The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, December 16, 1959, Image 8

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Dickson Expresses Hope
For Statue Preservation
Dr. Harold E. Dickson, professor of art and architecture
history, writing in the current issue of ‘‘The Art Quarterly,”
expressed the hope that measures will be taken to preserve
the Barnard Statues at the State Capitol in Harrisburg.
Dickson has done extensive studies on the work of the
WRA to Hold
2nd Coed Night
The Women's Recreation Asso
ciation has set Jan. 1G as the date
of their second annual Coed Rec
reation Nile.
Under the chairmanship of Sue
Smithson, junior in liberal arts
fiom Stamford, Conn, the pro-!
giam will feature volleyball, pro-j
gre.ssive Karnes, square dancing
and dancing to popular music. I
Activities in the game room!
will include ping-pong, bowling
and chess. Refreshments will be!
.served to the students attending
Action on the reorganization of
the WRA structure was post
poned by the executive board un
til the next meeting.
Ag Council—
(Continued from page two)
Many members objected to the
preliminary questionnaire be
ing given out because it "en
couraged cramming.” "We all
do enough of that as It is,” one
The oros and cons of an oral
examination were also discussed.
One member aigued that “an oral
test will give the better speakers
n definite advantage over those
who aie not.”
Another said, "the test is not
a test of your speaking ability but
rather a test of your knowledge in
your field. Every college student
should be able to give his opinions
In an intelligent manner ”
Letterpress • Offset
Commercial Printing
352 E. College AD 8-6794
1. Wlml TnnitlV
only di<l to
fi. Deckorntor*
10. Smgulnr jeans
11. Done Tor,
(ierniun nlyla
12 Kmplnvrd
13 When you do
it to a girl, it
can make you
14 Smoking Kools
in greHt .
1R Kih'ii big
lrt. Wt\* rfftllv high
IH, Hunily rebuff
1*). I'HrefMttn, by
18. So cool It**
20. Knowledgeable
Si, The Magic 21. Almost the end
fouml in 23 2a Bur |,., ( | U «
A, ’ ro,s take-off
2R, J mit 23. Dimmutiva
2!>. Always good for knockouts
a laugh ot .. .
83. The ardor In 2S. LHw nteo of 84
tiulancholta _
84. Manly n'u 26 \uu have it In
favorite joint nand
85. Faculty VIP 27. Kny Thomp-
23. t’otne up. rome
nil the \su) up
86. Ncilbtr's sim’alitlb-fmnd
coilriigue 28. What to buy
87 Thb-ki-l, not > jour Knob by
suituhlr huh*- 80. Vegetable
out for robbers hfadgeur/
89 Small lull gi. Mmintrd
tl'Vf'ilt'r Boldu i, a klml
40 Sort of a lemon of cutup
42 Deep thought 82. Matriculalra
44 Tristan 1 , girl g 4 Reh(l ,„ lilatM
f . r ,nd Madia
4o Morenorunw Q
.. «* 8 1. Morso 8 secret
4b iou can *ce _
through ’em BS * goudess
47. IVllslrra who O. "Treasure Island”
SM.ikfor author (abbr.)
11 atlup 43, 60 r ij agent
Bellefonte-born sculptor, George
Grey Barnard. He said that these
statues which 50 years ago at
tracted the attention of the art
world, are showing alarming de
terioration fiom exposure to the
The statues, Dickson said, have
not remained popular in Ameri
can art Objections have been
raised that the groups are crowd
ed and confused and that their
moralistic ideas are obvious and
commonplace, he continued.
In the article entitled "Bar'
nard Sculptures for the Penn
j sylvania Capitol," Dickson oul
! lines the great difficulty under
| which Barnard executed the
i statues.
He said that Barnard started
with the proposal that he com
plete 67 figures within three years
for a proposed $700,000. Ham
pered by time, Dickson writes,
Barnard only completed 30 sta
tues for $lOO,OOO. Later, a special
act of legislature provided him
witli an additional $BO,OOO to pay
' debts he had incurred.
Before Barnard had finished his
work, Dickson pointed out, the
scandal over expenditures for fur
nishing the Capitol building was
in full swing. And after his work
jwas unveiled, objections to the
I nudity of the figures developed.
This Friday, December 18,
to have your picture taken
at the
for the 1960 yearbook
1. Tlu-y tako
Council in low*
2. End product
8. Less of nn odd
4. Achieved
ft. Old enrd game,
with no kitty/
6. Hills In * bunch
7. <iod, what *
8. Hoot Hill
9. Soaks, in a
precipitous way
17. Man's favorite
OJ s _
• Brown A Wllllamton Tobacco Corp. "*•*’-1
** ‘ W *+**
Yuletide Music
To be Aired
V/DFM will present two
evenings of special Christmas
programming tonight and to
At 7 tonight, the programming!
begins with “Season’s Greetings,”
featuring popular Christmas mu
sic, including Stan Freberg’s sa
tire on the commercialization ofj
Christmas, “Green Christmas.” |
Later this evening, a program of I
traditional Christmas music will;
be presented on “The Music of'
Christmas.” At 10 p.m. the com-i
plete "Nutcracker Ballet” by j
jTchaikowsky will be played. j
At 7 tomorrow evening, “The!
Stingiest Man in Town,” a must-!
cal adaptation of Dickens' “Christ-J
mas Carol,” will be performed I
This will be followed by “Christ- ]
|mas 'Round the World,” an out-j
jdoor Christmas sing; and a Ger
jman Christmas sing, “Christmas
iWith Grandma (William Bon
jham) Higgins,” and a reading of
I Roger Price's “Why Christmas Is
| Nice ”
! Sheila Cohen of the University
[Readers will read a Christmas
!selection and a play “Christmas
Errand” will be played.
! The special programming will
end with the playing of Corelli’s
“A Christmas Concerto” and three
Christmas cantatas by Bach,
i Tomorrow evening will be the
'last evening of broadcasting for
WDFM until after vacation.
No. 12
Froth Satirizes
Classes, Catalog
With the help of other col-]
leges’ humor magazines, Froth
once again publicizes in a satiri
cal vein some idiosyncrasies of
campus life.
In the combined Christmas and:
Exchange issue. Froth pokes fun]
at TV classes and the course cata-]
Hog via the help of Dickinson and
Florida Colleges. j
Occidental and Harvard Uni
versity are also contributors tO |
this issue which will include three
Christmas stories by local writers,
j Froth will be on sale at the
[Hetzel Union Building, the Cor
]ner, Waring and Warnock Halls
:and on the Mall.
Student Affairs—
(Continued from page one)
lew or no clubs and who did
not participate in recreational
activities gave lack of infor
mation and crowded facilities
1 as reasons for their lack of par
i ticipation.
i When they were questioned
'concerning their willingness to
contribute financially to a new
program, about 58 per cent of
| the students indicated that they
would be willing to pay a $1 fee
each semester for a better recrea
:tional program. Nineteen per cent
jsaid they would be unwilling to
pay and the remaining 23 per,
•cent were undecided. I
ONLY 15c
SALES: AG Hill, HUB Desk
17-FT. GRUMMAN Cano* with complete
tailing rig {2OO. Call Torn Newell
AD 7-4714.
26-FT. KLCAR House Trailer, excellent
condition. Must sell by Febiuaiy, Cali
AD fe-2369 aftei 6 pm.
ONE LIBERTY'BOWL ticket. Cal! Debbie
UN 6-4848.
ONE LIBERTY BOWL ticket—section E-N
Row 36, 30-yard line. Call Dan UN
ONE LIBERTY BOWL ticket on 46-yard
line. Cal! Pat UN 6-4667.
BROOKS CANADIAN figure skates, size
9; Brooks Hockey, sue B l a. John AD
USED KAY Guitar flat top, excellent con
dition. Don’t call unless interested in
good guitar. AD 8-2101.
GOOD AS NEW, S.V.E. slide piojectot,
with 300 watt bulb and eight magazines.
Excellent Christmas present. Call AD 7-7792
after 6 p.m.
SMALL 3-SPEED phonograph: quickset
Jr. tiipod; Savage .22 caliber iif le.
Shavemaster; Spotlight stand; No. 2 photo
floo<N._o<lin Vick. Call AD 8-1363.
A t2O BASS Noble Accordion. 22 switch.
