The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, December 08, 1959, Image 2
PAGE TWO Hodes to Give Jazz Concert Art Hodes, pianist, and his Dixieland band will pre sent a conceit of jazz music at 8 p.m. Sunday in Recreation Student tickets for the pr ogram, which is the tenth in this yeai's Artists Series, will be distributed at 1 p.m. tomorrow at ;the Hetzel Union desk. Sale of • m I irion-student tickets will start at' Senior Attends 9 am. Thursday , 1 Since the beginning of his car-'Sparks. j err Hodes has worked mainly in ! Weinberger's talk the third in |the Chicago area. Currently lie is,the Libeial Arts Lecture SetiesJ /"y r _ ... • _ A• I app earing at the Cafe Continen-jj. s eo-sponsoied by the Depart-! (Jfl tore an Aid 'i? 1 ' wh i. le teach,n S a ‘ the Parkment of Art. Wlf aVI Ciyi niu forest Conservatory. He instructs' He u a . or emeritus of A Umveisity student ap- * Popular, blues and jazz piano. the New Y ork University Snsti-I neared on The New York’ . Hodes picked up a lot of mu- tute of Fine Arts, and has taught c j sical lips as. a teenager when h. at the University of Pennsylvania] I tmcs Youth roi urn ounddy playad in jam sessions at the on a visiting lectin Bship and at 1 and wave his views on Unit- Adams Hull House, aiiet- the Courtaund Institute of the 1 , , ilemant home tor poor and or- .University of London, ed States foreign aid-emphasis Ph-ned children. Hod., h « of- ; B orn in Nuremberg. Ge, many, and even the controversial, man play Wlln Benny Goo “' j Weinberger received his degrees K.,11, „ ' Ifiom the University of Munich.l on th contiol issue. Between 1938 and 1950. Hodes’jHe served as an apprentice in the, Haiald Sandstiom. senior in career soared from playing livMunich Museum and as a re political science from Bryn Athyn, dives and prohibition gin mills toisearch assistant in the Museum of appeared on the half-hour pi o- appeal mg in Carnegie Hall in New! Arts of the Theatre, and spent giam over WCRA-TV in New York City. He worked at Yale'several years at the Art Histoiy Yoik [University for three years where Institute of Florence, Italy. Youth Forum He was ono of four college stu-' dents who participated in the pmel discussion with Maj. Gen' William H. Diapei, Ji , chainnani ot the president's committee to study the US. military assistance, pimjram The four students weie selected, from more than 220 students from! all over the country who attend ed the Student Confluence on United States Affairs held Wednesday thiough Saturday at West Point. Sandstrom said he favored aid to count! ies foi birth control if such assistance was lequested The Diapei committee took no definite stand on the mattei. How- evet, it said attention must be diiected towaid this problem in the future Ilodgei Klein, senioi in eco nomics from Biyn Athyn, also attended the-l-dav confetence and was chosen bv Ills committee to Sve the gioup's lepoil to the ilenaty session on Satutday after oon His committee studied eeo lonue and technical aid to under- developed count! ies Froth Shingles Available The Fieslunan IPO2 Class Ad vi.ioty Board shingles aie now available at the Hetad Union desk JlahiteA. V; Jtou&e V . i AjHUics. sr v 9. ■ JV.TC C3.UUI * . witi-r Gin - aiiuVATONSv I .. k l o ?»•* :• ' ;•.•/ ; ao. i-ooh. |. •' nwitt 4 r m.' ••' • •• •■'' ■ ' •'••• ?• V •••• -• J Delivery on Hoagies Hamburgers Steaks Cheeseburgers Pizza Sausage and Soft Drinks MORRELL'S AD 8-8381 9 P.M. till 12 P.M. GRIGGS PHARMACY i THE DAILY COLLEGIAN, STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA lie ai ranged appearances foi great jazz musicians. Modes has also been an editor, writer, publisher and half-owner of a magazine while writing on the staff of another. For a year, he worked as a jazz commenta- tor and pianist in New York. Since 1950, Hodes has been woiking in Chicago when not on tour. For seven months he ap peared at the Brass Rail, and spent three months playing at the Blue Note. Lakonides Plans Clinic On Elementary Games. Lakonides, women's phvsieal education honor society, " was granted S5O by the Physical Edu cation Student Council to .spon g'd! a clinic. The clinic, to be held some time next semester would be open to all elementary education and physical education majors, and would offer instruction in the pre-entation of games to grade school children ARE YOU A MEMBER * OF THE BROWN PAPER BAG CLUB those of you who bring your lunch to work in a 8.P.8., are invited to bring your 8.P.8. to SUTTON PLACE and eat your lunch in a pleas ant, musical, coffee and ten house. Where the Western Auto Store meets the sidewalk. OPEN Noon 'til 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. 'til Midnite CHRISTMAS SPECIAL UNIVERSITY SAVE 69c ON THE KINGSTON TRIO'S NEW ALBUM "HERE WE GO AGAIN" ONLY 100 ALBUMS AVAILABLE FOR $3.29 UNIVERSITY RECORD SHOP CAMPUS SHOPPING CENTER OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M. FREE PARKING IN REAR OR STORE Weinberger To Discuss Masterpiece Dr. Martin Weinberger, visiting professor of art and architectural history, will dis cuss “The Unfinished Master piece—Michelangelo’s Medici Chapel’’ at 8 tonight in 121! « • Since coming to the United States in 1936, he has made sev eial trips to Europe for leseaich and study, once under a Guggen heim Fellowship. Weinbeiger has written books and articles on 15th and 16th cen- tury German graphic arts, and a book on the 16th century artist Wolfgang Huber. He has also pub lished a catalogue of a George Grey Barnard collection of me dieval art Repaln I Car Radio! Television Phonographs Radios television kw service center State College TV 232 S. Allen St. AT THE RECORD SHOP Forestry Prof Gets New Post Dr. Wallace E. White, profes sor of wood technology, has been named assistant diiecior of the School of Forestry. White will continue to teach and will assist with student coun jseling, scheduling, course and cur riculum matters. He received his bachelor of sci ence and master of science de grees from the University of Ver mont His doctor of philosophy degree was conferred by Yale University. White was appointed to the University faculty in 1929. While at the University, he has conduct ed research in wood preservation and has published several papers on preservative treatment of fence posts. I He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, scholastic honor society; jXi Sigma Pi, forestry recognition | society; and Phi Epsilon Phi, na tional botanical honor society. IBSEN JOHN GABRIEL BORKMAN The story of a Napoleon of finance. Dee. It & 12 CENTER STAGE ★ CATHAUM LAST TIMES TODAY! PAUL MUNI as “The Last Angry Man” • BEGINS WEDNESDAY • alesue jbkenby . Am-KffBIfIJLUQL iIM&ERSTW MW AJb,- CtNiMASeoPfi COU* ticutoywowic sauna ouuu ★ NITTANY NOW: DOORS OPEN 6:45 JOANNE WOODWARD “3 PAGES OF EVE” • BEGINS WEDNESDAY* Audrey Hepburn Henry Fonda Mel Ferrer “WAR AND PEACE’’ O|CHBISTI!MS DELIVERY * YOUR PENNSTATE CLASS RING Why not call Dad today and tell him you would like a class ring for Christmas. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1959 McNew to Speak On Plant Pathology Dr. George L. McNew, director of the Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research, of Yonkers, NY., will speak on “Botany and Plant Pathology as_ a Science,” to members of the 1959-60 Academic Year Science Institute at 4 p m. today in 100 Weaver. He received his bachelor’s de gree from the New Mexico Col lege and his master's and doctor’s degrees from lowa State College. McNew“s talk will deal with the great strides that botany has made by studying the basic physiology of planls. Some of the areas in which the knowledge of cell phys iology has ben put to use are to be found in plant growth regula tion, plant pathology and devel opment of new plant protectants. For CLASSIFIEDS Call UN 5-2531 “BELOVED INFIDEL” Starts Wednesday "ODDS AGAINST TOMORROW" STARRING Harry Robert Shelley Belafonie Ryan Winters Feaii 1:30, 3:32, 5:33, 7:34, 9:35 Can YOU Guess ' the Mystery Prof? Listen For Clues On "Groovology 54" at 10:05 WMAJ -1450 for a limited number of fortunate Penn Staters, we can still deliver to you one of the finest class rings in America . . . oaf tn "i by Balfour