The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, January 09, 1960, Image 8
PAGE EIGHT Pi Kappa Phi 'Adopts' 11-Year-Old Italian Boy Pi Kappa Phi fraternity has financially "adopted" an 11-year-old Italian boy through the Foster Parent's Plan Inc. The boy, Alessandro Ferranzzani, will receive $l5 a month from the fraternity for food, clothing and medical care. He will receive $8 a month from that sum as a cash grant. Contest Set For Judging Livestock Beef animals, swine and sheep better be on their toes today, because they will be under careful inspection at the annual Livestock Judging Con test to be held in the Pavillion on Ag Hill. Registration will begin at noon and the contest is open to all stu dents interested in livestock Judg ing Sponsored by the Block and Bridle Club, the contest will be divided into two classes, amateur and professional. Students who register for the professional divi sion will be required to give oral reasons to the supervising judge as to why they placed the animals In a particular order. The cost of entering the amateur division will be 25 cents and for the professional division, 50 cents. There will be two classes of beet animals, two of swine and two of sheep. Students ranking high in the overall contest and in the individual classes of livestock will receive ribbons and monetary awards. Students placing high in the professional division Will increase their opport.inity of being select ed for the livestock judging team next fall. Swinyard to Speak in MS Auditorium Dr. Chester A. Swinyard, of the! Bellvue Medical Center, will . speak at 8 p.m. Monday in the Mmeial Sciences Auditorium on "Ncurophysiologic Bases of Lan guage." His lecture is sponsored by the Society of the Sigma Xi and the Speech and Hearing Clinic at the University. lie is a graduate of Utah State College, University of Minnesota and the State University of New York and has published papers on endocrine glands, electromygra phy, and rehabilitation. Alpha Delta Sigma To Sponsor Panel A panel discussion on "Motiva tion Research" will be held a 8 p.m. tomorrow at Sigma Chi fra ternity. The discussion is sponsored by Alpha Delta Sigma, men's profes sional advertising fraternity, Members of the panel include Milton J. Bergstein, WMAJ sta tion manager; Leland Belk, assis tant professor of marketing; and Dr. Albert Tsugawa, instructor in philosophy. The discussion is open and spe cial permission has been obtained for women students to remain until it is over. A business meeting of Alpha Delta Sigma will precede the pan el discussion at 7 p m. WE HAVE IT! Steaks . Hamburgers Pizzas Hot Dogs Saussage Hoagies Call AD 8.8381 9 to Midnite MORRELL'S 112 S. Frazier St. By MX HUTCHINS Although the Foster Parent's Plan does not give either the donating or receiving party per sonal addresses the fraternity has received pertinent information concerning the boy's family his tory. Alessandro is the son of a de ceased Italian airline mechanic who died in November of 1958. His family received $560 sever- Alessandro Ferranzsani ance pay from the airline com pany on which they have been living the past two years. Alessandro is a fifth grade student, especially interested in history and geography. He hopes to work for an airline when-he is older. He has two sisters. One is a senior in high school and will be able to work and help support the family next year. His other sister is in primary school. Members of the fraternity said that they receive mail from the boy about once a month. Foster Parent's Plan Inc. has helped rehabilitate more than 76,000 children since it was found ed in 1937. Have a real ci THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA The best tobacco makes the best smoke! Liv"talliP l ' cits...rms IL a. aesixda Toba cc() Co.. Inas ton•salem. Gamma Sig Participates In March