The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 17, 1959, Image 8
PAGE EIGHT . is. Traffic Code Report 1 I Campuses e • a,En campment; i Presented to Cabinef 1 The results of several weeks of investigation by the SGA ;Ad vocated Traffic Code Investigation Committee were presented to SGA Cabinet :ast night. 1 The SGA Committee on thei ilntegration of Commonwealth', Cabinet rejected a recommendation by the committee to Campuses will recommend to delete the section of the Student Parking and Traffic Regula- i the Assembly that a separate -- ;lions requiring a minimum ofi 'slo,ooo liability insurance for ye- encampment be held for stu-r Men Debators ;hides registered at the Univer-dent'say r leaders and faculty mem -1 - - 1 Wal t e r Darran, committee,bers from the campuses. Take 3rd Place Chairm an chairman, urged deletion of the ! Norman Kahn said provision since it was not required his committee felt that students by the state. lie said students,from other campuses are not get in Tournament by old cars would be payinglting the full benefits from thel more for insurance than their cars present Encampment arrange-I The Men's Debating Squad, worth, and that owners of mo- I ment at which most of the bust-; placed third this weekend in the'tor scooters and motorcycles ness concerns the main campus. I Invitational Tournament held at would have to pay the high rate. He said such an encampment' St Joseph's College in Philadel- , Cabinet felt that the insur- ;would be attended by three or phia ar.ce should be required to pro- four students and one or two fac- According to David M. Jabusch, tea the college community, ra- lulty members from each com-1 instructor of speech and debating they than for personal protec- ffionl,vealth campus and about 1,0; toach, 28 colleges and universities' lion. It was fell, however, that ior 15 students and faculty mem-1 participated in the tourney with, the section of the regulations re- fibers from here. Dartmouth placing first and Notre cruiring motor scooters to pay !Kahn said he will also ask Dame second. , the rum should he revised. 1 the Assembly to consider setting The University's squad consist- , Cabinet unanimously approved] up a yearly meeting of students ed of Vernon Barger, senior in.lhe rest of the committee's rec- from organizations on all the engineering science from Curlls-lornmendations which were includ- campuses. Kahn said this might vine, and Ai thur Ichter, senior in,ed in a legislative bill to be pre- be called an SGA Congress. business administration from Ash-!rented before Assembly. They] He said he will also recom-' Icy, who upheld the affirmativelare: mend that at least six copies of, side; Peter Gabe, junior in labor-1 •That faculty parking areas belThe Daily Collegian should be management relations from Con-;reserved for student parking be- sent to each campus. He added :shohoken. and Alan Elms. senior,tween 5.30 p m and 7 a ni. on'that more should be sent if pos- . in psychology from La Center,lweektlays ,and from 12:30 p.m. sable although the exact number, Hy., who argued the negativeiSaturday to 7 a.m. Monday. would depend on the decision of side ; •That no student motor vehi- the Collegian staff. The national topic. "Resolved: , cle shall be driven on Pollock A Collegian co-ordinator at each: that Congress should be given theilid. between Shortlidge and Bur-,campus should also be appointed,l power to reverse the decisions ofirowes Rds. between 7.30 a.m. andiKahn said, to maintain a bulletin' the Supreme Court," was debated 15:30 p.m., Monday through Fri-aboard display of the Collegian' Jabusch also said that the de-Iday. and between 7:30 a.m. andiand see that they are used in the!, bating squad will be sendingll2•3o pm. on Saturday. 'most beneficial manner, members to the University of!, •That narking fees on motor- • Rochester and to Duquesne Uni-(cycles and scooters be reduced to Ter city this weekend to participate'Ss per full academic semester and in debates. $l per week during the summer, —Stereotyped plates were used —The International Typograph for many years in book printingical Union was founded in 1852 before they were used in news-:and is the first and oldest labor paper production. union in the United States. Get your tickets Dancing 9 to 1 to the Never to Be Forgotten Music of the "Sentimental Gentlemen" WARREN COVINGTON TODAY for Thursday 5... ~... .. . . . , ....:,,,....