The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, December 03, 1959, Image 8

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Able News Staff is Vital
In Broadcasting—Renick
A competent news staff,!
headed by a director with'
editorial freedom, is the prime
requisite for maintaining a'
vital broadcasting station,
Ralph Renick, vice piesidont in
r bulge of news WTVJ, TV,i
Miami, Fla , vaid
Remck. who is also immediate
past pieident ol the Radio Tele
vi'-ion News Du colors Associa
tion, spoke at the concluding dm
nei of the Comnumi'-ations Forum
for Broadcasters Tuesday eve
nings, The forum was .sponsored
by the School of Journalism and
the Center for Continuing Edu
Bioadeasting, now in its youth
ns a medium of communications
is awaie of its shoiteoinings and
is taking steps to correct them,
Remck 'aid He cited the history
ol the journalism field as repre
sentative of a now potent and
mature industry which al-o had
giowing pains in its youth.
In discussing the pros and
cons of broadcasting as a com
munications media, he noted
that time often limits produc
tion detail. "Inslantanious cov
erage is a prime contribution to
the basic responsibility of the
industry—informing the pub
lic," he said.
Rinick >-tated that there must
Grandstand Views-
fContinued from page six)
pictt.v haid to figure out why
Sc bo i.s jobless.
Surely he must be technically
sound. How else could Penn have
won the title. Sebo must have
enlisted the belief of his players
Why else would they go before
the piesident and defend him.
If he weren’t essentially a teach
er, then Penn might have wound
up in the Ivy League basement.
That leaves only the last item.
Did Sebo have a strong belief
in ihe way things are done in
the Ivy League? That’s the big
question. Navy's coach Eddie
Erdelalz didn't agree with Na
val Academy officials last year
and now he's job hunting too.
So Sebo could be in the same
Whatever the answer though,
Penn has brought nothing but
ridicule upon itself for its actions.
One old Penn grad even quip
ped that compared to this mess,
Notie Dame's filing of Terry
Ihennan now looks like a public
ieditions masterpiece.
Tin ough the whole ordeal Sebo
has conducted himself like the
champion lie is.
Tuesday, the day he was fired,
hh tram was scheduled for its
aw aid banquet. When Sebo was
introduced he received a standing
ovation which biought tears to
many eye..
"It's official now," he said
laking fha microphone. "But lei
the boys celebrate tonight.
They're a fine bunch, and I en
joyed working with them. I'll
keep my remarks short so we
can relax with the kids and en
joy this evening."
Then he sat down and closed
out bis career at Penn with an
other standing ovation which
somehow conveyed the feeling
that everyone was truly sorry.
No more statements came from
the Penn hierarchy but one thing
was certain, Pennsylvania’s, not
Penn State’s administration, now
was the laughing stock of the foot
ball world.
Minor Topsl47-Pounder-
(Contnwed from patio sir)
1958 EIWA tournament.
Captain Sam Minor and letter
man Neil Turner are joined by
sonhomore John Barone, brother
of 177-pounder Hank, in the quest
for the 147-pound berth.
Minor lost only once in eight
contests last year and bowed to
I chigh's John Driscoll in the
Eastern fmr,ls. Turner won three
nnd lost two. wrestling in both
the 147 and 157 divisions Barone
was a district runner-up at State
College as a schoolboy.
Personalized maiches, napkins
Commercial Printing
S5l E. Collect Art. AD S-Sl'Jt
ibe renewed efforts for better pro
gramming on small local stations.!
"There has been improvement in
the content of these shows in
television’s short history. But
much more is needed,” he stated |
Renick said the most seriousj
problem broadcasting faces today]
iis attracting capable people to the!
industry. "We must provide the!
jopportunity for these people,” hei
;said, "to go up the ladder and
actively participate in the most
'challenging aspect of our business
today—the programming sched
ules of those stations scattered
j about this great land of ours,”
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£ Tareyton
Committee May Hunt Confident
Abolish ANu jfn Bidding Plan
The Senate Committee on Stu- DALLAS, Tex. f^P) —The found
dent Affairs Tuesday asked to er American Football;
rescind the charter of Alpha Nu t
made to the committee within twoi , not }ntereslad in high!
, weeks, the charter will be rescind- blf , ding for the name players,”j
r ’ , . , said Lamar Hunt, wealthy Dallas
He said the society s advisor on' ol!man "We want to build a solid,
! campus requested the action be- team” I
I cause its functions have been. The National Football League'
;taken oyer by an informal group.’ v _. m have openings for only about
i In other action, Newman said' 20 players from the new crop of
he committee approved the char-; co]1 , avers The American
ters of the Block S Club and Leaßue wIH have 264.
the Chess Club. ‘'We’ll put it to the kids that
p &ccTirTprHQ Cnii 1 way and it becomes a mattei of
Fox CLASSIFIEDS Call L im J p]e anthmetic to see> which
UN 5-2531 'way they'll go,” said Rossi.
ike the smoke of a cii
**v >
Id and smooth
| 15
| Student
% Shopping
i Days
| In
i Stale College
FOLK RETREAD tires si/e 620-15: boutfht
o\er ThankmjivinK Miration. Make vour
ov.n offer. Af*k foi Felix AD 7-7503.*
will sell for hook value. Beijie winter
coat, excellent condition, size Jl-12 AD
tiERM\N SHEPHERD puppies, 6 weeks
oM of champion blood lines ami AKC
mjMeied. Phone HO 6-6185 or wiiie
L .1 Hue, RD 1, State College.
LIKE NEW—Kill's British Crown Dike.
Reasonable price. Call Jean UN 6-131M6*
I'JjH MERCEDES BENZ model HiG, bjatk,
pushbutton radio. Excellent condition.
Reasonably pi iced. AD 7-3158.
L \MBRETTA MOTOR Scooter Sales,
SeiMce. Accessories and Insmance. Call
AD 8-0021 ufter 5 o’clock.
HILLMAN MINX, 1957, peifect condi
tion, good tuts, low milage, eingld
owner: dark blue with rtd leather up
hosteo. Penna. inspection. Half-pnce.
Bargain. Weiser Imported Motor Cara.
AD 7-4171.
SHEARED SCOTCH Pine Christmas trees,
reasonable. Unsheared Uees for dreorat
jnir houghs—cheap. Tussey Springs Farm,
2 1 .miles east of Boalsburg, Route 322,
HO 8.6590.
thesis—multhT^w 77 -'
—uiS MULTILITHiNG and typings
Duphmatg for sale. Phont AD S-0774.
PRIVAIi'i PARKING space for rent l>e»
hinil Wei« Muikets; central!} located.
Call AD 8-8762,
FLRNISHED TWO room apartment with
bath; two blocks from cnrnpua. Free
Rent $72.60. Call AD 7-4843.
ONE TRIPLE room and one double room
on* block front campus next to Post
Office. 114 E. Beaver Ave. AD 7-4147.
"""""" """
W UTERS TO work for meals; also kitchen
Phi * J f ° r Mmty, Chi
RIDERS TO share expenses to Florida)
Fol details tall Ken
3-113 J
TYPING—BXPhRIKNCE with thnsis". Elec
trie typewriter with extra keys fm Greek
-ll- e £i*__? oasonn * > le rules. AD 7.2830
RIDERS TO Florida be#mninK Christmas
. vocation. Cal! John AD 8-813 U after
•>:QO pm.
RIDERS FROM Pittsburgh to Stale CoN
le>re, Mil Bull weekend; leawnj? Pitts*
.I5 h _JT ,H<av ' 3 P*»- Cull UN 0-5747.
V* AFTER AT Phi Mu Delta fraternity.
AD 8-2171 ask for Mis. Howard.
V. ANTED—SNARE Drumimra, Trumpets.
Trombone playcis for membership in the
famous (Iniilncr Guards Drum and Biurle
. r,I V» m Fa, Interested pemms con
'^allaco - Ciabtree Jewelry Store
AD 7-4 MI or AD 8-1631.
PASSh-NCtHltb TO Miami, FJoi and
LcHMriK noon Dee._lB. Cull Kei\
' ,r AD ;M)0 after C*oo.
P. DI’RS TO Kloiidft, Chnstmaa vacation.
Leaving Dec. IS or Dec. 19. Call Charles
Mnnroe AD 7-2290
HO HAS the sign 7 We give up but
the pei«on who "bonoucd 4 * the
- - 4 No Mmoi- Allowed” Mgn please
mum jt Tov n House. AD 8-8777.
SOMEONE TO share room ami willing to
accept lease "Will sacrifice pait of the
rent Call UN 5-2001. after 6.00 pm.
HOME ECONOMICS Building customers
to eat. Modeiately priced meals served
by classes in Hotel and Institution Admin
miation. Luncheon, cafeteria style. Tues.
through fiidnv 11:50 am. to 12:30 p.m.
and dmnei. tea room style, Tues., Wed..
Thurs. o.JO to 6;30.
LOST TIME can he found again with 46
evpenenced baby sitters ready to step
? ll i' 7 a 't Sigma Sigma sorority, \JN
o-</81. Sitteia available afternoons, eve
runga, weekends Pioceeda to chaiitv.
SILVER TIE clip-—weekend before Thankal
giving; inscription on back, IMeate call
Bill Gillia AD 7-2251 between 6 and 7
A TAN wallet. Need keys, license, chem
istry breakage ticket badly. Keep en
cosed monp. Return to HUB desk.
MAN S CARNET birth-stone ring. Call
Joe AD 7-2025 or leave at 129 Sparks.
GOLD BULOVA watch Jo*t between
Cooper and Spaiks around noon Monday.
Gold burble band. Reward. Jackie, UN
LL AND HON.ES hat—Bouck«? build*
mg. R£\sard, Call Dave at AD 8-2207.
’6l CLASS RING, red faeit stone, fra
ternity initials AEP, name on inside
J. Plavin. Finder please call AD 8-1924«
Luscious reward.
Christmßa vacation. Call Jim Swab, AD
7*1989 after 8 p.m
ENROLL NOW for ballroom dancing,
tap, to* or acrobatic leaaona. Profc*>
Itional School of Danes. AD 8-1078,