of Dimes . Drive By BARB FOSTER Preparations for the March of Dimes campaign which began Jan. 1, are in progress locally by the women's service society, Gamma Sigma Sigma, land the Centre County March of Dimes chapter. Gamma Sigma Sigma members ! have addressed and prepared mailers which will be sent to all students. The purpose of sending these is to inform the students of the drive in the hopes that they will contribute, and to stimulate them into getting the preventa tive polio shots if they haven't al ready received them, said Ellen Keefer, freshman in arts and let ters from Lewistown. Miss Keefer h state chairman of the teen-age program of the March of Dimes National Foun dation. She attends state conventions of the March of Dimes and speaks at' Nittany Tackle To Play in Bowl MOBILE, Ala. (/P) Despite, the presence of numerous top ball' carriers, the possibility rose that a passing record may fall in to day's televised Senior Bowl foot -I ball game. Penn State's All-East tackle: Andy Stynchula will play for they North. Both Coach Weeb Ewbank of, the favored South and Coach Jim; L Howell of the North gave , isome indication along that line asp !they closed out preparation for the Igame. Both again had their quar terbacks throwing often in the closing drill. Charley Britt of Georgia's Southeastern Conference cham pions did the throwing for the Southerners and Jack Lee of Cin cinnati for the Yankees. It will take some doing to bet ter the passing record, set in the inaugural Senior Bowl in 1950. Travis Tidwell of Auburn and Billy Wade, now of the Los An geles Rams, locked horns in a duel with little Eddie Leßaron, now the Washington Redskins vet eran passer, as the South won 22- 13. A total of 56 passes were thrown, 36 by the South. The Southerners completed 24 and the North 14. arette-have a CAMEL various programs to interest teen agers in helping with the drives by sponsoring car washes, fashion shows, etc. Basil O'Connor, president of the March of Dimes National Foun dation, was quoted as saying that teen-agers have proved to be ex cellentl campaigners in the past 'and he would like to get more students interested in this work. Some of the benefits available are the 25 scholarships offered each year by the national foun dation to students entering the fields of nursing, medical tech nology and physical therapy. Today, TAP day, an air lift will be held at the University airport. the proceeds of which will go to the March of Dimes. The planes and gas will be donated free of cost. Miss Keefer said that this drive is emphasized on campus because any students who get polio are di rectly referred to the Centre County chapter and receive aid there, not from the University hospital. `Cub Matmen Open Season With Lehigh The Penn State freshman wres tling team will open its season to night when they face the power packed Lehigh frosh in Bethle hem. Coach Dave Adams will send his nine top wrestlers, decided by elimination contests, against Lehigh which he describes as being "always tough." Al Hastings will open the card in the 123 pound tussle. Follow- Mg him, at 130, will be Denny, 'Slattery, recent winner in the ;Lock Haven YMCA tourney. 1 Mike Williams, a former Her-' shey High star, wrestles at 137, Chuck Beatty Is Coach Adams' !representative in the 147 bracket. Whitey Noll, former state run. Iner-up from Bellefonte, is slated !as the 157-pound grappler. Dan Kolody has drawn the 167- ; pound assignment and Ed Pobland will go at 177. 1 Ron Lucas, a Bald Eagle Area grad will take the mat in the 191-pound position. Dave Hayes, a former Nassau ,county, N.Y. champ, defeated I "Tiny" Bartlett, a 310-pound gi ant from State College, for the right to wrestle in the unlimited. • S' . .g . /.7: '.' ,„. ' 't.' ''''',.:, ',,,,:, ' ..‘..•<•:/:;1' '.'