The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, February 20, 1960, Image 5

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Lewis Will Speak
At Chapel Service
The Rev. W. Jack Lewis, founder and executive director
of the Christian Faith-and-Life Community of Texas, will be
the speaker for the Protestant Service of Worship at 9 a.m.
tomorrow in the Helen Eakin Eisenhower Chapel.
Music for the service will be provided by the Meditation
Chapel Choir, under the direction
of James Beach. The choir will
i t
sing the anthem "In Thee, 0
Lord, have I Put My Trust" by
Handel. The or organist for the
service will be N ncy Hadfield.
Masses for R man Catholics
will be said at 8. :30 and 11 a.m.
and 4:30 pm. at ur Lady of Vic
tory Church and; at 9 a.m. in
Schwab AuditoriUm.
The St. Johxi 's Evangelical
United Brethren Student Fellow
ship/ will hold a inner at 5 p.m.
tomorrow at the student center.
The program wil include a talk
on church architecture by Dr.
Mietoss Osborne and also a short
speech by a Korean.
Fritz Rothschild, professor of
religion, will lead a discussion of
the repercussion from the anti
semitics outbursts at 6:30 p.m. to
morrow at the Lutheran Student
The Wesley Foundation will
present the second in the marriage
series "From Friendship to Mar
riage" at 8:30 tomorrow at the
A representative panel of a'
Protestant minister, a Catholic
priest, and a Jewish rabbi will
lead a discussion on the topic "On
Love, Conflicting Faiths" pertain
ing to problems in mixed mar
riages and dating. Members of all
faiths are encouraged to attend.
A Lox and Bagel Brunch will
be held at 10:30 a.m. tomorrow at
the B'nai B'rith Hillol Foundation.
Members of the Phi Sigma Sigma
sorority will hostess the brunch
Two seminars, "Christian Con
science in Contemporary Living"
and "Protestant Denominations,
Their Whats and Whys" will be
conducted at 9:30 a m. tomorrow
at the Westminster Foundation.
Miss Lynn Ackley will lead the
discussion on "The Expression of
the Faith in Art" at 6:20 p.m. to
morrow at the Westminster Fel
lowship held at the Foundation.
The Baptist Student Movement
will meet for Bible study at 8:30
a.m. tomorrow. Church services
will be at 9:30 and 10:50 a.m. The
fellowship will meet for dinner
at 6:30 p.m. followed by a stu
dent panel discussion on evange
The Divine Liturgy for the
Eastern Orthodox Society will be
held at 7 p.m. tomorrow in the
Eisenhower Chapel.
Senate Action on DTD
The University Senate Sub
committee on Group Discipline
has upheld the decision of the
IFC Board of Control which this
week recommended a 2-week re
moval of social privileges for
Delta Tau Delta fraternity.
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(Any College Text)
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Offered by the Student Center, Inc., Pittsburgh 13, Pa.
Pemberton to Address
First Christian Forum
The first in a series of forums
on "The Christian and the Prob
lems• of Contemporary Culture"
will be presented at 8:15 tonight
in the chapel lounge.
Dr. Prentiss Pemberton, profes
sor of social ethics at Colgate-
Rochester Divinity School, will
speak on the topic "Work and
Vocation in an Age of Automa
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Divinity School Prof to Speak
lAt Chapel Service in Schwab
Dr. Prentiss L. PeMberton,iCeiga will play "Psalm One Hun
professor of social ethics and,dred" by Howells to open the
sociology of religion at thel service; "If Thou But Suffer God
!to Guide Thee" by Peeters as the
Colgate - Rochester Divinity offertory;
and "Canzona Post 11
School, will preach the ser-!Communio" by Frescobaldi to
mon on "Christian Obedience"'close the service.
at the University Chapel sere- Pemberton received his under
graduate degrees from the Ot
ice of worship at 10:55 a.m. toltawa University in Kansas and
morrow in Schwab Auditorium. the Andover Newton Theological
The Chapel Choir, under the;Seminary. He holds a doctor of
direction of Willa Taylor, will' philosophy degree from Harvard
sing "0 Lord of Hosts, All Heav-University
ens Possessing" by Bach, as chor
al introit. "Sanctus" from the Re
quiem Mass by Mozart will be
the morning anthem.
University organist George E
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Students to Speak
At Prayer Service
The Universal Day of Prayer fo.
Students will be observed with a
celebration service at 4 p.m. to
morrow at the Wesley Foundation
assembly hall.
Speakers for the service will
be Hisako Matsubara, graduate
student in theatre arts from Ja
pan, and Melton Clinton, special
student in elementary education
from Monrovia, Liberia.
! They will speak on their im
pressions gotten from the Con
ference, on Christian World Mis
sion at Athens, Ohio, which they
both attended as part of a 20
!member delegation from the Uni
Thousands of similar observ
ances will be held by Christian
!students in universities in almost
!every country in the world.