PAGE TWO First Two Contract For SGA Flight Two people have already signed up for the SGA-spon soted flight to Europe this summer, Chairman Carmella LaSpada said last night. Ten others have picked up applica tions A special rate of S2PS for Charter Altered By LA Council I hot al Acts St udont Council lo NI night accepted three revi ,ion, to it; con dtt talon. They included deletion of a $2.5 compensation to the pi e,Rient, tn sPttion of a tequitement tot the att , .ndance of members at meet ing,„ sand designation of the vice intAdent as the council's tern e sentati% e to the Cabinet Pelson nel Intervlttving Committee Iri other htc,mes,, Susan Link room reported that the faculty conference room in Sparks will he used for the Liberal Arts Lee tui eq, the that of which will be given in late February or early Match. Class cut committee chan man I3aibara Hackman said question naires will be sent to LA facul ty members and to other colleges and univeisities to learn their policies on class attendance. Council president David Epstein repo/ ted that the LA 5 English proficiency examination will con tinue to be given so the Univer sity can be stile all graduates have a working knowledge of English grammar The University celebrated the 100th anniversary of Its found ing in 1955. TAT!" NOW • Feat.: 1:30, 3:'7, 5: 9 4. 7:31. 9:38 MOST arpf.kspul mar /cloy [midi OF tit vLAR7 OLIVIA DIRK DE HAVILUINO • BOGARDE IWI4[C W 1441 PalVai If- NIT ANY NOW: 4:39, 6:18, 7:57, 9:36 "One of the yeat's 10 best" "THE LOVERS" THURSDAY -& FRIDAY RIOTOUS & HILARIOUS' "Don't Go Near the Water" Glenn Ford Gia Scala Penn State ENGINEER °The Sports Car Goes to College. *Chemical Warfare. •Female Engineers? ®The Moon. a round-trip ticket to Europe iq being offered to stt,dents, fac ulty members and members of ti it immediate families. Ipplications may be obtained at the SGA office. 203 A Hetzel Union from 9 a m. to 5 p m. every weekday and from 9 a m. to 12 noon on Saturdai.s The chartered flight leaves New York's Idlewild Airport for London on the evening of June 13. The return flight leaves Paris the evening of July 23 and arrives in New York the morning of July 24. Misg LaSpada emphasized that the SGA Is sponsoring only the flight Anyone who wishes to take a tour must make his own ar iangements She also stressed that the flight is available to only those who have been officially associated with the University for at least -,ix months and their wives, hus bands, children or parznts who ,hare the same household. SGA Vice President Larry Byers said last night that a 5100 deposit should be paid before Feb. 10 to insure a reservation on the flight. The balance must be paid by April 15. He explained that SGA must make a 10 per cent down pay ment to keep its charter on the flight. If enough people have not signed up and paid their deposits to meet the down payment, the flight would have to be can celled. TIM - LEONIDES "LAS VEGAS NITE" Banquet For all persons who worked on "LAS VEGAS NITE" Thursday, Jan. 14 6:30 p.m. at the LA GALLERIA Sign Up at HUB Desk Sole TODAY • HUB MALL SACKETT WARING This Issue THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Ag Council To Sponsor Career Day The Agriculture. Student Council voted last night to hold a special career day for the students in agriculture since the University Career Day will not be held this year. The council decided to hold a seminar-type career day with af ter noon and evening sessions be ing conducted by employers in the field of agriculture. Thursday was tentatively chosen as the day of the week although the exact date has not yet been set. According to Charles Ault, council president, the career day will probably be held sometime; during the first eight weks of; the Spring semester and defin-,lr— itely before Easter. Job opportunities in agriculture! will be the main theme of thei career day and representatives from several industries will be in-i vited to participate. Some of the, ably be discussed are agriculture' particular fields which will prob extension, government, education, medical technology, research, graduate school and horticulture.) The University's yearly tuition! l is one of the three highest among Land-Grant institutions of Ameri ca. "GROOVOLOGY 54" WMAJ-1450 "Music for Your Listening Pleasure" LISTEN TONIGHT at 10:05 BLAINE HARVEY The Convent. Novice Who Ran Away Info The World... Living As i S ,y t r Gypsy-Singer-Dancer , - N e • - • • • : ,k. yr ,‘ - A WARNER OROS. mr..Fie co,Lo er TECtINICOLOP, C . VTBIIIIII. MER MIN • Z 7111( • ‘TiifEo NAN • 1(. 1 ,11M ititioll BEGINS TODAY ! - FEATURETIME - 12:50, 3:00, 5:10, 7:20, 9:30 Hoff man Elected Council Head Sharon Hoffman, Junior in sec ondary education from Maple wood, N J., was elected president of the Education Student Council last night. As Dorothy Newman's ,successor, she will assume office next semester. Other newly elected officers are Barbara A. Johnson, Junior in elementary education from Potts town, vice president; and Linda Huston. sophomme in elemen tary education from Harrisburg, secretary-treasurer. In other business the council decided to publish the "Monitor" three times next semester. Army Commandant to Talk General F. D. Atkinson. corn mandant of the U S Army Trans portation School at Fort Eustis, Va., will speak to advanced Army ROTC cadets at 1:15 p.m. tomor row in 121 Sparks. PLAYERS present John Gabriel Borkman John Gabriel Borkman, a superman figure, who in a fruitless quest for , power crushes the love he might have had. —Shaw Center Stage Tickets at HUB LAST WEEK ~~~.,., ~-' ~ <' ~. AND BEC4O4'OF 7HE MiR4aE yIaCN~~~ .~~ ~~ '~ ;aS: ~.. .;: x:~:.: t~~%~~ Y ~% ~/~~~1 l ;~. ~~ WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 13, 1960 2 Movies to Be Shown Two movies on interi►Ational un derstanding will be shown at 7:30 tonight in 121 Sparks. "Picture in Your Mind," a 16- minute art animation depicting the development of prejudices, and "Chamberlain at Munich," a 27-minute documentary film, will be shown For CLASSIFIEDS Call UN 5-2531 OUTING CLUB Tonight ROCK CLIMBING Meeting 7 p.m., 111 Boucke * Thursday SKI MEETING Fashion show, ski movies and informative talk on skiing Final Meeting for Red House Mid-Semester SKI TRIP Please bring your $lO deposit to reserve your place on the trip. SKI, SKATE, BOBSLED, SQUARE DANCE, and just have a "BLAST." Arrangements for 2 to 7 days are being made by the Club for transportation, room and board. Go whenever your time permits. YOU NEED NOT KNOW HOW TO SKI or Have Equipment! 7 P.M. 111 Boucke A ~... ~,,, , . go ~,,iiitts % , . , , ...... A.,„.„, 4- -,,, 1 1 . , , ,A :. A. ==l Meet ROGER MOORE .41 He's all man —and alt yt exciting* ?tad 4 .741 . ,r 2- V • 4-CATHAUM* Remember where you came from gypsy. Remember your faith Remember the way back to the convent' The strange story of Teresa—who remembered the way back!