The daily collegian. (University Park, Pa.) 1940-current, November 17, 1959, Image 6

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—Collegian Photo by Rick Bower The campus patrol reported that
RAT-A-TAT-A-TAT the air hammers flew as the removal of it has six bicycles that have been
Beaver Field started today. Construction wm kers began to removeyear.
found: within the last
the seats and .ailing,,prior to moving the entire structure to Any persons who wish to claim
;them should contact Lt. H. F.
the now location. Lewis l in Spruce Cottage.
Walker Addresses Conference
Univeisitics must teach stu- to be a responsible member of The trend in engineering edu
dents how to make a livia voter would have to be: cation today is leading away
na society,
5 , able to form intelligent opinions
but they also must teach them policy as well , global foreign from a 3ingle-mided considera
, lion of detail and toward a
` as local tax issues. how to live," President Eric broad consideration of princi-
The personal aspect involves pies and theory, according to
A. Walker told the American the heightening of individual Walker.
Council On Education yester- pleasures, reasoning, appreciat- i But just the opposite trends are
; ing, knowing, understanding, he
CI said. taking place in liberal education,
:he said
Addressing a conference in The broad objective of all uni- "The traditional distinctions be-
Washington, 0C , Walker dis- , ‘ersity courses of study should be tween instruction in the liberal
cussed the relationship between to teach a person how to live and,aits and instruction in engineer
the libeial ;ilk and professional to "provide him with the intellec - ring are breaking down," he said.
pi eparit oni in the engineering tual and moral equipment he-- ---- -- --- --- --- --- ----
cui i wnlum needs to live a socially useful and
' Peril ip' the outstanding char- personally rewarding life," Walk
act erna ic of this relationship is the," said.
inability of liberal and profession- lie said engineering education,
al education to converse with each measurod in terms of this objcit
other—to meet each other on a twe, dial not stack up as well as it
common gi mind, ' Walker said. ,should but it was better than most
The gulf between these two
has caused much educational
and social damage, he said.
In le uhms4 the student, "how
to lire" Ihete ate two aspects,
One soiLif, the other per , ,onal,
Walker said
As ;in example of the social as
pect, W.tiker said that in order
(where western auto store
mezts the sidewalk)
people seemed to think
You'll enjoy your vacation at home,
if you send cards from school.
Your Christmas message will be a standout among the hundreds of
cards received by your friends and relatives if you choose one of Keeler's
warm and friendly selections with your name imprinted in handsome letters
Look at our catalogues by American Artist, Nu-Art,
T. V. Allen and many others.
Surprisingly moderate in cost, you'll find quite a relief
your cards prepared ahead of time.
FOR YULETIDE GREETINGS that are really special, why
not design and make your own card. Keeler's has a wide selec
tion of art papers, coloring media and envelopes to produce any
size or shape card you desire. Stop in now and pick up your
supplies. Make this Christmas an artistic one.
KEELER'S The2oU6niEvercsiollyiegßeoAokvsetore
Project Joey'
'Moves Ahead
i "Project Joey," a plan to hold
la special Christmas party for 40
Ito 50 orphans, gained momentum
',at last night's Nittany Council
A total of $383 has been pledged
by the various Nittany hall units
for the project, according to a roll
call vote. Barry Rein, Council
,president, repoited that a total
of $5OO would probably be need
ed to carry out the entire project
' A show of hands revealed that
,almost all of the Nittany presi
dents planned to denote their $lO
compensation to the project.
A steering committee composed
of Kenneth Piper, Charles Star
buck, Richard Krouse, Michael
'Rech, Gene Sterner, and George
Mason, was formed to handle
the various details of the party.
In other business, Mary Ann
Crans, junior in business educa
tion from Clairton, was appointed
, by Rein to become Nittany Coun
cil's official recording secretary.
Campus Patrol Holds
Six Unclaimed Bicycles
Tickets on Sale
today thru Thursday
Seeger to Present
Folk Music Concert
Pete Seeger, one of America's most prominent folk musi
cians, will present a concert of authentic folk songs at 8 p.m.
Friday in Schwab Auditorium.
The concert, sponsored by the University Christian As
sociation, will feature the songs sung from the hearts of peo
ple through the years. ; _
Tickets, priced at $1 for stu,,l i • Club to Tour
dents and $1 50 for non-students,' _
are on sale at the Hetzel Union
des'c, the UCA office in the Hel-1*
a t
3t •
en Eakin Eisenhower Chapel, the' ion VVFBG
Music Ft 3CM and Pifers in Belle-1
1 The Journalism Student Asso
, ciation will sponsor a trip Thurs-
Seeger has picked his guitar day to WFBG-TV in Altoona.
'and sung to capacity audiences Students may sign up and pay
in most of America's major la $1 fee until 5 p.m. today at the
cities and in New York's Car- i Hetzel Union desk. Buses will
negie Hall. He spent some time [ leave at 8 am. from Recreation
with Alan Lomax, folk lore au- ;Hall and will return to campus
thority, in th archives of Amer- 'by dinner time. Students will be
scan folk music in the Library 'excused from class.
of Congress. j The trip will include a tour of
In 1949 Seeger helped form the . the station's facilities, a film,
Weavers, which included such "Plus over Normal," and expla
folk-artists as Lee Hays, Fred nations of the sales, programming,
Hellerman and Ronnie Gilbertitaping and news operations. Ques-
He sang with the group until re-'lion-and-answer periods will be
cently, helping to rocket the Wea- l held.
vers in international stardom' Lunch will be provided free
with their recording of "Good- at the station.
night, Irene,"
BusAd Student to Attend
At present, Seeger is an artist
for Folkways Records, having ;Meeting in New York
over 25 LP's to his credit. 1 Francis Manley, junior in busi-
Accompanying himself on the ness administration from Phila.
banjo, the 12-string guitar and delphia, will represent the Col
the Trinidad steel band, Seeger.lege of Business Administration
aims "to revive folk music to begat the 64th Annual Congress of
played exactly as it was meant to'American Industry to be held from
be." His repertoire consists of sea Nov. 30 to Dec. 4 in New York
chanties, frontier ballads, work-',City. Manley is sponsored by the
songs of Negro slaves and songs, Pennsylvania Manufacturers' As
,of recent social protest. 'sociation.
8:00 p.m.
at Collegian Business Office
All Members Must Attend