PAGE TEN LOW ATTACK —Nick Capctola dodges a left jab by Terry Snyder and scores with a right to the mirisection in a 158-pound IM bout last night. Snyder won a split decision in the independent bout. Power-Packed Action Marks Six of Eight IM Boxjng Bouts By DEAN BILLICK Smashing rights, jolting lefts K^f^VThe 5 boutwasl ! and roundhouse combinations matter ol Carp landing the first to the tore in IM boxing ££• * K S' matches last evening as six out chin. of eight bouts failed to po the' Henly Baione of Sigma Chi ci eigni douis ianect to go tne eaught Ken Su ui van j n the sec distance. Action was fast and.ond round with a strong right on furious with hovers trading! lllo way m - shinning Sullivan so nirious wnn noxers uauing| that hp was unab ] e lo continue. jabs to the chin and diggmglThis match of the "big men” in ithe 176-pound division was mark powei shots to the midsection. i ed by bru ( e p owe r a nd pure The slam-banging action was'strength, the biggest show of power this 1 Stunned and downed once in season ill IM boxing which up to the round Paul Deitzell bounced this time hud been dominated by;baek with a senes of rights and jabs, fancy fooLvoik find counter-(lefts only to take another James punching. This was not the case,Walter right on the chin, lust night as the fighters were. Walter of Alpha Sigma Phi pm-pomting their shots and! and Deitzell of Sigma Phi Ep smnshing them home on the but- silon had baffled on even terms ton in the firsl round. The biggest "bomb" of the : Two southpaws, Bill Hillvvig of night was thrown by Gerald Delta Upsilon and Ken Houch of Carp of Beta Sigma Rho stop- Chi Phi, battled and slammed Barfield, Kochman Ready for Alabama Linebacker Wayne Berfield, by the Lion medical corps yes yesterday received the green light; fw . dav and will be available for to play in the Liberty Bowl Dcc.; fllll duty against A]abama 39 against Alabama. „ , . . Berfield, a star performer fori f Kochxnan was a late season star Rip Engle’s Nittany Lions last,™.' Nitlanv Lions. He gained year, sat out the 1959 campaign';!,, ln el Sht caines against with a broken aim. .West Virginia, including a 52- Bul specialists at Geisingerj touchdown nin Hospital in Danville who were’,. treating Berfield, reviewed his Liston VS. Besmanoff X-rays and reported that the! CLEVELAND (TP)--Sonny Lis break is fully healed ton, considered bv many ring ex- Berfield will prohablv see actiomperts as the haidest puncher in at left guaid on offense and line-jthe heavyweight ranks since Joe backer on defense. [Louis, will be going after his 19th Halfback Roger Kochman, out straight victory when he meets with a knee injury since the Holy Willi Besmanoff in a 10-rounder Ctoss game, also was reported fit'at the Cleveland Arena today. THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA ping Nelson Kleintop of Phi away at each other at will for two rounds before Houch’s blows took their toll and the fight was stopped. In one of the two bouts to go the distance Gerald Ziegler of Alpha Chi Rho, on the strength [of a bruising third round, won a unanimous decision over A 1 Kamis of Phi Epsilon Pi. It took Nick Capetola and Terry Snyder, boih independ ents, two rounds to warm up but once they did the third round was a toe lo toe slugfest. The decision, a split one, went to Snyder. A slugging Don Link of Sigma Nu could not bull his way over a poised Dick Greenleaf of Delta [Upsilon and was stopped in the [second round. Greenleaf picked |off many Link rights and lefts .and then shot jabs and sharp hooking rights to Link’s jaw. i Marlin Ebert stopped Bob Era !rick in the second round of an .independent scrap. Winners by [forfeits were Don Landis of Delta !Chi. Bill Simon of Delta Upsilon, lßob Davey, an independent, and [Ben Bow of Delta Upsilon. Catherman’s BARBER SHOP basement of The Corner Room Daily 8-5:30 - Sat. 8-12 Want car costs?^^^^/lL>a^ GET THE BEST.OF BOTH: k t. Big car room and comfort... Elfllllltllllißl X" *Af| | 2. Small car econ' and handling VuO ■mCfllOKrlwl 1 „ By Popular Demand 1 New for '6O Smartest Rambler ever. . . beautifully new for dfrapflystA 100-Inch wheelbase ifLfrr iT Price ; gaS ’ r !