The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 18, 1959, Image 3

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Power Li
Exact Ro
The proposed po
the State College
put somewhere on
but the "exact rou
to change," John N I
trict engineer fo I
P e nn Power Co.,
The line "must go through in
that general area," Novotny said
following a company district
However, only preliminary
surveys have been taken and the
exact route has not been definite
ly determined. 'We'll keep at it
to see what we can do to satisfy
everybody," Novotny said.
He was referring to a protest
made by the Lion's Paw Alum
ni Association that the power
line would scar the natural
beauty of the mountain.
Earlier in the week, Robert M.
Koser, association president, said
the group will do everything it
could to prevent the line from
cutting across the mountain.
The association purchased 560
(Continued from page one)
never knows what, sketches he
will use until the time comes. He
said that an important contribut
ing factor of his performance is
the spontaneity of his selections.
He likes to rotate his repertoire
for variety.
Let out the gourmet in you
some evening this week as you
dine in style at Duffy's. You'll
wonder why you didn't come
out before. Get in your car and
come out today. Your favorite
beverages are served.
In Boalsburg, 4 miler east of
State College on Route 322
(turn right at the Texaco Sta.)
If you're looking for assured
diamond ring value, and have
a budget to consider, then see
our beautiful selection.
r 0 Genuine
e To Go Through;
to Not Determined
Ter line for
rea will be
acres on Mt. Nittany in 1946 to Robert Parsky, senior in archi
prohibit a lumber company from Itecture from Philipsburg, was!
cutting timber from the sides of elected chairman of the Supremei
the mountain. 'Court Monday night at its initiali
The path of the power line, meeting.
however, would not fall on the as-; Parsky is Interfraternity Coun-I
sociation's property. :cil Board of Control chairman.
The line, running from thei Other members are Lanny Dey,l
Milesburg substation to the Shm-Ichairman of off-campus tribunal;
gletown station, will, as proposed,Aalcom Stauffer, traffic court:
follow the timber line on the low-(chairman; Carol Raidik, panhel-•
er slopes of the mountain and will;lenic board of control chairmani
be "cut offy before it runs across and Dorothy Toklish, judicial
the face of the mountain, Novot-:court chairman.
ny said.l The organizational board of
,The path will not spoil the view control chairman and the chair
for most of the area residents, helman of on campus tribunals have
said. :not yet been chosen.
However, Koser said, "The
;mountain is a college symbol andl —Bronze produced in Syria in
no changes whatever should bO5OO B.C. have been found to
made in its appearance." contain small amounts of nickel.
t. Nittany
e is subject
I votny, dis-
the West
aid yester-
A-353 5,
I Parsky to Head l Real Cool Coeds
Supreme Court Th Hold Fire Drill
e thermometer shivered In
its teens last night—an automatic
signal that it's fire drill time,
Coeds in Lyons where the drill!
was supposed to be held and Hal-1
ler, where by mistake the alarm
was also set off. marched stiff ,
legged and armed at about 0 . 30,
last night.
Just after the bell rang in Hal-,
ler, a hostess entered the lounge!
,and announced to the coeds and .
!dates assembled there: "I'd advise
you to leave, this may be the real
,thing." Some did, others thought,
lit was too cold, deciding if there ,
was a fire at least they'd be warm.
UN 5-2531
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