•,:,,,,' ' 5 f ' ''''' a " .!,- ; '1 %/:hs SATURDAY, JANUARY 9, 1960 Answer To Puzzle On Page 4 CLASSIFIEDS CASH--17 words or loss CHARGE-12 words or 4,- 3.50 one frufettled 5.75 two Insertions 51.00 three Ines Alone Additions) words-3 for SAS for each day of Warrlon ADS MUST RE IN BY 11:00 A.M. THE ?RECEDING HAT FOR SALE 1953 BUICK 4•door specia l. Need o-orn, trarmomion work. $276 AD 6-1528 GOVERNMENT SURPLUS typewriters/ Remington-Rand, Royal and Under is mid. $4O choice. EL 5-4386. LADY'S BRAND NEW Walthrni kiertric thy Bhai. et. Reu , ortable puce. Cull EL 5-931,5. b 3 FT, SPARTAN Trailer, one 14.41100ra, large In m& worn, and patio, m exec). lent condition and ideally located in Wood.s. dale Park, Must eel]. $l5l/0. Phone AD 195-1 OLDS Super 88; hydrornatic, power brakes and Eteertng, snow time, heater, excellent condition. AD 7-2783. 1953 M.G. TI). Bolt offer. Gall AD t,-1600 1933 PLYMOUTH 6 window coupe, 1951 Plymouth engine, heater, good thee. Body in good shape. Phone UN 84423. 1910 FORD Coupe, 1962 Olde emtine, four barren, Bentlot fuel pump, custom in side-3200 00. Call AD 74411. M G.A. 1958 coal ertible, R&H, wire wheels, supercharger—slBoo. Call AD 8-1824. ENGLISH DIRE, good condition. Must sacrifice. 301 W. 13eaver, Ed Signi. A 120 BASS Noble Accordion. 22 snitch. Excellent condition. Phone AD 13-1568. LOST GLASSES: Light brown end red ear.e. Call Jim AD 7-2202, Tau Phi Delta. Reward YELLOW UMBRELLA In HUB Tuesday. Please call Janet UN 6-6200. - WILL PERSON who accidently took wrong camel-hair coat from Frear Lab II :43 Jan. 7 phone AD 7-4062. LADIES GOLD Watch. initial', Si on back—in % ionity of Rec Hall. Notify Sue UN 5-2048. GLASSES IN brown leather onto brtaeen Boucke and HUB Jan. 4. Renard. Chuck UN 5.5654. MATH 43 Notebook. Please return notes. Call Frank AD 7-4109. RlNG—man's white and yellow gold ned'' ding band, lost before vacation. Cull AD 8-2116. GREY FUR-LINED Gloves, 10 Sandie. about 4 p.m. If found call Bill UN 64084. FOR RENT ONE BEDROOM 30 ft. Trailer located on west edge of State College; $68.--no lot rental. Call AD 8-9616. DOUBLE ROOM with hoard: too )400111 from campus. 243 S. Pugh St. FIVE ROOM unfurnished apartment; heat, water, stove and refrigerator furnished. Call AD 8-1108. APARTMENT FOR Rent, $7O per month; 2 peraona. 428 College Ave., 2 blotita from campus. Call AD 74084. DOUBLE ROOM for spring semester; kitchen privileges, free parking. Call now AD 8-0833. Hait double morn titan. able immediately. HALF OF' duplex house for rent7i'oue roorni and With, automatic heat. Avail able about Feb. 1. Two miles from State College in vicinity of Klinger Heights. Call AD 7-2434. QUIET SINGLE ROOM available now and for next semester, near campus. Call AD 7-2768. DOUBLE ROOMS available at Cody Mnnor for next semester. 4-110031 HOUSE, Lemont; stove anti re frigerator. Suitable for couple. Avail able Feb. I. Call AD B-9973. COMFORTABLE MODERATE rate accent• modation3 with private bath or running wnter. Colonial Hotel, 123 W. Nitthny Ave., State College. AD 7-4850 or AD 7-7792. WANTED LEHIGH HOUSE wishes to get together with Thompson Hall ObJen: Postoffice, etc. If interested call UN 5-48410. WANTED TO buy small or medium size motorcycle. Burt Klinger UN 5-7769, Grad Hall 102. FURNISHED APARTMENT for Iwo acniora. Will take over Itaxe until June. Call Mark or Frank Al) 8-2029. WANTED A USED Tuxedo in good con dition, site 2840. Call John Hindley AD 7-2051. MISCELLANEOUS ANYONE INTERESTED in forming In, (Ran dance team call Bob Gingrich, AD 8-6668 bfeore 111:00 p.m., by Jan. 19. ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing, tap. toe or acrobatic !ermine. Profea• atonal School of Dance AD 84078. ROOM & BOARD RESERVATIONS NOW being token for room & board for spring semester at 117 E. Beaver Ave. & 220 S. Allen St. For complete information ask for Mrs. retrisky at $l7 E. Beaver Aria.