I EMBER 8. 1959 TUESDAY, DEi Sen Dru WASHINGTON (/P) Senate investigators said yester day a major drug manufacturer produced a new arthritis asthma medic ine for 1.6 cents a tablet and set a wholesale prict of 17.9 cents. This was developed as the Senate Antitrust subcommittee opened public Hearings on wheth er pharmaceutical houses are charging too much for drugs at the wholesale level and, if so, whether Congress should do something about it Francis C. Brown, president of the Schering Corp. of Bloomfield, N.J., defended his firm’s pricing policies. "The besl indication. that Schering's prices were not ex cessive and that its products were good is found in the ready acceptance given them by the medical profession," he said. Brown did not challenge the testimony by subcommittee spe cialists concerning an estimated 1118 per cent markup over pro duction costs for prednisolone, a derivative of cortisone developed by 'Schering and marketed under the name Neticortelone. But the head ar gued that production cost was only one of many factors that had to be considered in setting a price, Among other expenses he men tioned costly research as well as marketing the product and spreading information- about it among doctors. Chairman Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn.) remained skeptical, however, saying it looked like "an awfully big spread" be tween production cost and wholesale price. Placed in evidence by the sub committee staff were charts show ing Schering had made profits as high as 46.9 per cept as measured against net worth and 19.4 per cent as against sales valume. Ke fauver called this "remarkable profitability.” School Subsidy Called 'Gesture ' by Andrews HARRISBURG (JP) The pro posed 16-million-dollar increase in school subsidies is "just another gesture,” House Speaker H. G. Andrews said yesterday, "It is designed to delay the tirne when, the General Assembly grapples with the problem of fi nancing the schools in some com monsense, determined fashion,” Andrews said. The subsidy increase is now be fore the Senate, where it is ex pected to be passed later this week. Final passage of the in crease, however, is uncertain be cause of a dispute over financ ing it. For CLASSIFIEDS Call UN 5-2531 Knowledgeable People (and a few jerks) GET TRIMMED BY HOWARD SMIIjH 210 SOUTH ALLEN STREET The Biggeit Cut Up In Centre County Studies Prices Ike Visit Raises Karachi Prestige KARACHI, Pakistan t/P) President Eisenhower’s visit to Karachi seems to be just what the doctor ordered to keep this port on the Arabian Sea from getting an inferiority complex. For Karachi is a city of mixed fortunes and has just lost its status as Pakistan’s capital. So the chance to play host to a U.S.I president is giving it a lift. ] Karachi is a big, bustling, over-1 grown city of two million. Before' World War II few in the West had heard of it, much less ex pected an American president to visit it. Karachi was born in 1725. For the first 113 years of its existence it was little more than a fort at the west mouth of the ancient In dus River. Then the British start ed turning it into a major port. V* _ ... I PHONOGRAPHS we hove them W plus 1 ALL SIZE PORTABLES W and Outstanding Buys in I MAGNA VOX CONSOLS SF Our new and convenient location at S? 743 South Allen Street S? Open till 9:00 every night '§? ‘ AD 7-2311 || s^'igie-isisfsigsta-wsgssigigtsis-is^s-fst^ ,Christmas Crop of Blouses | I Whai a harvest of joy for her! Gift her with blouses from our beautiful, bountiful crop. We've festive styles in tune with the Christmas season . . . and smart new blouse fashions ready to make her merry Christmas last all year. smart shop THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE, PENNSYLVANIA State GOP Favors Nixon For President HARRISBURG (VP) If there is any strength in Pennsylvania; for the Republican presidential) aspirations of Nelson Rockefeller,' it’s still pretty much under cover. Tire largest segment of the GOP) leadership in the state is in thel corner of Vice President Richard Nixon. An Associated Press survey of scores of GOP county chairmen, legislators and major campaign contributors failed to produce a single endorsement of the New York governor. There may be some Rockefeller support in the wings awaiting an opportune moment to move front and center. Such a moment could; be a personal visit to Pennsyl vania by Rockefeller. I Thomas B. McCabe Sr., presi dent of the Scott Paper Co., Ches tei, has been represented by close associates as favoring the New York governor. He declined, how ever, to make himself accessible ,for a direct question. J George I. Bloom, Republican (state chaiiman and a Nixon sup porter, conceded that McCabe was ;in the Rockefeller camp for the jtime being but said that the big GOP campaign contributor could 'easily wind up behind Nixon. *ti f .N: \\ * «- > $ 123 S. ALLEN ST. Winter Storms Kill 57 LONDON t/P) Winter storms JERUSALEM, Israeli Sector (JP) raging in the Atlantic and across rp. „ , *• . Europe yesterday have killed an The Islae ' statioj. Kol estimated 57 persons and left a Israel has announced it will be path of havoc from Britain to'gin special shortwave broadcasts Greece. to Africa early next year. The fury of stormy seas claimed The broadcasts will aim to most of the victims. Four small strengthen Israel’s friendship with iships were reported sunk and oth-j African nations and counter anti ers radioed for help as waves'lsraeli broadcasts from Radio battered them. (Cairo. V I Miss Barbara Vincent There's $lO.OO and a Steak dinner for the first person who identifies every party we photographed this weekend. The pictures will be on display in the window of the Campus Restaurant Some of the houses which were photographed in color will not be in that display at this time, so the identification pertains to the parties in the window only. If there is a common denominator uniting houses on a big weekend, it's undeniably the odor of expen- sive perfume and stale beer opposite. It apears that we have about 6 openings left for Xmas portraits, and that's it! Barbara Maley, Sue Rich, Peggy Reed, Jane Doty, Nancy Williams, and Ellen Bleecker are some of Ihe girls who make photography a pleasure. And it's our pleasure in making you girls eligible for Easter in Bermuda. Bunny has a pair of Kneisel skis and bindings in very good condition that need a new' owner. Almost half price. PAGE IHKtt Israeli Will Broadcast v .TK'\V. '' 1 Pi Beta-Phi or perhaps it's ihe bill coleman