• .:•,. • . .. , .•• • , . . .. ..... .....,• •, , . ~......- • •• ..-..!• ~.• • ...- -.... .. . . . ..,. . ..-, .... , ~ ..... • ... . . , •• . ...•••:- •• . .: ..- -•:••• ..- . ..-•••.-, , .•••: ••.... ~,•,. , . ,-. 1':•.. - ~ i . i : -......' . .. ~, .... .. . .., . ....• . ..- • ~ . _ . ~ : ..., : • -...-., • _ .-.-: • • . -•',',., . . . .. .. •. .•••• ~.... , . ~. , • . . :...... • ~,,...,,....-.• ..-. . . _. .. , • .. .. .. . .••••••• • . ••.... •••,. ••. . •: ... • -• ••• •, • ~,. , ~,- . • ::: •-• . • . . . . • • . , . . • .. . . .. . . .. • • • .• . • • .. . • . - _..... •••• ...-- ......_....• .. - • • • • ~ : - . ••,..... .., .. , . ,• . _ .. ~ • . • . ..., .- . t . ...,.' • . FRIDAY, Recreation STARRING THE DAILY COLLEGIAN. STATE COLLEGE. PENNSYLVANIA Sommer to Head Committee Dr. Leo H. Sommer, associate professor of chemistry, has been appointed chairman of the Com mittee . 3n Organometallic Chem 'istry of the American Chemical Society. DECEMBER 4, 1959 Hall 9:00 to 1:00 WARREN COVINGTON Engineering Professor Gets Leave of Absence Francis R. Nitchie, Jr., associate professor of engineering research at the Ordnance Research Lab oratory, has been granted a 9- month leave of absence to par ticipate in the projected Space Telescope Program of the Smith sonian Institution. He is to work with the Smith sonian Institution Astrophysical Observatory at Cambridge, Mass., as engineer administrator in the program. Lions Paw-- (Continued from page one) the timber line on the Lemont side of the mountain not owned by Lion's Paw, but it will be "cut off" before going across the face of the mountain. The most economical way to put in this line, which is needed be cause State College is growing so fast is to move in a straight line, Novotny said. In regard to the Lion's Paw pro test, Novotny said, "in this situa tion, it Is the face of the mountain which is critical." The line will be "cut off" before it goes across the face of the mountain, he said. The path for the line will not spoil the view of the mountain for most of the area residents, Novotny said. However, Koser said, "We be lieve it will definitely be visible from the campus and from town." "The mountain is a college sym bol and no changes whatever should be made in its appearance," he said. .+++.::44-:.:•4.4-::4-.-H-H1H14+- , 0-4 , 40.4 , 4+++++414++++++++++i :1: i• t Newman Club Forum Series 1 I MODERN SOCIETY AND CATHOLICISM Evolution and the Catholic Church Speaker: Father Ed , ,rard Wenstrup, St. Vincent's College VI Thursday, Nov. 19 1 • - 111 Boucke —7 P.M. :f :-:-...--).:44-:44.++++.:-:-.:-.:44-H-1,4-H l , 1 1-143-44+++++++44444-1-:. WETS - $5 PER COUPLE DRESS - MILITARY FORMAI ROTC CADET SALES: CIVILIAN SALES: Nov. 17, 18, 19 Nov. 17, 18, 19 Detachment Offices HUB Desk only 1000 fickefs will be sold! TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 17, 1959 Prof to Chair Session George M. Dusinberre, profes sor of mechanical engineering, by invitation of the Heat Transfer Division of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, will serve as a session chairman at the annual meeting of the Society in Atlantic City, NJ., on Nov. 30. Gazette TODAY Advisory Committee. 3 pm, 212 HUB AIM, 2 p.m., '203 HUB Air Force Glee Club, 0 30 p m., HUB u.e. sernbly room Alpha KAPPA Psi business meeting, 7 p my Theta Delta Chi Angel Flight, 6:45 p m.. drill in ArroorYt 7:15 p.m., meet in HUB parking lot for mixer Bellea Lettres Club, 7, p m.. Simmons lounge Book Exchange Board of Controls, 5 p m., 212 HUB Christian Fellowship, 12:45 u in.. 218 HUB Communion, 5:15 p.m , Wesley Foundation Chapel Delta Sigma Pi profeagionsi meeting, 1 p m , Alpha Sigma Phi Education Council, 6 . 30 p ni., 217 HUB Elections Committee, 7 p.m , 214 HUB Froth Circulation, 7 p in.. 213 HUB L.A. Student Council, 6:30 p.m.. 214 HUB LaVie candidate teat, 7 p m , 317 Willard Newman Club, 7 p.m.. 212 HUB . Panhellenic Council. 6:30 p m., 203 HUB Pheloaophy Department Colloquium, 4:15 p m , 317 Willard Pi Bett Phi. 3 p.m., HUB main lounge SCA ent tele Maur, 3 p.m., 217 lIISB W DEB Live Broadcast, 7 :16 p.m., HUD nyiembly room WRA Executive Board, 6:30 p.m., 103 White WRA Swim Club Interest Group, 6.30 p White pool WRA Volleyball Intramuralst, 6:30, 7.30 p ni., White gym . Tount lirpublienns. 7 P.M.. 216 11138 For CLASSIFIEDS Call UN 5-2531 Presents: