The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, January 12, 1960, Image 8
PAGE EIGHT Young Cites Demand-- 1 (Conn/inert from page one) and he has something to say, he Satingcr at present is suffer-t i ing from mental ptoblems, Youngll s:uct If ht, doctors are unable tel find a cute I'm him, he may, as;, Mi many weal artists, fall short of our expectations on worse, quiti: wiitmg altogeil*r. Salinger is religious and inter-1 eqed in Was. A far t i y fr OM thel familiar, confused, "beat" author of today. In closing Young added that het hasn't checked to see if the Patter' Library is missing the Salinger' miles too. , „ipro F.-,4 - p. • , 4 . t, \ '.. ..... ~i ~,,, Y NO MATTER HOW YOU LOOK AT IT Your hair looks better In a hairdo by our specialists. (V . 220 A S. Allen St. coV) e ',dor 3 AD 8-0213 As a college sophomore, you're nearing the mid-point. Halfway through college—halfway through Army ROTC. Now you face a major decision: Are the gold bars of a Second Lieutenant - worth two additional years of study in advanced ROTC? That question is yours to answer now—before you register for your junior year. As you explore the facts, carefully weigh the traditional responsibilities and rewards of serving as an Army officer ... 1. Traditional responsibilities. To meet the command responsi bilities of an Army officer, you apply the leadership prin ciples absorbed during advanced ROTC training, And your executive potential grows as you gather leadership experi- *Last year, 14,436 sophomores answered "yes" to this question—and entered advanced Army ROTC. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA FLOWERS for all occasions We deliver fresh, beautifully arranged flowers at once to pa tients in the Centre i , k, , ci ) and Co wireiy , world-wide by ' ...:. FTD. ee 4 ~„ 1 ,115 t. , .1 ,:i'. LYONS FLORISTS In Bellefonte ~.., EL 5.4788 Repairs Car Radios Television Phonographs Radios television service „ center - • at State College TV 232 S. Allen St. HEY FELLAS! Don't forget— We have imported FRENCH BERETS for you and the girl friend. Only sww 1.98 ale. al Shop Corner of McAllister And E. Beaver Daily 9.9 Sat. 9.5 ence. That's why employers often prefer men who served as commissioned officers. These men already have proven their capacity to shoulder executive responsibility. 2. Traditional rewards. In every organization, greater respon sibilities mean greater rewards. Thus the traditional respon sibilities and prestige of an Army officer are matched by material advantages. For example, if you plan to marry soon after graduation—an officer's salary can be a distinct advantage. A married 2nd Lieutenant earns a minimum of $355.68 per month—plus substantial fringe benefits. Need more information? Check with the Professor of Mili tary Science and Tactics at your college or university. He'll be glad to discuss your decision with you. LOCAL AD CREDIT STAFFS Meet at 7 P.M. I Meet at 7 P.M. In Room 9 I In Collegian Office Tonight in Carnegie ==s==l CLASSIFIEDS CASH-17 fords or Ws CHARGE-42 words or ku 8.50 One Insertion 8.15 two insertions $l.OO three Insertions Additional words-2 for $.05 for each day or insertion ADS MUST DE IN BY 11:00 A.M. THE PRECEDING DAY T. SPARTAN Trailer, one hedroom, large room, and patio, in excel lent condition and ideally located in Woods- , dale Park. Must Bell. .11500. Phone AD 7.3134, NOVSF. TRAILER 1965 Nashau 35'; ex - twit. 135.1 OLDS Super 88; hydromatic, power cellent cowl:thin, 2 be or 1 room plus study with desk. Removable brakes and steering, ;moo tires, heater, children's hunk, Winterized, patio, u.k...,excellent condition. AD 7-2183 phone; 8 minutes from campus. Must sell'lTl.l3 M.G. Feb. Call Al) 8-0005. 7 Prn FOR SALE . M ILA 1958 convertible, RNA wire wheels. NERD TROPHIES" Yon name It.-1 have: supercharger—slsoo. Call AD 9-1024. It. Plain or engraved. Big dlscounts A 120 BASS Noble Accordion, 22 twitch.. Quick service. Phone AD 7.71581 after 6 , Evcellent condition. Phone AD 8-1098. Sam's Trophy-Novelty Shop. GOVERNMENT SURPLUS tyrews item) LOST Remington-Rand, Royal and Undei wood ' $4O choke. EL 6-4384. PENN STATE Warm-up Jai ket In Library ' about l p.m. Friday. I haveyotira. Cull 1953 OLDSMOBILE sedan, radio and ursi 5.6989, heater. snow tires, by dramatic ~.p ower - - _— brakes Cheap. Al) 7-3418 to Al) 4-3'2',0 ,GLASSES: Light brown and red ease. Call Jim AD 7-2202, Tau Phi Delta. 25-t OOT ELCAR House Trailer, euel- Reward, lent condition Must sell by Feb. Call AD 8-2360 utter 6 p m TUESDAY, JANUARY 12, 1960 FOR SALE TRIUMPH TR:IA Roadster, like new con. dition Private owner. enli All 74:162. 1953 BUICK 4-door APec ial. Need aorno ti ansrn vision work. $276. AD 13-428. LADY'S BRAND NI•:VV Waltham *kr We dry shR % er, Reseonable price. Dan EL 5-9301.. eot oiler. COI AD 8-31600. WILL nitsoN who accidently took wrong camel-hair coat from Freer Lab 11.0 Jan. 7 shone AD '7-052. —_—__— --- LADIES COLD Watch, initials Si. on bark—in I.icinity of Ree HAM Notify Sue UN 5-2018 *IASS.F.S IN brown leather race between lionelse and HUB Jan. 4. Reward. Chuck IN 5-1654 GREY FUR-LINED Clot ca. 70 Sparks, about 4 p.m. It found call Rill UN 6-1984. FOR RENT LATE MODEL houhe trailer; 2 licerrOoma bath, kitchen rend Dvlng room. Located. nn route 322 at Pottei's Milli,, near Eutaw Hotiße & , +t01,9. ANhiluble now. J 43 per month Call KM 4-1144. MAE AND double loom next serntx3ter. Test College Ave. AD 7-4374. UNFURNISHED SECOND floor, 4 morn apartment ilioakinirgi; stove, nfriger. ator. HO 6-6:112, mornings, el.enings. ATTRACTIVE DOUBLE rooms for male xtenients next seintstel ; new furniture. 416 S. Allen St. Call AD 8-1t175, UNFURNISHED SECOND floor apart ment, t rooms and bat'n, heat, hot water, electricity and laundry Furnished. Bellefonte EL 6.9672. DOUBLE ROOM for rent. Very co/se to campus. Call AD 8.0164. ATTEACT/VE 4-ROOM Apartment. Car necessary; suitable for 8 or 4 student.% AD 7.1312 after 6;00. ONE BEDROOM 30 ft. Trailer located on '.eat (Age of State College; 568.--no lut rental, Cull AD N-961.6. DOUBLE ROOM with board two blocks from campus. 243 S. Pugh St. APARTMENT FOR Rent, $7O per month; 2 persons. 428 College Are., 2 blocks from campus. Call AD 74884, DOUBLE ROOM for spring semester kitchen pi IN lieges. free parking. Can now AD 8-0833. Half double room avail able fume:dish*. HALF OF duplex house for rent. Four rooms and bath, automatic heat. Avail able about Feb. 1. Two miler from State College in vicinity of Klinger Heights. Call AD 7-2434, QUIE' ,ET SINGLE ROOM available now and for neat semester, near eumrms. Ca/1 AD 7-2768. OLISLE ROOMS available at Cody Manor for next aemestro. COMFORTABLE MODERATE rate accum. modations with private bath or running water. Colonial 'Hotel, 123 W. NittanY Ave„ Slate College. AD 7-4850 or AD 7-7792. WANTED GIRL TO ehare apartment with 2 awe tanea, one block horn campus. Call AD 84494 after 5:00. LEDICH a /1"- .OUSE wishes to get together with Thompson Hal). Object • Postoffice, etc. It interested cal/ UN ti-4R60. FURNISHED* APARTMENT for two seniors. Will take over lease until June. Call Mark or Frank AD 8-2029. HELP WANTED COLLEGE STUDENTS: Students looking 'for Part-time cork two eveninus week and a half day Saturday. Cali Mr. Idehtenfels AD 8.2061 10 pm. Salary $46 per week. TWO MEN for part time work in else. tronic chassis Wiring—commercial grade. Salary controenanrate with e x perience. Mirimum 26 hours per week. Phone AD 8-0541 for appointment. Experienced only. MISCELLANEOUS GUARANTEED WATCH and clock re. pair; 90 years experience. Sam Diaz, opposite school, Pine Grove Mille. AD 8-8047. ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing, tap, toa or acrobatic lessons. Prate. atonal School of Dania AD 8.14378. ==l ROOM & BOARD RESERVATIONS NOW being taken for room & board for spring aemeater at 917 E. Seaver Ave. & 220 S. Allen St. For complete information ask for him Petriski at 917 E. Beaver Ave.