^ e - - Room for ■“ RAMBLER AMERICAN 4-DOOR SEDAN 6-footers. Easier entry, exit. Easier to park. At your Rambler dealer’s now —6 or V-8! 9 f@|44 SEE THE NEW STANDARD OF BASIC EXCELLENCE Inunhi! dilneiM pfki it Hinoitu Whc .hr Aim it luu udjn it lilt suti uivtuuni. nil lecil luy. iHuulk fcMmlnln wtlml leilpmut, utri. SEE YOUR NEARBY RAMBLER DEALER Mat men In Army Ponn State wrestling fans —and a rabid crew they aie—■ were somewhat surprised and greatly heartened at the Lions overwhelming win over Army in their initial test this past weekend After paying due heed to Charlie Speidel, who said that he did not consider the Lions’ op ponent Saturday as a “representa-| tive” Army team, the fans stilh discerned indications of blight prospects for the coming season The first heartening factor was the performance of the Nittany sophs. Tony Scordo, Art . Ravitz, Ron Pifer and Phil Myer j all rackfed up impressive vie- ! lories. Scordo, wrestling at 123, which was a trouble spot for the Nit tanies last year, hest tat e d for i only a short time JgßStgMjL when faced by §T the Army cap- ft W tarn Tom An- gSfe*' drews in th e opening bout. He * * took his oppon ent down before jumtut the first period *s#* v was over and i ) proceeded tor.\ ,W ' wrap up a 6-3 ‘ ~ ~ victory. Ravitz handled Scordo his 137-pound Cadet foe with ease in registering his 6-2 decision. Pifer, bidding for recognition as an able replacement for last year’s captain, George Gray, at 167, was the most impressive of the four. He built up a 9-0 lead over Army’s Dick Kriesel befoie nailing him to the mats in 5:10. Myer, while he only won by a narrow 3-2 margin, had to come from behind and main tain the advantage throughout the last two periods after gain- Ingo-Coopei* Bout Sought ing a reversal in the second LONDON (JP) British boxing period. And he was giving away promoter Jack Solomons an a lot of weight at the 131-pound nounced he is going to Sweden to try to persuade Inge- While the sophs are still grossly inexperienced in varsity compe tition they proved to their upper- EARN YOUR MASTER'S DEGREE AND PREPARE FOR AN EXECUTIVE CAREER IN RETAILING Comprehensive nine-month piogram for college gradu ate*, emphasis on executive direction In major stores dovetailed with classroom work. Total pay for store work $7OO. Co-ed. Scholarships. Selective job place ment before graduation. G. I. approved. Next class, August 29, 1960. Apply now. Write for Bulletin C. GRADUATE SCHOOL OF RETAILING * UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH 11, P*. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 9. 1959 Impressive T riumph By JOHNNY BLACK the cautious words of Coach class competitors that they want ithe slots they have earned and. intend to fight to hold them. And this in itself predicts an other bright factor. Competition is keen on the Rec Hall practice mats and Speidel has to run jelimination qualifications each [week as other men try to oust the man at the top in each weight class. The man who wrestles in one meet has no guarantee that he will not be deposed and sitting on the sidelines at the next. | Don Wilson and Guy Guc i cione are grizzled veterans of ' past campaigns who have not ; even broken into the lineup yet. [ And theie were indications of i new-found strength at some of 1 last year’s weak spots. Scordo | holds sway at 123 where Wilson land the graduated Joe Cramp shared the chores last winter. | At 157 where no less than four , Nittany grapplers tried their for tunes last year, Jerry Seckler I posted an 8-0 shutout and twice |eame close to pinning his man. Gordie Banks gave an im ' proved showing in recording his : 6-1 verdict, heavyweight Johns ■ ton Oberly repeated his 1958 pre season form with a second-period fall and Sam Minor and Hank Barone turned in their usual strong performance. mah Johannsson to defend his world heavyweight crown against British Champion Henry Cooper.
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