The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 24, 1960, Image 8
PAGE EIGHT Government to Subsidize AFROTC Grad Students Outstanding Air Force ROTC graduates may work to ward a masters degree at government expense, according to a recent U.S. Air Force announcement. Col. 01'111 11. Rigley, Jr., commandant of the University Air Force ROTC program, said that these students will he commissioned (news, but their active field duty will be delayed until completion of their degrees "They will he given regutai pay and allowances in addition to paid tuition," Col. Rigley said "They do not necessarily have to Qudy at the university from which they icceived then bachelors de gree This is the latest in a series of moves to upgrade the edu cational standards of the Air Force. Col. Rigley said that the Air Force finds itself "low man on the educational totem pole" with the Navy and Army hav ing better educated officers. ~ Ituation wa, caused by the Atr Force' acceptance &ding Wolld War Ii of many men who had only a high school educa tion," he said. The An Force now ha , , a mini mum coal a bachelors clegtee for all off i s. They are also ~hoot Junior Placed On Probation A sixth semester student in the College of Liberal Arts has been placed on disciplinary pro bation for altering official Um vet city fronts, The student, who was thought befme the Academic Disciplinary Committee of the Liberal Arts College, admitted changing a drop-ad form after it had been signed by a faculty advisor The incident, winch took place last fall, was not detected until the end of the semester The student v,as given a glade of "F"' in the course which he had attended without permission. The student has also been placed on disciplinary piobation to the Academic Disciplinary Committee through the seventh semester and Twimanent notation of this action has been entered on the student's recur (I. The student ha, been given the light to petition for the removal of that notation during the eighth senif".ter As t , key ,1 4 v i tak COUNT* ARAI Slued 60116 SGra h info 11191111 This is Sarah Vaughan, Unit hed by the Basic. Band— and lunging what comes natu rally! Soaring C-ward, octave hopping, wailing like a horn Listen—to her ad-lib stylings of "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes" "Stardust"; "No 'Count Blues", Six others. The New Sound of Leisure— best v c) Interpreted ytki al 4 l Accii.os • at the MUSIC ROOM 143 South Allen St. By KAY MILLS ling for having 10 to 20 per cent !of its officers with masters de !grecs, Col Riglcy said. "This goal is not as hard as it may seem because about 80 per cent of the new officers now come from ROTC pro grams or the Air Force Aca demy, so they already have de grees." . "Bootstrapping" is another part of this program, officially known as Training at Civilian Educa tional Institutions under the Air Force Instiute of Technology. In "bootstrapping," the Air Force continues pay and allow ances while granting leave to all officers wh o are within six months of completing their bachelors degrees. In areas where there is a need for advanced degrees, the Air Force will give pay and allow ances plus paying tuition for the one or two years work for a mas ters or a second bachelors degree. Monaural 20441 THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA ' 644! PENN STATE '59 Civil Engineer Joe Oyler avoids going through a long, drawn-out apprenticeship. His new job makes full use of his training and ability, right from the start. He works in structural design for an electric com pany in Pennsylvania. Over 18,000 Students And Faculty Read These COLLEGIAN CLASSIFIEDS CASH—I 7 words or loos CHARGE-12 words or Ins $.60 one Insertion 1.76 Iwo Insertion' $l.OO three Insertions Additional words-3 tor 1.11 for each day of Insertion ADS MUST HE IN HT I1:01 A.ll THE PRECEDING DAT FOll SALE USED TLLX EDO, excellent onflition. Bice RR l'red Zerhey, 9 Woodsdale l'ark. 1951 VOT KSWAGON—deluxe intxlel, sun roof, Intim. Good in snow. ('all AI) -11W2r., LLOYD MO I;erman sedan. 46 mpg Air cooled, f h 4 el di i%e. Purchased New Year's. An% reasonable offer. Larry AD F-0724. ARVIN CLOCK RADIO; one )ear old, excellent condition. Call Abbey AD 7- 4979 good %/due, low price 1961 CHAMPION Trailer 36', excellent condition , one bedroom, automatic waaher, large !lung loom, patio, large lawn. Phone AD 8-6149. WANTED WANTED FRESHMEN sail fraternity Mel, nut , ttltl3 inf.