
sportscasters. They piled up 1,832
points on the usual basis of 10 for
first, 9 for second, 8 for third, etc.
California (24-1) received 46
first place votes and 1,716 points.
The first 10 teams, first place
votes and won-lost record through
March 6 in parentheses:
Cincinnati 92 (24-1 1 1.332
California 46 124-1) 1,718
Ohio State 14 121-3) 1.492
Bradley 14 124.21 1,396
Wilt Virginia 16 (94-4) LODI
Utah 2 124-2) 6011.
Indiana 120 . 4) 460
Utah Stute (22-5) 382
St linnaventure 6 (19.3) 319
Miami (Fla.) (23-3) 312