Excellent condition. Phone AD 8-1058
7 LIBERTY BOWL tickets ‘togetherTcall
Frank AD_7-4f>77.
1959 KARMANN-GHIA. perfect condition,
German jadio, MichJin white walls. $2160.
AD 7-2723 after 6.
RANCH TYPE house, 11 rooms, 4 bed
rooms: one acre gxound. AD 8-8231.
steel const;uctlon 46x85 ft. AD 8-8231.
CHRISTMAS TREES—Sheared Scotch pine
from Indiana County—“ Christmas tree
cnpitol of the world.” Davis Tree Sales,
1300 N. Atherton (next to B&M Market}.
record of your choice with any rack over
$6.00. State College T.V.
Service, Accessories and Insurance. Call
AD 8-0021 after 6 o'clock.
•1111111 l IMIII
ONE MALE student to Occupy quiet single
room near campu*. Call AD 7-7703.
TYPING WANTED. Quick accurate work
AD 8-0998.
RIDERS WANTED to Trenton. N.J. and
LcviUown, Pa. Dec. 23. Call Don AD
WAITERS TO work for meal, .t Ag Hill
Club. AS »-im
DOC Student Council
To Hold Dinner Feb. 14
! The Division of Counseling
! Student Council decided last night
to hold a dinner for DOC Dean’s
List students on Feb. 14.
Neal Fahrer, senior in business
administration from Philadelphia,
was appointed chairman of the
Icommittee to arrange the dinner.
| In other business, a new chair
|man was appointed for the sug
gestion box committe. Edward
[Rosenzweig, freshman in counsel
ing from Apollo, said a suggestion
!box will be made and placed in
i the DOC office in Old Ma-p,
Advisory Board Forms
Applications for Sophomore
Class Advisory Board are avail
able at the Hetzel Union desk.
All forms must be returned by
Jan. 6.
BLACK DASCHUND puppy, approximately
6 months old, 7-year old's pet. AD
BLACK WALLET lost Saturday morning.
Keep money, please send cards to 207
E Park Ave, S.C.
BROWN HOUN-RIMMF.D glassee near Rec
Hall. Reward. Call AD 7-4963 ask for
CRF.Y-BLUE OVERCOAT at Galium late
. I’liday night. Please call Jack AD 7-7239.
Before he freezes to death.
LADY'S GLYCINE wrietwatch: rounii
face, black suede band. If found pltase
call AD 7-7967 after 6 p.m Reward.
BROWN SWEATER, Willard Hall. Cull
H. Cohen UN 6-2802.
WILL THE person who took my mixed
weave black and grey overcoat with
tweed zip-ln lining from the HUB Satur
day night kindly return it to HUB desk.
I need it badly. Bob S. AD 7-22t1.
WILL PERSON who picked up text
Woild’o Nations from hat ahelf Ht floor
Aimsby Ipm Dec. 11 return to 111 Arms
by Immediately, enclosures intact. Urgent.
BROWN PLASTIO card case containing
veiy important cards. Needed badly;
leave at State College Municipal Building.
GREY FUR-LINED Gloves. Ifl Sparks,
about 4 p.m. If found call Bill UN 6-7984.
35 IT. 2 BEDROOM House Trailer <>n
Route 322 at Potters Mill* Private
location suitable for student family. $49
per month. Call EM 4-1144.
BLAH! GRADUATES onlj. Apartment
?*>o Ridge Ave. Two rooms, kitchen,
utilities $32 monthly. Call AD 7-3943.
ONE LARGE triple room for male stu
dent, one block from campus near Tost
Office. 114 E. Beaver Ave. AD 7-4147.
mentations with private bath or running
water. Colonial Hotel. 123 W. Nittany
Ave.. State College. AD 7-4860 or AD
LARGE DOUBLE room—single beds, ex
cellent for two roommates, _ one block
from campus. 224 S. Pugh. Available
Jan. Ist. Call AD 7-3052.
WHY SEND a Christmas card. For 26c
you can send FROTH.'
PLEASE, "Little Red Riding-Hood” call
“Big Bad Wolf.” Mile* AD 7-2376.
MEET ME at the Pow Wow. Beaver Ave,
ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing,
tap, toe or acrobatic lessons. Profes
sional School of Dane*. AD 8-1071.