The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, March 09, 1960, Image 3
WEDNESDAY. MARCH 9, 1960 Pan hel -Open Bid System To Go intr) Effect Friday The open bidding s stem of Panhellenic Council rushing will begin Friday. Any coed who regi; not join a sorority durii Rushees may visit and may be visited in their While socializing between and sorority women is un, no oral bids may be el This will be considered as ing violation and the o sorority will be penalize Mrs. Norma Mountan, . to the dean of women and advisor, must be notified before a sorority extends bid to a rushee. The bid written The rushee receiving must answer it within se and then return it to Main. During the time the issuance of the bid time the rushee is rib strict silence will be obsl the sorority and the r volved. The strict silence is stipulated in order to avoid any pressure being placed on the rushee that has received a bid, Mrs. Mountan said. TIRED ? ? ? Let Collegian Classifieds WORK FOR YOU Bar-B-Oued thicken Ifs the newest delicacy for the Penn State students - - and you too Faculty! WE DELIVER AD 8-1016 Herlocher Bar-B-Oued thicken Take-Out 227 E, Beaver AD 8-1016 SECOND ca 11... BOOK EXCHANGE CANDIDATES ALL 2nd and 3rd SEMESTER Students Attend MEETING tered for spring rushing and who did g formal rushing is eligible for a bid. orority suites arid rooms at any time. rooms. rushees limited, 'tended. a rush fending l ICG Elects Smith Regional Speaker Carl Smith, chairman of the local delegation of the Intercol legiate Conference on Govern ment, was elected speaker of the Central Region convention Satur day. !ssistant sorority 0 4 hours lan open ust be Douglas Pollak, business man-1 agar, was chosen Saturday by al faculty committee to chair the; Civil Rights and Judiciary Corn-, mittee at the state convention ini April. Ithe bid !ien days 105 Old .etween and the coned, a :ryed by !shee in- John Brandt was chairman of I the Agriculture and Natural Re-. sources committee at the regional I convention. 1 SICK OF DORM FOOD? WANT SOMETHING NEW? Try Lily's Chile! Popular al Morrell's 112 S. Frazier AD 8.8381 for are eligible (must have 2.3 all-U or better) in HUB TONIGHT Rooms 216, 217, 218 HUB THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA 10 Nominated For Ag Offices Nominations for officers of the Agriculture Student Council were made at the regular meeting last night. Those nominated were: presi dent, John Yocum, Fred Meekley and David Graham; vice presi dent, Karl Koch, Robert Scarth and Gerald Lyter; secretary, Rae Newlin and Janine Mitchell; and treasurer, Sam Spencer and Rich ard Reiter. Elections will be held March 22. In other business, Fred Meek ley, Agriculture Career Day committee chairman, said there will be four categories of discus sion for the Career Day to be held March 31. These are gradu ate school, including both the pro fessional and biological science aspects, cooperatives, extension and teaching. Not Satisfied With Your Present Dining Conditions! Try the economical new luncheon service at the friendly, convenient tavern . . the Lions Den. The speedy service offers daily ... Roast Turkey, Ham Bar- B-Que, and a Surprise Spe cial . . . all prepared from grade A products. The best time is between 12:30 and 1:00. Use our Free Parking, Convenient Location, and Quick Service for your din ing pleasure ... try it today! Lion's Den 131 S. Garner St. 714 4 r 4 ~ 5.4, 0 : t.." ‘ ~..,:"f •;.':4' , " ~ t ' «, p': 444:07'- -- N. • • ''" , k'' t‘k • '...'„*., ,... • . ..*„, ~ .> . 4 ~.?: ,*,,, ~,,, ..: 44 . 461 .., 64 '1 i. lo , A.a . ,„-- • ,-,,,, JIM'S GOT SOMETHING for EVERYBODY of the Session in these Obnoxious $7.95 F,ilack Sneakers White Bucks or $5.88 Be a Little More Conforming With HOOD (low cut Tennis) CONVERSE CONTINENTALS and IVYS All Colors $3.98 PUSH BUTTON BLACK AUTOMATIC UMBRELLA $2.88 JIM'S ARMY & NAVY STORE CORDUROY ° IVY LEAGUE Green, Tan, Gray, Brown, Black Sizes 29-42 to) no .F.J.7U WHITE SOCKS 5 for PA --- JUST IN --- Clamdigger Calypsos $2.98 (Even in White) $4.49 USED 0.1. FIELD JACKETS Ideal for school or scruff $2.98 SAILOR HATS $l.OO HANES T-SHIRTS BRIEFS, MUSCLE SHIRTS Athletic Socks —59 c PAGE THREE Saddles $4.98