( Saturday to attend Jam ses , ions at Phi Kappa Theta and Theta Chi ((UITARIST DESIRES position pith area dance band Expel kneed, dependable. Phone AD 8-9148. DON% ntou n Dux Club, after li p m RIDERS~F ROM York to State and re- I tui n----%%eekends Call Bob Handley, AD g-9125 after 7 It al I TWO MEN to share apartment In Metzger Building. ran AD 8-11104, When a man finds his way into the right opening for him, a promising new career is born. That's why the electric companies of Pennsylvania take such pains to match the man to the job. For information, write to Pennsylvania Electric Association, State Street Building, Harrisburg, Pa. 21 INDEPENDENT COMPANIES PROVIDING POWER FOR PENNSYLVANIA'S PROGRESS MEET ME AT the Pow Wow, Beaver Avenue TYPING—aII loads 1,3 experirmoti tech nical-t:k Inst. I 2( asonnble rates Call AD 8.14b3t, STUDY BREAKS—WHY? Becauae 3.01) need del:clot!. Hoagie , , Steak Sand), idle., from Morrell'e Al) 8-1-:3).) HAVING TROUBLE with French" Call AD S-62C9 for help oath grammar and prominciatlon, aile for Ho, rd Beers. CU ARANTEED WATCH & Clock Repair 30 sears es peueni e Sam pier. opposite. school Pine (am e Vill• AD 1,-8047. SPECIAL REDUCED student hhort-term ra tea for TIME, urE, SPURTS ILLUS TRATED, NEWSWEEK. Mail your card now or Kate ('allege Magazine Service, BoN 437, State College. Pennsylvania. ENROLL NOW tap, toe or acrobatic lemons Profea atonal School of Dance. Al) 8.40.18. LOST AT Phi Sigma Delta, vres t‘,ced topcoat. name inaule. Call DR & Turner 5-n7`•7 BROWN TWE.FD oseiroat, grey Om ea In pocket at Phi Sigma Delta Salm - daY. I has e yours Call LIN 6-2122. Al SCARAB BRACELET Inat last neek. Sentimental %aloe. Renard offered. Call UN 5-21,56 RESERVATIONS NOW being taken for room & board for spring semester at 817 E. Beaver Me. & 220 S. Allen St. For complete Information ask for Mrs Petrlaky at 317 E. Bearer Me. CARNEGIE TECH '59 Andre Giroux gets advancedprofes sional training at company expense. On the payroll of one of Pennsyl vania's electric companies, Andre studies the elec tronic computer at a New York school. He'll use the "brain" in his work as a research and development engineer. INDIANA 11.158 Marian "Mitzi" Smith broilsmouth watering shish kabob in her test kitchen. She's a Home Service Rep resentative with an electric company in Pennsylvania. Mitzi is glad her company offers gen uine career oppor tunities for women. MISCELLANEOUS ROOM & BOARD 4 PROMISING NEW CAREERS PITT '59 Nelson Tonet, mechanical engineer, looks forward to a promising future. He's with an electric company whose output is dou bling on the average of every ten years. Nelson knows that this planned expansion increases his chances of reaching the top. ".+ v....nay .. • „ • • . WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 24. 1960 FOR RENT EXOTIC ROOMS in apartment three naive above the "Skeller." Best mention—make any cla R. in fi e minutes—with kitehm, Call Jei ry AD 8-1957. FURNISHED 3•ROOM apartment with bath. garage Not suitable for pas or children Alailahle March lat. Call FL 9. 2473 ONE-HALF LARGE living and sleeping room, kitchen pm lieges ; also It i large room, quiet, very clean li,f, blocks from campus 2Ni South Framet Street. APARTMENT FOR 3 male atudenta near golf cour. , e. Call AD 7-7295 after 6 p.m. ROOM NI:AR golf course: lady preferred Call AD 7-72.w5 after 5 p.m. SINGLE ROOM, hot and cold running water. Parking; central; quiet. Call AD 7-77'1'2 NICELY FURNISHED single room and 1 double for mole a tudent ~ near eampue, reasonable, policing privileges. Cali AD 7-7906 or EL 6-1302. COMFORTABLE, MODERATE rate se commodations with pm ate bath or running water. Colonial Dote), 129 W. Nittany e., State College. AD 7-45f.0 or AD 7-7792. HELP WANTED WAITER WANTED at link ereity Club. See Nol/011/1 Lame between hours of 12 to 1, 5 to fi ANYONE INTERESTED In a nummer camp job vki ite to• Mr. Je)ry Stein, 134 Juniper HOWL Havertown, Pa. for toter ?v.. Interviews held on campus Feb. 27. Camp one hour from Philadelphia. KITCHEN 14E1.1' at f ratern fly Lou,.. Work fur mealy. A!..k for caterer. AD 7-4402 ~~ ;;:i ~~ 7 ~F. a >` = ,f , .~ ?~